Covid Scandal and Coverup

This is huge:

The former director of the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admits Covid shots caused ‘significant side effects’ among young healthy people.

He also admitted that the vaccine wasn’t really “necessary” for people under 50 years old.

He THEN admitted that many young and healthy people have suffered “significant side effects” from Covid mRNA shots.

Although this is a significant admission, it’s a little too late.

DO NOT forget that 2 years ago, the same CDC signed off on forced vaccinations for workers, mandatory vaccines for pregnant women, and many people lost their livelihoods for refusing. Those who complied are now having to live with significant injuries.
Trump tried to getvthevtruth out to any who would listen.

May 19, 2020 - Trump refutes the FDA and VA’s “phony study” on hydroxychloroquine and spends an entire 8 minutes promoting the cheap and effective drug.

It’s clear that government “health” organizations wanted to keep people sick in order to hurt Trump.

He did everything he could to get the word out about treatments that could help people, but the Establishment fought him every step of the way.

The 'Experts' are Slowly Walking Back the Big Lies Told to Americans During the Covid Pandemic

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Over the past few weeks, the Experts have given Americans a few glimpses of truth among the endless Big Lies they told us during the Covid pandemic.

Former NIH Acting Director Lawrence Tabak confessed to Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) in testimony that the U.S. government did, in fact, fund “gain-of-function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

"Did NIH fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through EcoHealth?" Lesko asked.

“If you're speaking about the generic term... yes, we did.”

This is quite the admission from a former Fauci aide who told Congress in April 2023 he thought the origin of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was zoonotic, and thus, not the result of a Wuhan lab leak.

That’s right, Dr. Tabak refused to let the ‘wet market’ cover story go.

Old myths die hard. And with today’s professional liar class, they die in euphemisms.

Even Dr. Ralph Baric, the UNC scientist behind the infamous SARS-CoV-2 “blueprint” — cut-and-paste instructions on how to create a Frankenstein coronavirus with a furin cleavage site — called bullsh*t on the endless stream of prevarications from EcoHealth Alliance head Peter Daszak, who denied that taxpayers funded “gain-of-function” research.

EcoHealth Alliance president Dr. Peter Daszak, in a hearing earlier this month before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, testified that his organization “never has and did not do gain-of-function research, by definition.”

But that claim directly contradicted Daszak’s private correspondence, including a 2016 email in which he celebrated the end of an Obama administration pause on gain-of-function research.

The EcoHealth head was also called out in sworn testimony to the COVID panel by Dr. Ralph Baric, a leading coronavirologist who initiated the research himself and declared it was “absolutely” gain-of-function.

Baric’s devastating admission, recounted by the New York Post, delivers a shattering blow to the zombie narrative that was the Covid “wet market” origins story.

But that’s not all.

In another stunning revelation from a former top-ranking CDC official, Dr. Robert Redfield effectively admitted that informed consent about Covid vaccine side effects was denied to Americans during the pandemic.

Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said Thursday that many officials who tried to warn the public about potential problems with COVID-19 vaccines were pressured into silence and that it’s high time to admit that there were “significant” side effects that made people sick.

Dr. Redfield made the remarks in a May 16 interview with Chris Cuomo on NewsNation, during which he lamented the loss of public confidence in public health agencies because of a lack of transparency around the vaccines, which he said “saved a lot of lives” but also made some people “quite ill.”

“Those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines ... we kind of got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they were afraid that that would cause people not to want to get vaccinated,” Dr. Redfield said.

You don’t say.

This comes as U.S. vaccine giant Pfizer has issued an “apology” of sorts for its misleading advertising practices during Covid. (Nobody could see that coming.)

Pfizer now says it is “deeply sorry” for a tweet misleading Americans about Covid vaccine efficacy rates.

"The complainant alleged the tweet included relative efficacy rates without any information about absolute efficacy rates and that no safety data or safety information was provided, and therefore that Pfizer had misleadingly and illegally promoted its COVID-19 vaccine," the case summary alleged.

As was reported by Enstarz, based on a Biopharma-reporter study.

According to the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority, Pfizer promoted unlicensed medicines and violated a total of five regulatory codes.

The pharmaceutical giant has been accused of "bringing discredit" to the industry after employees promoted the COVID-19 vaccine across social media during the height of the pandemic.

Per Biopharma-reporter, medical director of Pfizer Dr. Berkley Phillips retweeted a post on Twitter, now known as X, stating: "Our vaccine candidate is 95% effective in preventing COVID and 94% effective in people over 65 years old."

This was the infamous "100%" absolute efficacy claim. That means that out of the clinical trials study, the statistically insignificant number of 2 lives were reported as saved versus 4 deaths in the placebo group.

It did not mean, as was implied, that the Covid jab stopped all deaths. This was fraud.

In the meantime, however, major Covid vaccine manufacturer Astra Zeneca has been ripping its shots off the global market.

The British vaccine maker that partnered with Oxford has admitted that the Covid viral vector shots do have adverse effects, after all, such as blood-clotting.

"The Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide, months after the pharmaceutical giant admitted for the first time in court documents that it can cause a rare and dangerous side effect," The Telegraph reported.

"The vaccine can no longer be used in the European Union after the company voluntarily withdrew its 'marketing authorisation," the report added. "The application to withdraw the vaccine was made on March 5 and came into effect on Tuesday."

This isn’t the first time that Big Pharma and the “Experts” have quietly conceded that their Covid policies were wrong (albeit typically with mealy mouthed evasions of responsibility.)

In March 2022, former CDC Director Rochelle Walensky “came clean” about the slipshod way Americans were led into Covid authoritarianism.

The CDC Director made a number of confessions of the actual science that got citizens censored, banned, or deplatformed. However, since Walensky is one of the privileged elites, she is 'allowed' to simply say that she was mistaken or otherwise changed her mind as more information came in.

The CDC director effectively confessed the agency is not the final authority on "the Science." As one example, she got her news about Covid vaccine efficacy from… CNN.

"I can tell you where I was when the CNN feed came that it was 95% effective — the vaccine. So many of us wanted to be helpful. So many of us wanted to say, 'okay, this is our ticket out right now.' We're done. So, I think we had perhaps too little caution and too much optimism for some good things that came our way. I really do."

"I think all of us wanted this to be done. Nobody said 'waning,' when, when you know, 'oh, this vaccine's gonna work'. Oh, well, 'maybe it'll work. It'll wear off.' Nobody said, well, 'what if the next variant, doesn't, it doesn't, it's not as potent against the next variant."

That’s right, it is quite possible that former CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky repeated the Big Lie about “95% Covid efficacy” from CNN.

Then there is her admission that the vaccines were not America's ticket out of the pandemic, the way that the mainstream media portrayed it.

We know that now because excess mortality rates that should have plummeted with "safe and effective" vaccines are still stubbornly high across the Western world.

These 'Experts' ruled over our lives for years, while throwing our nation into turmoil. Now, they are rewriting history to absolve themselves of blame for the tremendous damage they did to America.

Mistakes were made. How could they have known?

We tried to warn Americans. And in return, they censored us.

These people are not "Experts" — except at telling us all Big Lies.
"Supplements and telehealth services are two popular anti-vax revenue streams.

For example, The Wellness Company uses Peter McCullough’s megaphone to sell supplement subscriptions. Their persistent emails decry “Big Pharma” as the root of all evil while hawking $70 bottles of untested vitamins, using marketing copy like “inhibit spike viral effects” because they can’t outright say “buy this instead of getting a COVID vaccine.”

But the intention is clear."


Dr. Deborah Birx Admits She Manipulated Data and Altered CDC Guidelines to Deceive President Trump

Dr. Deborah Birx, who served as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President, has admitted in a new book that she quietly called her own shots during the COVID-19 plandemic.

Birx confessed to manipulating data and quietly altering CDC guidance without the administration’s knowledge or authorization.

In “Silent Invasion,” she discusses how she “devised” a “strategic sleight-of-hand” method of reporting she described as “subterfuge.”

Birx, who appeared alongside Fraudci and Trump during briefings, was instrumental in paving the way for destructive COVID policies such as testing, lockdowns, and masking.

“I devised a work-around for the governor’s reports I was then writing,” Birx admits in her new book.

“Instead of including those recommendations in the common bulleted list, I’d include them in the pandemic summary and state-specific recommendations in the governor’s reports, where they wouldn’t be so obvious.”

"We Incentivized MURDERING Patients in Hospitals”

• “If you go to the hospital and you get a positive COVID test, then the hospital gets more money.”

• “If you get put on remdesivir, the hospital gets more money.”

• “If you get put on a vent, the hospital gets more money.”

“Instead of saying, ‘You get more money when this patient’s healthy,’ we said, ‘You get more money when they die,’” testified attorney Tom Renz (@RenzTom) before the Ohio State Senate.

This video pissed me off

Watch how a Biden regime official talks about Marines who refused the Covid vaccine and were booted from the military

He treats them like criminals

We will take back this country and restore respect for our troops

And this fat POS is going to be investigated
VC: @MaxEvansUMP

BREAKING - Our new study found a 1,236% increase in excess deaths after the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in King County, Washington. A quadratic increase in excess cardiopulmonary arrest mortality was observed with higher COVID-19 vaccination rates.

Our study estimated 49,240 excess fatal cardiopulmonary arrests in the United States from 2021-2023. We identified a very strong ecological and temporal association between excess cardiopulmonary arrest mortality and the COVID-19 vaccination campaign
  • Haha
Reactions: dpic73
Such garbage that I was forced by my company to take the vaccine. Glad I got the JNJ one shot. I’m sure it’s crap too.
I just got lucky. My company strongly encouraged it but stopped short of the demand. I would of got the clot shot too to keep supporting my family. No one should of had to of made that decision.