"Mr. AM wishes to take the stand." Says a lot.It was abundantly clear neither poot nor Jim wanted him on that stand.
"Mr. AM wishes to take the stand." Says a lot.It was abundantly clear neither poot nor Jim wanted him on that stand.
To be clear, what I’ve seen from you in this thread is a person that had his mind made up, possibly even befor the trial began, and has stuck to his guns the entire time. Anyone disagreeing with you has been called names and mocked.Jury work question.....
The jury as a whole is charged with rendering a verdict. The charge has been made. The evidence for conviction presented. The defense has tried to raise reasonable doubt. All the laws, processes and procedures have been followed. So it is now time for the jury to choose innocent or guilty.
I think the jury process is designed to be deliberative. I do not think each juror is to act completely independently of the other jurors and of the process. Society in the American form of government and law is trying to adjudicate the outcome of a crime, investigation and trial process. I believe the process is supposed to be conclusive and that the best jurors are aiming to do their job collecctively, not individually.
Many on this site seem to view the jury process is an all individual voting process. Some seem to suggest nothing in the jury process should be deliberative and designed to produce a consensus verdict. Others seem to say they know what they would do, say or think and that no input from the other jurors is going to change their mind. As I see it, some say that once they have an opinion, they will defend it to the point of walking away with a hung jury.
Which view is the correct one?
8:49-9:04 is 15 minutes. That’s a lot of cleaning up to do in 15 minutes. Alex wasn’t known for being neat and organized. He left stuff everywhere regularly.
So I’m supposed to believe that in 15 minutes, a sloppy guy kills two people with two different guns, manages to clean all blood spatter and gsr from himself and the golf cart, store away two guns, grab Maggie’s phone, head back to the house, take a shower, make a plethora of phone calls, hop in the car and take off.
That is extremely hard for me to believe. Why didn’t Maggie’s phone ping at the house when Alex went back to the house to shower?
These are some of the things that are hard for me to understand how he did it, or if he did, how he did it by himself.
Law enforcement should have been able to nail this guy. They didn’t lock the scene down, they didn’t lock the house down, they didn’t lock his moms house down. Because they didn’t, reasonable doubt can and does exist in this case.
I don’t want to say how i found outIs it a pretty good source or more of a who knows if this is true type deal?
I just don’t understand how if there is a hung jury, you can say that person was unreasonable. They are charged with the task of deciding, doesn’t their opinion hold more wait. I also guess 25% of the one participating in all these online polls are unreasonable? That’s a pretty large percentage for it to be as concrete as some of you make it out to be.I'm bumping my post from the Wednesday before Am testified to illustrate that now Jim Griffin knows (unequivocally) that AM is a very involved in the death of PM and MM.
Furthermore.... any of AM's family and friends whom he told his original story now knows he is responsible for their deaths as well.
There could still be a hung jury, but reasonable know better... I think AM is starting to realize that himself.
unfortunately this might prove to be the case. Not putting Maggie's phone in a Faraday bag was another major mistake by LE. GPS data from June 7 was overwritten.8:49-9:04 is 15 minutes. That’s a lot of cleaning up to do in 15 minutes. Alex wasn’t known for being neat and organized. He left stuff everywhere regularly.
So I’m supposed to believe that in 15 minutes, a sloppy guy kills two people with two different guns, manages to clean all blood spatter and gsr from himself and the golf cart, store away two guns, grab Maggie’s phone, head back to the house, take a shower, make a plethora of phone calls, hop in the car and take off.
That is extremely hard for me to believe. Why didn’t Maggie’s phone ping at the house when Alex went back to the house to shower?
These are some of the things that are hard for me to understand how he did it, or if he did, how he did it by himself.
Law enforcement should have been able to nail this guy. They didn’t lock the scene down, they didn’t lock the house down, they didn’t lock his moms house down. Because they didn’t, reasonable doubt can and does exist in this case.
Shot guns aren’t very loud. I don’t always wear ear pro when I shoot any gauge of shotgun.I don’t find the 15 minute timeline that big of a deal. I am not sure the golf cart was involved at all, no proof that it was. I believe he used it to get back and forth.
I am not sure what organization skills you need to throw all your crap in the back of your suburban wrapped in a plastic tarp or rain coat and take a 5 min. Shower. There was gun solvent in the house he could have taken 60 seconds to thoroughly wipe his hands down before he got in the shower. Or he could have done that at his mothers house before he went in or left there.
Alex was on the property and by his own admission would have left them a few minutes before they were murdered but didn’t hear the 6 or 7 gun shots 300 yards away. Let me tell you that is almost impossible. He would have had to had music blaring all over the house not to have heard it. You can hear gun shots travel for miles. Particularly heavy loads like a 300 black count or 12 gauge. They are very loud.
I will grant you if the details in your post existed with out all his lies it would be a tough case to obtain a guilty verdict. When you add the incessant lying with all of his other actions, it simply isn’t too difficult to believe he did this by himself.
To be clear, what I’ve seen from you in this thread is a person that had his mind made up, possibly even befor the trial began, and has stuck to his guns the entire time. Anyone disagreeing with you has been called names and mocked.
Of course there will be deliberations. That’s why they send the jury off to deliberate. I’ve only been on a jury once and it wasn’t for murder but there were plenty of discussions and deliberations after the two sides had presented their closing arguments.
Whether or not anyone will change their mind who knows. It is an individual decision made though. You have to decide if you believe someone is innocent or guilty. That’s the way the system was setup.
I understand you don’t like that. You prefer being able to mock and bully someone into your line of thinking and voting. That’s not how it’s supposed to work though.
Yep, forgot about that!unfortunately this might prove to be the case. Not putting Maggie's phone in a Faraday bag was another major mistake by LE. GPS data from June 7 was overwritten.
No I think it is everything - Financial house of cardsSo you think it is more likely about drugs vs. the financial stuff?
I agree that is exactly what will happen. Lots of arguments will take place. It will be interesting to see how it shakes out.Typically juries will start the deliberation process with figuring out who sits where. The expectation is that you will work to come to a unanimous decision whatever that is. The judge is likely to ask you multiple times to continue to work towards a unanimous decision even if the foreperson tells them they are stuck.
Deliberation will absolutely cross over to some level of arguing back and forth if there are folks dug in on either side and they will have a healthy discussion about the facts of the case and the merits of the arguments.
I think the biggest thing Alex is going to struggle with is that he seems less than genuine. The whole Paw Paw and Mags thing was over the top and screams I am not sincere. He was caught in multiple lies, admitted he lied and that is going to be thrown in the face of anyone who says they don’t think he did it.
Some are going to say I think he did it but I am not sure it is beyond a reasonable doubt and you will likely see a lot of discussion around the very topics and things said in this thread over the last few weeks. What is reasonable and what isn’t.
"Mr. AM wishes to take the stand." Says a lot.
This8:49-9:04 is 15 minutes. That’s a lot of cleaning up to do in 15 minutes. Alex wasn’t known for being neat and organized. He left stuff everywhere regularly.
So I’m supposed to believe that in 15 minutes, a sloppy guy kills two people with two different guns, manages to clean all blood spatter and gsr from himself and the golf cart, store away two guns, grab Maggie’s phone, head back to the house, take a shower, make a plethora of phone calls, hop in the car and take off.
That is extremely hard for me to believe. Why didn’t Maggie’s phone ping at the house when Alex went back to the house to shower?
These are some of the things that are hard for me to understand how he did it, or if he did, how he did it by himself.
Law enforcement should have been able to nail this guy. They didn’t lock the scene down, they didn’t lock the house down, they didn’t lock his moms house down. Because they didn’t, reasonable doubt can and does exist in this case.
Having a conclusion that he was involved is not the same as he pulled the triggers.If Jim and Poot didn’t think he was guilty prior to the trial they sure knew when that snapchat of him at the kennels were revealed. No Attorney would want their client to get on the stand and try to explain all of the lies and the timeline that is so incriminating.
It’s clear the circumstances of the murders at minimum point to someone who knew Maggie and Paul committed them and wanted them dead. When you combine that with the fact AM was there minutes before they were killed, he lied at every corner until the snapchat video came out, the circumstances in his life at the time, murder weapons being those that were known to be on the property, there is no other conclusion that he was involved. To have doubt in that is mind blowing to me and lends me to think someone is either simpleton or tragically over thinking this.
I don’t know if you are calling me out specifically or not and I’m not really responding to being called out. I do want to clear up something. Last night when my words lead some to believe that it was an individual process that wasn’t my intent. The jury is charged with coming to a conclusion together. All the evidence is discussed and they have discussions much like we are having now. They try to convince each other to come to a unanimous verdict.Jury work question.....
The jury as a whole is charged with rendering a verdict. The charge has been made. The evidence for conviction presented. The defense has tried to raise reasonable doubt. All the laws, processes and procedures have been followed. So it is now time for the jury to choose innocent or guilty.
I think the jury process is designed to be deliberative. I do not think each juror is to act completely independently of the other jurors and of the process. Society in the American form of government and law is trying to adjudicate the outcome of a crime, investigation and trial process. I believe the process is supposed to be conclusive and that the best jurors are aiming to do their job collecctively, not individually.
Many on this site seem to view the jury process is an all individual voting process. Some seem to suggest nothing in the jury process should be deliberative and designed to produce a consensus verdict. Others seem to say they know what they would do, say or think and that no input from the other jurors is going to change their mind. As I see it, some say that once they have an opinion, they will defend it to the point of walking away with a hung jury.
Which view is the correct one?
I mean counsel's choice of words. No more no less.If Jim and Poot didn’t think he was guilty prior to the trial they sure knew when that snapchat of him at the kennels were revealed. No Attorney would want their client to get on the stand and try to explain all of the lies and the timeline that is so incriminating.
It’s clear the circumstances of the murders at minimum point to someone who knew Maggie and Paul committed them and wanted them dead. When you combine that with the fact AM was there minutes before they were killed, he lied at every corner until the snapchat video came out, the circumstances in his life at the time, murder weapons being those that were known to be on the property, there is no other conclusion that he was involved. To have doubt in that is mind blowing to me and lends me to think someone is either simpleton or tragically over thinking this.
or drop a text ...I don’t know that they can prove it was exactly at 8:49, you can’t get to the exact minute of death with the body temperature, you can get into a range and that time is in the range. I think the 8:49 is based off of various phone activities or lack there of and activity they are pretty certain is credited to the killer. Pretty certain they have boxed it in to a 3-5 minute window.
Based on Alex’s own admissions and all data points, he was on the property. The whole, i was taking a nap thing, has totally fallen to the wayside, that was his excuse early on. The nap thing doesn’t make sense now that he has had to fess up he was at the kennels. There was no time for a nap, He left the property with in about 15 minutes or so of killing them. So now he says he left the kennels at approximately 8:48 - 8:49 and came back to the house, sat on the couch and maybe dozed off and was scurrying around less than 15 minutes later with 287 steps and multiple phone calls and leaving the house at 9:04 i think.
I think he hightailed it back to the house with the guns, wrapped them in a rain coat, stripped naked and stashed it all in his suburban. Showers in the house quickly and is running around franticly calling people, calls Maggie a few times trying to establish an alibi.
The weird thing about calling Maggie is it doesn’t make sense. He was just with her (now that he‘s admitted to being at the kennels) a few minutes prior and he is supposedly calling her to let her know he was leaving. Called her twice (and of course she doesn’t answer b/c she is dead). But instead of driving out that way to say I am leaving after calling twice and getting no answer, he doesn’t do that. None of that really makes logical sense. If the plan all along was to go to Alameda you would tell her when you last saw her like 15 minutes ago, hey I am going to leave shortly to go see mom. If you called twice and couldn’t talk, wouldn’t you drive literally 60 seconds or less out of your way to say you were leaving.
His whole story is crumbing when put under scrutiny and you ask yourself would a normal person act this way, and of course no one would. Only someone who had murdered their wife and son and was trying to figure out what to do.
What does the lack of pinging suggest to you...did someone else have her phone for hours prior? Was she killed somewhere else and body dumped at Moselle? We know the phone was there. We know she used it throughout the day. What does the lack of pinging lead you to question? Genuinely curious.Shot guns aren’t very loud. I don’t always wear ear pro when I shoot any gauge of shotgun.
It’s been testified the 300 blackout had a suppressor. So probably even quieter than that shotgun was.
Yes he was a liar. No doubt about it.
I still have a hard time believing he, by himself, pulled that timeline off.
Also Maggie’s phone is a problem for me. It didn’t ping by the house after Alex would have had to bring it back near the house. Alex, Paul, maggie (earlier in the day) all had their phones pinging in and around the house. For some reason this time though, Maggie’s phone doesn’t ping.
Shot guns aren’t very loud. I don’t always wear ear pro when I shoot any gauge of shotgun.
It’s been testified the 300 blackout had a suppressor. So probably even quieter than that shotgun was.
Yes he was a liar. No doubt about it.
I still have a hard time believing he, by himself, pulled that timeline off.
Also Maggie’s phone is a problem for me. It didn’t ping by the house after Alex would have had to bring it back near the house. Alex, Paul, maggie (earlier in the day) all had their phones pinging in and around the house. For some reason this time though, Maggie’s phone doesn’t ping.
They didn't have suppressors.It’s been testified the 300 blackout had a suppressor. So probably even quieter than that shotgun was.
I agree that is exactly what will happen. Lots of arguments will take place. It will be interesting to see how it shakes out.
Either way Alex will be spending quite a bit of time in jail.
Name a reason that he would impede the investigation into the murder of his (beloved) wife and son?I just don’t understand how if there is a hung jury, you can say that person was unreasonable.
I don’t know if you are calling me out specifically or not and I’m not really responding to being called out. I do want to clear up something. Last night when my words lead some to believe that it was an individual process that wasn’t my intent. The jury is charged with coming to a conclusion together. All the evidence is discussed and they have discussions much like we are having now. They try to convince each other to come to a unanimous verdict.
However, in some cases, jurors can not be swayed. At the end of the day it’s up to the individual juror to make the decision for himself. But it is a group ordeal. That’s when you arrive at hung juries.
I will also add I look at a couple different forums I freguant often that have threads such as this one. You see very few people who are on the fence it seems. There are some but most have decided and cannot be swayed. I feel that’s another inclination that a hung jury is the most likely verdict.
I feel there will be at least 1 hold out if not more. Some of that will depend on when the jury is handed the case. They do it on Friday and people are more likely just to say screw it and conform to the popular vote of the jury. I have seen that in the jury room myself.
Judge told us we had to stay late on a Friday night because we could not reach a verdict, told us he would order food. The 2 hold outs quickly flipped script with little talking when that message came from the judge. For the record I was not one of the 2. The only reason they had to suddenly change is they wanted to go home.
Having a conclusion that he was involved is not the same as he pulled the triggers.
Law enforcement handcuffed the prosecutors in this case and the prosecution team has sucked beyond belief in this case. This has been OJ level of bad from both LE and prosecution.
It was the opioids, or his distrust of sled, or whatever lie he needs to tell next. The guy doesn’t even know what’s a lie and what’s the truth and he doesn’t care. He just says whatever benefits him and only him. Some of the people in here have fallen for it and, unfortunately, one of the jurors probably will, too.Name a reason that he would impede the investigation into the murder of his (beloved) wife and son?
I felt like they were not true to their duty. I honestly think it was Bs and bad for justice. Even though justice was served in that case. If you believe in, for reasons pertaining to the case, then stick with your verdict if you can’t be swayed by discussion of evidence. To flip just because you had to stay late was wrong in my opinion. I didn’t mind staying late to have more discussion. If they didn’t want to change, I was willing to sit it out, because that’s the right thing to do of your following the legal system.Curious - What did you think about the 2 that flipped? That they were not that dug in to their side, did not care that much one way or the other about the whole process, or just wasn’t worth sacrificing their Friday night?
Has it struck any of you as odd as to why he planned this using long guns? He had handguns, why not use a .40 cal S&W-M&P or something similar? Paul was shot within 3 feet, and then Maggie not much further... One could do a lot of damage with 15 hollow-points in the magazine... Much easier to conceal, shoot, and get rid of later...
Just a totally bizarre case for sure...
AM admitted to Marian that the murders were planned over a long period of time.If he uses his own hand gun, that is tougher to explain away later. How did someone else get “his” gun.
The long guns were used in hunting and left around and occasionally even misplaced. Probably can’t say the same for his hand gun.
Why he chose two different guns is weird but I think that is why he did it that way because it would be weird and could give the impression of two shooters. It‘s an easy way to add an extra layer.
Shot guns work well up close, the blackout gives you range. I think he had both and wanted to use them both but it also gave him a wider range of options not knowing exactly how it was going to unfold. If Maggie ran immediately (which she probably didn’t) the shotgun would not have done him any good. That is why I am almost certain Buster was killed first.
The evidence has to remove doubt to that fact not show that it is true. I don’t know that the evidence has done that’s I think there is still reasonable doubt there.The only options in this case are that he pulled the trigger or he orchestrated the killing. Considering no evidence points to another person being there at the time, he killed them.
Buster is still alive lol. But I know you most typed. I’m just picking with you.If he uses his own hand gun, that is tougher to explain away later. How did someone else get “his” gun.
The long guns were used in hunting and left around and occasionally even misplaced. Probably can’t say the same for his hand gun.
Why he chose two different guns is weird but I think that is why he did it that way because it would be weird and could give the impression of two shooters. It‘s an easy way to add an extra layer.
Shot guns work well up close, the blackout gives you range. I think he had both and wanted to use them both but it also gave him a wider range of options not knowing exactly how it was going to unfold. If Maggie ran immediately (which she probably didn’t) the shotgun would not have done him any good. That is why I am almost certain Buster was killed first.
Where was that evidence?AM admitted to Marian that the murders were planned over a long period of time.
The evidence has to remove doubt to that fact not show that it is true. I don’t know that the evidence has done that’s I think there is still reasonable doubt there.
AM admitted to Marian that the murders were planned over a long period of time.
Where was that evidence?
Name you one circumstance, I know who did it and I’m messed up real bad with them. If I tell what I really know I risk the rest of my family dying or myself. Further more. It’s not my job to connect the dots. It’s the states job to connect them for me.
The prosecution never made mention of his indirect involvement. They have focused on him actually doing it himself. I am actually shocked they did not have any cameras up on the property. With the amount of acreage and equipment I would have thought they would have had cameras up.
Did it really slow down? ...i remember he was traveling at 42 mph right then and then sped up, much like one would drive when getting up to speed on a rural highway. But i think Jim Griffin sort of squashed that theory of "slowing down". Whether he slowed down or not doesnt change the fact that he threw it out the window.
I think Maggie ran right into the line of fire... Buster (I know you mean Paul)If he uses his own hand gun, that is tougher to explain away later. How did someone else get “his” gun.
The long guns were used in hunting and left around and occasionally even misplaced. Probably can’t say the same for his hand gun.
Why he chose two different guns is weird but I think that is why he did it that way because it would be weird and could give the impression of two shooters. It‘s an easy way to add an extra layer.
Shot guns work well up close, the blackout gives you range. I think he had both and wanted to use them both but it also gave him a wider range of options not knowing exactly how it was going to unfold. If Maggie ran immediately (which she probably didn’t) the shotgun would not have done him any good. That is why I am almost certain Buster was killed first.