COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

Leaked Report Confirms Myocarditis Cases Spiked in US Military Following Forced COVID Shots – As Gateway Pundit Has been Reporting now for Over 2 Years

Audience Cheers as Robert Kennedy Jr. Argues on the Effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin with Sean Hannity – Here Are the Scientific Studies RFK Jr. Was Talking About​

By Jim Hoft Jul. 26, 2023 7:00 pm


On Tuesday night Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. joined Sean Hannity on FOX News for a town hall event.
During the hour-long show, Kennedy continued to gain the approval of the FOX News audience. The crowd repeatedly broke out in applause in support of his positions and ideas for America’s future.
At one point the topic of COVID policy and treatment alternatives came up.

Robert Kennedy Jr. argued with Sean Hannity on the effectiveness of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
Dr. McCullough on New Studies: “The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients”
The mainstream media continues to lie about the effectiveness of these treatments. And Sean Hannity, who once was a vocal supporter of using hydroxychloroquine for treating the COVID virus, pushed back against RFK Jr.
Robert Kennedy Jr. pointed out, “You don’t know about those studies because the press is not reporting them.”
The audience applauded Kennedy’s response.

Here are the studies Robert Kennedy Jr. mentioned during his town hall with Sean Hannity.
The Gateway Pundit posted this information in Novebmer 2021.
There have now been 99 Ivermectin COVID-19 controlled studies that show a significant improvement in COVID patients.

There have been 401 Hydroxychloroquine studies (298 when we first cited this website) that show a 64% improvement in patients for COVID-19 patients.

Despite the science, Dr. Fauci and the medical elites have blocked the use of these effective treatments for coronavirus patients.
Dr. Robert Malone
, the inventor of the mRNA vaccines, accused Dr. Fauci and others of lying and causing the death of over 500,000 Americans by preventing HCQ and Ivermectin, and other treatments from COVID-19 patients.
Dr. Malone is right. It is well documented that Dr. Fauci and top US doctors conspired to disqualify and condemn hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment.
Millions died as a result of this.

As TGP reported earlier — It wasn’t just Fauci but all of the top US medical leaders who were in on the hydroxychloroquine lie.
***For more, click here for TGP’s exclusive interview with Dr. Abraham Zelenko on the benefits of hydroxychloroquine***
Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, broke this story in The Defender. According to Dr. Nass, the top health officials were all in on the conspiracy against hydroxychloroquine.
Fauci runs the NIAID, Collins is the NIH director (nominally Fauci’s boss) and Farrar is director of the Wellcome Trust. Farrar also signed the Lancet letter. And he is chair of the WHO’s R&D Blueprint Scientific Advisory Group, which put him in the driver’s seat of the WHO’s Solidarity trial, in which 1,000 unwitting subjects were overdosed with hydroxychloroquine in order to sink the use of that drug for COVID.
Farrar had worked in Vietnam, where there was lots of malaria, and he had also been involved with SARS-1 there. He additionally was central in setting up the UK Recovery trial, where 1,600 subjects were overdosed with hydroxychloroquine.
Even if Farrar didn’t have some idea of the proper dose of chloroquine drugs from his experience in Vietnam, he, Fauci and Collins would have learned about such overdoses after Brazil told the world about how they mistakenly overdosed patients in a trial of chloroquine for COVID. The revelation was made in an article published in the JAMA in mid-April 2020. Thirty-nine percent of the subjects in Brazil who were given high doses of chloroquine died, average age 50.
Yet the Solidarity and Recovery hydroxychloroquine trials continued into June, stopping only after their extreme doses were exposed.
Fauci made sure to control the treatment guidelines for COVID that came out of the NIAID, advising against both chloroquine drugs and ivermectin. Fauci’s NIAID also cancelled the first large-scale trial of hydroxychloroquine treatment in early disease, after only 20 of the expected 2,000 subjects were enrolled.
What does all this mean?
  1. There was a conspiracy between the five authors of the Nature paper and the heads of the NIH, NIAID and Wellcome Trust to cover up the lab origin of COVID.
  2. There was a conspiracy involving Daszac, Fauci and others to push the natural origin theory. (See other emails in the recent drop.)
  3. There was a conspiracy involving Daszac to write the Lancet letter and hide its provenance, to push the natural origin theory and paint any other ideas as conspiracy theory. Collin’s blog post is another piece of this story.
  4. Farrar was intimately involved in both large hydroxychloroquine overdose trials, in which about 500 subjects total died.
  5. Farrar, Fauci and Collins withheld research funds that could have supported quality trials of the use of chloroquine drugs and ivermectin and other repurposed drugs that might have turned around the pandemic.
  6. Are the four individuals named here — Fauci, Daszak, Collins and Farrar — intimately involved in the creation of the pandemic, as well as the prolongation and improper treatments used during the pandemic?
Read the rest here.
So when will Dr. Fauci be confronted on his lies that killed millions?

Audience Cheers as Robert Kennedy Jr. Argues on the Effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin with Sean Hannity – Here Are the Scientific Studies RFK Jr. Was Talking About​

By Jim Hoft Jul. 26, 2023 7:00 pm


On Tuesday night Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. joined Sean Hannity on FOX News for a town hall event.
During the hour-long show, Kennedy continued to gain the approval of the FOX News audience. The crowd repeatedly broke out in applause in support of his positions and ideas for America’s future.
At one point the topic of COVID policy and treatment alternatives came up.

Robert Kennedy Jr. argued with Sean Hannity on the effectiveness of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
Dr. McCullough on New Studies: “The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients”
The mainstream media continues to lie about the effectiveness of these treatments. And Sean Hannity, who once was a vocal supporter of using hydroxychloroquine for treating the COVID virus, pushed back against RFK Jr.
Robert Kennedy Jr. pointed out, “You don’t know about those studies because the press is not reporting them.”
The audience applauded Kennedy’s response.

Here are the studies Robert Kennedy Jr. mentioned during his town hall with Sean Hannity.
The Gateway Pundit posted this information in Novebmer 2021.
There have now been 99 Ivermectin COVID-19 controlled studies that show a significant improvement in COVID patients.

There have been 401 Hydroxychloroquine studies (298 when we first cited this website) that show a 64% improvement in patients for COVID-19 patients.

Despite the science, Dr. Fauci and the medical elites have blocked the use of these effective treatments for coronavirus patients.
Dr. Robert Malone
, the inventor of the mRNA vaccines, accused Dr. Fauci and others of lying and causing the death of over 500,000 Americans by preventing HCQ and Ivermectin, and other treatments from COVID-19 patients.
Dr. Malone is right. It is well documented that Dr. Fauci and top US doctors conspired to disqualify and condemn hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment.
Millions died as a result of this.

As TGP reported earlier — It wasn’t just Fauci but all of the top US medical leaders who were in on the hydroxychloroquine lie.
***For more, click here for TGP’s exclusive interview with Dr. Abraham Zelenko on the benefits of hydroxychloroquine***
Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, broke this story in The Defender. According to Dr. Nass, the top health officials were all in on the conspiracy against hydroxychloroquine.

Read the rest here.
So when will Dr. Fauci be confronted on his lies that killed millions?


Renowned Physicians and Members of Congress Gather at Supreme Court with 100,000 Petition Signatures, Demanding Investigation into Fauci and Goverment’s Misdealings and Corruption During COVID-19 (VIDEO)​

oh...turns out there are people dropping dead from the vaccine. would have been nice if the science looked into this 2 years ago when it was already obvious.


July 28, 2023

'It's Murder': Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA's Shocking New Move​

By Stella Paul

Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history, earning the nickname Run Death Is Near for its lethal record during COVID. Experts claimed that it would stop COVID; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs. Now this reviled destroyer of kidneys has been approved by the FDA for COVID treatment of kidney patients. Does anybody else feel as if the FDA is shoving its power in our faces and laughing at us?

I've been joining online support groups for people who lost loved ones to the Remdesivir Protocol — a nightmarish sequence in which a patient is isolated in the hospital, bullied into taking Remdesivir, ventilated, and then sedated to death. Thousands of Americans were killed this way, possibly hundreds of thousands.
These support groups are a deeply somber business. Grieving faces fill the screen of people who lost a parent, spouse, sibling, or child. Some speak with icy anger; some choke back sobs as they tell of the deadly abuse inflicted on their loved ones, shattering their families forever.
I asked them what they thought of the FDA's decision to approve Remdesivir for people with severe renal impairment, including dialysis. "Morally, how can you do that?" Joyce Wilson said. "It's a death sentence. They didn't care if people had kidney issues or not. My husband went into the hospital in kidney distress. They exacerbated it with Remdesivir. Then they ventilated him, and he died."

"This is absurd," Tracy Bird told me. "The FDA can no longer be trusted with any drug under any circumstances. It's all conflicts of interest. My husband Jeff had strong kidney function when he went in the hospital. They gave him Remdesivir, and three days later, he was in kidney failure."

"My daughter's story is no different than anyone else's," Denise Fritter said. "Jamie was 36 and looking forward to getting married. The hospital refused to consider any other modalities of treatment for her. They insisted on Remdesivir. Then they put her on a vent and murdered her. I think the FDA is using Remdesivir to fulfill their own agenda."
Cheri Martin, who lost her husband Steven to the protocol, chimed in with thoughts on the agenda: "They're going to use this decision as a way to clean house of renal patients and people on dialysis. It's saving a ton of money for Medicare over the next twenty years."
"I can't believe the FDA would approve this," MaryLou said. "My son was 37 years old. He went into the hospital with two blood clots, but his kidneys were functioning. They gave him Remdesivir, and in twelve hours, his kidneys stopped working, and his organs began to fail. We never saw him open his eyes again."
Michelle Conway said, "I took my husband to the E.R., and the next day, they told me he was going on Remdesivir. I said absolutely not. I wanted him on other treatments, but they refused all of it. They isolated him and told him he had to have Remdesivir or he'd die, and he agreed. I got to watch his last rites over a video conference. I know he was murdered by Remdesivir."
A woman I'll call Maya joined the support group for the first time to share her story. She's a survivor of the hospital protocol, and there aren't many of those. "I refused Remdesivir, and I refused the ventilator. But they find other ways to take you out. The doctors were pissed at me. They called my husband to pressure him. They fear-monger you with all these lies. And they pull your loved ones away from you. I was all by myself trying to make decisions."

The discussion often turned to the weird carelessness and indifference to standard medical procedures in the hospitals during COVID. "Multiple times in my husband's record, it said he was not a candidate for Remdesivir," Lisa said. "They gave it to him anyway, and he went into renal failure and died."
"The Remdesivir fact sheet clearly states that it may cause kidney and liver failure. And that's exactly what happened to my husband Richard," Michelle Strassburg said. "They're doubling down on this preposterous decision. I'm at a loss for words."
"It's so important that in their own literature of Remdesivir, they state that it's supposed to be given early," Catherine said. "Yet they kept stalling my husband. They sent him home and said to sign up for monoclonal antibodies. But when he showed up for it, they said they were too backed up. By the time he was hospitalized, he was really sick. They gave him Remdesivir, and he had a stroke."
Everyone in the group knows about the financial incentives that drove the hospital's insistence on Remdesivir. The federal government paid hospitals a staggering 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill of patients treated with Remdesivir. They also handed out lavish extra payments for ventilating patients. And, perhaps most tellingly, the feds rewarded hospitals with more money for patients who died of COVID instead of those who were healed.
Gregory Gandrud, the treasurer of the California Republican Party, understands financial incentives well. He explained the money behind his hospitalization. "They gave me $37,000's worth of Remdesivir, but it obviously didn't help because I wound up on a ventilator. My hospital bill was $920,000 for the 44 days I was there. Nobody offered me ivermectin, which is cheap, effective, has no side effects, and you can take at home."
Many in the group expressed frustration at trying to get justice. The PREP Act indemnified medical institutions from any actions they took during the federally declared COVID emergency. Lawyers are reluctant to take cases because they don't see how to break through the hospitals' indemnity shield.
After the support group, I spoke with Jamie Scher, who told me that her legal team was ready to file a complaint against Gilead today. Gilead is the lucky maker of Remdesivir, enjoying fabulous profits from this previous loser of a drug, which turned into a billion-dollar winner during COVID.
Jamie said she has over 1,000 plaintiffs, and, unfortunately, the list is growing daily. She's working hard to raise funds for the lawsuit; people interested in finding out more can visit her website at
Another way to circumvent the PREP Act may be to get malpractice insurance carriers to not insure hospitals and doctors for the use of this protocol and lethal drugs like Remdesivir. Jamie said prosecutors could then hold them accountable for intentionally killing people, knowing that these drugs do not help; they only harm.
I confess that after these support groups, I find it difficult to sleep. I keep reliving the anguish of these wonderful people. "They think we're stupid," I hear Erin say. Denise's sobs echo in my head, as she cries, "Why did God take my daughter from me? I'll never know." But her voice strengthens as she adds, "I do know we're all warriors in a spiritual battle." And Catherine offers words of hope: "Despite it all, I believe we're going to get justice."
Follow Stella on Twitter at @StellaPaulNY.
Driving over the Cooper river bridge today, there was a slow moving compact wussie car in front of me. The kind of vehicle someone like @ClemTigsCo drives per his post in another thread.

Anyways, I sped around it and always look to see what slow, shitty drivers of embarrassing cars look like. Sure enough, this loser was wearing an N95 face mask while driving solo. And it was a guy. Driving a crappy chick car. Wearing a mask.

Who TF are these people?
OMG!! Pfizer admits that they gave employees a special modified batch of the vaccine. No doubt not with mrna if I had to bet. People should go to prison!

"April 7, 2020 was the day everything changed in America. And hardly anybody realizes it.

It was the day that caused Jared Kushner to decide that letting Black and Hispanic Americans in Blue states die of Covid — yes, intentionally using the force of law and social pressure to push people into death’s jaws — could become part of what he called “an effective political strategy” to help them win the 2020 election, and Donald Trump signed off on it.

The most unreported story of the pandemic, the one that seems destined to be overlooked as histories are being written, is what Trump did when he learned the Covid coronavirus was largely killing Black and Hispanic people and mostly sparing whites."