Clemson and NewSpring

Originally posted by Mr. Clemson:
Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Just did a quick search of their financials and found that roughly 80% of their $50 MILLION dollar income goes to the church and it's operation. A mere 9% actually goes to mission trips. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but where is this church giving back? What are they doing SPECIFICALLY to better the community they are in? If you can provide me with specific examples with dollar figures (if possible), I would appreciate it. Personally, this would be extremely worrisome to see this graphic.
What are we doing to "better the community" we are in? 11,983 total salvations in 2013. That's a start.

I'm not going into any other specifics with you, because you obviously have some form of agenda against our church.
No, "Mr. Clemson", I have no agenda. I genuinely want to learn more about this church but I am most certainly skeptic ESPECIALLY considering the revenue coming in.

Saving someone's life and converting them to an "owner" is great but I'm speaking more towards feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, working with underprivileged kids IN THEIR OWN COMMUNITY. Are you working with other non-profits to better the community that is helping you bring in $50 Million? If so, please provide examples.
Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Just did a quick search of their financials and found that roughly 80% of their $50 MILLION dollar income goes to the church and it's operation. A mere 9% actually goes to mission trips. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but where is this church giving back? What are they doing SPECIFICALLY to better the community they are in? If you can provide me with specific examples with dollar figures (if possible), I would appreciate it. Personally, this would be extremely worrisome to see this graphic.

Source: NewSpring Annual Report 2013

TOTAL INCOME$50,785,156
Operating36%Staffing31%Campus Launches/Upgrades24%Missions 9%

This post was edited on 4/16 5:24 PM by SWUtigers
Just out of curiosity, SWU, what percentage of your church's budget goes to missions? I don't know what mine is but I am going to see if I can find the most recent report that was given out. Wondering by how much NS falls behind the mean.
Chapin, I looked at mine (Eastminster Pres) and will post the numbers when I have time because I wanted to compare. Let's say we do more in the community than NS that I know of. I'd be curious to hear from the owners, though.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

This post was edited on 4/16 11:01 PM by SWUtigers
Originally posted by chapintiger:

Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Just did a quick search of their financials and found that roughly 80% of their $50 MILLION dollar income goes to the church and it's operation. A mere 9% actually goes to mission trips. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but where is this church giving back? What are they doing SPECIFICALLY to better the community they are in? If you can provide me with specific examples with dollar figures (if possible), I would appreciate it. Personally, this would be extremely worrisome to see this graphic.

Source: NewSpring Annual Report 2013

TOTAL INCOME$50,785,156
Operating36%Staffing31%Campus Launches/Upgrades24%Missions 9%

This post was edited on 4/16 5:24 PM by SWUtigers
Just out of curiosity, SWU, what percentage of your church's budget goes to missions? I don't know what mine is but I am going to see if I can find the most recent report that was given out. Wondering by how much NS falls behind the mean.
You can't really look at it that way IMO. Newspring brings in 50 times more per year than most churches. Obviously a lot of that money has to go back into the churches themselves, but with all that money in, you should see a more significant number going to community outreach than you would in a normal church.

I just feel like Perry Noble is striving to be like Joel Osteen. If I went to Newspring I'd take the money I was going to tithe and give it to local charity/outreach organizations instead of Newspring Church.
Originally posted by Trading Tiger:

Sorta...I am a Newspring owner. If anyone ever wants to debate anything that Newspring does, I'm all for it, and many times, I'd agree with the other person's stance. I don't agree with everything Newspring does. However, calling the criticism that Newspring receives "debate" is a stretch. That'd be like calling some of the flame posts on TI debates. They're not debates, they're attacks. Yes, if we were better Christians we wouldn't let that bother us, but we're not perfect, so we stick up for ourselves, our Pastor, and our Church.

I don't know Perry but I get the sense that his "rockstar status" is unwanted rather than desired, and more of a curse than a blessing.

I attended New Spring for a while. I quit because of a situation similar to the professors that I realy dont wish to air publically. I have met and spoke with Perry a handful of times though I wouldn't say "I know him".

I thought for a long time he was a great guy who was genuinely unaware of some of the actions of his followers. When he made the video with Dabo and put it on Youtube bashing his detractors, I realized then who he was TO ME.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

For me, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, Perry puts fine Italian leather shoes on a select few.
Originally posted by OrangeForever:

Originally posted by haymond1977:
At that time I was rubbing out 3 a day
haymond, you are blind, right?
Not a knock on New Spring, but how did they get permission to use the Paw on their "I love my church" shirts in place of the heart? Did they just pay Clemson to use it?
Originally posted by OrangeTigerTower:
Originally posted by Trading Tiger:

Sorta...I am a Newspring owner. If anyone ever wants to debate anything that Newspring does, I'm all for it, and many times, I'd agree with the other person's stance. I don't agree with everything Newspring does. However, calling the criticism that Newspring receives "debate" is a stretch. That'd be like calling some of the flame posts on TI debates. They're not debates, they're attacks. Yes, if we were better Christians we wouldn't let that bother us, but we're not perfect, so we stick up for ourselves, our Pastor, and our Church.

I don't know Perry but I get the sense that his "rockstar status" is unwanted rather than desired, and more of a curse than a blessing.

I attended New Spring for a while. I quit because of a situation similar to the professors that I realy dont wish to air publically. I have met and spoke with Perry a handful of times though I wouldn't say "I know him".

I thought for a long time he was a great guy who was genuinely unaware of some of the actions of his followers. When he made the video with Dabo and put it on Youtube bashing his detractors, I realized then who he was TO ME.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

For me, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, Perry puts fine Italian leather shoes on a select few.

Originally posted by TAINT_PAINT:



Frequency depends on which week of the month it is

The story isnt worth telling in a public forum. I had enough repercussions when it was going on.
Originally posted by haymond1977:
Miller got it right. I used to be very concerned when I heard of a "movement" or a creative speaker luring people in to the tent! I watched a traveling tent guy, dude named Jay Stract or something, save a bunch of my friends and got them on such an emotional high. When they came off the high, they were back to the good ole drunks that were me and my friends.

When I first attended NewSpring some 7 years ago, I was very skeptical of the whole thing. That first day, Perry preached on false idols and stated that if you worship me, and do no know Jesus Christ, you will surely go to hell. He also went on to talk about how he was so flawed and really had to battle to keep away from a porn addiction. At that time I was rubbing out 3 a day[/B] and thought people who didn't do that were gay! lol.

Which brings me to today. I am a very flawed Christian and a proud to be a NewSpring member. I try not to get defensive of legalists and non believers saying bad things about NewSpring but they say the things, that through my experiences, I would have said years ago but now I know better. I have a dude I work with who asked where I went to church and I told him NewSpring. He responded with a shitty "Ugh!" and said "If I wanted to go to a rock concert I would go there but I want to go to church!". This dude has a wife that only wears dresses and no makeup, doesn't believe in wearing wedding rings because they are too flashy and has pressed the issue at work over our boss telling him he needs to read his Bible at home instead of at work. Never once in all his blabbering all this bull crap did I judge dude or say anything to him. The one time he asks me about my church, the only thing that comes out of his cocksucker is "Ugh". That's why I get a little ill with people saying crap about NewSpring. Just shut your stupid mouths.

This post was edited on 4/16 9:00 PM by JP09191978
Originally posted by wyldpirate:
Not a knock on New Spring, but how did they get permission to use the Paw on their "I love my church" shirts in place of the heart? Did they just pay Clemson to use it?
They have to pay a licensing fee for every shirt sold with the Paw on it.
Originally posted by OrangeTigerTower:
Originally posted by TAINT_PAINT:



Frequency depends on which week of the month it is

The story isnt worth telling in a public forum. I had enough repercussions when it was going on.

Like I said before, the goal of any church should be to bring folks to Christ. I could care less if Perry made $25 mil last year in salary. His church is bring A LOT more people to Christ. Be skeptical all you want, but there will be A LOT more people in heaven due to Newspring introducing them to the word.
Originally posted by acwill07:

Originally posted by chapintiger:

Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Just did a quick search of their financials and found that roughly 80% of their $50 MILLION dollar income goes to the church and it's operation. A mere 9% actually goes to mission trips. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but where is this church giving back? What are they doing SPECIFICALLY to better the community they are in? If you can provide me with specific examples with dollar figures (if possible), I would appreciate it. Personally, this would be extremely worrisome to see this graphic.

Source: NewSpring Annual Report 2013

TOTAL INCOME$50,785,156
Operating36%Staffing31%Campus Launches/Upgrades24%Missions 9%

This post was edited on 4/16 5:24 PM by SWUtigers
Just out of curiosity, SWU, what percentage of your church's budget goes to missions? I don't know what mine is but I am going to see if I can find the most recent report that was given out. Wondering by how much NS falls behind the mean.
You can't really look at it that way IMO. Newspring brings in 50 times more per year than most churches. Obviously a lot of that money has to go back into the churches themselves, but with all that money in, you should see a more significant number going to community outreach than you would in a normal church.

I just feel like Perry Noble is striving to be like Joel Osteen. If I went to Newspring I'd take the money I was going to tithe and give it to local charity/outreach organizations instead of Newspring Church.
What do you mean that we "can't really look at it that way?"

Are you saying we can't compare the percentage churches give to missions versus what NS does because their budget is so much larger? Just curious.
I wasn't going to chime in but decided to. I attended Newspring for years. I was a sinner, still am, but a really bad one back then. They did a great job at getting me excited to go to church and yes become saved, but it was all based on atmosphere, lights, rock music, etc.. There is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is what happens next. They do a great job of getting people there and saved, but this all that it is, a bunch of numbers. They do nothing to strengthen your relationship with Christ, nothing to bolster your commitment to him once you have been saved. I saw it with many believers who were still weak. It was like I'm saved, now what. Don't get me started on the money issue. It is a joke. If you want to continue to line the pockets of the upper elite staff then have at it, but your money is not being spent where it should be.
Originally posted by clintontiger1:
I wasn't going to chime in but decided to. I attended Newspring for years. I was a sinner, still am, but a really bad one back then. They did a great job at getting me excited to go to church and yes become saved, but it was all based on atmosphere, lights, rock music, etc.. There is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is what happens next. They do a great job of getting people there and saved, but this all that it is, a bunch of numbers. They do nothing to strengthen your relationship with Christ, nothing to bolster your commitment to him once you have been saved. I saw it with many believers who were still weak. It was like I'm saved, now what. Don't get me started on the money issue. It is a joke. If you want to continue to line the pockets of the upper elite staff then have at it, but your money is not being spent where it should be.
This is pretty much what I figured.
Originally posted by BCTiger8:
Like I said before, the goal of any church should be to bring folks to Christ. I could care less if Perry made $25 mil last year in salary. His church is bring A LOT more people to Christ. Be skeptical all you want, but there will be A LOT more people in heaven due to Newspring introducing them to the word.
Wouldn't Perry taking home $25m defy everything he preaches?

And I'd venture to say that groups like Newspring turn people off to religion as much as they introduce people to it. They will be Exhibit A for all those who say they don't want to be a part of organized religion.
I guess at my age (52), I'm finally old school about a lot of things and church is one of them. I really don't get these new mega-churches with the funky names, no steeple, no cross to be found with logos that look like they were designed in Silicon Valley.

I've been Baptist all of my life and up until about 5 years ago, my church was pretty conservative. I don't remember us ever clapping until the late 80s. Now we have a band with a full drum set , bass & electric guitar, etc. (anybody remember when churches had an organ on one side and a piano on the other?) We've also got folks waving their arms, shouting back to the preacher and acting way too evangelical for me. We hardly sing hymns any more......we sing these awful "praise choruses". It's enough to make me go to the Catholic church. The Catholics show a lot more reverence than the Baptists do these days.

To me church is a place you go to worship God, not put on a show.

By the way, is it me, or do half the preachers at these new churches seem to be a little light in their loafers?
Originally posted by BCTiger8:
Like I said before, the goal of any church should be to bring folks to Christ. I could care less if Perry made $25 mil last year in salary. His church is bring A LOT more people to Christ. Be skeptical all you want, but there will be A LOT more people in heaven due to Newspring introducing them to the word.
I assume you meant "I could NOT care less" but I digress...

If you're ok with a "pastor" making HALF of total income, then you need to have your head examined. A church should not be paying someone even remotely close to that amount. Most of the funds should be going to outreach programs and not the pockets of their employees. And please don't quantify your success by the numbers of lives "saved" as a measuring stick of your success. That, to me, is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Are any of the "owners" asking these questions that I'm asking? I sure hope so if you're contributing your time and money to this initiative.

But to put it into context, my church Eastminster Pres Church (EPC) in Columbia, is a great church but certainly not without it's flaws. However, they do plenty to contribute within the community. Here is the financial statement from '12 & '13. And here is a list of various programs and organizations that EPC works with:

2013 Benevolences Through the Budget and Designated Giving Disbursements

Amazon Mission Fellowship $500.00
Benevolences $9,744.81
Bradley Mentoring Program $9,885.53
Camp Itch-a-lot $2,695.00
ChAMPs $28,514.51
Circle of Giving $1,987.07
CIU Prison Initiative $2,386.06
Clean Water for sudan $3,000.00
College Ministry - UsC $2,200.00
Columbia Pastoral Counseling Center $4,200.00
Cooperative Ministry $16,386.06
Court Appointed special Advocates - Richland County $2,000.00
Crossroads Career Ministry $600.00
Downtown Church $25,050.00
Easter - One Great hour of sharing $13,966.01
Family shelter $10,198.00
Farmers and hunters Feeding the hungry $500.00
Footcare Ministry $2,625.08
Free Medical Clinic $4,386.06
Gideons $2,000.00
hannah house $1,000.00
harvest hope Food Bank $11,383.50
heartworks/Jubilee Academy $30,386.06
heifer International $2,952.06
hope Unlimited $5,000.00
IMCK Good shepherd Mission hospital - Congo $4,886.06
Law Enforcement Chaplaincy $1,000.00
Living Waters for the World $6,386.07
Medical Benevolence Foundation $35,000.00
Medical Mission $2,000.00
Midlands sexual Trauma service $1,500.00
Migrant Ministry $4,502.07
Mission school in Ethiopia $1,200.00
Note that EPC's annual revenue is roughly $3 million which is merely a fraction of what NS is bringing in yet is utilizing their funds more responsibly in the manner a church should. Saving lives is a great metric but what you do AFTER saving is where a church becomes important.

This post was edited on 4/16 11:00 PM by SWUtigers
Originally posted by clintontiger1:
I wasn't going to chime in but decided to. I attended Newspring for years. I was a sinner, still am, but a really bad one back then. They did a great job at getting me excited to go to church and yes become saved, but it was all based on atmosphere, lights, rock music, etc.. There is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is what happens next. They do a great job of getting people there and saved, but this all that it is, a bunch of numbers. They do nothing to strengthen your relationship with Christ, nothing to bolster your commitment to him once you have been saved. I saw it with many believers who were still weak. It was like I'm saved, now what. Don't get me started on the money issue. It is a joke. If you want to continue to line the pockets of the upper elite staff then have at it, but your money is not being spent where it should be.
What did you do to strengthen your relationship with Christ? Did you get involved in a home group? Did you volunteer in any of the ministries? Did you seek out any of the staff members or any members of the care team? People think it's solely the church's responsibility for you to grow, but that's simply not true. You have to take in active role in your spiritual growth, whether that's being in community with other believers (a home group) or immersing yourself into a ministry that uses your talents (volunteering). I've been attending Newspring for several years and love it. I understand some of the criticism but some of it is over the top. People can twist anything Perry says to fit their agenda, but that doesn't make them right. As far as the money, Newspring is very transparent with where it goes. When you have that many campuses, it's going to take a substantial amount of money to keep them running. Nine percent may not seem like a lot, but that's nearly $5M on missions. They also pour money into community outreach. Newspring and Perry aren't perfect and don't claim to be, but some of the holier than thou people ITT are ridiculous. If any of you want to know what NS is like, I'd encourage you to actually go to a service.
Dear Jameis how has this thread not been moved to The Round Table yet?

Let me preface what I'm about to say with 1) I've never been to NS, 2) I've never met PN, and 3) I'm not even overly religious.

Here's the thing, and it's the beautiful thing about our one is forcing NS on anyone that I'm aware of. Everyone has the option to walk away and/or not participate. Also, most every public school allows their students/faculty to practice whatever religion they's called freedom of religion. And every time a player prays after a big play, or thanks Jesus...he/she is practicing their religion...just as Dabo does. To my knowledge, Dabo simply gives anyone who WANTS to be a part of that religion, the OPTION to be a part of it...I don't have a problem with that.

With all this being said, if you like NS and you're a part of it...then great. If you don't, then that's fine too. I've never had a NSer rub me the wrong way and I could not possibly care less what PN makes per year. And if you're not a part of NS (as I'm not), then it's really none of our business how they allocate their money. If you go there and you don't like how YOUR offerings are being used, then you definitely have a right to question it...otherwise...who cares?

Of course, this is all JMO...I just don't understand why so many people who are not affiliated with NS get their panties in a wad over everything that goes on there.

That's the problem with this country...too many people spend way to much time wrapped up in what OTHER people are doing, then criticizing it because THEY can't wrap their own head around it and understand it.

Guess we've forgotten the phrase, "To each their own."
Honest question. I have already seen mentioned that PN does not do funerals, weddings etc... Which is similar to what I have heard about another church in Greenville. Do you have to sign anything saying you won't talk about PN etc and do you have to provide your W2 to be an "owner".

I know the mega churches are the cool thing and if you are into that enjoy. I went to school with Steven Furtick who pastors a mega church in Charlotte. He is catching hell about his house being built. Does PN live large too? Car, house??
Originally posted by CMTiger15:
Dear Jameis how has this thread not been moved to The Round Table yet?

Let me preface what I'm about to say with 1) I've never been to NS, 2) I've never met PN, and 3) I'm not even overly religious.

Here's the thing, and it's the beautiful thing about our one is forcing NS on anyone that I'm aware of. Everyone has the option to walk away and/or not participate. Also, most every public school allows their students/faculty to practice whatever religion they's called freedom of religion. And every time a player prays after a big play, or thanks Jesus...he/she is practicing their religion...just as Dabo does. To my knowledge, Dabo simply gives anyone who WANTS to be a part of that religion, the OPTION to be a part of it...I don't have a problem with that.

With all this being said, if you like NS and you're a part of it...then great. If you don't, then that's fine too. I've never had a NSer rub me the wrong way and I could not possibly care less what PN makes per year. And if you're not a part of NS (as I'm not), then it's really none of our business how they allocate their money. If you go there and you don't like how YOUR offerings are being used, then you definitely have a right to question it...otherwise...who cares?

Of course, this is all JMO...I just don't understand why so many people who are not affiliated with NS get their panties in a wad over everything that goes on there.

That's the problem with this country...too many people spend way to much time wrapped up in what OTHER people are doing, then criticizing it because THEY can't wrap their own head around it and understand it.

Guess we've forgotten the phrase, "To each their own."
Normally I appreciate your posts but I have to say, why are you posting here if you don't give a damn? I am genuinely interested in the culture of what makes up are many other posters here ITT. I find this phenomena intriguing and considering the religion topic was broached by others regarding Clemson, I felt it was appropriate to continue the discussion.

But feel free to scroll over this topic if it bothers you. It's a relevant topic TODAY. If you don't like it, you can certainly troll the tMB a while longer...
Originally posted by Taylors_Tiger:
Honest question. I have already seen mentioned that PN does not do funerals, weddings etc... Which is similar to what I have heard about another church in Greenville. Do you have to sign anything saying you won't talk about PN etc and do you have to provide your W2 to be an "owner".

I know the mega churches are the cool thing and if you are into that enjoy. I went to school with Steven Furtick who pastors a mega church in Charlotte. He is catching hell about his house being built. Does PN live large too? Car, house??
No, you don't have to sign anything or provide financial records. Perry drives a SVU, a Tahoe I think and lives in a nice, but not lavish house.

I went to college with Steven. I wonder if we know each other. Personally, I have no beef with Steven building a big house as long as he's using his money and not the church's money. He's made a good bit of money from his books and if he wants to build a big house, I have no issue with that. People think pastors should live in poverty, but I just don't agree with that, but that's just me.
Originally posted by SWUtigers:

Originally posted by CMTiger15:
Dear Jameis how has this thread not been moved to The Round Table yet?

Let me preface what I'm about to say with 1) I've never been to NS, 2) I've never met PN, and 3) I'm not even overly religious.

Here's the thing, and it's the beautiful thing about our one is forcing NS on anyone that I'm aware of. Everyone has the option to walk away and/or not participate. Also, most every public school allows their students/faculty to practice whatever religion they's called freedom of religion. And every time a player prays after a big play, or thanks Jesus...he/she is practicing their religion...just as Dabo does. To my knowledge, Dabo simply gives anyone who WANTS to be a part of that religion, the OPTION to be a part of it...I don't have a problem with that.

With all this being said, if you like NS and you're a part of it...then great. If you don't, then that's fine too. I've never had a NSer rub me the wrong way and I could not possibly care less what PN makes per year. And if you're not a part of NS (as I'm not), then it's really none of our business how they allocate their money. If you go there and you don't like how YOUR offerings are being used, then you definitely have a right to question it...otherwise...who cares?

Of course, this is all JMO...I just don't understand why so many people who are not affiliated with NS get their panties in a wad over everything that goes on there.

That's the problem with this country...too many people spend way to much time wrapped up in what OTHER people are doing, then criticizing it because THEY can't wrap their own head around it and understand it.

Guess we've forgotten the phrase, "To each their own."
Normally I appreciate your posts but I have to say, why are you posting here if you don't give a damn? I am genuinely interested in the culture of what makes up are many other posters here ITT. I find this phenomena intriguing and considering the religion topic was broached by others regarding Clemson, I felt it was appropriate to continue the discussion.

But feel free to scroll over this topic if it bothers you. It's a relevant topic TODAY. If you don't like it, you can certainly troll the tMB a while longer...
I can appreciate the fascination standpoint and wanting to better understand something you're genuinely intrigued by. It's the posters who constantly attack NS without taking the time (as you are) to better understand it first, that I don't get. I knew as soon as I saw this thread that there was ultimately going to be a large back and forth between NS believers and NS haters...and that debate will seemingly never end.

You clearly do want to learn more about NS which is fine, but too many people these days do rush to judgement about things they have no clue about and are deadset on condemning people who don't share the same mindset as themselves.

All in all, you're right, I should've just stayed out of the thread, as I clearly don't have a "side" to the argument, nor am I intrigued over all the fascets with NS as you and some others are.

And unfortunately, I can't go troll the MB for another 45 days or so
so you guys are stuck with me..
I'd be interested to know how much PN makes a year. Although, it's absolutely none of my business. Those of you who are members/owners should know exactly how much he makes. Every salary at our church is public knowledge for those members interested enough to open the report we get every year.

Do you NS owners know what he makes?
Originally posted by CMTiger15:
Originally posted by SWUtigers:

Originally posted by CMTiger15:
Dear Jameis how has this thread not been moved to The Round Table yet?

Let me preface what I'm about to say with 1) I've never been to NS, 2) I've never met PN, and 3) I'm not even overly religious.

Here's the thing, and it's the beautiful thing about our one is forcing NS on anyone that I'm aware of. Everyone has the option to walk away and/or not participate. Also, most every public school allows their students/faculty to practice whatever religion they's called freedom of religion. And every time a player prays after a big play, or thanks Jesus...he/she is practicing their religion...just as Dabo does. To my knowledge, Dabo simply gives anyone who WANTS to be a part of that religion, the OPTION to be a part of it...I don't have a problem with that.

With all this being said, if you like NS and you're a part of it...then great. If you don't, then that's fine too. I've never had a NSer rub me the wrong way and I could not possibly care less what PN makes per year. And if you're not a part of NS (as I'm not), then it's really none of our business how they allocate their money. If you go there and you don't like how YOUR offerings are being used, then you definitely have a right to question it...otherwise...who cares?

Of course, this is all JMO...I just don't understand why so many people who are not affiliated with NS get their panties in a wad over everything that goes on there.

That's the problem with this country...too many people spend way to much time wrapped up in what OTHER people are doing, then criticizing it because THEY can't wrap their own head around it and understand it.

Guess we've forgotten the phrase, "To each their own."
Normally I appreciate your posts but I have to say, why are you posting here if you don't give a damn? I am genuinely interested in the culture of what makes up are many other posters here ITT. I find this phenomena intriguing and considering the religion topic was broached by others regarding Clemson, I felt it was appropriate to continue the discussion.

But feel free to scroll over this topic if it bothers you. It's a relevant topic TODAY. If you don't like it, you can certainly troll the tMB a while longer...
I can appreciate the fascination standpoint and wanting to better understand something you're genuinely intrigued by. It's the posters who constantly attack NS without taking the time (as you are) to better understand it first, that I don't get. I knew as soon as I saw this thread that there was ultimately going to be a large back and forth between NS believers and NS haters...and that debate will seemingly never end.

You clearly do want to learn more about NS which is fine, but too many people these days do rush to judgement about things they have no clue about and are deadset on condemning people who don't share the same mindset as themselves.

All in all, you're right, I should've just stayed out of the thread, as I clearly don't have a "side" to the argument, nor am I intrigued over all the fascets with NS as you and some others are.

And unfortunately, I can't go troll the MB for another 45 days or so
so you guys are stuck with me..
Hey, someone has to fight the good fight! LOL

I do enjoy your contribution here and tMB, though.
Originally posted by CMTiger15:
Dear Jameis how has this thread not been moved to The Round Table yet?

Let me preface what I'm about to say with 1) I've never been to NS, 2) I've never met PN, and 3) I'm not even overly religious.

Here's the thing, and it's the beautiful thing about our one is forcing NS on anyone that I'm aware of. Everyone has the option to walk away and/or not participate. Also, most every public school allows their students/faculty to practice whatever religion they's called freedom of religion. And every time a player prays after a big play, or thanks Jesus...he/she is practicing their religion...just as Dabo does. To my knowledge, Dabo simply gives anyone who WANTS to be a part of that religion, the OPTION to be a part of it...I don't have a problem with that.

With all this being said, if you like NS and you're a part of it...then great. If you don't, then that's fine too. I've never had a NSer rub me the wrong way and I could not possibly care less what PN makes per year. And if you're not a part of NS (as I'm not), then it's really none of our business how they allocate their money. If you go there and you don't like how YOUR offerings are being used, then you definitely have a right to question it...otherwise...who cares?

Of course, this is all JMO...I just don't understand why so many people who are not affiliated with NS get their panties in a wad over everything that goes on there.

That's the problem with this country...too many people spend way to much time wrapped up in what OTHER people are doing, then criticizing it because THEY can't wrap their own head around it and understand it.

Guess we've forgotten the phrase, "To each their own."
Best post on this so far.
Originally posted by chapintiger:
I'd be interested to know how much PN makes a year. Although, it's absolutely none of my business. Those of you who are members/owners should know exactly how much he makes. Every salary at our church is public knowledge for those members interested enough to open the report we get every year.

Do you NS owners know what he makes?
Agreed. Any owners care to chime in?
After attending multiple "sermons" and I use that loosely, I can say Newspring is there to deliver chocolate covered Jesus in bite sized morsals. It is custom built for ignorant people. Thus explaining their numbers. If you are offended by this, you are their demographic and enjoy heavy drum beats with your worship and Creed music.
Originally posted by longcreektiger:
Originally posted by BCTiger8:
Like I said before, the goal of any church should be to bring folks to Christ. I could care less if Perry made $25 mil last year in salary. His church is bring A LOT more people to Christ. Be skeptical all you want, but there will be A LOT more people in heaven due to Newspring introducing them to the word.
Wouldn't Perry taking home $25m defy everything he preaches?

And I'd venture to say that groups like Newspring turn people off to religion as much as they introduce people to it. They will be Exhibit A for all those who say they don't want to be a part of organized religion.
Gonna chime in one more time. If Perry is actually pocketing that much money on staff then that is wrong. I don't mind anybody bettering themselves and making as much money as possible, BUT when your job is dependent upon people GIVING you money for the sole benefit of bringing the word to the people................that doesn't involve a million dollar salary for yourself.

I understand making an income, but you reach a point where you are not actually practicing what you preach. I would not feel comfortable sitting in front of a thousand people asking for their money for God's work then turning around and writing myself off a million dollar salary when I KNOW that was not what the money was given for in the first place.
Disclaimer: I am not an atheist, i support Dabo's guiding young men to spirituality. I love Jesus myself, but how do evangelical people know no when someone other than yourself is "saved". I am surprised you tea party.fiscal republican types don't question the tax exempt status of these mega churches. Personally I don't need some shyster in an Italian suit or some pope to tell me how to worship. I don't accept the Roman Empire's approved version of the Bible as scientific fact. Here are a few quotes from the greatest American philosopher since Thomas Jefferson: "My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away from a church as you can." "Yea,I tell them to change the channel if they see some guy in a brown suit with a telephone number at the bottom of the screen asking for money." "Tax the PUCK out of the churches." Frank Zappa
Mr. SWU....thanks for the grammar lesson.

Obviously I was being a little over the top with the salary comment. Just saying that the goal is to get folks to have a relationship with Christ.

To the person who asks what the church does to strengthen that relationship....isn't that on the person? Anybody can introduce you to Christ, but it is on you to build on it. Just my opinion. Perry and Newspring can't make you a better Christian. It is on you to develop your relationship with Christ.
Click on the video. Basically telling parents their kids are sick, their cars are broke, because they haven't given him his 10 percent ..........unbelievable

Disclaimer: I am a Southern Baptist and have attended both traditional and non traditional churches. The link above comes from an atheist guy who blogs apparently. Either way.......Perry Noble comes off as a salesmen for a pyramid scheme in these speeches. Its sad because he is using my faith to fill his pockets apparently

This post was edited on 4/17 12:10 AM by jmh9713

Wow.....I want to punch this guy in the face
Originally posted by BCTiger8:
Mr. SWU....thanks for the grammar lesson.

Obviously I was being a little over the top with the salary comment. Just saying that the goal is to get folks to have a relationship with Christ.

To the person who asks what the church does to strengthen that relationship....isn't that on the person? Anybody can introduce you to Christ, but it is on you to build on it. Just my opinion. Perry and Newspring can't make you a better Christian. It is on you to develop your relationship with Christ.
Thanks for your response and I'm sorry if I was being condescending. I do know that your dollar amount was being exaggerated but I would genuinely like to know how much he makes. Is it not common knowledge? I've looked and I can't find it anywhere and to be honest, the annual report is quite vague.

Can you provide some more insight into how the church operates? Is it safe to assume you and others have already posed these questions?
I have a problem with any church or pastor who is not transparent in what they do. With as much money as Newspring brings in, they should be doing soooo much more to help feed and shelter the homeless and help out the community. Instead they just do random publicity stunts like building a house for a single mom for a Mothers Day gift. Thats awesome. But geez there is so much that could get done in the communities if they devoted more time and money to it. Oh and giving away Harley Davidson Motorcycles to dads on Fathers Day? Yea I have a big issue with that.

So many mega churches and pastors have gone astray. That being said, Matt Chandler at The Village Church is one of the most legit dudes and churches out there. Very transparent.

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