I believe DEI is wrong in every instance when it is used in place of meritocracy hiring and I played in the corporate world for 45 plus years and across many companies in in many conversations I personally experienced or heard of many instances where white men were passed over so a Black person or women could fill the spot regardless of their competence to do the job because of DEI

I also had indoctrination sessions where I was force fed that white man bad and is discriminating when I speak for myself that was a fallacy being peddled to give equity to people who did not have the education work experience or ambition to do the job



Total bullshit.

No company taught that the white man was bad. Just bullshit.
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I believe DEI is wrong in every instance when it is used in place of meritocracy hiring and I played in the corporate world for 45 plus years and across many companies in in many conversations I personally experienced or heard of many instances where white men were passed over so a Black person or women could fill the spot regardless of their competence to do the job because of DEI

I also had indoctrination sessions where I was force fed that white man bad and is discriminating when I speak for myself that was a fallacy being peddled to give equity to people who did not have the education work experience or ambition to do the job


What a tired attempt to be relevant when we all know damn good and well none of this happened to you and besides, DEI didn't even start in it's current form until 2020, after you retired.
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Diversity is not a strength. I don' subscribe to that theory.
Not commenting on DEI, but this statement of yours. Diversity is absolutely a strength. Diversity of thought, experience, background, etc creates a better organization in my experience.

Forced diversity? No. But When I build a team, I WANT it to be diverse. Over my 40 year career, I have seen diversity drive growth and change. I have seen homogenous organizations stagnate because they always start to believe their own 💩.

While we have been having productive discussion, what do you think when you see this? Because i know you don't want to watch the whole video, im talking about the :40 second to 1:15 minute mark. Hopefully you can work through 35 seconds of O'keefe

He specifically says he wants his work force to gravitate away from white people.

Question 1) Is this an appropriate goal?

Question 2) Would it be ok if the person said the opposite and wanted to transition his workforce away from black or (insert race) people?

Question 3) Should white people work for State Farm knowing this?

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While we have been having productive discussion, what do you think when you see this? Because i know you don't want to watch the whole video, im talking about the :40 second to 1:15 minute mark. Hopefully you can work through 35 seconds of O'keefe

He specifically says he wants his work force to gravitate away from white people.

Question 1) Is this an appropriate goal?

Question 2) Would it be ok if the person said the opposite and wanted to transition his workforce away from black or (insert race) people?

Question 3) Should white people work for State Farm knowing this?

The link isn't showing?
Finally got it to work sorry for delay.


I'd like to give the guy a chance to explain further, and give him a chance for context. I also don't have full faith that this hasn't been edited to potentially take out any qualifications he may have had.

My feeling is that what he is suggesting is that State Farm employee percentage is very white, and they need to be more open to hiring other ethnicities to more closely align with their customer base.

That said, If they are intentionally not hiring qualified White candidates in favor of unqualified candidates solely due to ethnicity I disagree with that policy.

What some see as discrimination is in many cases an effort to identify existing discriminations on their organization.

Speaking for myself, I have hired 1000's of employees in my career, literally. It is extremely easy to allow yourself to hire someone who you have more in common with, historically most hiring managers have been White men. I think the intent of many corporate DEI programs was to make sure that hiring managers were aware of this, oftentimes unintentional, preference. Training programs I have been part of have not at all demonized white folks, or tried to tell us not to hire white folks, but have focused on the values of being open to different people and hiring based on their qualifications ans fit for the job. I have never worked anywhere where we had a score for diversity, or were judged for not being diverse. No company has ever penalized us for hiring white folks.

I think that DEI trainings have a value in the professional environment. I also don't agree that DEI and quotas are the same thing, although they seem to be equated in your arguments.

While we have been having productive discussion, what do you think when you see this? Because i know you don't want to watch the whole video, im talking about the :40 second to 1:15 minute mark. Hopefully you can work through 35 seconds of O'keefe

He specifically says he wants his work force to gravitate away from white people.

Question 1) Is this an appropriate goal?

Question 2) Would it be ok if the person said the opposite and wanted to transition his workforce away from black or (insert race) people?

Question 3) Should white people work for State Farm knowing this?

I can't believe I watched that but I agree with everything @yoshi121374 said because I too feel like it's missing context. It seemed like he was saying he was "interpreting" what his superiors wanted him to do as the Innovation Manager but you couldn't tell if he really agreed with it or not. If he was specifically asked to do that it's wrong, but he may be doing it because he thinks he's honoring the company's wishes. It's hard to tell...

All I got to say is these dudes that O'Keefe catches need to start sweeping left more when they see a honey pot to prevent these types of ambushes lol. Let's make plain Janes great again. 😅

I'd like to give the guy a chance to explain further, and give him a chance for context. I also don't have full faith that this hasn't been edited to potentially take out any qualifications he may have had.

My feeling is that what he is suggesting is that State Farm employee percentage is very white, and they need to be more open to hiring other ethnicities to more closely align with their customer base.

That said, If they are intentionally not hiring qualified White candidates in favor of unqualified candidates solely due to ethnicity I disagree with that policy.

What some see as discrimination is in many cases an effort to identify existing discriminations on their organization.

Speaking for myself, I have hired 1000's of employees in my career, literally. It is extremely easy to allow yourself to hire someone who you have more in common with, historically most hiring managers have been White men. I think the intent of many corporate DEI programs was to make sure that hiring managers were aware of this, oftentimes unintentional, preference. Training programs I have been part of have not at all demonized white folks, or tried to tell us not to hire white folks, but have focused on the values of being open to different people and hiring based on their qualifications ans fit for the job. I have never worked anywhere where we had a score for diversity, or were judged for not being diverse. No company has ever penalized us for hiring white folks.

I think that DEI trainings have a value in the professional environment. I also don't agree that DEI and quotas are the same thing, although they seem to be equated in your arguments.

What some see as discrimination is in many cases an effort to identify existing discriminations on their organization.

This is one valid explanation i had not thought of. Of course, that would require State Farm admitting that they currently discriminate against people of color and they are currently trying to rectify that.

And maybe what we can agree on is that DEI has a branding problem.

What some see as discrimination is in many cases an effort to identify existing discriminations on their organization.

This is one valid explanation i had not thought of. Of course, that would require State Farm admitting that they currently discriminate against people of color and they are currently trying to rectify that.

Appreciate the consideration and honest discourse. I think most organizations have been forced to realize this about themselves. I know that these types of trainings made me face some things about myself that I didn't like:

-I was judgemental about obviously ethnic names, which is pretty screwed up and not something that I'm proud of, particularly since a name isn't chosen by the person,but their parents, and isn't indicitave of their qualifications. The book freakanomics addressed this situation and found that it was very common.

Corporate Diversity trainings helped me change this weakness about myself. I honestly think they've helped me be a better manager, I have much better teams, and it's more welcoming to our very diverse patient base.
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What some see as discrimination is in many cases an effort to identify existing discriminations on their organization.

This is one valid explanation i had not thought of. Of course, that would require State Farm admitting that they currently discriminate against people of color and they are currently trying to rectify that.

And maybe what we can agree on is that DEI has a branding problem.

As far as the branding problem, I would suggest that it has been intentionally twisted to upset people. DEI isn't Quotas.

DEI is literally an attempt to make sure that we don't continue past discriminations and we respect and value the diverse qualities,experiences, and skills that each person brings to a team.

I'd equate it to this: what if all of your WR were 6'5" and slow? Not going to be very good are they? But combined with some speedy,smaller WR they can have immense value in the red zone, or as blockers. You are much harder to defend when you have various skillsets on your team
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As far as the branding problem, I would suggest that it has been intentionally twisted to upset people. DEI isn't Quotas.

DEI is literally an attempt to make sure that we don't continue past discriminations and we respect and value the diverse qualities,experiences, and skills that each person brings to a team.

I'd equate it to this: what if all of your WR were 6'5" and slow? Not going to be very good are they? But combined with some speedy,smaller WR they can have immense value in the red zone, or as blockers. You are much harder to defend when you have various skillsets on your team

You say that about DEI but I disagree. I think you are being naive.

State Farm guy was fired. Discrimination against White people is real. DEI should die. If there is a legitimate need for programs as you describe they need to be rebranded. Too many things under the DEI umbrella were discriminatory against whites in the past. Fair or unfair, that is the DEI brand.

Having trouble with the link again, but it’s just a post to the state guy farm guy got fired.

Respectfully you apparently have never been in a training class that is teaching Diversity,equity,or inclusion in the workplace. They aren't teaching guilt, they are training organizations to be colorblind and hire based on skills experience, etc.

It's literally the opposite of Racism.

I think you are using a very blanket view of DEI as it related to college quotas, or similar.

That's not at all the same thing, and as you have said, you own your own company and I guess aren't teaching these skills. That means you aren't really qualified to judge DEI training.
My company is ate up with DEI programs and it's pathetic. I feel like barfing everytime I have to listen to the brainwashing curriculum.
Do you mind describing the DEI programs at your work?
Training and hiring. They make us take online classes multiple times a year hammering in DEI and woke culture. Its centered around protecting lgbtq+ and trans also...those two groups are heavily represented in the example scenarios. Also focuses on how whites do not recognize their own racism and showing us how to assume that we are always racist no matter what. A number of prominent hires are also obvious examples of them using DEI to hire for important positions even though thats not as bad as it could be because they are also offshoring a significant part of the workforce to India so we have a huge contingent represented there.
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Training and hiring. They make us take online classes multiple times a year hammering in DEI and woke culture. It’s centered around protecting lgbtq+ and trans also...those two groups are heavily represented in the example scenarios. Also focuses on how whites do not recognize their own racism and showing us how to assume that we are always racist no matter what. A number of prominent hires are also obvious examples of them using DEI to hire for important positions even though thats not as bad as it could be because they are also offshoring a significant part of the workforce to India so we have a huge contingent represented there.
Next time can you take a picture of some of them or something? It’s your experience so I won’t call someone a liar, but it’s hard for me to imagine a corporate training that “shows how to assume we are always racist no matter what”. I could see “people are wired to like people who are like them or we should always be examining our own bias”. So just curious how they are wording these woke trainings at your work. Thanks for sharing.
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Next time can you take a picture of some of them or something? It’s your experience so I won’t call someone a liar, but it’s hard for me to imagine a corporate training that “shows how to assume we are always racist no matter what”. I could see “people are wired to like people who are like them or we should always be examining our own bias”. So just curious how they are wording these woke trainings at your work. Thanks for sharing. recount is the best I can give you as it wouldnt be proper for me to share anything online from my work place. You basically are insulting me and inferring lying by this back handed request. Let clarify though, they do not directly say we are racist but rather its inferred in a round about way.
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Next time can you take a picture of some of them or something? It’s your experience so I won’t call someone a liar, but it’s hard for me to imagine a corporate training that “shows how to assume we are always racist no matter what”. I could see “people are wired to like people who are like them or we should always be examining our own bias”. So just curious how they are wording these woke trainings at your work. Thanks for sharing.

Opinion: All the "examine your own bias" comes off as really Karen. I had parents teach me how to treat people, I don't need a person at work following me around and examining my bias. I am there to do a job, if you don't like the way i do it fire me or don't hire me in the first place. The race stuff, the bias stuff, is counterproductive. We laugh at y'all when you make us do these ridiculous programs. Everyone is rolling their eyes and annoyed at Karen.

DEI is dead. Certain companies can carry it on, but it will be cost prohibitive in the future. There will be a cost to be associated with DEI because it has been branded as anti-white racism because that is what it is / was.
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Reactions: TigerGrowls recount is the best I can give you as it wouldnt be proper for me to share anything online from my work place. You basically are insulting me and inferring lying by this back handed request. Let clarify though, they do not directly say we are racist but rather its inferred in a round about way.
So saying your company is training you to assume you are racist, cool. Sharing a screenshot or exact wording of that training, not proper, got it.

Then me saying "it is your experience, so I am not saying you are lying" is insulting you and inferring you are lying. Second got it.

Your last sentence, the clarification, is exactly what I was getting at. I didn't and don't think you're lying. I think you're taking a training that is meant to cover the organization from being sued for being discriminatory ("make sure you are judging by qualifications, not skin color or sexual orientation" and "maybe don't make people feel uncomfortable by making comments about XYZ") and making it into something personal, like they are making you personally take this training because they think you personally are racist and sexist and a bigot. I would assume that black employees, women, and any homosexual employees also are required to do the trainings? Companies often do these training so that when someone does discriminate, or make inappropriate comments, etc, they can point to the training and say "see, we said not to, this isn't a company issue, its a that person issue".

Amazing how sensitive the group that invented the term snowflake is. Again, I was not saying you are lying, I was saying I don't think you are interpreting it the way it was intended. To use your terms, I think you have DEI/Woke Derangement Syndrome.
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Opinion: All the "examine your own bias" comes off as really Karen. I had parents teach me how to treat people, I don't need a person at work following me around and examining my bias. I am there to do a job, if you don't like the way i do it fire me or don't hire me in the first place. The race stuff, the bias stuff, is counterproductive. We laugh at y'all when you make us do these ridiculous programs. Everyone is rolling their eyes and annoyed at Karen.

DEI is dead. Certain companies can carry it on, but it will be cost prohibitive in the future. There will be a cost to be associated with DEI because it has been branded as anti-white racism because that is what it is / was.
Mentioned this in another response. A lot of trainings you find to be Karen, are simply, CYA(cover your...) by the company. They often don't really give a sh!t, they just want to be covered if some of their employees are being racists, sexists, or bigots. They had trainings telling them not to, and official policies against it. So just those pricks, not the company.
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So saying your company is training you to assume you are racist, cool. Sharing a screenshot or exact wording of that training, not proper, got it.

Then me saying "it is your experience, so I am not saying you are lying" is insulting you and inferring you are lying. Second got it.

Your last sentence, the clarification, is exactly what I was getting at. I didn't and don't think you're lying. I think you're taking a training that is meant to cover the organization from being sued for being discriminatory ("make sure you are judging by qualifications, not skin color or sexual orientation" and "maybe don't make people feel uncomfortable by making comments about XYZ") and making it into something personal, like they are making you personally take this training because they think you personally are racist and sexist and a bigot. I would assume that black employees, women, and any homosexual employees also are required to do the trainings? Companies often do these training so that when someone does discriminate, or make inappropriate comments, etc, they can point to the training and say "see, we said not to, this isn't a company issue, its a that person issue".

Amazing how sensitive the group that invented the term snowflake is. Again, I was not saying you are lying, I was saying I don't think you are interpreting it the way it was intended. To use your terms, I think you DEI/Woke Derangement Syndrome.
Well I take the training even though I do not like it. I also do not like all the woke crap they manage to put into every tv show/movie nowadays. I guess I better come to terms with it. LOL!!!
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Well I take the training even though I do not like it. I also do not like all the woke crap they manage to put into every tv show/movie nowadays. I guess I better come to terms with it. LOL!!!

I will tell you that in full transparency, I get tired of the very obvious "placement" as if they are checking a box of ethnicities and sexualities. It is very inauthentic, and frankly seems a little disrespectful of the groups they are trying to represent. I much prefer a show that has those characters,but doesn't make a big deal about it. There is a book I've read recently that has anyone binary character, This character has a female name, but is referred to as "They/Them". It is not ever explained, the author doesn't a make a big deal about it, It's just the facts. That is a much stronger way to show representation.

I will say, in speaking with many of my friends who are of those ethic and LGBTQ+ groups that seeing characters who are like them is meaningful. It is important to feel accepted and see yourself represented in the world. None of us wants to feel alone.

One thing I always go back to is this, " Why do you care?". If it doesn't harm you, if it doesn't harm someone else, why do you care? Watch something else, we have a million options.
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