Elon Musk

World renowned authority Suggon Deeznuts says parody is legal. Gavin denied

Thinking this is funny aside, what are your thoughts on AI videos and ads that use someone’s likeness/voice/etc without their permission and are potentially not shared as “parody” but disinformation? Not asking as a one side thing.
Thinking this is funny aside, what are your thoughts on AI videos and ads that use someone’s likeness/voice/etc without their permission and are potentially not shared as “parody” but disinformation? Not asking as a one side thing.

You can make the argument for regulating fake ads that are not marked PARODY.

If it's marked PARODY it's hard to argue that it doesn't fall under freedom of speech. Unless we want to make mocking people illegal. Libs would love that.
You can make the argument for regulating fake ads that are not marked PARODY.

If it's marked PARODY it's hard to argue that it doesn't fall under freedom of speech. Unless we want to make mocking people illegal. Libs would love that.
Even for Parody I may argue using their actual likeness and voice is questionable. But I suppose it somewhat depends on whether the poster is making money off their parody maybe. Mostly, even if they say parody, others can very easily then share it themselves without parody, and boom its viral. I also think this is a both sides risk.