Google "Was Maggie Murdaugh seeking a divorce?" Follow the links. Do your own research. How is it stupid to state the obvious?
Authorities continue to investigate the mysterious June 7 shooting deaths of Maggie and Paul Murdaugh
Is People an unimpeachable source? Is there such a thing as unimpeachable source? Of course not.
Has it been reported that Maggie, the wife living apart from her drug addicted, lying, stealing husband was talking about a divorce? YES. Recall she was living apart from her husband who would not quit his drug abuse and she was separated from her wedding ring at the time of her death.
Now, as entirely predictable, you can decide to disregard the report. And others of us, relying on opinions that Maggie Murdaugh was the better half of that marriage, can use our judgement and cheer the now dead woman for investigating getting away from AM. And we can bemoan the fact he killed her.
Why does AM seem to command support from people who do not know anything about him they have not heard of second or third or fourth hand? Beats me. On the basis of 2nd or 3rd or 4th hand info, the same info you have, I think the POS killed his wife. In my view my assessment fits the knowable facts better than other assessments.
I hope the jury does its job well.