And back to the name calling. Make no mistake, I can take it.
Offer still stands for beers in the city.
what name did I call you?
And back to the name calling. Make no mistake, I can take it.
Offer still stands for beers in the city.
But why were there more mail in ballots this year than ever before? I didn't request a mail-in, one was automatically sent to me because our governor didn't open up in person voting. Mail-in ballots were by request and most states required justification in every other election. So when you send out a mail in ballot to everyone in the state, you're overly dependent on a census or local state/county records having accurate data.
If I read your post correctly, you're suggesting that federal funding be allocated to states to staff up but the decisions for how voting will be carried out are made at the state level? So PA for example, decide to stretch out the deadline for counting weeks before the election and then need federal funding to actually pull it off? Republicans blocked funding because they wanted people to show up in person and vote. Much like those same mail-in voters showed up to celebrate the last two days and much like protesters took the streets all year.
We went from 4 years of constant Russian rigged election blasts to elections can't be rigged. I hope Trump concedes this week. In all honesty and sincerity, just end it and move on so some of you can collect your Biden prize and we can stop wasting tax dollars trying to prove dems cheated. Even with evidence, the outcome won't be flipped.
Trump should buy a media company (CNN just happens to be for sale) and spend the next 4 years running negative Biden stories, much like they did to him.
what name did I call you?
Objectively spin spin spin 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
First paragraph: ballots are sent using registration data that the voter provides.
We should always be looking for ways to make voting easier, not forcing voters into one particular method. Mail in voting is safe, secure, and almost entirely free of fraud. The "fraud" the trump campaign is currently alleging has nothing to do with the dire warnings of mass "ballot harvesting" (like Republicans in CA do). So why not let people vote by mail?
And on the funding side, yes, the federal government should give money to states to administer elections however the state sees fit.
There is no real evidence. Read any of the almost dozen cases the trump cAmpaign has filed and seen dismissed. They are not presenting hard evidence of any wrongdoing. It's a propoganda show. He thinks you all are dumb.
Show me some facts! AssholeLolwut?
You. Have. No. Idea. What. You. Are. Talking. About.
You are making things up to win an internet argument.
You. Have. No. Idea. What. You. Are. Talking. About.
You are making things up to win an internet argument.
Well that's what it shows. Hard to be much more in the medical field with an associates degree.
Calling in the owner of the site because your brain melted. Sad. Fix your own problems stop causing them for others.
Show some facts! I didn’t think so.Calling in the owner of the site because your brain melted. Sad. Fix your own problems stop causing them for others.
Show some facts. I didn’t think soYou are arguing with the only person on the board who actively campaigned against having a football season, just so he could claim that "liberals ruin everything".
There is no logic with him...only butthurt.
Show some facts. I didn’t think so
I never denied that. I’m waiting on @iceheart08’s facts dumbass.Gladly. I like facts.
On June 26 you said, "I now am cheering for us not to have it. It’ll just be more proof liberals ruin everything."
Morehouse Cancels Football
Morehouse cancels football for this upcoming season. Starting to become real that we may not have a
This x1000
College Football =
Too many pussy liberals on American college campuses
I now am cheering for us not to have it. It’ll just be more proof liberals ruin everything.
Please post facts to support your bullshit.seriously. what are you talking about?
this is how the process works every cycle. Unsurprisingly, there were more mail-in ballots this cycle than ever before, and republicans blocked money that would have gone to states and local county clerks to help them staff up to count them. but other than that, you must be new to elections? this is basically how the process works every cycle.
I never denied that.
You stupid Fvck! Either post facts to support his bullshit or GTFOReally? You replied to my post and said, "Show some facts. I don't think so." Scroll up if you don't believe me.
So, regardless of whether or not you meant that for me and/or @iceheart08, you are certainly the dumbass in this scenario. In every scenario, actually.
You stupid Fvck! Either post facts to support his bullshit or GTFO
That’s what I thought. Cheating pussiesYou are so triggered. It's hysterical.
That’s what I thought. Cheating pussies
My friend, democracy has occurred. Legal votes have been counted, its over. No one stole anything, it was all done in an open and honest way. Let go of your hate and learn to live another day.Show some facts! I didn’t think so.
Like I said. I didn’t think soMy friend, democracy has occurred. Legal votes have been counted, its over. No one stole anything, it was all done in an open and honest way. Let go of your hate and learn to live another day.
Didn’t think soAnd thanks for liking/loving/laughing at my posts! Any reaction from you elicits a huge laugh from me in real life. You suck.
Vote by mail has never at any point in the country's history been a controversial topic. It only became an issue this year because the president decided to make it an issue, and he's cultivated such a cult of personality that his followers listen to him blindly, without question.We should always be looking for ways to make voting easier, not forcing voters into one particular method. Mail in voting is safe, secure, and almost entirely free of fraud. The "fraud" the trump campaign is currently alleging has nothing to do with the dire warnings of mass "ballot harvesting" (like Republicans in CA do). So why not let people vote by mail?
Again though and more to my point, I get mail for the previous person that owned my house almost weekly and we've owned the house for 4 if she doesn't update her registration, I get her ballot. There will be hundreds of thousands of this example alone, especially in states where you didn't have to request a mail in ballot.
Anything that involves a human is prone to both honest mistakes and dishonest fraud. The only way to fix that is to remove humans from the process as much as you can. Hence the push to vote in person.
So let me give an're running a portfolio company under a larger parent, without approval you decide to invest in a new product and go out and procure software, hardware, resources, infrastructure and then go back to the parent company and tell them you can't afford to deliver the product end state without additional funding despite not agreeing the approach before you spent the money. What do you see wrong with that scenario?
There may not be real evidence of substantial consequence but there are examples and those should be investigated if for nothing more to expose where the process was unfair/corrupt so we can improve our process in the future. Even your girl Hillary as recent as the last two weeks is still suggesting the election was stolen from her. How about Stacey Abrams, who is still suggesting she won her election and refuses to admit she lost? Al Gore had his day in court. I think you'll find that is all too common that the loser contests the results. If Joe had lost a few blue states by a thin margin, do you not agree he might challenge the results?
NO presidential candidate who lost has ever done what Trump has done thus far. His inability to accept the facts is totally insane and is not normal.Timely share buddy, thank you......this backs up what I said earlier in that all elections are contested by the loser. HC, Stacey A, Gore and now Trump.
He'll submit his accusations and if found to be legally viable, they will be pursued. Otherwise, we all move on before Biden is sworn in.
NO presidential candidate who lost has ever done what Trump has done thus far. His inability to accept the facts is totally insane and is not normal.
The difference here, is that Hillary Clinton gave a speech and conceded. Donald Trump never will. He will NEVER say he lost, IMO he will forever claim he won this election even if he himself knows it not to be true.
What's the fundamental difference? Just because Biden isn't the loser, the assumption is he wouldn't contest when the advice is not to concede at any costs? You don't read Hillary's tone being that she's still suggesting the election was stolen?
If you recall, Clinton and Pelosi preemptively accused Trump of cheating in this election well before it started so heaven forbid he accuses the left of doing the same and asks to investigate where local officials and staff are telling him there is fraud. It's not like he's flying around from state to state himself chucking out allegations.
If it's all bogus, then we know in a few weeks when it gets shot down in court and you can have your 4 years of healing and bringing us all back together again.
The difference here, is that Hillary Clinton gave a speech and conceded. Donald Trump never will. He will NEVER say he lost, IMO he will forever claim he won this election even if he himself knows it not to be true.
The difference here, is that Hillary Clinton gave a speech and conceded. Donald Trump never will. He will NEVER say he lost, IMO he will forever claim he won this election even if he himself knows it not to be true.
Conceded and promptly initiated a full blown Russian scandal in retaliation.......quam primum obliviscamur
Yeah but so what, Biden will still take the office and Trump will be shipped back to Trump Towers to run out his remaining years or plan for his failed run in 2024 once the courts shoot down his "bogus" advances.
From all of the posts on here about how incapable he is of acting like a grown up, why the sudden surprise and outrage? You saw this coming, no?
Yes even when people knew he would do the shocking thing, its still shocking. I know people use hyperbole a lot in politics but Trump not accepting the results of the election is a stress test on our democracy i really do not enjoy. I'm not going to enjoy watching him fire people and try to sabotage the government as much as possible on his way out the door.Conceded and promptly initiated a full blown Russian scandal in retaliation.......quam primum obliviscamur
Yeah but so what, Biden will still take the office and Trump will be shipped back to Trump Towers to run out his remaining years or plan for his failed run in 2024 once the courts shoot down his "bogus" advances.
From all of the posts on here about how incapable he is of acting like a grown up, why the sudden surprise and outrage? You saw this coming, no?
Conceded and promptly initiated a full blown Russian scandal in retaliation.......quam primum obliviscamur
Yeah but so what, Biden will still take the office and Trump will be shipped back to Trump Towers to run out his remaining years or plan for his failed run in 2024 once the courts shoot down his "bogus" advances.
From all of the posts on here about how incapable he is of acting like a grown up, why the sudden surprise and outrage? You saw this coming, no?
You really insist on conflating "Hillary Clinton" with "the Democratic Party" and "Joe Biden".
Fair point on Joe Biden, not so much on affiliating her with the democratic party. Didn't she run as such?