Reporter Eva Pilgrim asked, “Do you feel that anyone in your family interfered in any way?”
Both brothers shook their heads “no.”
“Do you feel like some of the perception of your family has been wrong?,” Pilgrim asked.
“Yes,” Randy Murdaugh IV says. “I’ve seen words like ‘dynasty’ used, and ‘power.” I don’t know exactly how people use those words, but we’re just regular people, and we’re hurting just like they would be hurting if this had happened to them.”
The brothers said their brother, Alex Murdaugh, found their bodies after he got home from being in the hospital with their dad, Randolph Murdaugh III, who died days later.
Alex is “upright and looks strong and is making his way… He breaks down. It’s tough for us,” John Marvin Murdaugh said.
“It changes you as a family,” Randy Murdaugh IV said as he put his arm around John Marvin. “I can’t imagine the horror my brother’s experiencing.”
"We're just regular people".......that may play well in front of a jury in Hampton but not anywhere else.