FBI Now ADMITS To FRAMING TRUMP, Classified Documents Were Placeholders, FBI STAGED Evidence

Well... I'm not privy to this... But I have listened to what Trump said:

First Trump said that he didn't have any documents.

Then he said the FBI was planting evidence and that he didn't have any documents.

Then he said that he had the documents in a secure area and he declassified the documents

Then he said that he could declassify documents by just THINKING about it.

Then he said that other people had classified documents too and that he was being unfairly punished.

Finally, he said that the FBI warrant was an attempt to kill him.

So did the FBI plant the documents that he had already declassified? Or the ones he declassified with his mind? Or did the FBI plant documents like others had and no one got punished for? Or did the FBI plant the documents to show probable cause after killing Trump?

AGAIN... All Trump had to do was turn the documents back in... Just like Biden and Pence did and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
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Well... I'm not privy to this... But I have listened to what Trump said:

First Trump said that he didn't have any documents.

Then he said the FBI was planting evidence and that he didn't have any documents.

Then he said that he had the documents in a secure area and he declassified the documents

Then he said that he could declassify documents by just THINKING about it.

Then he said that other people had classified documents too and that he was being unfairly punished.

Finally, he said that the FBI warrant was an attempt to kill him.

So did the FBI plant the documents that he had already declassified? Or the ones he declassified with his mind? Or did the FBI plant documents like others had and no one got punished for? Or did the FBI plant the documents to show probable cause after killing Trump?

AGAIN... All Trump had to do was turn the documents back in... Just like Biden and Pence did and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
but you are ok with the FBI framing him and staging evidence?
but you are ok with the FBI framing him and staging evidence?
Not at all... Are you OK with Trump lying to you and saying the FBI is framing him and staging evidence? Hint: I'm thinking yes.

The point here is that Trump has a LOT of stories about this raid. Some of them seem contradictory. My favorite one is that the FBI was going to kill him... even though he wasn't even there when the raid was conducted. And remember, he has a very public schedule since he has to take Secret Service protection with him wherever he goes.
Not at all... Are you OK with Trump lying to you and saying the FBI is framing him and staging evidence? Hint: I'm thinking yes.

The point here is that Trump has a LOT of stories about this raid. Some of them seem contradictory. My favorite one is that the FBI was going to kill him... even though he wasn't even there when the raid was conducted. And remember, he has a very public schedule since he has to take Secret Service protection with him wherever he goes.
Don’t forget, the fbi and SS collaborated together to make sure Trump wouldn’t be at MAL during the raid, but that is conveniently left out when the MAGAs cry
but you are ok with the FBI framing him and staging evidence?
Are you ok with known liar Tim Pool's spin on it? This has been covered several times on this board and Tim Pool's version is bullshit intended to inflame vulnerable magats like you, because he knows he can leave out information and twist the story and you'll never fact-check him.
I'm obviously not going to watch that nonsense, but there was some discussion of the government putting things in boxes and then making it easy to photograph by laying them out, as they do in all sorts of other contexts.

And that this somehow constitutes an intentional effort to frame the former president.
Are you ok with known liar Tim Pool's spin on it? This has been covered several times on this board and Tim Pool's version is bullshit intended to inflame vulnerable magats like you, because he knows he can leave out information and twist the story and you'll never fact-check him.
I didn’t watch Tim Pool’s video
I didn’t watch Tim Pool’s video

But you realize Trump is 100% full of shit about this issue? He has changed his story numerous times and completely contradicted himself. He's in deep shit, and even Cannon can't help him. His own lawyers said he lied to them.

Again, all he had to do was turn the documents back in and none of this even is an issue.
Can someone give me the cliffs?
The first thing you need to know is that Trump had already admitted to having them, at one point claiming they were his to take and another time claiming that he had declassified them, so we know they were already there. The controversy here is about the cover pages the FBI used to place over the documents before they took the photos and the claim that the contents of the boxes had been jumbled.

"Smith’s team revealed in the filing that FBI agents carried printed “classified cover sheets” during the Aug. 8, 2022, search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate and used them to replace any classified documents they discovered in cardboard Bankers Boxes that littered the former president’s residence.

“The investigative team used classified cover sheets for that purpose, until the FBI ran out because there were so many classified documents, at which point the team began using blank sheets with handwritten notes indicating the classification level of the document(s) seized,” the prosecutors wrote.

Later, they said, the handwritten notes were replaced with more formal placeholder sheets, but some of the handwritten ones may have been left in the boxes as well, complicating efforts to link a placeholder to a specific classified document.

“Any handwritten sheets that currently remain in the boxes do not represent additional classified documents — they were just not removed when the classified cover sheets with the index code were added,” Smith’s team wrote. “In many but not all instances, the FBI was able to determine which document with classification markings corresponded to a particular placeholder sheet.”

Prosecutors say despite the reordering, each box still contains precisely the same material it had in it when it was seized."
The first thing you need to know is that Trump had already admitted to having them, at one point claiming they were his to take and another time claiming that he had declassified them, so we know they were already there. The controversy here is about the cover pages the FBI used to place over the documents before they took the photos and the claim that the contents of the boxes had been jumbled.

"Smith’s team revealed in the filing that FBI agents carried printed “classified cover sheets” during the Aug. 8, 2022, search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate and used them to replace any classified documents they discovered in cardboard Bankers Boxes that littered the former president’s residence.

“The investigative team used classified cover sheets for that purpose, until the FBI ran out because there were so many classified documents, at which point the team began using blank sheets with handwritten notes indicating the classification level of the document(s) seized,” the prosecutors wrote.

Later, they said, the handwritten notes were replaced with more formal placeholder sheets, but some of the handwritten ones may have been left in the boxes as well, complicating efforts to link a placeholder to a specific classified document.

“Any handwritten sheets that currently remain in the boxes do not represent additional classified documents — they were just not removed when the classified cover sheets with the index code were added,” Smith’s team wrote. “In many but not all instances, the FBI was able to determine which document with classification markings corresponded to a particular placeholder sheet.”

Prosecutors say despite the reordering, each box still contains precisely the same material it had in it when it was seized."
I literally just meant the video bc I wasn’t giving him a watch lol. What is the actual claim in this case?
I literally just meant the video bc I wasn’t giving him a watch lol. What is the actual claim in this case?
That literally was the claim. He's saying the docs were planted because of what he's calling "props" that were actually the cover pages. And because some went back in their boxes in a different order, they're claiming that proves fraud as well.

It's stupid but that's what Tim Pool does.
You know you don't actually believe that. He had those docs, he admitted he had them, he claims they were all his and he was entitled to them. That isnt debatable at all.
How is it not truth? They admitted it in court and is now part of the court records. You look like Luke when Vader told him that he was his father......Search your feelings Yoshi, you know its true....
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Not at all... Are you OK with Trump lying to you and saying the FBI is framing him and staging evidence? Hint: I'm thinking yes.

The point here is that Trump has a LOT of stories about this raid. Some of them seem contradictory. My favorite one is that the FBI was going to kill him... even though he wasn't even there when the raid was conducted. And remember, he has a very public schedule since he has to take Secret Service protection with him wherever he goes.
Hmm crossfire hurricane and this are all part of official court records where the FBI did just that. Are you in denial or have you been lied to? Maybe just havent been following this stuff? Carter Page says hello....
Hmm crossfire hurricane and this are all part of official court records where the FBI did just that. Are you in denial or have you been lied to? Maybe just havent been following this stuff? Carter Page says hello....

Are you ok with known liar Tim Pool's spin on it? This has been covered several times on this board and Tim Pool's version is bullshit intended to inflame vulnerable magats like you, because he knows he can leave out information and twist the story and you'll never fact-check him.
You are the biggest liar on this board and by a good distance...
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but you are ok with the FBI framing him and staging evidence?

So wait… you magas told me there was no crime bc Trump had declassified the documents. If he wasn’t there when the fbi busted in and planted these docs how did he know which ones to declassify?
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So wait… you magas told me there was no crime bc Trump had declassified the documents. If he wasn’t there when the fbi busted in and played these docs how did he know which ones to declassify?

Don't try to use actual logic, you are wasting your breath. If a MAGA twitter person says the sky is Green they will buy it, no questions asked, and then fight you for telling them they are wrong. It's literally not worth the effort.
Hmm crossfire hurricane and this are all part of official court records where the FBI did just that. Are you in denial or have you been lied to? Maybe just havent been following this stuff? Carter Page says hello....
Whatever Dude. I know Trump is somehow your Lord and Savior but the crap he says about this is just plain off.

I'm not sure how the FBI can plant evidence that Trump he already declassified.

I'm not sure how the FBI was planning on killing Trump when they KNEW he wasn't there when they served the warrant at his home.

Did the FBI plant the documents that Trump was showing people before the raid?

The courts will figure out if he's guilty or innocent and that's the way it should be. But Trump has said some stuff about this whole thing that make no sense. They simply CAN'T all be true. THAT'S my point.
So wait… you magas told me there was no crime bc Trump had declassified the documents. If he wasn’t there when the fbi busted in and planted these docs how did he know which ones to declassify?
I think Trump said that he declassified the document BEFORE he left office. The President can do that... Private Citizen Trump can't. Then when people pointed out there was no paperwork on Trump declassifying the documents , THAT'S when he said he could just think they were declassified and they would be.

That's why I keep asking how the FBI planted documents that Trump already declassified. The FBI COULD have planted Top Secret documents... I'd need to see evidence to that fact, but it COULD HAVE HAPPENED. Trump could have declassified the documents in question. I'd think there'd be paperwork for that, but that COULD HAVE HAPPENED while he was President. But what couldn't have happened is that the FBI planted Top Secret documents that Trump said he declassified, because he was not President at that point.

Trump said both those things and they are mutually exclusive.
I think Trump said that he declassified the document BEFORE he left office. The President can do that... Private Citizen Trump can't. Then when people pointed out there was no paperwork on Trump declassifying the documents , THAT'S when he said he could just think they were declassified and they would be.

That's why I keep asking how the FBI planted documents that Trump already declassified. The FBI COULD have planted Top Secret documents... I'd need to see evidence to that fact, but it COULD HAVE HAPPENED. Trump could have declassified the documents in question. I'd think there'd be paperwork for that, but that COULD HAVE HAPPENED while he was President. But what couldn't have happened is that the FBI planted Top Secret documents that Trump said he declassified, because he was not President at that point.

Trump said both those things and they are mutually exclusive.

And now you will get crickets because he doesn't actually like facts.
I have proven your ignorant Tim Pool videos were bullshit several times - where's the irony?
As i have done the same with the crap you posted many time in the past. Most people arent self aware of the irony. You are guilty of what you accuse others of doing all the time...
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Whatever Dude. I know Trump is somehow your Lord and Savior but the crap he says about this is just plain off.

I'm not sure how the FBI can plant evidence that Trump he already declassified.

I'm not sure how the FBI was planning on killing Trump when they KNEW he wasn't there when they served the warrant at his home.

Did the FBI plant the documents that Trump was showing people before the raid?

The courts will figure out if he's guilty or innocent and that's the way it should be. But Trump has said some stuff about this whole thing that make no sense. They simply CAN'T all be true. THAT'S my point.
lol Im worried about you. Your TDS is taking you to a bad place. Like I said its part of the official court records they did this. There is a member of the FBI that plead guilty to tampering with evidence and misleading the FISA judge to get wiretap warrants against Carter Page and Trump and his team. Those are the facts you choose to ignore what has already been made public and you can see for yourself. It doesnt fit into your TDS bubble world and you just cant take that you might have been mislead and wrong the whole time. Also people on both sides get mislead by the people they support, its not just an issue on the right or left...
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lol Im worried about you. Your TDS is taking you to a bad place. Like I said its part of the official court records they did this. There is a member of the FBI that plead guilty to tampering with evidence and misleading the FISA judge to get wiretap warrants against Carter Page and Trump and his team. Those are the facts you choose to ignore what has already been made public and you can see for yourself. It doesnt fit into your TDS bubble world and you just cant take that you might have been mislead and wrong the whole time. Also people on both sides get mislead by the people they support, its not just an issue on the right or left...

So explain the facts that Trump has admitted that these were all "his" documents? He claimed that he had declassified them, why would he declassify documents that they planted?

He is a liar and full of shit.
As i have done the same with the crap you posted many time in the past. Most people arent self aware of the irony. You are guilty of what you accuse others of doing all the time...
BS - You've never proven me wrong because a person like you who only dwells in the cesspool of the alt-right Fakosphere never hears the truth. You wouldn't even know where to find it if you tried because the only people you trust are twitter ghouls who lie to you for clicks.
So explain the facts that Trump has admitted that these were all "his" documents? He claimed that he had declassified them, why would he declassify documents that they planted?

He is a liar and full of shit.
Not talking about the same docs. There are the docs he had and the docs they planted for the photo op...As I have posted many times in the past about the law dealing with the subject. Ive posted the law and past court rulings on the matter...
Not talking about the same docs. There are the docs he had and the docs they planted for the photo op...As I have posted many times in the past about the law dealing with the subject. Ive posted the law and past court rulings on the matter...

Dude, you are completely clueless.
Not talking about the same docs. There are the docs he had and the docs they planted for the photo op...As I have posted many times in the past about the law dealing with the subject. Ive posted the law and past court rulings on the matter...
The docs in the photos were the same docs they found there but with cover sheets on top of them. A cover sheet is not proof of a planted doc., the FBI admitted they used cover sheets and they also admitted that some of the docs went back into the boxes in a different order. Tim Pool is talking out his ass and has nothing other than those talking points to make his scurrilous allegations that he knows you'll accept because he says it so forthrightly in a serious tone. You don't know shit either so get a fvckin hobby dude. Your fake takes suck ass.
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