Not to mention that their son was an adult when the accident occurred. In my opinion, their liability is not that they were bad parents, but that it was their boat and they knew he was operating it while intoxicated.
Define an adult… he was underage to drink and they blatantly promoted underage drinking not only with their kids but their kids friends
Being bad parents doesn't make them liable. Culpable perhaps, but not liable. If so, there the parents of every juvenile who commits gun violence would be in jail.
That is a piss poor comparison. Having a gun is not against the law…. Underage drinking is
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Being bad parents doesn't make them liable. Culpable perhaps, but not liable. If so, there the parents of every juvenile who commits gun violence would be in jail.

A poor comparison. I would argue they are liable if they provided a safe-haven for underage alcohol consumption and then let them go run the roads (or creeks in this case). Or supply them with alcohol at my home and then they leave. I believe that providing alcohol to persons under 21 inpunes liability on the adult for any harm that may result from them consuming alcohol per SC law. The folks hosting the oyster roast were named in the beach lawsuit for their role in this tragedy. In short if you knowing allow your underage (21) children to break the law then you are liable.

Strangely enough it is not against the law in SC to provide your underage children alcohol to consume at your home.

Not to mention that their son was an adult when the accident occurred. In my opinion, their liability is not that they were bad parents, but that it was their boat and they knew he was operating it while intoxicated.
I agree, they were shitty parents, but the liability is they knowingly allowed their underage child and others to drink at their property then use their boat.

I honestly think this whole case wouldn't have blown up like it did if not for the actions of the Murdaughs. It would have probably been a quiet insurance settlement that few would have known about. I think if I was in the Beach's shoes and saw how it was playing out I would have gone scorched earth and sued everyone remotely involved too.
Because insurance is a financial product often required by law.
the % of insurance companies advertising is exponentially higher than % of attorneys advertising on TV

and when some yahoo runs into your car with minimum 25/50 policy see how far that goes when they total a truly fixable car
the % of insurance companies advertising is exponentially higher than % of attorneys advertising on TV

and when some yahoo runs into your car with minimum 25/50 policy see how far that goes when they total a truly fixable car
You obviously don’t live in Charleston cause that is certainty not the case here. You may be a great honest lawyer but most advertise over the top. Watch who their target audience is when you see theee commercials, if you watch a show where a majority of the cast is a minority group, the commercials double or triple. Out of 5 commercials 4 are ambulance chasers (not lawyers) $h!t bags
You obviously don’t live in Charleston cause that is certainty not the case here. You may be a great honest lawyer but most advertise over the top. Watch who their target audience is when you see theee commercials, if you watch a show where a majority of the cast is a minority group, the commercials double or triple. Out of 5 commercials 4 are ambulance chasers (not lawyers) $h!t bags
Watch a Jerry Springer show or some daytime judge show and you will have your pick of ambulance chasers to choose from.
Maggie Murdaugh's Edisto Beach house is on VRBO.

You're thoughts on a group sitting around the table drunk and one person reaches in a drawer, pulls out a gun, shoots and kills a person at the table. Are they all equally culpable because they are drunk? Once you answer @poates6 , I may have a follow-up question.
I like the analogy, but a key difference might be did the group think there was risk associated with sitting at the table?
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Maggie Murdaugh's Edisto Beach house is on VRBO.

"Yes, this home was previously owned by Alex and Maggie Murdaughs; this was Maggie's Edisto home she loved so much."

Guess the owners are going for the murder tourism market. No reason to put that in the description otherwise.
"Yes, this home was previously owned by Alex and Maggie Murdaughs; this was Maggie's Edisto home she loved so much."

Guess the owners are going for the murder tourism market. No reason to put that in the description otherwise.
I would put it prominently in the description and Jack up the price. No reason they should not try to capitalize on the Murdaugh mystique.
I like the analogy, but a key difference might be did the group think there was risk associated with sitting at the table?
I agree with you on the second part. The analogy is terrible, it’s like comparing apples and refrigerators.
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I would put it prominently in the description and Jack up the price. No reason they should not try to capitalize on the Murdaugh mystique.
That is exactly what they are doing. There literally is a murder/trauma/dark tourism industry. Some of them are more historical sites and some are around voyeur-like tours of high profile events. I saw something once about a Ted Bundy Tour, that was a cross country trip of his murder sites.
Are establishments responsible for detecting any fake ID… kid had an ID with a picture that looked just like him
Pretty sure they are. If a kid gets in with a fake ID and SLED catches the kid, the bar gets ticketed. Same for a convenience or liquor store.
the % of insurance companies advertising is exponentially higher than % of attorneys advertising on TV

and when some yahoo runs into your car with minimum 25/50 policy see how far that goes when they total a truly fixable car
I have no issues with attorneys. I think attorneys should be able to advertise their service. I do think they should be regulated on what they can say. Example.

I have no issue with an ad which says, "I will ensure your rights are upheld to the letter of the law."

I have an issue with a saying, "I will get you every dime you deserve." There's a billboard I drive by which an auto accident lawyer taunts, "I got a $5 million judgment."

Attorneys shouldn't be getting a % of the judgement either. That money is awarded to the victim. They should only be working for the hourly fee. Getting that much money motivates poor behavior on many attorneys......eq. AM.
I have no issues with attorneys. I think attorneys should be able to advertise their service. I do think they should be regulated on what they can say. Example.

I have no issue with an ad which says, "I will ensure your rights are upheld to the letter of the law."

I have an issue with a saying, "I will get you every dime you deserve." There's a billboard I drive by which an auto accident lawyer taunts, "I got a $5 million judgment."

Attorneys shouldn't be getting a % of the judgement either. That money is awarded to the victim. They should only be working for the hourly fee. Getting that much money motivates poor behavior on many attorneys......eq. AM.
If they had to pay per hour instead of contingency a lot of poor folks could not afford an attorney.
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If they had to pay per hour instead of contingency a lot of poor folks could not afford an attorney.
Then they can pay the per hour rate from their judgement. If they lose, the lawyer can suck up his time. It means he chose to represent a case without merit.
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Then they can pay the per hour rate from their judgement. If they lose, the lawyer can suck up his time. It means he chose to represent a case without merit.
This is not logical. It infers life is always perfect in that right always wins.
Good to see he is still in a maximum security prison and not one of the country club prisons.

he has been moved to the statewide protective custody unit of a South Carolina maximum-security prison.
Looks like AM got moved .... wonder where he landed?

AITA for celebrating the fact that the highlight of his life is a road trip on a used school bus with iron bars to go from 1 8ft cell to another?

That’s the only glimpse of the outside world he’ll ever see.
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Maggie Murdaugh's Edisto Beach house is on VRBO.

Just what I want. A place to rock in the summer time without anything blocking the sun. How in hell did those gingers sit on that porch?

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