I don’t see it.
The Murdaugh family might have been a lot of things in people’s opinion but one thing is for sure they were a loyal family? Isn’t that a fact?
Let’s say some or all or nothing is true about the past. The nanny, the boy, the boat… I’m suppose to believe Alex killed or had his family killed finally? Maggie was going to leave him right? Where is this evidence? Or was it just some chick with a camera posting on blogs starting crap? Why hasn’t it been talked about it court if it is true?
The testimony from Rogen at the end says it all to me. There isn’t anyway he would kill his son, his family. I know things happen behind closed doors, but Rogen seem to see behind them, heck he calls out Alex on the stand, but only to end it with “no sir, i know him well, he wouldn’t hurt his family”
This is my theory, it looks like he did it…but that’s only because it’s suppose to look that way. he had money issues. They were going through lawsuits and having to sell things. But all the money he was “stealing” where is it? Where did it go? I’m sure I’m going down a rabbit hole or maybe i watch too much Narcos. What if he is involved with the “cowboys”.
You hear about it, i don’t live far from there, it’s a possibility. What if all the law suits and debt became too much and the money train stopped payments.(that’s why you cannot see where the money is going or where it went???)
“They did him so bad” what if that was the only break down… the word “they” almost like he knows..: the rumor is they don’t go after the one that owes the money, because you will never get the money, you go after the family… well… what if…and he is trying to protect his other son and brothers?
I do not believe he killed his wife or kid… it does not make any sense…
If you had someone else do it l, he is smart enough to be no where close. The things deleted is to try not to shed light on the much larger issue now…
The killers made it look like Alex and the state thinks it’s Alex but you can’t convince me he did it. Not after all of the years of protecting their own… it’s not what the history of Murduagh family tells me.