Here is where I think this thing ends. When the venue laws changed in 2005 AM did not modify his spending, nor did his family. Over the 16 years since, with his income suffering he began to go broke. Beginning in 2011 he started stealing from his clients and law firm. Anybody who has ever been involved in an embezzlement case knows that the crook begins by thinking he can pay back the money. Ultimately it catches him and he can't manage the juggling act of stealing from Peter to pay Paul. Just before it unraveled AM killed his wife, or more likely had her killed. The fact that his son "Timmy" was killed with shotgun from the house speaks volumes. A killer, say a drug hit squad doesn't go to a murder scene without the weapons to do the deal. I think Maggie was the target because he couldn't afford her and her spending habits. Timmie (Paul) heard the commotion and came out of the house with a shotgun. Someone took it away from him and killed him with it. There is no mystery about what happened to the money. The family spent it.