I use the Bible and my Christian faith as my guide/outline/life plan/compass and the stories in the Bible provide me solutions to modern day problems
Sometimes you have to interpolate and color outside the lines
Let’s for example use the 10 Commandments as an example with the Thou Shalt Not Kill
Let ‘s use that mantra and lets say Russia attacks the US
Are we to sit by and allow every citizen in the US to be slaughtered with no resistance like killing them
Or the Jewish Peope slaughtered on Oct 6
So despite the commandment thou shalt not kill
Is that Christian Based on the basic mantra you would think not
But if you read throughout the Bible there are stories of Holy Men like David killing Goliath
So to be clear I want to have no violence against my fellow man and I restrict my needless killing of wild animals although I do hunt and fish and will take life sometimes unnecessary
So if you in any way are following my life values
I am not a mindless disciple of Trump
I cringe when he opens his mouth to HIT OR PUNCH BACK
It just does not look Presidential
The problem I have is that People like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have accepted bribes from many foreign countries including Russia and China and sold America out
Then theres the SCIF classified documents
Both should have been found guilty and served jail time like some people who did far less and were slammed
So why will I vote for Trump
Every day and twice on Sunday
The liberal left , Democratic Party and closed mind people want socialism and communism to rule this country
These same perverted ideologies want DEI and ESG which is a curse to all decent freedom loving Americans
I am open minded wanting all people to have opportunity , literacy and be awarded based on meritocracy instead of equity which is inherent racist
And to be clear i din’t support the color of dkin being used for judgment
Black Supremacy , Privilege and Black Victimization instead of Agency needs to be crushed and instead we all walk unified as one America
So take that as a simplified explanation
You can buy the book when it comes out