Covid Scandal and Coverup


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
It's getting real. Rand Paul is all over this.

Rand Paul knows where the Covid trail leads. He is already honed in on the CIA.

However, I don’t think a Congressional investigation is going to get the job done. These are international crimes against humanity.

Accountability for Covid is going to require a Nuremberg-type of reckoning. It’s going to require a coalition between the world superpowers. We are not the only ones who have a claim on the heads of those responsible for Covid. Americans are not the only ones who suffered and died.

International Military Tribunal would be the appropriate entity to prosecute such crimes, but the UN isn’t exactly working either. This is an unprecedented situation that requires unprecedented solutions.

Paul will serve as a valuable asset to drive public awareness about the origins of Covid, but accountability for these crimes might require Trump to be a little bit of a dictator…

Uh Ohhh…

Rand Paul releases Newly Discovered Emails

Ecohealth's Peter Daszak: "we have 15,000 samples in freezers in Wuhan"

"... and could do the full genomes of 700+ CoVs [coronaviruses]"

Fauci flunky David Morens responds: to remain "silent" but "documenting these things for...your own defense."

"...Tony [Fauci] is now fully aware...and I am told involved in some sort of damage control..."

Publicly Fauci never mentioned the 700 unknown coronaviruses still in Dr. Shi's Wuhan Lab.

Nor did Fauci ever publicly admit COVID-19 could have been one of those 700 unknowns.
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Top WHO Official Testifies: Vaccine Passports Were a Scam to Push Fake Covid Shots
"A top official with the World Health Organization (WHO) has admitted during an explosive testimony that the vaccine passports pushed by the agency were just a scam to advance the global vaccination agenda.

Additionally, Dr. Hanna Nohynek testified that the WHO knew that Covid mRNA shots were ineffective but still pushed for the general public to be pressured into taking the experimental injections.

Dr. Nohynek says the WHO used the vaccine passports to force the public into complying with the vaccination agenda despite knowing the injections were ineffective against Covid.

Nohynek is the WHO’s chair of the Strategic Group of Experts on Immunization and serves as the chief physician at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and serves as.

The WHO dropped the bombshell revelations in a Helsinki courtroom while testifying in a lawsuit brought by Finnish citizen Mika Vauhkala.

Vauhkala is suing after he was denied entry to a café for not having a vaccine passport.

Nohynek testified in court that she advised the WHO and her government that vaccine passports were not needed.

However, Nohynek says she was ignored, despite explaining that the Covid vaccines were essentially “fake” because they did not stop virus transmission.

She also warned that the passports and vaccines gave a false sense of security.

During her testimony, Nohynek revealed that the WHO and the Finnish Institute for Health knew by the summer of 2021 that the Covid mRNA shots were completely ineffective against virus transmission.
She says the United Nations health agency knew the injections wouldn’t stop the spread of Covid shortly after rolling out the vaccines in early 2021 but continued to push them, despite the risks to public safety.

During that same 2021 time period, the WHO said it was working to “create an international trusted framework” for safe travel." - Frank Bergman
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Pro-Vaxxer Left Speechless as Dr. McCullough Drops the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots

BRIAN SHAPIRO: “You are... far less likely to get the effects of having to go into the ICU or possibly dying if you were vaccinated. Am I wrong?”

DR. MCCULLOUGH: “Yeah, you’re wrong. And here’s the reason why.”

• “The prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of the vaccines never showed a reduction in severity.”

• “They never showed a reduction in hospitalization and death.”

• “In a recent paper by Norman Fenton from the UK, he shown that there was tremendous misclassification bias.” This misclassification bias led to the false claim that 90% of people dying in the hospital were unvaccinated.

• “In countries that actually did have the vaccine status, like the UK, they found far more vaccinated in the hospital on ventilators and dying than the unvaccinated.”

• “With every single injection, one is more and more likely to get COVID-19.”

• “Our safety system for vaccines records, on average, 150 deaths in a year on average. The COVID-19 vaccines roll out... 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine. 1150 die on the same day they take the shot! Some die in the vaccine center. 1200 die the next day.”

• 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine doesn’t account for the underreporting factor of 30. “We’re looking, as we sit here today, at 550,000 plus Americans who have died after the vaccine. The same pattern is seen worldwide.”

Dr. McCullough ended with this statement:

“There are calls to pull these vaccines off the market. They’re so grossly unsafe because people die quickly after taking them.”
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Maybe you didn’t hear me the 100 other times I’ve said it.

The worldwide circle jerk won’t allow it. You think it came from bats in the deep dark cave?
Where do other viruses come from? Do you believe they are all man-made or do they arrive without our assistance? Was the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic a man-made event to oust Woodrow Wilson?
Where do other viruses come from? Do you believe they are all man-made or do they arrive without our assistance? Was the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic a man-made event to oust Woodrow Wilson?
It’s not 1918, but that’s funny.
It’s not 1918, but that’s funny.
Are you aware that the Spanish Flu came from birds? It's not a crazy notion that COVID19 could have come from bats.

"The Spanish flu was the name given to a form of influenza (flu) caused by an H1N1 virus that started in some type of bird (avian origin). The Spanish flu was a pandemic — a new influenza A virus that spread easily and infected people throughout the world."

Are you aware that the Spanish Flu came from birds? It's not a crazy notion that COVID19 could have come from bats.

"The Spanish flu was the name given to a form of influenza (flu) caused by an H1N1 virus that started in some type of bird (avian origin). The Spanish flu was a pandemic — a new influenza A virus that spread easily and infected people throughout the world."

So you’re a bat believer.

How convenient.
Are you aware that the Spanish Flu came from birds? It's not a crazy notion that COVID19 could have come from bats.

"The Spanish flu was the name given to a form of influenza (flu) caused by an H1N1 virus that started in some type of bird (avian origin). The Spanish flu was a pandemic — a new influenza A virus that spread easily and infected people throughout the world."

You don’t really think it came from bats do you?

I mean, you have a major lab located in the very city where the outbreak originated that does testing on diseases just like Covid. Occam’s razor…

Now I disagree with cocks that it was planned. I just think someone at the lab fvcked up. But I do think it was grossly mismanaged by the medical community and there was a lot of “never let a good crisis go to waste” behavior from politicos and others.

I think it is absolutely stunning that people were shouted down at one point for saying it was a lab leak. I mean the stupidity we saw during Covid will go down in history as an all time failure of human intelligence.
You don’t really think it came from bats do you?

I mean, you have a major lab located in the very city where the outbreak originated that does testing on diseases just like Covid. Occam’s razor…

Now I disagree with cocks that it was planned. I just think someone at the lab fvcked up. But I do think it was grossly mismanaged by the medical community and there was a lot of “never let a good crisis go to waste” behavior from politicos and others.

I think it is absolutely stunning that people were shouted down at one point for saying it was a lab leak. I mean the stupidity we saw during Covid will go down in history as an all time failure of human intelligence.
Both could be true - it could have leaked from a lab studying coronavirus in bats. The vast majority of infectious diseases are zoonotic(originated in animals) so of course it "could" have come from bats.

I'm not wedded to any origin theory and even if it was a conspiracy as Cocks believes, all Trump had to do was act like a repsonsible leader and he would have easily been re-elected.

Makes no sense whatsoever that they would intentionally unleash a virus that could kill members of their own families.
You don’t really think it came from bats do you?

I mean, you have a major lab located in the very city where the outbreak originated that does testing on diseases just like Covid. Occam’s razor…

Now I disagree with cocks that it was planned. I just think someone at the lab fvcked up. But I do think it was grossly mismanaged by the medical community and there was a lot of “never let a good crisis go to waste” behavior from politicos and others.

I think it is absolutely stunning that people were shouted down at one point for saying it was a lab leak. I mean the stupidity we saw during Covid will go down in history as an all time failure of human intelligence.

1. I still dont know - and neither do you, definitively, if it came from bats or a lab leak. I have always thought that either was possible.

2. You say people were "shouted down" but I don't think that saying "we do not currently have evidence to support that theory" counts as shouting down.

3. I agree with you that the stupidity of the trump administration in handling covid was next level.

4. Unrelated to your post, but I like it when the yokels come on here and claim that all their conspiracy theories have been proven true. It makes me laugh. I would love to see a list of all the theories that were not proven true.
If you want to think in simple terms, feel free.

Why are you always do cryptic with these one liners? I feel like you just plausible deniability on your crazy.

You are no different than @TigerGrowls posting shit from catturd and then when called out saying "I didn't say I believe it I just thought it was interesting."

So, be a man. Give us your detailed theories on covid.

Who did it? Why? And how?
No idea on the origin (lab leak v natural mutation), but thinking it was some intentional global conspiracy to oust Trump is some harebrained shit. COVID destroyed the world's economy, killed millions of people, and pushed tribalism to whole new levels.

Wet markets are ****ing heinous and there's pretty much zero sanitary protocols at them, so it being a natural mutation isn't entirely unplausible. Also, I find the fact that COVID originated in a city where they study this exact type of virus is too coincidental to ignore. We probably won't ever know the origin in our lifetimes, but thinking it was an intentional leak to oust Trump from office is asinine.
1. I still dont know - and neither do you, definitively, if it came from bats or a lab leak. I have always thought that either was possible.

2. You say people were "shouted down" but I don't think that saying "we do not currently have evidence to support that theory" counts as shouting down.

3. I agree with you that the stupidity of the trump administration in handling covid was next level.

4. Unrelated to your post, but I like it when the yokels come on here and claim that all their conspiracy theories have been proven true. It makes me laugh. I would love to see a list of all the theories that were not proven true.

The lab leak theory was treated as a conspiracy theory. People were mocked. People were criticized.

The intentional launch of a worldwide virus to dethrone a US president is a conspiracy theory.

Thinking it reasonable that a virus could have originated in a lab that does testing on coronaviruses, that also happens to be located in the city where the outbreak started, is not a conspiracy theory. It's the most logical answer.
Why are you always do cryptic with these one liners? I feel like you just plausible deniability on your crazy.

You are no different than @TigerGrowls posting shit from catturd and then when called out saying "I didn't say I believe it I just thought it was interesting."

So, be a man. Give us your detailed theories on covid.

Who did it? Why? And how?
You just want me to regurgitate what you’re already aware of?
THE CHINA VIRUS WAS A BIO ATTACK ON THE WORLD FACILITATED BY GLOBALIST TRAITORS WITHIN THE US GOVT. It was released primarily to take Trump down as this current battle is for control of the world. Do yall need any more details?
I’ve been at football training, and LAX fields all evening, so I’ll keep it short & sweet.

@TigerGrowls is accurate here.

Btw, it’s time to end this hamas loving nonsense on our own soil. Crazy what’s happening in this country. How anyone can defend or excuse this is wild.
I’ve been at football training, and LAX fields all evening, so I’ll keep it short & sweet.

@TigerGrowls is accurate here.

Btw, it’s time to end this hamas loving nonsense on our own soil. Crazy what’s happening in this country. How anyone can defend or excuse this is wild.
You probably should take a step back and reconsider some things if you believe the same conspiracies as Growls and AugTig. Just sayin...
Oh I know now - Maga hats and thick, oddly orange makeup.
I walked into Patagonia on East Andrews one time, around 5-6 years ago. As I walked through, I looked up and there stood a 6’ stout man, with a woman’s dress on… he worked there.

I knew at that very moment, my kids were going to face a different world. How you are part of that, defend that, and cheer for that, is mind boggling.

If I had to guess (you know, that judgment thing), you don’t have those same worries. It’s just you, and maybe a dog (maybe), and a ton of time on your hands.

You seem like you have good somewhere in there. I’m pulling for you.
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I walked into Patagonia on East Andrews one time, around 5-6 years ago. As I walked through, I looked up and there stood a 6’ stout man, with a woman’s dress on… he worked there.

I knew at that very moment, my kids were going to face a different world. How you are part of that, defend that, and cheer for that, is mind boggling.

If I had to guess (you know, that judgment thing), you don’t have those same worries. It’s just you, and maybe a dog (maybe), and a ton of time on your hands.

You seem like you have good somewhere in there. I’m pulling for you.
likely a cat
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I walked into Patagonia on East Andrews one time, around 5-6 years ago. As I walked through, I looked up and there stood a 6’ stout man, with a woman’s dress on… he worked there.

I knew at that very moment, my kids were going to face a different world. How you are part of that, defend that, and cheer for that, is mind boggling.

If I had to guess (you know, that judgment thing), you don’t have those same worries. It’s just you, and maybe a dog (maybe), and a ton of time on your hands.

You seem like you have good somewhere in there. I’m pulling for you.
Because it doesn't negatively affect me in the slightest. If doing that makes that person happy, then who am I to try and prevent them from happiness? Especially since it's not something that negatively impacts anyone around them.

Do I understand it? No. Do I think the trans community is trying to brainwash children into becoming trans? No, that's absurd. I think they're just people trying to find happiness, and acting as a roadblock to that happiness is not something I have any interest doing.
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