Ukraine War

Oh yeah--Putin, noted PEACE LOVER.

Putin feeds on this stuff--he pays for people like Macgregor to spread weak national defense messages so the West and the US will bow down to him. Obama did it when he took Crimea and Georgia and started trying to take the Donbas (which they lied about for ten years until the war where they admitted it all).

Growls--you realize Putin will just regroup--go for Odessa and total control of the black sea and global grain, right? He will then see the weakness and press to take over Moldova by claiming Transnistria is russia and then try to build a land bridge and take the Balkans.

He is an authoritarian dictator who hates democracy. Why do you support him by wanting the US to be weak in national defense?
Oh yeah--Putin, noted PEACE LOVER.

Putin feeds on this stuff--he pays for people like Macgregor to spread weak national defense messages so the West and the US will bow down to him. Obama did it when he took Crimea and Georgia and started trying to take the Donbas (which they lied about for ten years until the war where they admitted it all).

Growls--you realize Putin will just regroup--go for Odessa and total control of the black sea and global grain, right? He will then see the weakness and press to take over Moldova by claiming Transnistria is russia and then try to build a land bridge and take the Balkans.

He is an authoritarian dictator who hates democracy. Why do you support him by wanting the US to be weak in national defense?
Putin is trying to hold off NATO from coming up his @$$. Its that simple. That land has been contested and changed hands for thousands of years and is on the other side of the world dude.

After Weeks of Failing Counteroffensive, Ukrainian Forces Ditch NATO Strategies of Attack – Move Comes as US Is Increasingly Annoyed at Kiev’s Tactics and Constant Demands​

This story definitely belongs here as its connected.

‘New Era’ Dawning as Joint China-Russia Warship Fleet Aggressively Approaches Alaska Coast​

By Jack Davis, The Western Journal Aug. 6, 2023 3:20 pm

Russia and China teamed up on a major military exercise off the coast of Alaska last week, according to a new report.
The Wall Street Journal said the 11-ship force “appeared to be the largest such flotilla to approach American shores,” citing experts it did not name.
Four U.S. destroyers and P-8 Poseidon aircrafts kept a wary eye on the ships.

“It is a historical first. Given the context of the war in Ukraine and tensions around Taiwan, this move is highly provocative,” Brent Sadler, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a retired Navy captain, said.
“Air and maritime assets under our commands conducted operations to assure the defense of the United States and Canada. The patrol remained in international waters and was not considered a threat,” U.S. Northern Command said in a statement.

Republican Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska bristled with anger at the exercise, saying it “solidifies this idea that we’ve entered a new era of authoritarian aggression led by the dictators in Beijing and Moscow who are increasingly aggressive,” according to Fox News.
“This is unprecedented in terms of the size and scope of this joint naval task force between Russia and China, working very closely together,” Sullivan said.
“Whether you live in Alaska like I do, or on the East Coast of the United States, a very large surface action task force between our two main adversaries, probing very closely to United States shores is concerning,” he said.
Sullivan noted that the response was more in line with what he thought should have happened last year when a Chinese guided missile cruiser, two other Chinese ships and four Russian ships were cruising 90 miles off the Aleutian Islands.
“We ramped that up significantly. Four U.S. destroyers and air assets, P-8’s, that were tracking and monitoring this large-scale Russian-Chinese task force quite closely. So that is a significant improvement. That’s a lot of naval power up here demonstrating American resolve,” he said.

Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska said the incident was “a stark reminder of Alaska’s proximity to both China and Russia, as well as the essential role our state plays in our national defense and territorial sovereignty,” according to a statement posted on Murkowski’s website.
“Incursions like this are why we are working so hard to secure funding and resources to expand our military’s capacity and capabilities in Alaska, and why our colleagues must join us in supporting those investments,” she said.

In August, Adm. John Aquilino, head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command on Oahu, offered a word of warning about Russian-Chinese collaboration.
“Their exercises have increased, their operations have increased. I only see the cooperation getting stronger and, boy, that’s concerning, that’s a dangerous world,” he said, according to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
“Today, a Russian and Chinese maritime task force is doing a combined patrol,” Aquilino continued. “We’ll see where that ends up, whether it’s off the Aleutian Islands, whether it’s in the Philippine Sea, whether it goes to Guam, whether it goes to Hawaii or whether it goes off the West Coast of the United States,” he said then.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.
I can see the insane globalist cult starting a war on purpose thinking it will benefit them in some sick way.

The man who a lot want to trash for going against the neocon narrative.

Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of five books, a PhD, and a defense and foreign policy consultant. In the summer of 2023 Macgregor became CEO of Our Country Our Choice.

He was commissioned in the Regular Army in 1976 after 1 year at VMI and 4 years at West Point.

In 2020, the President appointed Macgregor to serve as Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense, a post he held until President Trump left office.

Macgregor is best known for his leadership of Cavalry Troops in the 1991 battle of 73 Easting, the US Army's largest tank battle since World War II.

After commanding the 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry, he served as the Director of the Joint Operations Center at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe [SHAPE.] Following the completion of the 1999 Kosovo Air Campaign he was awarded the Defense Superior Service medal for his performance.

In January 2002, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s insisted the USCENTCOM Commander listened to Colonel Macgregor’s concept for the offensive to seize Baghdad. The plan was largely adopted, but assumed no occupation of Iraq by U.S. Forces, an assumption that was subsequently overturned by events.

Macgregor accepted the challenge of leading Our Country Our Choice with the mission to restore American traditional values of God, Country and Family.
The man who a lot want to trash for going against the neocon narrative.

Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of five books, a PhD, and a defense and foreign policy consultant. In the summer of 2023 Macgregor became CEO of Our Country Our Choice.

He was commissioned in the Regular Army in 1976 after 1 year at VMI and 4 years at West Point.

In 2020, the President appointed Macgregor to serve as Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense, a post he held until President Trump left office.

Macgregor is best known for his leadership of Cavalry Troops in the 1991 battle of 73 Easting, the US Army's largest tank battle since World War II.

After commanding the 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry, he served as the Director of the Joint Operations Center at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe [SHAPE.] Following the completion of the 1999 Kosovo Air Campaign he was awarded the Defense Superior Service medal for his performance.

In January 2002, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s insisted the USCENTCOM Commander listened to Colonel Macgregor’s concept for the offensive to seize Baghdad. The plan was largely adopted, but assumed no occupation of Iraq by U.S. Forces, an assumption that was subsequently overturned by events.

Macgregor accepted the challenge of leading Our Country Our Choice with the mission to restore American traditional values of God, Country and Family.
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Anyone sane knows this is going to happen. Russia has fortified at the new border.

The Writing Is on the Wall: Top NATO Official Says Ukraine Must Cede Territory in Peace Negotiations, Backtracks After Huge Backlash – But the Idea Is Here To Stay
China Joe doing what he does and its not good.

Ukraine War Update: Russia Got Richer While West Shed Trillions of Dollars – US Lost $5.9 Trillion​

Seems like a great place for you Growls! Go to Russia and get rich. Report back to us how it goes.

In all seriousness, if this is a bad US economy, I'll sure as hell take it. Crazy how blessed we are. You think mortgage rates are high here? The central interest rate in Russia is now 12%. China's economy is in bad shape. We're somehow failing at everyone yet still better than our competitors. Imagine that
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Seems like a great place for you Growls! Go to Russia and get rich. Report back to us how it goes.

In all seriousness, if this is a bad US economy, I'll sure as hell take it. Crazy how blessed we are. You think mortgage rates are high here? The central interest rate in Russia is now 12%. China's economy is in bad shape. We're somehow failing at everyone yet still better than our competitors. Imagine that
i am here for the duration. Have a battle to fight right here at home to keep you socialists and borderline communists from entrenching control of the republic.

Go ahead and refute the data listed in the article. Waiting with popcorn. Love that you guys love to stay up China Joes @$$ and totally ignore his treasonous acts. If anyone needs to go its you. Go ahead and volunteer for the brigrade in Ukraine....they need you.
Actions have consequences.

MAJOR THREAT TO AMERICA: Communist Dictator of Nicaragua Authorizes Installation of Russian Military Bases and Cruise Missiles in Country
Actions have consequences.

MAJOR THREAT TO AMERICA: Communist Dictator of Nicaragua Authorizes Installation of Russian Military Bases and Cruise Missiles in Country
Cuba's even closer. Yet here we are, empty threat after empty threat, and Trump's boss hasn't done shit.
Cuba's even closer. Yet here we are, empty threat after empty threat, and Trump's boss hasn't done shit.
I am trying to drill it in your noggin that Russia is making plans to station assets near our border in response to what we have done near their border. Anyone that cannot see this is blind. Its called mutually assured destruction and it used to be enough to stop this madness.
I am trying to drill it in your noggin that Russia is making plans to station assets near our border in response to what we have done near their border. Anyone that cannot see this is blind. Its called mutually assured destruction and it used to be enough to stop this madness.
Do you consider Nicaragua to be close to the US?

Russian friends: Belarus, Syria, Iran, Nicaragua apparently, North Korea, Cuba.

Real gang of winners there.
I am trying to drill it in your noggin that Russia is making plans to station assets near our border in response to what we have done near their border. Anyone that cannot see this is blind. Its called mutually assured destruction and it used to be enough to stop this madness.
You think us having assets with broad, multi strike capability near their border is a new thing?
The Russia that invaded a peaceful, sovereign country? That’s the Russia we’re worried about line crossing?
I recommend to read back through this long thread. The Ukraine is a corrupt nation and the US has been a bad actor in that region instigating a lot of the issues over the last 30 years. I am not a Russia supporter but I am also not going to turn a blind eye to bad stuff the US does over there. I just want no more financial or military support from the US to prolong a losing war. Let it end naturally. Russia will keep the territory that it has taken for the most part. They are entrenched on the new lines and it will take much more trouble than it is worth to try and even regain a small portion of the lost territory. The US is also a financially bankrupt nation and we are borrowing money from China to send to Ukraine basically. This is insane.
I recommend to read back through this long thread. The Ukraine is a corrupt nation and the US has been a bad actor in that region instigating a lot of the issues over the last 30 years. I am not a Russia supporter but I am also not going to turn a blind eye to bad stuff the US does over there. I just want no more financial or military support from the US to prolong a losing war. Let it end naturally. Russia will keep the territory that it has taken for the most part. They are entrenched on the new lines and it will take much more trouble than it is worth to try and even regain a small portion of the lost territory. The US is also a financially bankrupt nation and we are borrowing money from China to send to Ukraine basically. This is insane.
Like 3% of that is accurate. Ukraine is corrupt? Okay. Now do russia. The us is a bad actor in that region? How exactly? Be specific. Know I’ve spent a lot of time in “that region.” We’re borrowing from China to pay Ukraine? I’m not even going to address that dumbassery.

You don’t see the issue with a world where reasonably developed regional powers are allowed to wage unprovoked wars on other sovereign nations unchecked? Focusing on soft targets and civilians? You’re cool with that?
Like 3% of that is accurate. Ukraine is corrupt? Okay. Now do russia. The us is a bad actor in that region? How exactly? Be specific. Know I’ve spent a lot of time in “that region.” We’re borrowing from China to pay Ukraine? I’m not even going to address that dumbassery.

You don’t see the issue with a world where reasonably developed regional powers are allowed to wage unprovoked wars on other sovereign nations unchecked? Focusing on soft targets and civilians? You’re cool with that?
I stand by my statements and I have never spent a day there. I never said Russia was not corrupt. I will say it now that Russia is corrupt, but it does not change my opinion. There is no vital US National Security interest in Ukraine. The US orchestrated the 2014 coup in Ukraine to install a west friendly leader. They were running bio labs in Eastern Ukraine at minimum and we probably still do not know it all. We know that Biden and others were making tens of millions off shady deals over there too.

The area constituting what is Ukraine has changed hands many times and has been fought for many times. Most of the people in eastern Ukraine identify as Russian. It is not a vital US national security interest. I am not fine with it but do I want to send hundreds of billions of dollars over there to prolong a losing war that will just maim more young Ukrainians? Hell No!!

The US is bankrupt financially and thats a fact and we have a wide ass open southern border. Lets put our resources to strengthening ourselves domestically and protect our border on the south.
I stand by my statements and I have never spent a day there. I never said Russia was not corrupt. I will say it now that Russia is corrupt, but it does not change my opinion. There is no vital US National Security interest in Ukraine. The US orchestrated the 2014 coup in Ukraine to install a west friendly leader. They were running bio labs in Eastern Ukraine at minimum and we probably still do not know it all. We know that Biden and others were making tens of millions off shady deals over there too.

The area constituting what is Ukraine has changed hands many times and has been fought for many times. Most of the people in eastern Ukraine identify as Russian. It is not a vital US national security interest. I am not fine with it but do I want to send hundreds of billions of dollars over there to prolong a losing war that will just maim more young Ukrainians? Hell No!!

The US is bankrupt financially and thats a fact and we have a wide ass open southern border. Lets put our resources to strengthening ourselves domestically and protect our border on the south.

Everytime you post you show how truly ignorant and flat clueless you are. Keep on parroting that Russia Propaganda.
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Putin is trying to hold off NATO from coming up his @$$. Its that simple. That land has been contested and changed hands for thousands of years and is on the other side of the world dude.
You definitely would have needed Pearl Harbor to be pro ww2. If you had your way we’d all be speaking German right now
I recommend to read back through this long thread. The Ukraine is a corrupt nation and the US has been a bad actor in that region instigating a lot of the issues over the last 30 years. I am not a Russia supporter but I am also not going to turn a blind eye to bad stuff the US does over there. I just want no more financial or military support from the US to prolong a losing war. Let it end naturally. Russia will keep the territory that it has taken for the most part. They are entrenched on the new lines and it will take much more trouble than it is worth to try and even regain a small portion of the lost territory. The US is also a financially bankrupt nation and we are borrowing money from China to send to Ukraine basically. This is insane.
Yes Growls, you are indeed a Russia supporter.
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Like 3% of that is accurate. Ukraine is corrupt? Okay. Now do russia. The us is a bad actor in that region? How exactly? Be specific. Know I’ve spent a lot of time in “that region.” We’re borrowing from China to pay Ukraine? I’m not even going to address that dumbassery.

You don’t see the issue with a world where reasonably developed regional powers are allowed to wage unprovoked wars on other sovereign nations unchecked? Focusing on soft targets and civilians? You’re cool with that?
Trumpism is a disease man. These people are too far gone. We're bad actors for opposing the evil that was the Soviet Union, intervening when the Serbs wanted to ethnically cleanse their neighbors, and beating back a Russian invasion of a sovereign nation to its west.

Ask any one of Russia's neighbors how they feel about Russians, Growls. Hint. They don't like them or hate them. I wonder why that is. Literally go down the line. Poles, hate Russians. Romanians, hate Russians (Moldova got stolen from Romania by Russians), Ukrainians, hate Russians. Finns and Estonians, hate Russians. Various Central Asian and Turkic ethnic groups (Kazakh, Tajik, Uzbek, Buryat) all discriminated against by guess who, Russians. Why does NATO keep expanding? We're not the ones pointing the gun at these countries' heads.

You know who's on the Russian side in this war? North Korea, Iran, Syria. Real group of winners there. Illustrious human rights records and proven friends of the US.
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Trumpism is a disease man. These people are too far gone. We're bad actors for opposing the evil that was the Soviet Union, intervening when the Serbs wanted to ethnically cleanse their neighbors, and beating back a Russian invasion of a sovereign nation to its west.

Ask any one of Russia's neighbors how they feel about Russians, Growls. Hint. They don't like them or hate them. I wonder why that is. Literally go down the line. Poles, hate Russians. Romanians, hate Russians (Moldova got stolen from Romania by Russians), Ukrainians, hate Russians. Finns and Estonians, hate Russians. Various Central Asian and Turkic ethnic groups (Kazakh, Tajik, Uzbek, Buryat) all discriminated against by guess who, Russians. Why does NATO keep expanding? We're not the ones pointing the gun at these countries' heads.

You know who's on the Russian side in this war? North Korea, Iran, Syria. Real group of winners there. Illustrious human rights records and proven friends of the US.
I am glad that you sitting on a college campus over in Hawaii has a firm grip on what is occurring and how everyone feels over in Ukraine. LOL!!
Trumpism is a disease man. These people are too far gone. We're bad actors for opposing the evil that was the Soviet Union, intervening when the Serbs wanted to ethnically cleanse their neighbors, and beating back a Russian invasion of a sovereign nation to its west.

Ask any one of Russia's neighbors how they feel about Russians, Growls. Hint. They don't like them or hate them. I wonder why that is. Literally go down the line. Poles, hate Russians. Romanians, hate Russians (Moldova got stolen from Romania by Russians), Ukrainians, hate Russians. Finns and Estonians, hate Russians. Various Central Asian and Turkic ethnic groups (Kazakh, Tajik, Uzbek, Buryat) all discriminated against by guess who, Russians. Why does NATO keep expanding? We're not the ones pointing the gun at these countries' heads.

You know who's on the Russian side in this war? North Korea, Iran, Syria. Real group of winners there. Illustrious human rights records and proven friends of the US.
This article backs you up.

Opinion: Russia’s neighbors have a message for Putin​

This article backs you up.

Opinion: Russia’s neighbors have a message for Putin​

“The greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century"- Vladimir Putin, Russian president and former KGB spook on the collapse of the Soviet Union. Certainly sounds like someone that can be trusted to me.

Granted calling him a spy is romanticizing his role at the KGB. He was a paper pusher in Dresden.
“The greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century"- Vladimir Putin, Russian president and former KGB spook on the collapse of the Soviet Union. Certainly sounds like someone that can be trusted to me.

Granted calling him a spy is romanticizing his role at the KGB. He was a paper pusher in Dresden.
This. The guy was a middling KGB agent who was basically exiled to a dead end do nothing post for the first half of his career. His cover was door to door shoe salesman. He started to come into his own when he got moved to east Germany (Dresden) and honed his skills working with - bastions of humanity and morality - the stasi and the Red Army Faction. It was basically a perfect finishing school for Eastern European gangsters. He’s an opportunistic thug that developed a network of more skilled opportunistic thugs that helped him strike when the time was right. He consolidated power and insured their loyalty with a combination of horrifying brutality (the vast majority of which the west won’t learn about for decades, if ever) and insane levels of wealth.

Anyone comfortable with leaders like him having a seat at any table of any geopolitical cachet or consequence is too ignorant for words. He’s Stalin limited by the Information Age.

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