I think that is a common refrain and it’s partly our fault and partly the media’s fault. So much of our information is edited or outright editorial so it’s hard for most people to get straight unbiased reporting without a concerted effort. I’m not talking about reporting both sides of a position; I’m talking straight facts.
Trump says so many outlandish things and plain lies that it creates two issues: first, it’s hard for media to keep up; second, we become desensitized because it’s repeated so often.
I don’t agree with Biden on everything but in my opinion the vulgar things that Trump says about women, his swipes at people’s personal appearances and disabilities, his mean and petty comments, his calls for political violence, and his near constant lying are too much for me to overlook.
Bottom line, I don’t trust him and I don’t respect him as a person much less as an elected leader.