Sorry, poor choice of words regarding their status. I'll grant you that.Originally posted by Mac Tiger:
Help me out! Which one is privately held and which one is publicly held? Who has proof that they don't reveal their spending? All of this is rumor. Most churches that are organized like NS don't publicize their budget, but they do allow anyone who is a member to see the books whenever they ask to. I think they are bound by law and their Articles of Incorporation to do so. My point is that they are not accountable to me for how they spend money.Originally posted by SWUtigers:
Uh the difference is one a privately held company and the other is a publically held company. HUGE differences in how they release their tax/budget information.Originally posted by Mac Tiger:
Noble and Furtick both founded the churches they pastor. The people in these churches did not "hire" them and subsequently do not need to be the one's determining their salaries. I have no problem with an outside group, or presbytry, setting salaries and/or making recommendations for salaries for the Senior leaders. These men are not employees, and should not treated as such. The fact that on page three of this thread someone has released the missions budget expenditures for last year and someone else posted broad categorical budgetary items in another post tells me that there must be records that are available. Just because they don't have "business meetings" and print the budget and send everyone home with handouts or print it in the "bulletin" does not mean they have closed books that will not be made available per request. I'm sure both ministries have external audits and must cut the mustard with their management practices. I live in Ga. and have never attended a NS service, and honestly it is none of my business how NS spend money. Why so many of us on this board thinks it is our business is beyond me. Every business takes advantage of tax loopholes and allowances, not just non-profits. This argument is like all of us demanding that Cris publicly publish the TI budget with everyone's salaries listed and all the expenditures for all of us to discuss. It really is none of our business.Originally posted by TheClemsonJaguar:
Steven Furtick of Elevation church based out of Charlotte. Also good friend of PN. They don't release any financials and a board composed of PN and other pastor friends determines Furtick's salary.Originally posted by OrangeForever:
Who is the guy on the bottom? Looks like Merriam Webster Definition of the word "Douchebag"Originally posted by CUTigerfan33:
I have zero respect for someone like this:
that is on the board of a church run by this crook:
Here is a probably very biased article on the $1.7M house he is building:
But to summarize, you're ok with a "non-profit" not paying taxes and NOT revealing how they disperse their money? Frankly, I'm not.
This post was edited on 4/17 2:05 PM by SWUtigers
To the bold portion, I have asked numerous times to at least shine some light on the subject and all I get is crickets. If it's easy to obtain, then it should be easy to find on the internet, right?