As of yesterday there were 15,226 people in the US hospitilized

It ain't over till it's over. It ain't over. I think the main problem here is that we still don't know where we are. The end of the beginning? I'm like everybody else. I am tired of all this. But, there is nothing I can do about it except follow the advice of people smarter than I am. And some of you ain't those people...
Dude these people are not smarter than you! I hate when people say that, they’re supposed to be specialists in certain areas but they are not smarter than you or me or anyone else-we can all be specialists and just as informed if we do our own research-we have time-some are just lazy!
This is not true....most have cancelled all non essential surgeries and that is a lot. They are not performing MRIs and CT scans. They are not seeing most patients outside of Covid patients. Most Dr offices are doing telemed visits and their caseload is 1/4 to 1/3 of normal. There are medical staff and providers that have been furloughed or laid off. They are doing all of this out of extreme caution to minimize the risks to other patients....not to make money.
Well let me know if you still believe that after reading this.
Why aren’t hospitals overwhelmed? Because people are socially distancing themselves. At least through April. Still, the US has more deaths than any other nation. Last time I checked, we were not the largest nation in the world.

Most nations with larger populations either aren't truthful about their numbers(China) or do not have systems setup to accurately provide reliable numbers.(India, for example)
your alternative is what?

I don't think there is an alternative as we need to open. But it needs to be stated that we will lose a lot of our seniors possibly in the process. It's just sad people are so flippant and don't really care.
estimated cases is in the 140s I believe. And I agree it doesn’t mean squat because if it’s a lot more the death rate would lower meaning we could get back to normal sooner
I agree. I don’t know what the actual motivation’s are around the numbers actually being reported all I’m convinced of is they aren’t anywhere close to being accurate and to use them to argue any side, to me, is pointless.
Same is true for the flu but we carry on as if the flu doesn’t kill people daily...
But when do we say it’s safe then? The only way to be certain is to have zero cases across the board...but we can’t wait that long. People say it will be safe when we have a vaccine...but even then, it will take a while to know if the vaccine is effective.
What I do know is that we need to get back to normal as soon as possible but there are some out there that would like this thing to drag out til November 4th, 2020 for other reasons.

I agree we need to open but you should stop being flippant and understand we will lose possibly a lot of seniors in the process.
I think my math is pretty solid. I think you got some of the details confused i.e. Struck vs. killed, per year vs. lifetime, 2% of 1% death rate, 2% of .5% death rate.

And no, no, no I'm not saying people w/ risk factors don't matter. Hell, like probably 75% of Americans & 75% of my family, I could stand to lose 20 pounds. I'm saying let's take a smart/ informed approach to what we're doing here.

You were comparing chances of getting struck by lightning to death rate, so that's why I went that route.

Either way, NOAA says your chances of getting struck by lightning in your lifetime are 1/15,300 = .006%. Chances of being struck in a year are 1/1,222,000 = 0.00008% (hopefully I got the right number of zeros in there). I have no idea where 1% is coming from...

I agree. I don’t know what the actual motivation’s are around the numbers actually being reported all I’m convinced of is they aren’t anywhere close to being accurate and to use them to argue any side, to me, is pointless.

And the hysteria has created massive issues for supplies that will go on into 2021. China is absolutely bending us over right now, selling to highest bidder for wired cash up front regardless of how long relationships been established, and can’t manufacture or deliver fast enough.
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After the Seneca tornado I went and cleaned up for 2 days. No one wearing masks, no one social distancing. Strangers helping those in need...hugging, shaking hands, sharing tools, providing food, etc etc

I looked this morning and Oconee county has 24 reported cases
Hey NM. We Senecans appreciate your help. You’re a star buddy.
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Hey NM. We Senecans appreciate your help. You’re a star buddy.

man I enjoyed it and am putting together a big care package for the community of supplies currently. One of our reps died a few years back and he was from Seneca. His wife reached out and asked what I could do

lots of my manufacturers stepping up to the plate and donating stuff for me
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Dude these people are not smarter than you! I hate when people say that, they’re supposed to be specialists in certain areas but they are not smarter than you or me or anyone else-we can all be specialists and just as informed if we do our own research-we have time-some are just lazy!

Yep, don’t be a sheep
Sorry. Just not true.

Hospitals are losing tons of money right now. Lots of layoffs and salary cuts.
Hospitals are losing money. But hospitals and providers do have a financial incentive to diagnose COVID-19 in every case possible. They are stretching to assign a COVID-19 diagnosis even if there was no test or no positive test- they only have to be suspicious. It even helps patients and their families get relief to receive the diagnosis.
@scartiger Thanks for the info and the article may have some truth to it....diagnosis codes and billing codes are how physicians and hospitals get paid by insurance companies and Medicare. A normal case of flu with ventilator will get coded and priced a certain amount and Covid + patient requiring ventilator may get a higher reimbursement......and this probably happens with several other similar diagnosis.......however, the cost and revenue of treating Covid patients does not come close to the lost revenue of all the other services a hospital and physician community provides.....primary care physicians, dermatology, endocrinology, orthopedics, cardiavascular specialists, etc are all losing money at this time and the hospital visits, services and surgeries associated with these services are losing money. There is no way the hospital system prefers the Covid source of revenue, but they are going to maximize the revenue for these Covid services just like all other services they provide.
Can you imagine what world war 2 veterans would think today if they were alive? All the shit that they fought for being destroyed by a bunch of commie libs and minions are following suit. They had the courage to ride those Higgins boats knowing that when those gates dropped, they probably were going to get shot. But, they didn’t flinch because they knew our freedom was at risk. Fast forward to today and We just curl up and let media scare the hell out of us. Bunch of candy asses.

Elderly or vulnerable, yes stay safe and isolate. The rest, let’s get off our asses and go. This country wasn’t built to be ruined by media manipulation and political divisiveness.

Challenge accepted....

This article is so misleading it should be listed as Fake News. The article doesn't say physicians are putting COVID patients on vents unnecessarily to get extra money, but it does try to hint that there is an incentive for a hospital/physician to game the system by diagnosing COVID. They clearly have no clue how Medicare reimburses.

Medicare has a base rate (adjusted for geography and other factors) multiplied by a Severity Adjusted Diagnosis Related Group. So if the base rate is around $6000 and the DRG has an acuity of 1.5, the hospital is going to get paid $9,000. Its actually very simple and predictable.

Medicare never has reimbursed for presumptive COVID, and they didn't even reimburse for positive COVID until April 1 when they recognized a COVID code. One of the criteria for being reimbursed with the COVID code is a positive COVID test. So how do you think there is an incentive to game the system...faking a test?

Prior to April 1, all COVID positive and presumptive COVID was paid at the same rate as unspecified flu like systems. These groups of ICD-10 codes and DRGs do not have a "with complications" or "with major complications" acuity add on. So prior to April 1, every COVID patient was paid like they had a cold, even those that spent weeks on a vent.

Here are the guidelines for COVID reimbursement
Code only a confirmed diagnosis of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as documented by the provider, documentation of a positive COVID-19 test result, or a presumptive positive COVID-19 test result. For a confirmed diagnosis, assign code U07.1, COVID-19. This is an exception to the hospital inpatient guideline Section II, H. In this context, “confirmation” does not require documentation of the type of test performed; the provider’s documentation that the individual has COVID-19 is sufficient.

Presumptive positive COVID-19 test results should be coded as confirmed. A presumptive positive test result means an individual has tested positive for the virus at a local or state level, but it has not yet been confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC confirmation of local and state tests for COVID-19 is no longer required

Here's how hospitals had to code prior to April 1.
Challenge accepted....

This article is so misleading it should be listed as Fake News. The article doesn't say physicians are putting COVID patients on vents unnecessarily to get extra money, but it does try to hint that there is an incentive for a hospital/physician to game the system by diagnosing COVID. They clearly have no clue how Medicare reimburses.

Medicare has a base rate (adjusted for geography and other factors) multiplied by a Severity Adjusted Diagnosis Related Group. So if the base rate is around $6000 and the DRG has an acuity of 1.5, the hospital is going to get paid $9,000. Its actually very simple and predictable.

Medicare never has reimbursed for presumptive COVID, and they didn't even reimburse for positive COVID until April 1 when they recognized a COVID code. One of the criteria for being reimbursed with the COVID code is a positive COVID test. So how do you think there is an incentive to game the system...faking a test?

Prior to April 1, all COVID positive and presumptive COVID was paid at the same rate as unspecified flu like systems. These groups of ICD-10 codes and DRGs do not have a "with complications" or "with major complications" acuity add on. So prior to April 1, every COVID patient was paid like they had a cold, even those that spent weeks on a vent.

Here are the guidelines for COVID reimbursement
Code only a confirmed diagnosis of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as documented by the provider, documentation of a positive COVID-19 test result, or a presumptive positive COVID-19 test result. For a confirmed diagnosis, assign code U07.1, COVID-19. This is an exception to the hospital inpatient guideline Section II, H. In this context, “confirmation” does not require documentation of the type of test performed; the provider’s documentation that the individual has COVID-19 is sufficient.

Presumptive positive COVID-19 test results should be coded as confirmed. A presumptive positive test result means an individual has tested positive for the virus at a local or state level, but it has not yet been confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC confirmation of local and state tests for COVID-19 is no longer required

Here's how hospitals had to code prior to April 1. I'm sure you'll understand it.
The article I posted was a fact checked article because of the misinformation being said.
Challenge accepted....

This article is so misleading it should be listed as Fake News. The article doesn't say physicians are putting COVID patients on vents unnecessarily to get extra money, but it does try to hint that there is an incentive for a hospital/physician to game the system by diagnosing COVID. They clearly have no clue how Medicare reimburses.

Medicare has a base rate (adjusted for geography and other factors) multiplied by a Severity Adjusted Diagnosis Related Group. So if the base rate is around $6000 and the DRG has an acuity of 1.5, the hospital is going to get paid $9,000. Its actually very simple and predictable.

Medicare never has reimbursed for presumptive COVID, and they didn't even reimburse for positive COVID until April 1 when they recognized a COVID code. One of the criteria for being reimbursed with the COVID code is a positive COVID test. So how do you think there is an incentive to game the system...faking a test?

Prior to April 1, all COVID positive and presumptive COVID was paid at the same rate as unspecified flu like systems. These groups of ICD-10 codes and DRGs do not have a "with complications" or "with major complications" acuity add on. So prior to April 1, every COVID patient was paid like they had a cold, even those that spent weeks on a vent.

Here are the guidelines for COVID reimbursement
Code only a confirmed diagnosis of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as documented by the provider, documentation of a positive COVID-19 test result, or a presumptive positive COVID-19 test result. For a confirmed diagnosis, assign code U07.1, COVID-19. This is an exception to the hospital inpatient guideline Section II, H. In this context, “confirmation” does not require documentation of the type of test performed; the provider’s documentation that the individual has COVID-19 is sufficient.

Presumptive positive COVID-19 test results should be coded as confirmed. A presumptive positive test result means an individual has tested positive for the virus at a local or state level, but it has not yet been confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC confirmation of local and state tests for COVID-19 is no longer required

Here's how hospitals had to code prior to April 1.
So hospitals are making more is why you have these lies about the deaths. Most of the people are dying from other causes but are being labeled as virus death. So how many has actually died from the virus? Not as many as they would have you believe.

The article I posted was a fact checked article because of the misinformation being said.

The article is wrong. His claim was:
"Jensen clarified in the video that he doesn't think physicians are "gaming the system" so much as other "players," such as hospital administrators, who he said may pressure physicians to cite all diagnoses, including "probable" COVID-19, on discharge papers or death certificates to get the higher Medicare allocation allowed under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. Past practice, Jensen said, did not include probabilities."

There is no incentive to indicate PROBABLE because there has never been a reimbursement for PROBABLE. The only reimbursement allowed is for confirmed test.

So USA Today Fact Checkers didn't even know what the they were fact checking.
The article is wrong. His claim was:
"Jensen clarified in the video that he doesn't think physicians are "gaming the system" so much as other "players," such as hospital administrators, who he said may pressure physicians to cite all diagnoses, including "probable" COVID-19, on discharge papers or death certificates to get the higher Medicare allocation allowed under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. Past practice, Jensen said, did not include probabilities."

There is no incentive to indicate PROBABLE because there has never been a reimbursement for PROBABLE. The only reimbursement allowed is for confirmed test.

So USA Today Fact Checkers didn't even know what the they were fact checking.
LOL Look at the video I posted to your post.
Thats for public health surveillance. It has nothing to do with reimbursement.
Did you listen to the woman. She said if you were in hospice and had weeks to live and died of the original problem but had the virus they're listing it as a virus death. Can't get much simpler than that.
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Yes. Lets shut down the economy. Unemploy 30+million people, force people to stay in their houses and wear mask until at least next summer if a vaccine comes out, over a virus that only negatively affects high risk people.

People still can't comprehend that the point of quarantine and social distancing is not to prevent people from getting the virus. Its to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed at the same time...which isn't happening...anywhere.

This. 1000 times. This.
My wife is privy to hospital financials and this argument is quit laughable. Quit feeding the trolls.
My opinion as a physician:

The shutdown and social distancing was necessary and critical. If it had been enacted back in February, far less people would have died and it would have lasted a shorter amount of time.

I don't think it's reasonable to expect shutdowns to last until a vaccine or even until new therapeutics. Hospitals simply need to be prepared for these patients. They need to have protocols for using PPE, protocols for line placement, intubations, shifts, etc. California has done this brilliantly and the majority of their ventilated patients actually survive.

We need to move from government mandated shut down to common sense practices from people. The populated cities should continue wearing masks, staying away from large groups, etc. If an outbreak occurs, it should be dealt with swiftly with rapid tests and isolation of contacts.

I think this could happen in a matter of 1 to 3 weeks, but the US population is getting ancy and wants to jump the gun.

The rapid test is still not wide spread, and there is still not a reliable antibody test.

My worry (one of them, anyway) is that by cooping people up and feeding them all of the doom-and-gloom scenarios we are going to have outbreaks of depression, violence, and even suicide.

I think that is behind a lot of the protests you're seeing now - especially in states where they have gone seriously over the edge.
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There are also 875,696 active cases in the United States. That number is still climbing. There are only 155,737 total recovered cases. That ratio is NOT good. It essentially means that we are still at least 30 days away from actual (total) deaths in a best case scenario.

It’s not over yet and I do agree that we have to get the Economy back up and going, absolutely, but let’s not ignore that there are still tons of deaths coming, unfortunately.

That’s without any resurgence. We are only talking about the first wave, largely under Quarantine.

Require masks from everyone, limit large gatherings, get the Economy started back. It’s going to suck, but I think we’re going to have to do it.
I’m not wearing a mask.
Ain’t scared of the virus or the media
Worked everyday from Charleston to Greenville and me and all my co workers are fine.
You were comparing chances of getting struck by lightning to death rate, so that's why I went that route.

Either way, NOAA says your chances of getting struck by lightning in your lifetime are 1/15,300 = .006%. Chances of being struck in a year are 1/1,222,000 = 0.00008% (hopefully I got the right number of zeros in there). I have no idea where 1% is coming from...

I googled it so it might have been wrong. It said 1/5000 over a lifetime which sounds kind of low when I think about it. Maybe that's for everybody in the world or something? I hope yours is right because I don't especially want to be struck by lightening.
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Dude these people are not smarter than you! I hate when people say that, they’re supposed to be specialists in certain areas but they are not smarter than you or me or anyone else-we can all be specialists and just as informed if we do our own research-we have time-some are just lazy!

This is akin to telling your children they can do anything they set their mind to. Over time I’ve learned they really can’t.
Don't even try. Rush Limbaugh has been pushing this narrative for two or more weeks now, so those who are bought in are in. It's just as false as the narrative that deaths are being over counted.

It's being removed because it's full of misinformation and has been widely discredited. These are Urgent Care clinic docs way outside of their lane.

It is being removed because tech companies have set themselves up as the all-knowing judges of truth who are self-empowered to silence voices and censor opinions with which they disagree. I actually saw someone from one of those companies saying they would be removing content that did not agree with WHO guidelines recommendations about Covid-19. Just think, if they had done that in January, anyone saying that the virus spreads through human contact would have been in opposition to WHO statements, and these pompous self-appointed overlords would have removed the comments.

Long after the Covid is in the rear view mirror, the speech police will still be with us. Anytime people start talking about the need to censor dangerous speech, they are walking down a well-worn path to tyranny. This is way more dangerous to the country than Covid.
34,000 deaths from the flu during the 2018-2019 season in the U.S.

We just hit 63,000 deaths, in two month from Covid, with the greatest lockdown in 100 years.

People continuing to beat the "stop being a pansy" the lockdown was unnecessary drum, are maddening.
Dude these people are not smarter than you! I hate when people say that, they’re supposed to be specialists in certain areas but they are not smarter than you or me or anyone else-we can all be specialists and just as informed if we do our own research-we have time-some are just lazy![/QUO
You obviously don't know me very well...or at all really. I am not very bright. Having said that it has now been proven that I could be president of the United States.
literally everyone in this thread is cherry-picking data to support their argument when we all, truly, have no idea what's going on. There's a chance we have vastly underreported deaths. There's a chance people are dying from issues that are indirectly caused by the virus (not getting medical care for other treatments). Fewer people are driving and significantly fewer people are showing up at hospitals for heart issues. Is that because people are scared to go to the hospital? Why are a number of states seeing a MAJOR spike in general deaths from prior years?

are young people seeing significantly higher stroke rates? Is there lasting damage to people's lungs from the disase?

So many unanswered questions that all of a sudden the virology experts on this board are 100% certain about.
People aren't interested in facts though. They won't to keep the lockdown going indefinitely and destroy the economy and create fear.
I live in the most cynical town in America - Washington, DC - and NO ONE I have ever talked with or listened to has indicated they want to destroy the economy. For what purpose? The people being hurt the most by the lockdown are the nation's poorest people (both in wealth and health) so so-called liberals aren't eager for a ruined economy. Conservatives want a strong economy so they aren't interested in a ruined economy.

"People" who make up statements like yours are the ones who fabricate things for their own political purposes.
Dude these people are not smarter than you! I hate when people say that, they’re supposed to be specialists in certain areas but they are not smarter than you or me or anyone else-we can all be specialists and just as informed if we do our own research-we have time-some are just lazy!

you are never going to be "just as informed" as people who literally spend their whole lives studying a particular topic. This is the fallacy of the internet. Yes, if you choose to go be a virology expert, you can be just as well-informed as other virology experts. But you sure as shit aren't going to be just as informed as other policy experts in their chosen field of study because you read through some research on the internet. thats nuts man.
Did you listen to the woman. She said if you were in hospice and had weeks to live and died of the original problem but had the virus they're listing it as a virus death. Can't get much simpler than that.

And that doesn't have jackcrap to do with what a hospital or physician is paid.
I live in the most cynical town in America - Washington, DC - and NO ONE I have ever talked with or listened to has indicated they want to destroy the economy. For what purpose? The people being hurt the most by the lockdown are the nation's poorest people (both in wealth and health) so so-called liberals aren't eager for a ruined economy. Conservatives want a strong economy so they aren't interested in a ruined economy.

"People" who make up statements like yours are the ones who fabricate things for their own political purposes.

You can believe whatever you want. I don't care.