Ga 2020 election fraud!!! Was thegatewaypundit right all along????


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Aug 20, 2008
Pocatello, ID

No. No they were not.

To fair, this is not correctly sourced by me. I used a secondary source (in this case the United Press International... their article) where I could have found the information from primary sources, but I don't give enough of a shit to do that much work. And here's the deal with the UPI:

United Press International (UPI) - Least Biased - Not Liberal (Left) -Not Conservative (Right) - Credible
Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by appeals to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased sources.
  • Overall, we rate UPI Least Biased based on neutral wording and story selection. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record.

No. No they were not.

To fair, this is not correctly sourced by me. I used a secondary source (in this case the United Press International... their article) where I could have found the information from primary sources, but I don't give enough of a shit to do that much work. And here's the deal with the UPI:

United Press International (UPI) - Least Biased - Not Liberal (Left) -Not Conservative (Right) - Credible
Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by appeals to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased sources.
  • Overall, we rate UPI Least Biased based on neutral wording and story selection. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record.
Let's just hope he pays a price for falsely scapegoating these real patriots to perpetuate his seditious lies when Georgia brings the hammer down. He deserves real jail time for what he did in Georgia and especially for destroying innocent people in service of his dark scheme, without an ounce of shame.

No. No they were not.

To fair, this is not correctly sourced by me. I used a secondary source (in this case the United Press International... their article) where I could have found the information from primary sources, but I don't give enough of a shit to do that much work. And here's the deal with the UPI:

United Press International (UPI) - Least Biased - Not Liberal (Left) -Not Conservative (Right) - Credible
Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by appeals to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased sources.
  • Overall, we rate UPI Least Biased based on neutral wording and story selection. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record.

Well, I have several questions. You come up with a fake story about a severe water leak, tell everyone that the vote counting was suspended and for everyone to go home, then several stay behind, and start pulling boxes out from underneath the table that were hidden by a cloth. Then they hand the boxes around and start running pristine mail-in ballots (no folded ballets) through the machine that had no creases on the paper. The two black ladies on the back (upper right) of the video were seen running the ballots through the machine multiple times, and no one has any concern, or at least look into it and interview them? To top it off, when they looked at the downloaded algorithm of votes cast, you had thousands of votes being processed at the very time of the video for that area, when the vote counting was supposed to be suspended. This is on video for all to see. Also on video for all to see were the people stuffing ballots in the drop boxes. Someone was smart enough to look at the pings of cell phones and have these people going around to numerous drop boxes throughout the night stuffing boxes. The cell phone pings led right back to a location where all were going to get these ballots, and it was not an authorized location. But again, no one would look into this.

Georgia initially refused to let people look at the voter rolls. Voter rolls belong to the people of the state. So why block people who know how to view the information? When they finally got them, the amount of dead people who voted, people who no longer lived in a precinct or the state, people under age, etc., things that by law should have excluded those votes, but they were not excluded. Of course voter rolls improprieties did happen nationwide, and some are always expected in a major election, but the state of Georgia may have been the worst in 2020 on a list where there was a bunch of voting improprieties.

So yes, I have major concerns...
Well, I have several questions. You come up with a fake story about a severe water leak, tell everyone that the vote counting was suspended and for everyone to go home, then several stay behind, and start pulling boxes out from underneath the table that were hidden by a cloth. Then they hand the boxes around and start running pristine mail-in ballots (no folded ballets) through the machine that had no creases on the paper. The two black ladies on the back (upper right) of the video were seen running the ballots through the machine multiple times, and no one has any concern, or at least look into it and interview them? To top it off, when they looked at the downloaded algorithm of votes cast, you had thousands of votes being processed at the very time of the video for that area, when the vote counting was supposed to be suspended. This is on video for all to see. Also on video for all to see were the people stuffing ballots in the drop boxes. Someone was smart enough to look at the pings of cell phones and have these people going around to numerous drop boxes throughout the night stuffing boxes. The cell phone pings led right back to a location where all were going to get these ballots, and it was not an authorized location. But again, no one would look into this.

Georgia initially refused to let people look at the voter rolls. Voter rolls belong to the people of the state. So why block people who know how to view the information? When they finally got them, the amount of dead people who voted, people who no longer lived in a precinct or the state, people under age, etc., things that by law should have excluded those votes, but they were not excluded. Of course voter rolls improprieties did happen nationwide, and some are always expected in a major election, but the state of Georgia may have been the worst in 2020 on a list where there was a bunch of voting improprieties.

So yes, I have major concerns...

This has all been thoroughly debunked and yet you guys won't ever just admit that maybe he just lost.
Well, I have several questions. You come up with a fake story about a severe water leak, tell everyone that the vote counting was suspended and for everyone to go home, then several stay behind, and start pulling boxes out from underneath the table that were hidden by a cloth. Then they hand the boxes around and start running pristine mail-in ballots (no folded ballets) through the machine that had no creases on the paper. The two black ladies on the back (upper right) of the video were seen running the ballots through the machine multiple times, and no one has any concern, or at least look into it and interview them? To top it off, when they looked at the downloaded algorithm of votes cast, you had thousands of votes being processed at the very time of the video for that area, when the vote counting was supposed to be suspended. This is on video for all to see. Also on video for all to see were the people stuffing ballots in the drop boxes. Someone was smart enough to look at the pings of cell phones and have these people going around to numerous drop boxes throughout the night stuffing boxes. The cell phone pings led right back to a location where all were going to get these ballots, and it was not an authorized location. But again, no one would look into this.

Georgia initially refused to let people look at the voter rolls. Voter rolls belong to the people of the state. So why block people who know how to view the information? When they finally got them, the amount of dead people who voted, people who no longer lived in a precinct or the state, people under age, etc., things that by law should have excluded those votes, but they were not excluded. Of course voter rolls improprieties did happen nationwide, and some are always expected in a major election, but the state of Georgia may have been the worst in 2020 on a list where there was a bunch of voting improprieties.

So yes, I have major concerns...
Well, you have no idea what happened there, nor do I. BUT a lifelong Republican who campaigned for and voted for Trump ran this investigation and cleared them. Trump himself appointed a federal prosecutor for Southern Ga to come in and take a look right after the election. He found nothing wrong.

That's after the votes were counted, after a recount, and THEN after a hand recount, all confirming the results of the election.

I have major concerns that Trumpians have major concerns after the same damn thing that happened here has happened all over the country. Namely that Trump and companies' accusations are full of crap.
Well, you have no idea what happened there, nor do I. BUT a lifelong Republican who campaigned for and voted for Trump ran this investigation and cleared them. Trump himself appointed a federal prosecutor for Southern Ga to come in and take a look right after the election. He found nothing wrong.

That's after the votes were counted, after a recount, and THEN after a hand recount, all confirming the results of the election.

I have major concerns that Trumpians have major concerns after the same damn thing that happened here has happened all over the country. Namely that Trump and companies' accusations are full of crap.

They claim that they just want people to be able to look at it, but then when people do and it confirms the results, they don't believe it. It's the wildest stuff.
They claim that they just want people to be able to look at it, but then when people do and it confirms the results, they don't believe it. It's the wildest stuff.
Thats weaponized stupidity for you. Peeples brains have been broken by the internet. Dont like the news? Just declare it fake and venture over to gateway pundit where they have a business model built on pacifying babies who dont want to live in reality.
Well, I have several questions. You come up with a fake story about a severe water leak, tell everyone that the vote counting was suspended and for everyone to go home, then several stay behind, and start pulling boxes out from underneath the table that were hidden by a cloth. Then they hand the boxes around and start running pristine mail-in ballots (no folded ballets) through the machine that had no creases on the paper. The two black ladies on the back (upper right) of the video were seen running the ballots through the machine multiple times, and no one has any concern, or at least look into it and interview them? To top it off, when they looked at the downloaded algorithm of votes cast, you had thousands of votes being processed at the very time of the video for that area, when the vote counting was supposed to be suspended. This is on video for all to see. Also on video for all to see were the people stuffing ballots in the drop boxes. Someone was smart enough to look at the pings of cell phones and have these people going around to numerous drop boxes throughout the night stuffing boxes. The cell phone pings led right back to a location where all were going to get these ballots, and it was not an authorized location. But again, no one would look into this.

Georgia initially refused to let people look at the voter rolls. Voter rolls belong to the people of the state. So why block people who know how to view the information? When they finally got them, the amount of dead people who voted, people who no longer lived in a precinct or the state, people under age, etc., things that by law should have excluded those votes, but they were not excluded. Of course voter rolls improprieties did happen nationwide, and some are always expected in a major election, but the state of Georgia may have been the worst in 2020 on a list where there was a bunch of voting improprieties.

So yes, I have major concerns...
All this nonsense has been repeatedly and thoroughly debunked, but to you, nothing has been investigated since those original fake conspiracies in Nov 2020. Where have you been the last three years?
They claim that they just want people to be able to look at it, but then when people do and it confirms the results, they don't believe it. It's the wildest stuff.
This is just like @Willence saying they should have tried to find another way to work this docs case out with Trump. They asked for them been for a year, and he flatly refused to return then. So they issued a subpoena and demanded them back for 6 months, and he denied even having them (obstruction). So after 18 months of being far, far more patient than they would have been with almost anyone on earth, they executed a search warrant and took them back. And now he's under indictment and will be convicted and imprisoned. And as Bill Barr rightly assesses, he has NOBODY but himself to blame.

But do any of the magas care? No, in fact they don't even listen. They'll read this and respond "but they should have tried to figure something else out herppppp!"

So then what? What else should they have tried after bending over backwards for 18 months?
This is just like @Willence saying they should have tried to find another way to work this docs case out with Trump. They asked for them been for a year, and he flatly refused to return then. So they issued a subpoena and demanded them back for 6 months, and he denied even having them (obstruction). So after 18 months of being far, far more patient than they would have been with almost anyone on earth, they executed a search warrant and took them back. And now he's under indictment and will be convicted and imprisoned. And as Bill Barr rightly assesses, he has NOBODY but himself to blame.

But do any of the magas care? No, in fact they don't even listen. They'll read this and respond "but they should have tried to figure something else out herppppp!"

So then what? What else should they have tried after bending over backwards for 18 months?

That's not what I said. Trump absolutely has earned his indictment for how he's handled all this mess.

What I would love is if you'd actually read what I am saying here. I feel the indictment of a past president and current candidate for office by his chief opponent sets a bad precedent. We have MASSIVE inconsistencies in how we dispense "justice" in this country. This isn't exclusive to one party or the other. This is an across the board problems from the very top of our justice system to the bottom. Everything is politicized. The district maps in our states are giving us increasingly radical, partisan candidates which is not good for our republic. Once we start down this path, we just further erode the foundations this country is built upon. Clinton certainly could have been indicted but they decided it would be a bad idea and didn't. That was the right call and in this case, indictment (while deserved and warranted) creates its own set of problems that concern me greatly.

Lost in all of this is the truth and the understanding of the road we are going down which only leads to destruction. I absolutely abhor Trump. He is everything I detest and for the life of me, I can't understand why any sensible human would want to associate with him in any way whatsoever. He's a disgusting person of unbelievably low character. Easily in the running for one of the worst people to ever be president. So while you may dislike me and my views, please don't lump me in as a MAGA person. I am as far removed from that as I can be.

I'm interested in the preservation of our republic and the hope that we can ratchet down this rhetoric dramatically and start getting back to working together. From your posting history, you are as unhinged and delusional as the people you say you dislike so much. Maybe you should decide to stop this insanity? If we play stupid games, we win stupid prizes. I'm not interested in that.

Here's an example with a news story going on right now:

How did we get to partisanship even here? Who gives a damn what his politics or any of the people onboard this sub were?
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That's not what I said. Trump absolutely has earned his indictment for how he's handled all this mess.

What I would love is if you'd actually read what I am saying here. I feel the indictment of a past president and current candidate for office by his chief opponent sets a bad precedent. We have MASSIVE inconsistencies in how we dispense "justice" in this country. This isn't exclusive to one party or the other. This is an across the board problems from the very top of our justice system to the bottom. Everything is politicized. The district maps in our states are giving us increasingly radical, partisan candidates which is not good for our republic. Once we start down this path, we just further erode the foundations this country is built upon. Clinton certainly could have been indicted but they decided it would be a bad idea and didn't. That was the right call and in this case, indictment (while deserved and warranted) creates its own set of problems that concern me greatly.

Lost in all of this is the truth and the understanding of the road we are going down which only leads to destruction. I absolutely abhor Trump. He is everything I detest and for the life of me, I can't understand why any sensible human would want to associate with him in any way whatsoever. He's a disgusting person of unbelievably low character. Easily in the running for one of the worst people to ever be president. So while you may dislike me and my views, please don't lump me in as a MAGA person. I am as far removed from that as I can be.

I'm interested in the preservation of our republic and the hope that we can ratchet down this rhetoric dramatically and start getting back to working together. From your posting history, you are as unhinged and delusional as the people you say you dislike so much. Maybe you should decide to stop this insanity? If we play stupid games, we win stupid prizes. I'm not interested in that.
Unfortunately for everyone involved. Donald Trump does crimes and his supporters won't stop supporting him even though he's done them.
Unfortunately for everyone involved. Donald Trump does crimes and his supporters won't stop supporting him even though he's done them.

So does Joe Biden and I bet you plan on voting for him in the next presidential election. That's also unfortunate for everyone involved. As a nation, I am 100% certain we can nominate better people. You'd be a much better nominee for the Dems than Biden.
They claim that they just want people to be able to look at it, but then when people do and it confirms the results, they don't believe it. It's the wildest stuff.
And there's the real trouble here. The Trumpians pretend to be honest brokers when they do stuff like this, and it seems reasonable. The problem is that they ARE NOT honest brokers.

When you ask for a recount or an audit, you just say, hey, if you've nothing to hide, why not do it... Just to be sure. Very reasonable, but implied in this request is that IF the recount or audit is done, that we'll all know it was above board and the problem goes away. That's not the case here. Trumpians will NEVER EVER accept the results of the election. So as is the case, when recounts/audits/court cases return the fact that the election was fair, the Trumpians just accuse everyone involved of being Deep State/Corrupted and move on to the next request. It never ends.
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So does Joe Biden and I bet you plan on voting for him in the next presidential election. That's also unfortunate for everyone involved. As a nation, I am 100% certain we can nominate better people. You'd be a much better nominee for the Dems than Biden.
And this is exactly why you can't be taken seriously. There isn't a single shred of evidence to support this claim. You bitch about partisanship, and then follow it up with a total shitpost like this in a thread where we're discussing a Trump indictment that contains mountains of actual evidence.

You are just struggling to reconcile with how wrong you've been about most of this stuff for 7 years. It's hard to swallow your pride and admit that it really is just your party. I doubt you'll ever be able to do it.
And this is exactly why you can't be taken seriously. There isn't a single shred of evidence to support this claim. You bitch about partisanship, and then follow it up with a total shitpost like this in a thread where we're discussing a Trump indictment that contains mountains of actual evidence.

You are just struggling to reconcile with how wrong you've been about most of this stuff for 7 years. It's hard to swallow your pride and admit that it really is just your party. I doubt you'll ever be able to do it.

Feel free to point out what I've been wrong about. I'd love to see a list. My posting history is open to the public. Look through it and point out any glaring mistakes that I've made. Good luck. Also, I am not a Republican. I am a constitutional conservative. I don't do parties.
Feel free to point out what I've been wrong about. I'd love to see a list. My posting history is open to the public. Look through it and point out any glaring mistakes that I've made. Good luck.
LoL I'm not reading through any of your horse shit again. It isn't necessary. You are on the list of posters too hopeless to take seriously, specifically because of your posting record. You are hopelessly convinced that Biden is just as big a criminal as Trump, without a single bit of evidence. The fact that you post shit like that and still believe you're a serious person is comical to me.
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So does Joe Biden and I bet you plan on voting for him in the next presidential election. That's also unfortunate for everyone involved. As a nation, I am 100% certain we can nominate better people. You'd be a much better nominee for the Dems than Biden.

Couldn't agree more. We are (probably) going to have two craptastic candidates again in Trump and Biden. I'd probably vote Scott over Biden. I'd definitely vote Haley over Biden. That new dude out of Texas, Hurd. He's a moderate, I'd go with him too over Biden. I'd LOVE to vote Hogan (former Maryland Governor).

Biden has been a pretty poor President, give us Independents SOMEONE to vote for that isn't worse and there will be a Republican in the Whitehouse AND probably a majority in both the House and Senate to work with. Not going to happen though.
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So does Joe Biden and I bet you plan on voting for him in the next presidential election. That's also unfortunate for everyone involved. As a nation, I am 100% certain we can nominate better people. You'd be a much better nominee for the Dems than Biden.
Then prosecute him for the crimes! Ive seen the trump indictment. Havent seen the biden one
Feel free to point out what I've been wrong about. I'd love to see a list. My posting history is open to the public. Look through it and point out any glaring mistakes that I've made. Good luck. Also, I am not a Republican. I am a constitutional conservative. I don't do parties.
Your take is wrong because its a false equivalency. Take partisanship out of it and you have an objective difference. If you are claiming otherwise that there is evidence for bidens indictment, there are tons of newspapers and journalists who would love to talk to you.
Your take is wrong because its a false equivalency. Take partisanship out of it and you have an objective difference. If you are claiming otherwise that there is evidence for bidens indictment, there are tons of newspapers and journalists who would love to talk to you.

The amount of scrutiny applied to the Bidens and their issues is dwarfed by what Trump has had to face. If both were equal...

There's plenty of evidence to suggest a lot of additional effort is warranted in terms of looking into the financial affairs of the Biden family and how it has benefited those involved.

I'm not saying the two are equivalent because they aren't. I'm saying both are corrupt to the core. There's ample evidence of both. One we investigate with vigor, the other we just turn the other way. It sets a horrible precedent. I wish you would put the desire to see what's right done over the desire to see political gain.

LoL I'm not reading through any of your horse shit again. It isn't necessary. You are on the list of posters too hopeless to take seriously, specifically because of your posting record. You are hopelessly convinced that Biden is just as big a criminal as Trump, without a single bit of evidence. The fact that post shit like that and still believe you're a serious person is comical to me.

It's easy to cast judgment and aspersions about something when you're unwilling to engage in discussion. That's generally been your tact over the years. It's why you've become such a raging bigot and absolutely been poisoned by that which you claim to have such disdain for.
The amount of scrutiny applied to the Bidens and their issues is dwarfed by what Trump has had to face. If both were equal...

There's plenty of evidence to suggest a lot of additional effort is warranted in terms of looking into the financial affairs of the Biden family and how it has benefited those involved.

I'm not saying the two are equivalent because they aren't. I'm saying both are corrupt to the core. There's ample evidence of both. One we investigate with vigor, the other we just turn the other way. It sets a horrible precedent. I wish you would put the desire to see what's right done over the desire to see political gain.

It's easy to cast judgment and aspersions about something when you're unwilling to engage in discussion. That's generally been your tact over the years. It's why you've become such a raging bigot and absolutely been poisoned by that which you claim to have such disdain for.
What a bunch of crap. Trump flaunted his corruption out in the open, while the Biden's haven't been proven to have done anything criminal, yet they have been hounded by the likes of Rudy Giuliani and other investigations for years - simply to try and find corruption to tarnish their reputation. A bunch of partisan noise to defame Biden does not make him corrupt, no matter how badly you want it to be true.

Why should anyone engage with your false equivalencies that you don't have a shred of proof for? With takes like these it really shouldn't come as a surprise why no one considers you worthy of debate, when you start with a fallacious premise.
Couldn't agree more. We are (probably) going to have two craptastic candidates again in Trump and Biden. I'd probably vote Scott over Biden. I'd definitely vote Haley over Biden. That new dude out of Texas, Hurd. He's a moderate, I'd go with him too over Biden. I'd LOVE to vote Hogan (former Maryland Governor).

Biden has been a pretty poor President, give us Independents SOMEONE to vote for that isn't worse and there will be a Republican in the Whitehouse AND probably a majority in both the House and Senate to work with. Not going to happen though.
Lol in what world is Hurd a moderate
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It's astonishing this even needs to be pointed out.

@hopefultiger13 would you vote for Youngkin over Biden?
That's the governor of Virginia, correct?

Maybe. I don't know his politics well at all (except he's not for Marijuana legalization.... that BASTARD). But seriously, it's not a high bar to reach. I just need someone who isn't a Trump worshiping stooge and isn't overly interested in culture war/cancel culture. I can definitely vote for a fiscal conservative that isn't into bashing anyone's personal choices that don't align with them.
That's the governor of Virginia, correct?

Maybe. I don't know his politics well at all (except he's not for Marijuana legalization.... that BASTARD). But seriously, it's not a high bar to reach. I just need someone who isn't a Trump worshiping stooge and isn't overly interested in culture war/cancel culture. I can definitely vote for a fiscal conservative that isn't into bashing anyone's personal choices that don't align with them.
So any republican who isn't a Trump loving stooge is better than Biden?
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So any republican who isn't a Trump loving stooge is better than Biden?
Mostly? Like I said, it's not a high bar to reach. I'm an independent and don't have any problem crossing party lines one way or the other. I consider myself a social liberal and fiscal conservative. But I generally look at each issue separately instead of part of some overreaching agenda.

It's sad, but one of my primary wishes for President is someone that's going to work hard, try and build consensus, and is not a clown show every day. I'd like someone who is taking care of business and I don't hear about them on a day to day basis.

These days it seems a lot to ask.
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Mostly? Like I said, it's not a high bar to reach. I'm an independent and don't have any problem crossing party lines one way or the other. I consider myself a social liberal and fiscal conservative. But I generally look at each issue separately instead of part of some overreaching agenda.

It's sad, but one of my primary wishes for President is someone that's going to work hard, try and build consensus, and is not a clown show every day. I'd like someone who is taking care of business and I don't hear about them on a day to day basis.

These days it seems a lot to ask.
Okay well here's a little free advice. It rings hollow to say you're an independent, and then follow it up by saying I'll vote for any Republican who isn't a Trump loving stooge.

Regarding Youngkin specifically, would you vote for him over Biden?
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Okay well here's a little free advice. It rings hollow to say you're an independent, and then follow it up by saying I'll vote for any Republican who isn't a Trump loving stooge.

Regarding Youngkin specifically, would you vote for him over Biden?
What are you talking about? I don't like Trump and never have. I don't like the folks that blindly support his BS claims of election fraud and excusing that January 6th stuff. What's weird about that?

I haven't been impressed with Biden as President and I'm assuming that he's going to win the Democratic nomination. So I'm open to most Republicans who fit into this category. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of them. As I said above, I'm not up to date on Youngkin's particular politics, so I don't know.
What are you talking about? I don't like Trump and never have. I don't like the folks that blindly support his BS claims of election fraud and excusing that January 6th stuff. What's weird about that?

I haven't been impressed with Biden as President and I'm assuming that he's going to win the Democratic nomination. So I'm open to most Republicans who fit into this category. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of them. As I said above, I'm not up to date on Youngkin's particular politics, so I don't know.
I used to vote like you do back when Mccain ran , the first time, I voted for him. I don't think GOP actually wants my vote any more. They can't negotiate with anyone effectively and balance a budget so they have to resort to gun to the head tactics. They pour money into the military and never cut anything there while cutting services that Americans here actually like. They have no solution for healthcare. They put corporate rights about citizens rights. They value property over people. They think climate change is a hoax. They oppress workers rights. They have no solution for immigration. They get highjacked by psychos who astroturf CRT and Trans and gayrights sensationism that creates rifts across the country. They don't think government can do anything right, so when they **** up they say: See I told you. I don't think the platform of the GOP is very good.
Apparently in Texas.

That, my friend, is a puff piece. Opposing MAGA doesn’t make one a moderate. I’ll never forget him going on a road trip w Beto, talking about being best friends, and then before the election saying “well I’ll still vote for trump even if Beto was running against him” just to secure his victory.

He’s voted against the Rs like 3% of the time his entire time in office? Voted against Maga something like 20%, but nevertheless.
I used to vote like you do back when Mccain ran , the first time, I voted for him. I don't think GOP actually wants my vote any more. They can't negotiate with anyone effectively and balance a budget so they have to resort to gun to the head tactics. They pour money into the military and never cut anything there while cutting services that Americans here actually like. They have no solution for healthcare. They put corporate rights about citizens rights. They value property over people. They think climate change is a hoax. They oppress workers rights. They have no solution for immigration. They get highjacked by psychos who astroturf CRT and Trans and gayrights sensationism that creates rifts across the country. They don't think government can do anything right, so when they **** up they say: See I told you. I don't think the platform of the GOP is very good.
Right on man, I don't see how the Republican agenda is in any way an improvement over any Democrat running. Biden has knocked it out of the park legislatively despite not talking good and being too old. It's just too dangerous to elect a Republican in this climate with the whole party bending to the crazies on the far-right and having no plans for anything except owning the libs.
I used to vote like you do back when Mccain ran , the first time, I voted for him. I don't think GOP actually wants my vote any more. They can't negotiate with anyone effectively and balance a budget so they have to resort to gun to the head tactics. They pour money into the military and never cut anything there while cutting services that Americans here actually like. They have no solution for healthcare. They put corporate rights about citizens rights. They value property over people. They think climate change is a hoax. They oppress workers rights. They have no solution for immigration. They get highjacked by psychos who astroturf CRT and Trans and gayrights sensationism that creates rifts across the country. They don't think government can do anything right, so when they **** up they say: See I told you. I don't think the platform of the GOP is very good.
I can't love this enough, and I can't improve on any of it. Anyone still operating under the view that each side is equally shitty, at this moment in time, hasn't the foggiest clue.
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