Will Trump chicken out of the June debate?

Will Trump chicken out of the June debate?

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  • No

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I voted yes but think Biden will also chicken out. Neither of them want to be on that stage so I predict we will not have a debate.

And honestly, debates are worthless anyway so this should be a non-issue.
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I voted yes but think Biden will also chicken out. Neither of them want to be on that stage so I predict we will not have a debate.

And honestly, debates are worthless anyway so this should be a non-issue.

How could biden "also chicken out"? when trump drops out, who is biden supposed to debate?

I am certain trump will demand biden take a drug test, then back out when he refuses.
I voted yes but think Biden will also chicken out. Neither of them want to be on that stage so I predict we will not have a debate.

And honestly, debates are worthless anyway so this should be a non-issue.
I don't think they're worthless this year. Biden needs to prove he's still capable and Trump needs to answer the tough questions that he's been able to avoid to this point.
How could biden "also chicken out"? when trump drops out, who is biden supposed to debate?

I am certain trump will demand biden take a drug test, then back out when he refuses.
Basically saying that I don’t think he wants a debate either. That debate would only help nutjob RFK Jr.
Election 2020 Fly GIF by CBS News
We don't need a debate. Just look at the results under 4 years of Trump and 4 Years of Biden. It's an easy decision. Trump = low inflation, economic growth, global peace, no Trannies, less regulation. Biden = Trannies and high inflation.
The fact that trannies is even an issue for you when it comes to the presidency just screams insecurity.
We don't need a debate. Just look at the results under 4 years of Trump and 4 Years of Biden. It's an easy decision. Trump = low inflation, economic growth, global peace, no Trannies, less regulation. Biden = Trannies and high inflation.

And there is the spin. Like clockwork.
The only reason we are having this debate this early is the dems are in panic mode at how far behind joe is. If I was Trump I would seriously consider not debating but I know he wants to go out and beat the crap out of Joe on stage so it will happen. We know that cnn will try and rig the debate to make joe look good too...that is a given.
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The only reason we are having this debate this early is the dems are in panic mode at how far behind joe is. If I was Trump I would seriously consider not debating but I know he wants to go out and beat the crap out of Joe on stage so it will happen. We know that cnn will try and rig the debate to make joe look good too...that is a given.

You never cease to amaze me with your willingness to make excuses for DJT. He got creamed by Biden last election cycle.

Trump has zero ability to be disciplined and keep under control in a structured setting. He absolutely sucks at debates.
You never cease to amaze me with your willingness to make excuses for DJT. He got creamed by Biden last election cycle.

Trump has zero ability to be disciplined and keep under control in a structured setting. He absolutely sucks at debates.
Hillary says hello

This debate won Trump his first Presidency.

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And thus why she lost in one of the biggest upsets in history. She was / is totally tone deaf.
The debates are not why she lost and she did a great job of standing toe to toe with him. However, she was spot on in her claims about Putin interference and little did she know he'd be paying hush money to a porn star shortly after while Comey would be reopening her email investigation around the same time.
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And thus why she lost in one of the biggest upsets in history. She was / is totally tone deaf.
I don't think Hillary is particularly likeable and I wasn't high at all on having another Clinton in the whitehouse having gone Bush, Clinton, Bush in the oval office. I wanted Bernie and he was sabotaged. I think thats why she lost, lots of independents and liberals were pissed at her for nosing her way past the delegations the way she did.
Trump never should have made it out of the primaries. But just like Michael Moore called out (and he's wrong a lot), people just wanted to throw a trashcan through the window at the white house. Now, that prediction and what then came true on Jan 6, make him look like a genius.
The debates are not why she lost and she did a great job of standing toe to toe with him. However, she was spot on in her claims about Putin interference and little did she know he'd be paying hush money to a porn star shortly after while Comey would be reopening her email investigation around the same time.
This. She ran one of the worst campaigns in history. Completely neglected some swing states and didn’t bother to campaign for the Black or Brown vote. Also fractured a relationship with Bernie Sanders (as @firegiver noted) and his supporters felt cheated (which they were). Had she gotten his support it would’ve been one of the biggest landslides in history, but the way she did him dirty made many rally against the establishment and Trump more likeable.
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Could Trump win the debate in your mind, if it happens?

Can he win? Sure, particularly if Biden is worse than 4 years ago.

Do I expect it? Not really, he is so intellectually lazy and seems to refuse to learn about issues with any depth or knowledge. He just throws out things he knows are popular,but never says how he's going to actually do it.
Can he win? Sure, particularly if Biden is worse than 4 years ago.

Do I expect it? Not really, he is so intellectually lazy and seems to refuse to learn about issues with any depth or knowledge. He just throws out things he knows are popular,but never says how he's going to actually do it.
If biden is worse than 4 years ago?
Do you expect that?
If biden is worse than 4 years ago?
Do you expect that?

I think they both are. That's why I badly wanted other candidates. That said, I feel that Biden has a better,more prepared team around him than Trump.

Nobody of consequenxe will work for him anymore. We know Trump will not bring in anyone who disagrees with him at all. That's terrifying to me.
I think they both are. That's why I badly wanted other candidates. That said, I feel that Biden has a better,more prepared team around him than Trump.

Nobody of consequenxe will work for him anymore. We know Trump will not bring in anyone who disagrees with him at all. That's terrifying to me.
We will see if you feel the same way after the debate, if it happens.
he could, but not likely. trumps debate strategy has traditionally been to interrupt his opponent, talk over them and call them names. His mic will be cut while biden is talking.
Can't totally disagree with you on this one. Should be interesting, if it happens.
They should have cut mics after the first debater last time.
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he could, but not likely. trumps debate strategy has traditionally been to interrupt his opponent, talk over them and call them names. His mic will be cut while biden is talking.
He will still be heard through Bidens Mic.

1) Trump should not debate. What better debate than to say look at each Presidents term and see who you were doing better under. Trump wins in a landslide

2) if Trump does debate something I hope with his first time allotment he asks Joe Biden to remember 3 words and see if he can recall them at the end of the debate. (Afghanistan, Wall, and Inflation). Of course Biden won’t be able to recall them after 15 minutes much less after an hour and a half.
He will still be heard through Bidens Mic.

1) Trump should not debate. What better debate than to say look at each Presidents term and see who you were doing better under. Trump wins in a landslide

2) if Trump does debate something I hope with his first time allotment he asks Joe Biden to remember 3 words and see if he can recall them at the end of the debate. (Afghanistan, Wall, and Inflation). Of course Biden won’t be able to recall them after 15 minutes much less after an hour and a half.
I like it. I think Biden should do the same and ask him to remember Insurrection, Stormy, Felonies and he gets bonus points for Covfefe
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I like it. I think Biden should do the same and ask him to remember Insurrection, Stormy, Felonies and he gets bonus points for Covfefe
The only difference is that Trump will be able to remember the words. No chance for dementia Joe.
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The only difference is that Trump will be able to remember the words. No chance for dementia Joe.

How are you gonna feel when Biden kills him just like last time? Trump hasn't won a single debate in his short political career.

If I'm Biden, I crack him repeatedly on his affairs. He cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star. That's pretty terrible.
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How are you gonna feel when Biden kills him just like last time? Trump hasn't won a single debate in his short political career.

If I'm Biden, I crack him repeatedly on his affairs. He cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star. That's pretty terrible.
Revisionist history. Trump handily won both debates. Libs gave Joe a participation trophy for just making it through to the finish. Additionally Joe lied from start to finish and had the moderators helping him heavily. This is another example of yoshi and others living in a make believe world and being proud to let everyone know they are not smart.
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Revisionist history. Trump handily won both debates. Libs gave Joe a participation trophy for just making it through to the finish. Additionally Joe lied from start to finish and had the moderators helping him heavily. This is another example of yoshi and others living in a make believe world and being proud to let everyone know they are not smart.

Nobody who wasn't directly involved in Trump's campaign or one of his supporters felt he won those debates, particularly the first one.
How are you gonna feel when Biden kills him just like last time? Trump hasn't won a single debate in his short political career.

If I'm Biden, I crack him repeatedly on his affairs. He cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star. That's pretty terrible.
I dgaf what happens at the debates. We have seen 4 years of each presidency. Trump had a much better 4 years. Biden has been an inflation riddled clown show.
Wow look at all that violent crime under Donny from Queens. Do you want more of that, or more record low incidents!?

All joking aside, that Y axis is hilarious. That's some elite data fluffing

How are you gonna feel when Biden kills him just like last time? Trump hasn't won a single debate in his short political career.

If I'm Biden, I crack him repeatedly on his affairs. He cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star. That's pretty terrible.
According to who? you?

Exactly!! Don't crack him on the issues that everyone cares about!
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Regardless of what Biden asks him, Trump's answers will all be some iteration of:

"I will make america great again", "the economy will be roaring", "i will bring back manufacturing", "you've destroyed the economy", "schools are woke and kids are becoming animals", etc etc.

He doesn't actually know anything about specific policies; all he knows are soundbite phrases. Biden should ask him how removing income tax and replacing it with a tariff on all imports will reduce inflation and be for the benefit of the country. $100 says he'd just make a remark about how when he was president gas was $2 and eggs were $3. The man appeals to the lowest common denominator, because he speaks like a moron and that's his target audience.
Regardless of what Biden asks him, Trump's answers will all be some iteration of:

"I will make america great again", "the economy will be roaring", "i will bring back manufacturing", "you've destroyed the economy", "schools are woke and kids are becoming animals", etc etc.

He doesn't actually know anything about specific policies; all he knows are soundbite phrases. Biden should ask him how removing income tax and replacing it with a tariff on all imports will reduce inflation and be for the benefit of the country. $100 says he'd just make a remark about how when he was president gas was $2 and eggs were $3. The man appeals to the lowest common denominator, because he speaks like a moron and that's his target audience.

Moderator: "What is your plan to reduce inflation if you are elected president?"

dumpy butt don: "A lot of people are talking about that. A lot of people are saying that I have the best plan for that. They'll tell you. And I tell you, we are going to take a look at that. You know we have rampant crime and our border is a disaster. Our inflation is a disaster. What is happening to those people that are looking at it is a disaster. A lot of people talking about what a disaster it is. And Hunter's laptop, A lot of people are talking about Hunter's laptop. Where is it? So we are going to look at that also."
Moderator: "What is your plan to reduce inflation if you are elected president?"

dumpy butt don: "A lot of people are talking about that. A lot of people are saying that I have the best plan for that. They'll tell you. And I tell you, we are going to take a look at that. You know we have rampant crime and our border is a disaster. Our inflation is a disaster. What is happening to those people that are looking at it is a disaster. A lot of people talking about what a disaster it is. And Hunter's laptop, A lot of people are talking about Hunter's laptop. Where is it? So we are going to look at that also."
did you chatgpt that bc it's eerie how accurate that is
I want Trump to be grilled about Project 2025 so it can be exposed to the public who seem not to be aware of it. Scary shit...