Biden drops out

Of course it is because he's just that dangerous. If you really cared about re-taking the White House, you would have elected Nikki and she would have won in a landslide. But you aren't voting on policy either, you're voting for a madman because you want him to destroy your enemies. Nikki could have the greatest conservative platform in history but it wouldn't matter because she might not own the libs to your liking.

I’m not a Trump loyalist. I would have preferred someone else, but here we are.

I still like his policies better than any of the main democratic characters.
LOL. This is a huge shit show and you are ok flinging it around.

An open process in our democratic republic is that the party nominee for president is voted by the people. The next nominee would not have been voted by the people. Therefore, it isn’t an open process. Could you imagine what the blowback and conversation would be by the left if the republicans did this?

Quick splitting hairs. They thought he could win because of his dementia. You can’t sit there with a straight face and say that Biden doesn’t have deep cognitive issues. The left have known this for years, but “he’s sharp as a tack.” Either your cognitive abilities are crap, you have single digit IQ, or you’re just a troll if really believe there is nothing wrong with Bidens ability to be our current president.
Every single one of us sincerely cares.
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I’m not a Trump loyalist. I would have preferred someone else, but here we are.

I still like his policies better than any of the main democratic characters.
Will this be your 3rd time voting for Donald? I'm just trying to get an idea of how much of a Trump loyalist that you are not.
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Who do you think it'll be?

I think it'll be Kamala? If you're willing to bet 500 on it, surely you're willing to bet a little more, right?
My theory is that Kamala is so highly unpopular that some type of shenanigans will happen at the DNC. She is a weak player and weak players are open to challenges. Contested conventions are not unheard of.

I think the market may have overreacted to the announcement. She traded up to 84% chance and so i shorted it from there.

If you want to give me ~6 to 1 odds that she will be the democratic nominee, sure i would take that bet for another 500. But you don't need to go through me, just go over to one of the betting sites and do it.
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My theory is that Kamala is so highly unpopular that some type of shenanigans will happen at the DNC. She is a weak player and weak players are open to challenges. Contested conventions are not unheard of.

I think the market may have overreacted to the announcement. She traded up to 84% chance and so i shorted it from there.

If you want to give me ~6 to 1 odds that she will be the democratic nominee, sure i would take that bet for another 500. But you don't need to go through me, just go over to one of the betting sites and do it.
No money. Just a straight up leave the board until 2025 bet if Kamala isn't the nominee coming out of the DNC
LOL. This is a huge shit show and you are ok flinging it around.

An open process in our democratic republic is that the party nominee for president is voted by the people. The next nominee would not have been voted by the people. Therefore, it isn’t an open process. Could you imagine what the blowback and conversation would be by the left if the republicans did this?

Quick splitting hairs. They thought he could win because of his dementia. You can’t sit there with a straight face and say that Biden doesn’t have deep cognitive issues. The left have known this for years, but “he’s sharp as a tack.” Either your cognitive abilities are crap, you have single digit IQ, or you’re just a troll if really believe there is nothing wrong with Bidens ability to be our current president.
OK Panky
I notice a lot of angst amongst the magas that the Democrats aren't doing things the way magas want them to. Get very used to that feeling.

Magas just want you to play by the rules. When Dems start cheating and changing the rules we get nervous.
Do the DNC rules specifically allow for gaslighting your citizens to subvert their vote?

Asking for millions of democrats whose votes meant a big fat ZERO?
Magas just want you to play by the rules. When Dems start cheating and changing the rules we get nervous.
You claim we don't play by the rules even when we do, so no matter what they do, you'll claim cheating while you ignore the biggest attempted cheater in American political history.
Do the DNC rules specifically state that only 4000 people should ever be able to select a candidate? Because that is what has happened the past 3 elections.
You claim we don't play by the rules even when we do, so no matter what they do, you'll claim cheating while you ignore the biggest attempted cheater in American political history.

Did your vote mean anything?
Maybe Yahoo should make a new rule that only people whose vote counted should be allowed to post.
Kamala is your candidate. And you are going to like it!
I do like it so that works out. But I thought you bet $500 that she wouldn't be the candidate.

On a side note, I just really, really appreciate your continued efforts to come our defense repeatedly itt. You clearly care about election integrity.
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Will this be your 3rd time voting for Donald? I'm just trying to get an idea of how much of a Trump loyalist that you are not.
I voted for him 2016. Did not vote 2020. Did not vote in any primary.

Any other questions?
I live in South Carolina. My vote for POTUS has never meant anything. Again, we appreciate your willingness to stick up for us, and doubly so the sincerity with which you do it.

Your vote as a democrat voter has never meant less. Especially swing state voters.
I think you are going to lose that $$$. If it is not her, they lose all the funding they have accumulated to this point.
I think I am going to lose money too. But If I dont I will have 6 times as much money.

Don't mistake a bet on the odds as a prediction. I think the bet is mispriced. I think there is better than a 13% chance someone else ends up being the nominee. That is all i am saying. I reserve the right to change my mind anytime.

Kamala is highly unpopular. She doesn't move the needle vs Trump. This is why Biden took so long to drop out, because even Biden knows Kamala can't win.

The next two weeks we are going to get to know Kamala. And that is not a good thing for Democrats beause she is unlikeable, and doesn't have much experience to run on. If she runs on her record as VP then that is not going to be good for her.

Dem voters will realize she has no realistic shot at beating Trump and they will put someone like Whitmer on the ticket.
I think I am going to lose money too. But If I dont I will have 6 times as much money.

Don't mistake a bet on the odds as a prediction. I think the bet is mispriced. I think there is better than a 13% chance someone else ends up being the nominee. That is all i am saying. I reserve the right to change my mind anytime.

Kamala is highly unpopular. She doesn't move the needle vs Trump. This is why Biden took so long to drop out, because even Biden knows Kamala can't win.

The next two weeks we are going to get to know Kamala. And that is not a good thing for Democrats beause she is unlikeable, and doesn't have much experience to run on. If she runs on her record as VP then that is not going to be good for her.

Dem voters will realize she has no realistic shot at beating Trump and they will put someone like Whitmer on the ticket.
I'm not sure your read on all this is 100% right. But as you said, you have the right to change your mind, and I'm sure Vegas will understand that rationale too.
Some of y'all are smoking crack if you think Kamala comes out of the convention as the nominee... Why would the "powers" that just erased Biden nominate an even worse candidate? They won't, and it's gonna cost them even more of the black and minority vote when said voters find out... Barack and Nancy have a plan and Kamala ain't it...
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Some of y'all are smoking crack if you think Kamala comes out of the convention as the nominee... Why would the "powers" that just erased Biden nominate an even worse candidate? They won't, and it's gonna cost them even more of the black and minority vote when said voters find out... Barack and Nancy have a plan and Kamala ain't it...
Agreed, she'll be the nominee well before the convention. Officially.
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I think I am going to lose money too. But If I dont I will have 6 times as much money.

Don't mistake a bet on the odds as a prediction. I think the bet is mispriced. I think there is better than a 13% chance someone else ends up being the nominee. That is all i am saying. I reserve the right to change my mind anytime.

Kamala is highly unpopular. She doesn't move the needle vs Trump. This is why Biden took so long to drop out, because even Biden knows Kamala can't win.

The next two weeks we are going to get to know Kamala. And that is not a good thing for Democrats beause she is unlikeable, and doesn't have much experience to run on. If she runs on her record as VP then that is not going to be good for her.

Dem voters will realize she has no realistic shot at beating Trump and they will put someone like Whitmer on the ticket.
Looks like the base isn't listening to your argument

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