I agree. I lost friend about 15 years ago. He and his best friend were both intoxicated, and they had an accident on a rural road. The driver survived, barely, but his friend, who was a passenger, was killed instantly. After the accident, the critically injured driver crawled over 100 feet to his friend and passed out. The first person on the scene found them together. After the driver recovered, he was charged with felony DUI, to which he plead guilty or no contest...can't remember which...but there was no trial. During the sentencing, he told the story of what happened, showed immense remorse, etc. The mother of the deceased spoke and basically tore into this guy. He received a pretty stiff sentence because of her testimony. She also went after what he had, which wasn't much, in a civil suit, and got most everything she asked for in a settlement.

Being in my early 20s at the time, I informed my family, that if something like that ever happened to me, they were to support whoever is on trial. If it wasn't driving, I was more intoxicated that whoever was driving.

What happened to Mallory Beach is very tragic, sad, etc. But things like this happen quite often. Most are not sensationalized like this case.

This is why I tell my college son that if he is low on funds and needs an uber or knows he is going out and will need one to call me. I will happily put him and his friends in one. No questions asked.

No life can be replaced so I do agree the family is justified an insurance settlement.
This is why I tell my college son that if he is low on funds and needs an uber or knows he is going out and will need one to call me. I will happily put him and his friends in one. No questions asked.

No life can be replaced so I do agree the family is justified an insurance settlement.
I think the accident my two friends were in and this boat crash were similar but not the same. While they were drunk, all indications were that the accident was just that and the two were having a good time right up until they weren't.

According to the others on Paul's boat, the scene was pretty tense in the minutes leading up to the crash. Mainly due to Paul's drunken attitude. Maybe all mostly hunky dory at the dock and they thought he'd be ok to drive. Then he started driving stupidly and the others tried to tell him and that pissed Paul off. Him being pissed also likely compelled him to attempt to pass under the bridge at a way to fast speed. Kind of difficult to change your mind about riding with someone once the ride starts.
I think the accident my two friends were in and this boat crash were similar but not the same. While they were drunk, all indications were that the accident was just that and the two were having a good time right up until they weren't.

According to the others on Paul's boat, the scene was pretty tense in the minutes leading up to the crash. Mainly due to Paul's drunken attitude. Maybe all mostly hunky dory at the dock and they thought he'd be ok to drive. Then he started driving stupidly and the others tried to tell him and that pissed Paul off. Him being pissed also likely compelled him to attempt to pass under the bridge at a way to fast speed. Kind of difficult to change your mind about riding with someone once the ride starts.

Agree with all of this. There are people who feed off that shot and Paul was obviously one of them
Not sure I would say always. I do a good bit though. I’m thankful for the mind I have. Seeing things from different angles and perspectives is a blessing to me. It doesn’t always win friends and influence the mob though.

Critical thinking is one of my most cherished gifts.

I’m not sure why it’s hard to respect someone who really hates people died tragically but weren’t convinced of a states case. Or someone who believes it’s tragic that a young lady died and multiple friends of hers had to live through it, but that they all had a hand in the responsibility of the death, including the deceased.

That’s ok though, I woke up today not needing your respect and I’ll go to bed the same!
"Critical thinking is one of my most cherished gifts."

Robert Burns left you and Ellick Murdock a message.

“O, wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
An' foolish notion.”
I have listened to several interviews with Tinsley and think he makes a lot of good points. At the same time, I agree with you that the Beach lawsuit seems more about going after people with deep pockets than holding those responsible accountable. Tragic and hopefully everyone tells their children not to drink and drive and not to get in a car driven by someone who has been drinking.
Not saying ur wrong, but I imagine Tinsley feels like Maggie and Alex are ultimately responsible by not only not correcting Paul's out of control drinking and behavior, but also encouraging it.
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You don’t see any difference in the two scenarios you mentioned, and the beach case?
There are multiple facets to the Beach case.

Paul's parents for one are also liable......they openly promoted alcohol with Paul ...It should have been obvious to them he had a severe problem

Kids on the boat begged him to stop driving the boat and he got combative
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I think the Murdaughs should have been sued but not Parker’s, who is the one with the money.
That is what attorneys do.....sue anybody remotely involved. Now if I was on the jury, unless there is something I do not know I probably would not vote to hold the store liable. Would like to see the Fake ID before I decided.

My biggest problem with liability cases is the attorneys taking 30-40% off the top . That is ridiculous and there should be a graduated scale with a maximum.

It is also my understanding all the expenses come out of the planiffs portion and if true that is not right. Should come off the top before a split.
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Tinsley gave us insight into the Beaches mindset when he gave his first testimony in the trial. He mentioned that once they were not allowed to the boat crash scene and the Murdaughs were, they decided to go after them hard. My guess is the only way to make a point with Alex and Maggie about Paul and their entitlement was to hit their wallets hard. Tinsley was more than willing to help get the Beaches their pound of flesh from Alex.

Generally speaking “ambulance chasers” are viewed as extortionist. Less about righting a wrong and more about money, money, money.

The Beach girl got on a boat with a drunkard that was currently drunk driving. Should her family get some sort of settlement or cash, maybe, but she chose to be there and get on that boat with an alcoholic that was hammered driving.

Several lawyers I’ve spoken too don’t have a high opinion of Tinsley and that’s why I was asking if he was a good guy. Hoping for some feedback if their that may actually know him and not he’s good cause he’s a Clemson tiger!

I'm not defending personal injury lawyers in general, but lol at this comment. Where do you live?
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Not sure I would say always. I do a good bit though. I’m thankful for the mind I have. Seeing things from different angles and perspectives is a blessing to me. It doesn’t always win friends and influence the mob though.

Critical thinking is one of my most cherished gifts.

I’m not sure why it’s hard to respect someone who really hates people died tragically but weren’t convinced of a states case. Or someone who believes it’s tragic that a young lady died and multiple friends of hers had to live through it, but that they all had a hand in the responsibility of the death, including the deceased.

That’s ok though, I woke up today not needing your respect and I’ll go to bed the same!

You are a contrarian, not a critical thinker. And this post shows that you fancy yourself an intellect. You're just plain smarter than those redneck jurors!
This is why I tell my college son that if he is low on funds and needs an uber or knows he is going out and will need one to call me. I will happily put him and his friends in one. No questions asked.

No life can be replaced so I do agree the family is justified an insurance settlement.
I have one daughter at Clemson and next year will have two. My one there now has a Uber app on her phone and I never question any charges. I have her on Life 360 and try not to look at it too much.
I have one daughter at Clemson and next year will have two. My one there now has a Uber app on her phone and I never question any charges. I have her on Life 360 and try not to look at it too much.

I have refused to do Life360 but the rest of the fam is on it. My youngest son will look to see where he is at more than the wife or sister. No one really looks but I guess it is nice to have that security.
That is what attorneys do.....sue anybody remotely involved. Now if I was on the jury, unless there is something I do not know I probably would not vote to hold the store liable. Would like to see the Fake ID before I decided.

My biggest problem with liability cases is the attorneys taking 30-40% off the top . That is ridiculous and there should be a graduated scale with a maximum.

It is also my understanding all the expenses come out of the planiffs portion and if true that is not right. Should come off the top before a split.
If Parker's violates the law and sells to underage people, then aren't they culpable?

Also, ALL money recovered is for the Plaintiff's benefit, so there is only one top to take it from.

If a Plaintiff has an offer when they hire me, then I take my fee off the increase I obtain for them. I do not take a fee off property damage in wrecks. 99% of the time Plaintiffs are offered zero or have no response from insurance companies or Defendants when they call me.

On one of my recent cases, yesterday I spoke with an adjuster who said they accepted 80% liability, where their driver turned directly in front of my motorcycle driver going 30 mph in a 35 zone - I asked them to qualify the 80% assessment and they said "well, he should have avoided the car."

I went and got the surveillance video of the intersection this morning, sent it to them and gave them until 10 am tomorrow to accept 100% - so is that my plaintiff-lawyer fault if I have to file suit on a possible $50,000 case where they have $250,000.00 in coverage?

I don't wish any ill will on anyone - but I believe a lot of your opinions would change if you were injured by another's negligence or recklessness.
If Parker's violates the law and sells to underage people, then aren't they culpable?

Also, ALL money recovered is for the Plaintiff's benefit, so there is only one top to take it from.

If a Plaintiff has an offer when they hire me, then I take my fee off the increase I obtain for them. I do not take a fee off property damage in wrecks. 99% of the time Plaintiffs are offered zero or have no response from insurance companies or Defendants when they call me.

On one of my recent cases, yesterday I spoke with an adjuster who said they accepted 80% liability, where their driver turned directly in front of my motorcycle driver going 30 mph in a 35 zone - I asked them to qualify the 80% assessment and they said "well, he should have avoided the car."

I went and got the surveillance video of the intersection this morning, sent it to them and gave them until 10 am tomorrow to accept 100% - so is that my plaintiff-lawyer fault if I have to file suit on a possible $50,000 case where they have $250,000.00 in coverage?

I don't wish any ill will on anyone - but I believe a lot of your opinions would change if you were injured by another's negligence or recklessness.
and they said "well, he should have avoided the car." Surely the guy did not rly say this. If he rly did, then he's a heartless bastard and I wouldn't blame you for going after them.
If Parker's violates the law and sells to underage people, then aren't they culpable?

Also, ALL money recovered is for the Plaintiff's benefit, so there is only one top to take it from.

If a Plaintiff has an offer when they hire me, then I take my fee off the increase I obtain for them. I do not take a fee off property damage in wrecks. 99% of the time Plaintiffs are offered zero or have no response from insurance companies or Defendants when they call me.

On one of my recent cases, yesterday I spoke with an adjuster who said they accepted 80% liability, where their driver turned directly in front of my motorcycle driver going 30 mph in a 35 zone - I asked them to qualify the 80% assessment and they said "well, he should have avoided the car."

I went and got the surveillance video of the intersection this morning, sent it to them and gave them until 10 am tomorrow to accept 100% - so is that my plaintiff-lawyer fault if I have to file suit on a possible $50,000 case where they have $250,000.00 in coverage?

I don't wish any ill will on anyone - but I believe a lot of your opinions would change if you were injured by another's negligence or recklessness.

One of my best friends is going through this right now. Bad wreck (not his fault) a few Friday's ago, knees are tore to hell (surgery and nad wounds), ankle/heel crushed (surgery awaiting), fractures in spine (luckily no surgery needed)

My dad went through something similar when I was in high school. Dude is having to live downstairs on a couch, cannot put weight on crushed foot...

He was working and a car pulled out in front of him...he is missing stuff for his kids, missing work, and is dealing with the pain on top of therapy, surgery, etc. Wife is missing work...

Damn right he deserves to get paid. That is not chasing ambulance...that is what insurance is for
If Parker's violates the law and sells to underage people, then aren't they culpable?
Not saying it absolves them from some liability, but if he presented the fake ID, how is that usually seen in the eyes of the court in such circumstances? I'm curious, not debating what you said.

I'm not sure we can expect a clerk at gas station to be keen enough to see the difference between BM and PM on a tiny ID photo. I would think more fault would lie with the bartender at the bar they stopped at after the oyster roast. They are mandated by law not to over serve.
Not saying it absolves them from some liability, but if he presented the fake ID, how is that usually seen in the eyes of the court in such circumstances? I'm curious, not debating what you said.

I'm not sure we can expect a clerk at gas station to be keen enough to see the difference between BM and PM on a tiny ID photo. I would think more fault would lie with the bartender at the bar they stopped at after the oyster roast. They are mandated by law not to over serve.

It is impossible on these gas station and grocery store clerks these days. They used to have the benefit of license scanning but now all the fakes scan like real IDs and look identical. I've spoken with law enforcement guys that say it is tough to distinguish
One of my best friends is going through this right now. Bad wreck (not his fault) a few Friday's ago, knees are tore to hell (surgery and nad wounds), ankle/heel crushed (surgery awaiting), fractures in spine (luckily no surgery needed)

My dad went through something similar when I was in high school. Dude is having to live downstairs on a couch, cannot put weight on crushed foot...

He was working and a car pulled out in front of him...he is missing stuff for his kids, missing work, and is dealing with the pain on top of therapy, surgery, etc. Wife is missing work...

Damn right he deserves to get paid. That is not chasing ambulance...that is what insurance is for
My issue is that the parties who are truly at fault are often not the ones who are paying, because they don’t have any money. Parker’s is the least culpable in this instance yet they may have to pay the most simply because they have the deepest pockets.
My issue is that the parties who are truly at fault are often not the ones who are paying, because they don’t have any money. Parker’s is the least culpable in this instance yet they may have to pay the most simply because they have the deepest pockets.
And the bigger problem is we end up paying it. @nmerritt11 said earlier in the thread “that’s what insurance is for” and the reality is the more these lawsuits continue to go after any and everyone, whether there’s reason or not, the money gets passed down to us.

Through raises in premiums, to raises in costs, we pay the bill. The lawyers (not all of them for sure) try to run a bill up so they can buy the second boat or beach house etc… Who actually pays? All of us.
And the bigger problem is we end up paying it. @nmerritt11 said earlier in the thread “that’s what insurance is for” and the reality is the more these lawsuits continue to go after any and everyone, whether there’s reason or not, the money gets passed down to us.

Through raises in premiums, to raises in costs, we pay the bill. The lawyers (not all of them for sure) try to run a bill up so they can buy the second boat or beach house etc… Who actually pays? All of us.
Exactly. There is a reason every other add on TV is some ambulance chaser.
I agree. I lost friend about 15 years ago. He and his best friend were both intoxicated, and they had an accident on a rural road. The driver survived, barely, but his friend, who was a passenger, was killed instantly. After the accident, the critically injured driver crawled over 100 feet to his friend and passed out. The first person on the scene found them together. After the driver recovered, he was charged with felony DUI, to which he plead guilty or no contest...can't remember which...but there was no trial. During the sentencing, he told the story of what happened, showed immense remorse, etc. The mother of the deceased spoke and basically tore into this guy. He received a pretty stiff sentence because of her testimony. She also went after what he had, which wasn't much, in a civil suit, and got most everything she asked for in a settlement.

Being in my early 20s at the time, I informed my family, that if something like that ever happened to me, they were to support whoever is on trial. If it wasn't driving, I was more intoxicated that whoever was driving.

What happened to Mallory Beach is very tragic, sad, etc. But things like this happen quite often. Most are not sensationalized like this case.
One video I watched that disclosed facts not presented at trial indicated that Paul truly was not driving the boat when it hit the pilings. He had stripped down and jumped out of the boat after setting the boat on its crash course. The reason was because he was mad at his friends.

If that is true, Paul's behavior is intentional and not merely drunken behavior. It wasn't the type of DUI that most likely envision.
Not sure I would say always. I do a good bit though. I’m thankful for the mind I have. Seeing things from different angles and perspectives is a blessing to me. It doesn’t always win friends and influence the mob though.

Critical thinking is one of my most cherished gifts.

I’m not sure why it’s hard to respect someone who really hates people died tragically but weren’t convinced of a states case. Or someone who believes it’s tragic that a young lady died and multiple friends of hers had to live through it, but that they all had a hand in the responsibility of the death, including the deceased.

That’s ok though, I woke up today not needing your respect and I’ll go to bed the same!
You're thoughts on a group sitting around the table drunk and one person reaches in a drawer, pulls out a gun, shoots and kills a person at the table. Are they all equally culpable because they are drunk? Once you answer @poates6 , I may have a follow-up question.
To the Lawyers on the board regarding negligence by a store selling alcohol. Let’s say my son used a fake ID to acquire alcohol, got drunk, and was involved in a single car accident. Would I have a case to recoup damages from the store’s negligence?
To the Lawyers on the board regarding negligence by a store selling alcohol. Let’s say my son used a fake ID to acquire alcohol, got drunk, and was involved in a single car accident. Would I have a case to recoup damages from the store’s negligence?
I'm not a lawyer, but I'll take a stab. I think the easy answer is yes. As long as insurance is involved there is a number that they will settle for. In a big case with a death that is going to drag out for years, yes there is an amount that they will pay to have it go away.
You're thoughts on a group sitting around the table drunk and one person reaches in a drawer, pulls out a gun, shoots and kills a person at the table. Are they all equally culpable because they are drunk? Once you answer @poates6 , I may have a follow-up question.
To make sure I understand, you’re asking me if everyone at the table is guilty of murder because they were drunk?

If that’s the question my answer is no, they are not all culpable.
Exactly. There is a reason every other add on TV is some ambulance chaser.
I don’t advertise on TV and really don’t like it but how many insurnace ads are out there?

Flo/gecko/etc they are mainstream WHY?
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If Parker's violates the law and sells to underage people, then aren't they culpable?

Also, ALL money recovered is for the Plaintiff's benefit, so there is only one top to take it from.

If a Plaintiff has an offer when they hire me, then I take my fee off the increase I obtain for them. I do not take a fee off property damage in wrecks. 99% of the time Plaintiffs are offered zero or have no response from insurance companies or Defendants when they call me.

On one of my recent cases, yesterday I spoke with an adjuster who said they accepted 80% liability, where their driver turned directly in front of my motorcycle driver going 30 mph in a 35 zone - I asked them to qualify the 80% assessment and they said "well, he should have avoided the car."

I went and got the surveillance video of the intersection this morning, sent it to them and gave them until 10 am tomorrow to accept 100% - so is that my plaintiff-lawyer fault if I have to file suit on a possible $50,000 case where they have $250,000.00 in coverage?

I don't wish any ill will on anyone - but I believe a lot of your opinions would change if you were injured by another's negligence or recklessness.

I think everyone agrees that personal injury lawyers are very valuable and necessary in cases like the one you described.

But it's the BS slip-and-fall on the neighbor's driveway cases that are just terrible. And the "she backed into my car at Piggly Wiggly and there's zero property damage but my neck hurts and I went to the ER and did PT and here's my $6,000 in medical bills so this claim is worth $25,000." All personal injury lawyers I know gladly take these cases. And they all know good and damn well there's either no liability on the defendant (with the driveway slip and fall), or their client was never actually injured (at Piggly Wiggly). These types of claims are, in my opinion, immoral, fraudulent, and have a huge impact on insurance premiums for honest folk.
Paul's parents for one are also liable......they openly promoted alcohol with Paul ...It should have been obvious to them he had a severe problem
Being bad parents doesn't make them liable. Culpable perhaps, but not liable. If so, there the parents of every juvenile who commits gun violence would be in jail.
Being bad parents doesn't make them liable. Culpable perhaps, but not liable. If so, there the parents of every juvenile who commits gun violence would be in jail.
Not to mention that their son was an adult when the accident occurred. In my opinion, their liability is not that they were bad parents, but that it was their boat and they knew he was operating it while intoxicated.
If Parker's violates the law and sells to underage people, then aren't they culpable?

Also, ALL money recovered is for the Plaintiff's benefit, so there is only one top to take it from.

If a Plaintiff has an offer when they hire me, then I take my fee off the increase I obtain for them. I do not take a fee off property damage in wrecks. 99% of the time Plaintiffs are offered zero or have no response from insurance companies or Defendants when they call me.

On one of my recent cases, yesterday I spoke with an adjuster who said they accepted 80% liability, where their driver turned directly in front of my motorcycle driver going 30 mph in a 35 zone - I asked them to qualify the 80% assessment and they said "well, he should have avoided the car."

I went and got the surveillance video of the intersection this morning, sent it to them and gave them until 10 am tomorrow to accept 100% - so is that my plaintiff-lawyer fault if I have to file suit on a possible $50,000 case where they have $250,000.00 in coverage?

I don't wish any ill will on anyone - but I believe a lot of your opinions would change if you were injured by another's negligence or recklessness.
Are establishments responsible for detecting any fake ID… kid had an ID with a picture that looked just like him

Not sure what you are saying other than you occasionally cut clients breaks or your fees are different . If so that is good. Most attorneys do not do that. You are also talking about small awards

An attorney charging 35% on a 7-10 million dollar award is rodiculous

The % should go down as the award goes up and it should be regulated . Lawyers in general make the laws and favor themselves.

Their general excuse is they are helping the client. Thai is true but IMO there is a limit to what they should get