To level set, while I'm a Republican, I certainly don't think Trump is without fault. I did not vote for him in the primary, but he was the best option in November of 2016 and he's the best option again in November of 2020.
Some of this comes down to what you believe about the Ukraine situation and the left's accusations. I didn't follow the saga that closely because I thought it was a bit of a joke, but here's what we know:
I have no idea if there was corruption, scandal, money laundering or whatever going on. But it sure looks odd. So it's not exactly out of the ordinary for a request to look further into this. And withholding aide to get what you want - whether it was tied to this or a broader effort to combat corruption - isn't a novel or unique tactic. Plenty of president's have done that.
- Hunter Biden has very limited qualifications, got in the Navy via a waiver for his father and was promptly expelled for cocaine.
- A year later, he was on the board of Burisma, a large natural gas / energy company run by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch, making a ton of money.
- Joe Biden bragged - on camera - about getting a prosecutor fired that was investigating Bruisma.
The only reason there is a flag of any sort is because Biden was running for the democratic nomination. And at this point - in retrospect - the idea of him being a major threat to Trump is kind of silly. It's elder abuse to keep that guy out on the trail.
So yea, I don't really care about anything Trump did in this situation. Not because of blind loyalty to Trump, but because I think the whole thing is a giant nothing-burger.
As far as retaliating against witnesses, here's another perspective. A guy like Vindman is clearly anti-Trump and if you have someone in your employ that you can't trust and is possibly working to subvert you with other employees, it's completely reasonable to remove them. If one of my employees was toxic to my staff and my team's culture due to their feelings toward me, I would absolutely fire them.
I also think that the current political climate is forcing the executive branch to attempt to wield more power. Trump has been taking punches since he was elected. Investigations, Never Trumpers, Democrats, law suits, etc. What is he supposed to do to get things done? Rely on Nancy to pass something in the house? Coming from the private sector, I imagine he is used to getting things done and is frustrated with how incompetent and slow Washington is.
I don't follow all of the other legal sagas to know whether or not what Trump is doing is good, bad, dangerous, etc. I can't control them and they have little impact on my life. I don't watch the news that often and usually only pay attention to relevant things like policy, economy, market, etc.
Is Trump perfect? Absolutely not. But the guy is passing new, bipartisan trade deals. He's passing new, bipartisan criminal justice reform. The economy is roaring. The market is soaring. My taxes are down. Unemployment is at record lows - including minorities and females. Millions of people are coming off the government dole instead of going on it. Two major terror leaders are dead.
Things are good in Trump's America my man. I'm not sure why you would risk that by supporting hyper-liberal ideas that threaten to rock the structure of the greatest country and economy in the world.
I also think that the current political climate is forcing the executive branch to attempt to wield more power. Trump has been taking punches since he was elected. Investigations, Never Trumpers, Democrats, law suits, etc. What is he supposed to do to get things done? Rely on Nancy to pass something in the house? Coming from the private sector, I imagine he is used to getting things done and is frustrated with how incompetent and slow Washington is.
You act like presidential harassment is a new thing. The other party always investigates the sitting president on everything they can. It has happened to every president, Trump is just more of a b*tch about it.
And LOL about waiting on Nancy to pass something in the house. The republican controlled senate is currently sitting on 395 bills passed by the congress that Moscow Mitch refuses to vote on. I am always amazed at how much propaganda conservatives will blindly believe. Like your belief that our economy was in shambles before Trump took office. It's amazing and sad at the same time.