Did you happen to know Matt Keese?Originally posted by CU Alumnus:
I love where I attend now (Utica Baptist). Great services, great people, and a staff that LIVES the word, not just talks about it.
Let's not add to my statement: I never said anything about partying all night with daddy God. I said the Father partied to celebrate the (saved) son. Don't make it sound like a drunkfest.Originally posted by tiger-gal2:
Abba means father which has a different connotation than daddy. More respectful and reverential. Also not sure I would agree that the prodigal son partied all night with his daddy God. His father killed the fatted calf and had a feast in honor of his son who had returned to him Nothing wrong with traditional worship and nothing wrong with party worship. To each his own..
I'm sorry, my friend; but you just don't know the facts.Stopped reading at Redemption World Outreach..........probably one of the more crooked churches in the Upstate. I get partying. Party all you want, but don't steal from your members so you can drive luxury cars, live in a mansion, etc....
Didn't the pastor's wife just go on a binge there and started hooking up with a bunch of random dude?
Let's not put words in my mouth. I never said we would never suffer. No where do you see that in my original note. In fact, I am sure that we will suffer MORE because now we work for the Good Guy, right?Wow...this is borderline blasphemy. Jesus lived the way he did to show what was important, not so that we would never suffer. Jesus suffered so that WHEN we suffer we can take solace that He has been there. The mansions that Jesus spoke of is referring to eternity, heaven. Please don't misunderstand that. Jesus specifically speaks in the Bible about how following him is a struggle, like in his parable of the wide and narrow gates.
My "beef" with all of these "rich" pastors is it goes against everything the Christ they serve taught. Jesus preached to not store up treasures on earth. He told a rich man that wanted to become a disciple to sell everything he had and follow him.
"...go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." "Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven."
Why would he say these things if he wanted us to be rich? The "blessings" he talks about, the "abundant blessings" have nothing to do with money, or any possessions.
"Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven..."
I'm not saying a Christian should live check to check, or that they shouldn't make a lot of money. I just don't see any reason someone who reads the Bible, believes in Jesus and what the Bible says of him, and believes his teachings should be living lavishly. Just doesn't correlate with what Jesus taught. I struggle with not giving away all "extra" money I have at the end of each month. There's always people or causes that need money, should I, as a Christian, not give every $ possible to help in anyway? IMO, the pastors that drive the nice cars, have the big houses, take all of the trips, etc, appear to fall in line more with the pharisees than Jesus, the disciples, John the baptist, Paul, etc.
Steven Furtick of Elevation church based out of Charlotte. Also good friend of PN. They don't release any financials and a board composed of PN and other pastor friends determines Furtick's salary.Originally posted by OrangeForever:
Who is the guy on the bottom? Looks like Merriam Webster Definition of the word "Douchebag"Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
I have zero respect for someone like this:
that is on the board of a church run by this crook:
So he's a douchebag because he built a big house? He's written several best selling books--if he wants to enjoy some of they money from them, good for him. People have this idea that all pastors should be broke--that's ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with having money--the people that complain the loudest are usually the people that don't have any. As long as he's building the house with his money and not the church's money, I have no problem with it. Show me some proof of wrongdoing and I'll sing a different tune. I know Steven and his family pretty well and he's not the villain people try to make him out to be.Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
It's Steven Furtick from Elevation in Charlotte. It's a sister church of Newspring. Douchebag just built a 10,000sq ft. Multi million dollar house in Charlotte. Oh and he also wears makeup. Just google him. There's a lot of great articles about him.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
It would be easy to refute the criticism if NewSpring and Elevation published their budgets like a majority of churches do...Originally posted by nseverett:
So he's a douchebag because he built a big house? He's written several best selling books--if he wants to enjoy some of they money from them, good for him. People have this idea that all pastors should be broke--that's ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with having money--the people that complain the loudest are usually the people that don't have any. As long as he's building the house with his money and not the church's money, I have no problem with it. Show me some proof of wrongdoing and I'll sing a different tune. I know Steven and his family pretty well and he's not the villain people try to make him out to be.Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
It's Steven Furtick from Elevation in Charlotte. It's a sister church of Newspring. Douchebag just built a 10,000sq ft. Multi million dollar house in Charlotte. Oh and he also wears makeup. Just google him. There's a lot of great articles about him.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Nseverett, I agree people people should enjoy their success but I'd like to know how much money he's being PAID by the CHURCH. I couldn't care less if he made his wealth through his book sales, though. Good for him, actually! I am concerned that he AND Noble are exploiting the weak for financial gain.Originally posted by nseverett:
So he's a douchebag because he built a big house? He's written several best selling books--if he wants to enjoy some of they money from them, good for him. People have this idea that all pastors should be broke--that's ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with having money--the people that complain the loudest are usually the people that don't have any. As long as he's building the house with his money and not the church's money, I have no problem with it. Show me some proof of wrongdoing and I'll sing a different tune. I know Steven and his family pretty well and he's not the villain people try to make him out to be.Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
It's Steven Furtick from Elevation in Charlotte. It's a sister church of Newspring. Douchebag just built a 10,000sq ft. Multi million dollar house in Charlotte. Oh and he also wears makeup. Just google him. There's a lot of great articles about him.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
It was settled out of court. I don't know if the allegations are true or if Perry had any knowledge of what exactly was going on (though I doubt it). The guy came after Perry specifically instead of the church and Perry settled. I don't think that's an admission of guilt (though some will interpret it as such) as much as it was him just wanting to put the whole thing behind him. If it's true, I definitely have a problem with it, but I have a hard time believing all of those allegations. The guy sounds like he just has an axe to grind because he doesn't like the church. Again, I'm not saying his allegations are fabricated, but I'm definitely not saying they're completely truthful either.Originally posted by Larry_Williams:
Have not read most of this thread, so apologies if this has already been covered.
Just sat down and read the blog post, and it is enormously disturbing.
Question: Has there been a refutation/rebuttal to the allegations cited in this blog from Perry Noble or anyone else affiliated with New Spring? If so, someone please direct me to it. Thank you.
The problem is that the church does not divulge what his his money and what is the church's money.Originally posted by nseverett:
So he's a douchebag because he built a big house? He's written several best selling books--if he wants to enjoy some of they money from them, good for him. People have this idea that all pastors should be broke--that's ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with having money--the people that complain the loudest are usually the people that don't have any. As long as he's building the house with his money and not the church's money, I have no problem with it. Show me some proof of wrongdoing and I'll sing a different tune. I know Steven and his family pretty well and he's not the villain people try to make him out to be.Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
It's Steven Furtick from Elevation in Charlotte. It's a sister church of Newspring. Douchebag just built a 10,000sq ft. Multi million dollar house in Charlotte. Oh and he also wears makeup. Just google him. There's a lot of great articles about him.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I did. We only overlapped for one year, but we were involved in some of the same ministries so I got to know him some. I know his family very well and have been on several mission trips with both his father-in-law and brother-in-law. I didn't play sports in college, except for intramurals haha. I had a lot of friends that were athletes though. I started in 2002 and went for three years before taking a break (long story) and then went back, changed my major and graduated in 2010.Originally posted by Taylors_Tiger:
Nseverrett did you go to college with Furtick if so what yr and did you play any sports?
From some articles I am reading over lunch it seems like there is some gray area between money from the church and money from books including the church paying for marketing of his book.Originally posted by nseverett:
It was settled out of court. I don't know if the allegations are true or if Perry had any knowledge of what exactly was going on (though I doubt it). The guy came after Perry specifically instead of the church and Perry settled. I don't think that's an admission of guilt (though some will interpret it as such) as much as it was him just wanting to put the whole thing behind him. If it's true, I definitely have a problem with it, but I have a hard time believing all of those allegations. The guy sounds like he just has an axe to grind because he doesn't like the church. Again, I'm not saying his allegations are fabricated, but I'm definitely not saying they're completely truthful either.Originally posted by Larry_Williams:
Have not read most of this thread, so apologies if this has already been covered.
Just sat down and read the blog post, and it is enormously disturbing.
Question: Has there been a refutation/rebuttal to the allegations cited in this blog from Perry Noble or anyone else affiliated with New Spring? If so, someone please direct me to it. Thank you.
This concept is a kind of new revolution in organized religion and I find it very troubling.Originally posted by BCTiger8:
Like I said before, the goal of any church should be to bring folks to Christ. I could care less if Perry made $25 mil last year in salary. His church is bring A LOT more people to Christ. Be skeptical all you want, but there will be A LOT more people in heaven due to Newspring introducing them to the word.
Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Just did a quick search of their financials and found that roughly 80% of their $50 MILLION dollar income goes to the church and it's operation. A mere 9% actually goes to mission trips. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but where is this church giving back? What are they doing SPECIFICALLY to better the community they are in? If you can provide me with specific examples with dollar figures (if possible), I would appreciate it. Personally, this would be extremely worrisome to see this graphic.
Source: NewSpring Annual Report 2013
TOTAL INCOME$50,785,156
Operating36%Staffing31%Campus Launches/Upgrades24%Missions 9%
This post was edited on 4/16 5:24 PM by SWUtigers
Exactly! How do these churches get away with it then?Originally posted by OrangeForever:
From some articles I am reading over lunch it seems like there is some gray area between money from the church and money from books including the church paying for marketing of his book.Originally posted by nseverett:
It was settled out of court. I don't know if the allegations are true or if Perry had any knowledge of what exactly was going on (though I doubt it). The guy came after Perry specifically instead of the church and Perry settled. I don't think that's an admission of guilt (though some will interpret it as such) as much as it was him just wanting to put the whole thing behind him. If it's true, I definitely have a problem with it, but I have a hard time believing all of those allegations. The guy sounds like he just has an axe to grind because he doesn't like the church. Again, I'm not saying his allegations are fabricated, but I'm definitely not saying they're completely truthful either.Originally posted by Larry_Williams:
Have not read most of this thread, so apologies if this has already been covered.
Just sat down and read the blog post, and it is enormously disturbing.
Question: Has there been a refutation/rebuttal to the allegations cited in this blog from Perry Noble or anyone else affiliated with New Spring? If so, someone please direct me to it. Thank you.
I am a teacher and a head football coach......my TDC is 501c3 and we provide the books to anyone who asks. My teaching salary is public record.....I do not get anywhere close to funds raised by the TD Club. I have not accepted money from the TD Club unless the exact amount is given to my asst coaches (usually a few hundred dollars for weight room work, etc).
If you are in a public position (which he is to an exponential degree moreso than me) you must be transparent or you must accept that many will view you with a cynical eye.
I can't prove it, but it goes both ways--you can't PROVE that they are exploiting anyone.Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Nseverett, I agree people people should enjoy their success but I'd like to know how much money he's being PAID by the CHURCH. I couldn't care less if he made his wealth through his book sales, though. Good for him, actually! I am concerned that he AND Noble are exploiting the weak for financial gain.Originally posted by nseverett:
So he's a douchebag because he built a big house? He's written several best selling books--if he wants to enjoy some of they money from them, good for him. People have this idea that all pastors should be broke--that's ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with having money--the people that complain the loudest are usually the people that don't have any. As long as he's building the house with his money and not the church's money, I have no problem with it. Show me some proof of wrongdoing and I'll sing a different tune. I know Steven and his family pretty well and he's not the villain people try to make him out to be.Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
It's Steven Furtick from Elevation in Charlotte. It's a sister church of Newspring. Douchebag just built a 10,000sq ft. Multi million dollar house in Charlotte. Oh and he also wears makeup. Just google him. There's a lot of great articles about him.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If you can PROVE otherwise, I'll rescind my last statement.
24% of it is apparently.Originally posted by MillerHighLife21:
A huge portion of that is building permanent buildings and planting new churches in the state.
The point is, if the chucrh is going to claim tax exempt status, you should have to report salary under the law. If members want to blindly donate money to the church without knowing where those funds are going, that is their prerogative. As a tax payer, if our country is going to offer tax exempt status to a $50M a year business, our country should know where that money goes.Originally posted by nseverett:
I can't prove it, but it goes both ways--you can't PROVE that they are exploiting anyone.
No I can't. And do you know why? Because they won't release their detailed financials! If they have, please correct me and provide a link.Originally posted by nseverett:
I can't prove it, but it goes both ways--you can't PROVE that they are exploiting anyone.Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Nseverett, I agree people people should enjoy their success but I'd like to know how much money he's being PAID by the CHURCH. I couldn't care less if he made his wealth through his book sales, though. Good for him, actually! I am concerned that he AND Noble are exploiting the weak for financial gain.Originally posted by nseverett:
So he's a douchebag because he built a big house? He's written several best selling books--if he wants to enjoy some of they money from them, good for him. People have this idea that all pastors should be broke--that's ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with having money--the people that complain the loudest are usually the people that don't have any. As long as he's building the house with his money and not the church's money, I have no problem with it. Show me some proof of wrongdoing and I'll sing a different tune. I know Steven and his family pretty well and he's not the villain people try to make him out to be.Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
It's Steven Furtick from Elevation in Charlotte. It's a sister church of Newspring. Douchebag just built a 10,000sq ft. Multi million dollar house in Charlotte. Oh and he also wears makeup. Just google him. There's a lot of great articles about him.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If you can PROVE otherwise, I'll rescind my last statement.
Explain why there isn't a line item budget? That is my question. I have never been a member of a church or really known of one where the budget wasn't an open book.Originally posted by MillerHighLife21:
A huge portion of that is building permanent buildings and planting new churches in the state.
Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Just did a quick search of their financials and found that roughly 80% of their $50 MILLION dollar income goes to the church and it's operation. A mere 9% actually goes to mission trips. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but where is this church giving back? What are they doing SPECIFICALLY to better the community they are in? If you can provide me with specific examples with dollar figures (if possible), I would appreciate it. Personally, this would be extremely worrisome to see this graphic.
Source: NewSpring Annual Report 2013
TOTAL INCOME$50,785,156
Operating36%Staffing31%Campus Launches/Upgrades24%Missions 9%
This post was edited on 4/16 5:24 PM by SWUtigers
For what it's worth, Perry often talks about being treated for depression and contemplating suicide over a period of 2-3 years which started right after the timeline of that this incident was reported. I heard about this a few years back too. About a year ago I actually went through a 5 week interview process for a job in IT at NewSpring and there was an extremely thorough vetting process involved.Originally posted by Larry_Williams:
I hope no one who attends that church is offended by this, but what I read in that blog was sickening. My stomach is still turning.Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Disturbing to say the least, especially the adoption story.Originally posted by Larry_Williams:
Have not read most of this thread, so apologies if this has already been covered.Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Although I thought the atheist/agnostic article about Clemson is nothing to see, I can't help but wonder how influential NewSpring is to the Program. Anyone care to elaborate?
Also, what is it about this "church" that makes people get so defensive? I have close friends that work and/or attend services and they are borderline militant about this place. This blog, in particular, makes me wonder about the "culture" being created in mega churches.
Perhaps I just don't understand because I've never set foot in there but I wonder what some here have to say.
Just sat down and read the blog post, and it is enormously disturbing.
Question: Has there been a refutation/rebuttal to the allegations cited in this blog from Perry Noble or anyone else affiliated with New Spring? If so, someone please direct me to it. Thank you.
Larry, as I've said throughout this topic, I am genuinely fascinated by this church and yet no one really can tell me much about it. Very puzzling
I suspect the outcome with the Professor was settled out of court and he's probably unable to speak further about it. I would imagine Noble was instructed to do the same.
I pray that stuff isn't true. I hope someone can present information that dispels it.
As president of a HS Booster Club that is a 501c3, I also find it humorous that every dollar we spend is available to be inspected and our tax returns and other reporting are basically public record. However, an organization that raises 50 million dollars is exempt from any kind of transparency requirements.Originally posted by OrangeForever:
From some articles I am reading over lunch it seems like there is some gray area between money from the church and money from books including the church paying for marketing of his book.Originally posted by nseverett:
It was settled out of court. I don't know if the allegations are true or if Perry had any knowledge of what exactly was going on (though I doubt it). The guy came after Perry specifically instead of the church and Perry settled. I don't think that's an admission of guilt (though some will interpret it as such) as much as it was him just wanting to put the whole thing behind him. If it's true, I definitely have a problem with it, but I have a hard time believing all of those allegations. The guy sounds like he just has an axe to grind because he doesn't like the church. Again, I'm not saying his allegations are fabricated, but I'm definitely not saying they're completely truthful either.Originally posted by Larry_Williams:
Have not read most of this thread, so apologies if this has already been covered.
Just sat down and read the blog post, and it is enormously disturbing.
Question: Has there been a refutation/rebuttal to the allegations cited in this blog from Perry Noble or anyone else affiliated with New Spring? If so, someone please direct me to it. Thank you.
I am a teacher and a head football coach......my TDC is 501c3 and we provide the books to anyone who asks. My teaching salary is public record.....I do not get anywhere close to funds raised by the TD Club. I have not accepted money from the TD Club unless the exact amount is given to my asst coaches (usually a few hundred dollars for weight room work, etc).
If you are in a public position (which he is to an exponential degree moreso than me) you must be transparent or you must accept that many will view you with a cynical eye.
Wait, don't the NewSpring employees specifically mentioned in that blog post remain with New Spring?Originally posted by MillerHighLife21:
Now I tell you that to say this. I know that blog story happened years ago and I know that details on exactly what happened from all sides are not out there, other than to say that we're only getting the one side via that blog. What I do know is that it will never, ever happen again and that's a testament to their hiring process. They have people working there that I've known for years and if there was even the slightest hint that NewSpring wasn't everything it says it is behind closed doors, they would not be there. These are people that I would trust with just about anything and who's character I consider nearly beyond reproach.
Noble and Furtick both founded the churches they pastor. The people in these churches did not "hire" them and subsequently do not need to be the one's determining their salaries. I have no problem with an outside group, or presbytry, setting salaries and/or making recommendations for salaries for the Senior leaders. These men are not employees, and should not treated as such. The fact that on page three of this thread someone has released the missions budget expenditures for last year and someone else posted broad categorical budgetary items in another post tells me that there must be records that are available. Just because they don't have "business meetings" and print the budget and send everyone home with handouts or print it in the "bulletin" does not mean they have closed books that will not be made available per request. I'm sure both ministries have external audits and must cut the mustard with their management practices. I live in Ga. and have never attended a NS service, and honestly it is none of my business how NS spend money. Why so many of us on this board thinks it is our business is beyond me. Every business takes advantage of tax loopholes and allowances, not just non-profits. This argument is like all of us demanding that Cris publicly publish the TI budget with everyone's salaries listed and all the expenditures for all of us to discuss. It really is none of our business.Originally posted by TheClemsonJaguar:
Steven Furtick of Elevation church based out of Charlotte. Also good friend of PN. They don't release any financials and a board composed of PN and other pastor friends determines Furtick's salary.Originally posted by OrangeForever:
Who is the guy on the bottom? Looks like Merriam Webster Definition of the word "Douchebag"Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
I have zero respect for someone like this:
that is on the board of a church run by this crook:
Here is a probably very biased article on the $1.7M house he is building: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/north-carolina-pastor-1-7-million-home-gift-god-article-1.1501934
Originally posted by MillerHighLife21:
I don't believe so, but I could be wrong.
Uh the difference is one a privately held company and the other is a publically held company. HUGE differences in how they release their tax/budget information.Originally posted by Mac Tiger:
Noble and Furtick both founded the churches they pastor. The people in these churches did not "hire" them and subsequently do not need to be the one's determining their salaries. I have no problem with an outside group, or presbytry, setting salaries and/or making recommendations for salaries for the Senior leaders. These men are not employees, and should not treated as such. The fact that on page three of this thread someone has released the missions budget expenditures for last year and someone else posted broad categorical budgetary items in another post tells me that there must be records that are available. Just because they don't have "business meetings" and print the budget and send everyone home with handouts or print it in the "bulletin" does not mean they have closed books that will not be made available per request. I'm sure both ministries have external audits and must cut the mustard with their management practices. I live in Ga. and have never attended a NS service, and honestly it is none of my business how NS spend money. Why so many of us on this board thinks it is our business is beyond me. Every business takes advantage of tax loopholes and allowances, not just non-profits. This argument is like all of us demanding that Cris publicly publish the TI budget with everyone's salaries listed and all the expenditures for all of us to discuss. It really is none of our business.Originally posted by TheClemsonJaguar:
Steven Furtick of Elevation church based out of Charlotte. Also good friend of PN. They don't release any financials and a board composed of PN and other pastor friends determines Furtick's salary.Originally posted by OrangeForever:
Who is the guy on the bottom? Looks like Merriam Webster Definition of the word "Douchebag"Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
I have zero respect for someone like this:
that is on the board of a church run by this crook:
Here is a probably very biased article on the $1.7M house he is building: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/north-carolina-pastor-1-7-million-home-gift-god-article-1.1501934
Chris pays taxes on his revenue. Elevation and NS do not. There is a big difference.Originally posted by Mac Tiger:
This argument is like all of us demanding that Cris publicly publish the TI budget with everyone's salaries listed and all the expenditures for all of us to discuss. It really is none of our business.
Help me out! Which one is privately held and which one is publicly held? Who has proof that they don't reveal their spending? All of this is rumor. Most churches that are organized like NS don't publicize their budget, but they do allow anyone who is a member to see the books whenever they ask to. I think they are bound by law and their Articles of Incorporation to do so. My point is that they are not accountable to me for how they spend money.Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Uh the difference is one a privately held company and the other is a publically held company. HUGE differences in how they release their tax/budget information.Originally posted by Mac Tiger:
Noble and Furtick both founded the churches they pastor. The people in these churches did not "hire" them and subsequently do not need to be the one's determining their salaries. I have no problem with an outside group, or presbytry, setting salaries and/or making recommendations for salaries for the Senior leaders. These men are not employees, and should not treated as such. The fact that on page three of this thread someone has released the missions budget expenditures for last year and someone else posted broad categorical budgetary items in another post tells me that there must be records that are available. Just because they don't have "business meetings" and print the budget and send everyone home with handouts or print it in the "bulletin" does not mean they have closed books that will not be made available per request. I'm sure both ministries have external audits and must cut the mustard with their management practices. I live in Ga. and have never attended a NS service, and honestly it is none of my business how NS spend money. Why so many of us on this board thinks it is our business is beyond me. Every business takes advantage of tax loopholes and allowances, not just non-profits. This argument is like all of us demanding that Cris publicly publish the TI budget with everyone's salaries listed and all the expenditures for all of us to discuss. It really is none of our business.Originally posted by TheClemsonJaguar:
Steven Furtick of Elevation church based out of Charlotte. Also good friend of PN. They don't release any financials and a board composed of PN and other pastor friends determines Furtick's salary.Originally posted by OrangeForever:
Who is the guy on the bottom? Looks like Merriam Webster Definition of the word "Douchebag"Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
I have zero respect for someone like this:
that is on the board of a church run by this crook:
Here is a probably very biased article on the $1.7M house he is building: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/north-carolina-pastor-1-7-million-home-gift-god-article-1.1501934
But to summarize, you're ok with a "non-profit" not paying taxes and NOT revealing how they disperse their money? Frankly, I'm not.
This post was edited on 4/17 2:05 PM by SWUtigers
If they are tax-exempt as most churches are, I can't think of a good reason why they shouldn't be transparent -- particularly the huge churches that occupy gobs of real estate.Originally posted by Mac Tiger:
Help me out! Which one is privately held and which one is publicly held? Who has proof that they don't reveal their spending? All of this is rumor. Most churches that are organized like NS don't publicize their budget, but they do allow anyone who is a member to see the books whenever they ask to. I think they are bound by law and their Articles of Incorporation to do so. My point is that they are not accountable to me for how they spend money.Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Uh the difference is one a privately held company and the other is a publically held company. HUGE differences in how they release their tax/budget information.Originally posted by Mac Tiger:
Noble and Furtick both founded the churches they pastor. The people in these churches did not "hire" them and subsequently do not need to be the one's determining their salaries. I have no problem with an outside group, or presbytry, setting salaries and/or making recommendations for salaries for the Senior leaders. These men are not employees, and should not treated as such. The fact that on page three of this thread someone has released the missions budget expenditures for last year and someone else posted broad categorical budgetary items in another post tells me that there must be records that are available. Just because they don't have "business meetings" and print the budget and send everyone home with handouts or print it in the "bulletin" does not mean they have closed books that will not be made available per request. I'm sure both ministries have external audits and must cut the mustard with their management practices. I live in Ga. and have never attended a NS service, and honestly it is none of my business how NS spend money. Why so many of us on this board thinks it is our business is beyond me. Every business takes advantage of tax loopholes and allowances, not just non-profits. This argument is like all of us demanding that Cris publicly publish the TI budget with everyone's salaries listed and all the expenditures for all of us to discuss. It really is none of our business.Originally posted by TheClemsonJaguar:
Steven Furtick of Elevation church based out of Charlotte. Also good friend of PN. They don't release any financials and a board composed of PN and other pastor friends determines Furtick's salary.Originally posted by OrangeForever:
Who is the guy on the bottom? Looks like Merriam Webster Definition of the word "Douchebag"Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
I have zero respect for someone like this:
that is on the board of a church run by this crook:
Here is a probably very biased article on the $1.7M house he is building: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/north-carolina-pastor-1-7-million-home-gift-god-article-1.1501934
But to summarize, you're ok with a "non-profit" not paying taxes and NOT revealing how they disperse their money? Frankly, I'm not.
This post was edited on 4/17 2:05 PM by SWUtigers
There is a difference, but that doesn't mean they are accountable to me or you. They are accountable to the people who are members of the corporation and who have the rights within the corporation as the articles dictate.Originally posted by TheClemsonJaguar:
Chris pays taxes on his revenue. Elevation and NS do not. There is a big difference.Originally posted by Mac Tiger:
This argument is like all of us demanding that Cris publicly publish the TI budget with everyone's salaries listed and all the expenditures for all of us to discuss. It really is none of our business.
So do the employees of NewSpring. The organization which receives donations does not pay taxes on those donations though....because that would not make any sense.Originally posted by TheClemsonJaguar:
Chris pays taxes on his revenue. Elevation and NS do not. There is a big difference.Originally posted by Mac Tiger:
This argument is like all of us demanding that Cris publicly publish the TI budget with everyone's salaries listed and all the expenditures for all of us to discuss. It really is none of our business.
First... the list on page 3 was for another church, not NewSpring, and was given as an example of how most churches are open with the information we are discussing.Originally posted by Mac Tiger:
Noble and Furtick both founded the churches they pastor. The people in these churches did not "hire" them and subsequently do not need to be the one's determining their salaries. I have no problem with an outside group, or presbytry, setting salaries and/or making recommendations for salaries for the Senior leaders. These men are not employees, and should not treated as such. The fact that on page three of this thread someone has released the missions budget expenditures for last year and someone else posted broad categorical budgetary items in another post tells me that there must be records that are available. Just because they don't have "business meetings" and print the budget and send everyone home with handouts or print it in the "bulletin" does not mean they have closed books that will not be made available per request. I'm sure both ministries have external audits and must cut the mustard with their management practices. I live in Ga. and have never attended a NS service, and honestly it is none of my business how NS spend money. Why so many of us on this board thinks it is our business is beyond me. Every business takes advantage of tax loopholes and allowances, not just non-profits. This argument is like all of us demanding that Cris publicly publish the TI budget with everyone's salaries listed and all the expenditures for all of us to discuss. It really is none of our business.Originally posted by TheClemsonJaguar:
Steven Furtick of Elevation church based out of Charlotte. Also good friend of PN. They don't release any financials and a board composed of PN and other pastor friends determines Furtick's salary.Originally posted by OrangeForever:
Who is the guy on the bottom? Looks like Merriam Webster Definition of the word "Douchebag"Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
I have zero respect for someone like this:
that is on the board of a church run by this crook:
Here is a probably very biased article on the $1.7M house he is building: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/north-carolina-pastor-1-7-million-home-gift-god-article-1.1501934