Originally posted by kylebw:
Originally posted by acwill07:
Originally posted by kylebw:
Newspring, Elevation, and their buddies are 110% about money. They hide where their money goes, refuse to release how much they pay their leaders, and demand money and preach about it in every single service. I've been to many churches and it blows my mind how often Newspring/Elevation preach on money. There's a video where you can see Perry saying "seek first the Kingdom of God" is a scripture that is 100% related to giving your church money. How that even makes sense I'll never know. It is false witness as he has extremely wild interpretations of the bible to fit his wants. He has said people's cars break down, children get sick, there's homosexuals, and that people can't get a job because they don't give the church enough money and that if they started giving money all of those things would stop and we'd have less homosexuals. Those things happen because they have crappy cars, kids in bad shape, and not a good enough resume not because they don't give enough money to church. He has preached many times about how even if you can't afford to pay your bills you need to give money to church and that God will take care of you. Prosperity preaching is a joke and is not remotely close to true.
Newspring spent over 180 grand marketing and buying copies of Perry's first book to falsely put it on the NYT best seller's list. They admit as much. They falsely claim that every dollar went to the church. The church used tax exempt money to promote and support their pastor commercially which is illegal. They claim 100% of the money given to Perry for his speaking engagements go the church. Of course it does. That funnels it through tax free and goes back to him tax free through housing money and his insane food and travel budget among other things. Shady accounting at its finest.
If you like your tithes going towards trips for the pastor and his friends to eat at Sullivans, buy coffee, trips to Disney World, Boston, trips to the holy land every year and just so he can baptize his daughter in the Jordan River, trips to Atlanta just because Perry is hungry and wants a specific restaurant there, etc then Newspring is the place for you. Sure they do some good things too but a large portion of their tithes are put to use as wastefully as possible. They don't do anything good without making a giant show out of it and then lying about how 100% of their money goes to things like that. Perry makes way more than enough money he should be able to pay for his own food for his friends and his own trips yet the church picks up the tab every time and every service starts out with a guest speaker telling you how much you'll be blessed by giving the church the 10% that is rightfully theirs and claiming it was never yours in the first place.
I'll keep my trips to the ATM machine at the bank and skip out on the ones located in NS
LOL did you sign up for TI just to post ITT? I noticed it was your first post.
Seriously, though, and this is for everyone, is PN even an ordained minister? Did he attend seminary anywhere? Sorry if this has already been addressed.
I was a member for years and signed up about a month before signing day so no I didn't. Newspring and churches like it are not churches so I decided to post. Perry is not an ordained minister and never attended seminary. He's a self absorbed moron who has blindly led his followers to thinking being a christian and being blessed is all about how well you tithe. For the Newspring sheep who respond save your breath. Every single service he repeats over and over on how your problems will start to go away and you'll be blessed if you tithe to Newspring. He over and over and over repeats how God can handle your finances better than you can so you need to give your money to God. The I love my church shirts are a mockery. The church should promote loving Jesus and the bible not loving Newspring and Perry. Perry thinks he's a god like figure and newspring "owners" treat him as such. They don't dare question him and go nuts when someone else questions the church. It's hilarious really and they only act like that due to how often Perry himself makes fun of people who don't agree with Newspring. They're just sheep taking after their leader. The worst part of it all is they are so blind they don't realize it. He even preached about how it isn't about giving the tithe but BRINGING THE TITHE yet he has atm like machines and you can give online. That isn't bringing the tithe Perry.
The main part that kills me is he used to over and over beat people over the head with how 100% goes to missions. How does 100% of the tithe go to missions when he has 2 24/7 body guards, eats expensively while paying for all his friends that go with him all the time using church funds, travel nonstop all around the country using church money even for family trips, etc? The dude wastes money like it's nothing because he can freely spend the church's money and through his words and how often he makes fun of people who question him nobody dares to do so.
The accounting practices at NS are unethical as it gets. Perry gives every dollar he makes elsewhere to the church and they funnel it right back to him to avoid taxes. He then brags about how he gives it to the church like he is doing a good thing.
I don't see how the people who go there read the bible and claim to be christians while worshipping Perry who constantly bashes anyone who doesn't go to Newspring and constantly calls people who don't agree with the church jackasses, idiots, and morons. That isn't Christian behavior in the least. Newspring is just a platform for crazy Perry to spew his outlandish interpretations of scripture that are often extremely far fetched. He'll take scripture talking about something entirely different with no ties to money and claim that scripture has to do with tithing. He then will constantly say "you don't want to get into a bible debate with me...you'll lose" even though many in his church and most of his detractors have done more bible study than he has. He does sometimes have good services and good points but he ruins every single one of them with his greed and obsession with people tithing. In Perry's mind or else just in his greed he can somehow try to tie every single piece of scripture into giving money to the church. No other church I've ever heard of outside of the churches his friends have come close to the money grabbing crap Perry preaches.
I invite all NS "owners" to go sit in another church's service and think of HUGE difference in money talks at that church. It's insane.
Perry blatantly tells his members they aren't important enough to take his time or get to know him yet constantly brags about his vacations, some great food he just ate in Boston or Chicago, his great Disney trips, how proud he is that he could use the church's money to take his daughter and baptize her in the Jordan river, etc. He has tons of time to waste on travelling around the world but God forbid he give a simple phone call to a sick "owner".
I'd venture a good guess that Dabo is literally 100 times busier than Perry and is not a preacher yet how many stories do we hear of him visiting sick Clemson fans he has never met in the hospital?