Is It Getting Any Harder for Any of You to Keep Supporting Assault Rifles Blowing Children Apart?

Honestly, I would be willing to entertain stricter gun laws if the other side of the aisle was willing to entertain anything other than an all out “assault rifle” ban. But they aren’t interested in actually looking at all ideas, just pushing their agenda.

So as a result, I have zero interest in having this conversation

Same here

I ask for reasonable sane conversations and the next minute banshee screaming and name calling
You are not a serious person and you're never interested in solving actual problems. Your goal is simply to pick other posters statements apart and muddy the waters to confuse and distract. You can F right off, no time for your bs.
My point is this assault weapons bs is just that- not a statistically significant problem. It is an emotional problem. When the same number of people are killed by hammers as whatever issue it is that you are outraged about, maybe you should pick another issue to be outraged about.

AS I posted before there are other problems killing tens and hundreds of times more kids and adults than assault weapons that you and your party are not only ignoring, but making worse. If every assault weapon in the world vanished tomorrow it would make almost no statistical difference in the number of deaths of any group in the country- children or otherwise.
First of all there is no such thing as an assault rifle that is available to the general public. Anything that would fit that type of description would be an automatic weapon which are for military use only. As with so many things these days we start with one false premise and then leap to many others in an attempt to create a control system over people.

Secondly, you demonstrate perfectly the challenge that we face because you're saying that we have to do what you want or we are cowards. Basically it is your way or the highway and rational discussion need not apply. How do you expect to solve problems that way?

We are a lawless society right now. There is no respect for a general rule of law but instead people are basing their views on political agendas that hinge on the precept that by any means necessary is appropriate. We have an outrage culture that stirs people who are unstable into a frenzy. We actively treat each other like one side is good and the other is bad and therefore any political discussion is a fight against evil and oppression. Everything that anyone says if it doesn't fit the proper narrative is an "ism" that must be the grounds for cancellation and comparison of their views to something Hitleresque.

My leftist brother summed it up pretty well last night by saying the quiet part out loud. People are stupid and they behave badly so they must be controlled and their access to weapons and tools of destruction need to be controlled as well. My question is who made you the person who gets to decide how people are controlled? Who controls the folks like you who want to regulate the entirety of society according to your political narratives and sensibilities?

I fired a gun once when I was in ninth grade. It was a 22. I have never owned a gun in my entire life. But I have never been closer to purchasing a weapon and getting the necessary training to defend myself and my family that I am now. I think there's a lot of people that feel that way in this country right now. We are completely out of control and we're under siege by a culture that wants to tell everyone that it's their way or no way at all. We're not going to survive if we keep going down this path.

Pretty much cover good territory on your post

I always say to myself about the assault rifle thing that people are confusing automatic with semi automatic which requires the trigger to be pulled for each shot which in a school setting is probably worse than automatic

Have not shot much lately but back in the day I shot lots of 45 Colt handguns which you do not want to get hit by but they were terrible inaccurate for me at a distance, M1 carbines seems like that is a 303 caliber or something then I want to say Shot a lot of M14 and that was one heavy bugger but packed a wallop.and also did I think was the M15 Or forerunner to the AR16 or such

hunted for years with 7MM magnum 308 30-30
target shoot 22 and with 9 MM handgun

Teaching my grands to shoot now along with fish and golf etc

If we had to tale action to do something it would be to limit the ammunition clips in my opinion

that would be a start

when hunting it is not the object to shot multiple times but 1 shot to severely wound or kill an animal like a deer or bear

smaller game 1 shoot across the board

i like the idea of universal gun checks with a site where doctors could insert people on there that had to be checked and double checked before buying a gun

just some thoughts

i am in on any reasonable solution

but i never seem to hear it start out with ideas

it always start out with demands from the left

start a conversation and i will vote yes for any doable reasonable plan
Pretty much cover good territory on your post

I always say to myself about the assault rifle thing that people are confusing automatic with semi automatic which requires the trigger to be pulled for each shot which in a school setting is probably worse than automatic

Have not shot much lately but back in the day I shot lots of 45 Colt handguns which you do not want to get hit by but they were terrible inaccurate for me at a distance, M1 carbines seems like that is a 303 caliber or something then I want to say Shot a lot of M14 and that was one heavy bugger but packed a wallop.and also did I think was the M15 Or forerunner to the AR16 or such

hunted for years with 7MM magnum 308 30-30
target shoot 22 and with 9 MM handgun

Teaching my grands to shoot now along with fish and golf etc

If we had to tale action to do something it would be to limit the ammunition clips in my opinion

that would be a start

when hunting it is not the object to shot multiple times but 1 shot to severely wound or kill an animal like a deer or bear

smaller game 1 shoot across the board

i like the idea of universal gun checks with a site where doctors could insert people on there that had to be checked and double checked before buying a gun

just some thoughts

i am in on any reasonable solution

but i never seem to hear it start out with ideas

it always start out with demands from the left

start a conversation and i will vote yes for any doable reasonable plan
Nationwide law on 10 round magazines.
My point is this assault weapons bs is just that- not a statistically significant problem. It is an emotional problem. When the same number of people are killed by hammers as whatever issue it is that you are outraged about, maybe you should pick another issue to be outraged about.

AS I posted before there are other problems killing tens and hundreds of times more kids and adults than assault weapons that you and your party are not only ignoring, but making worse. If every assault weapon in the world vanished tomorrow it would make almost no statistical difference in the number of deaths of any group in the country- children or otherwise.
Not sure why you even waste your time with these shitbags. They don’t give a shit about dead kids, they’re only interested in whatever advances their agenda… 3 dead kids in an elementary school pushes that narrative, inner-city kids being shot by gang bangers each week isn’t politically expedient, at least at the moment, so it is ignored

The goal is to take away “assault rifles”. After that, they will magically start caring about the “regular” guns that kill those inner city kids. Then they’ll come for those
I'm genuinely curious. Is there a single responsible gun ownership advocate willing to speak up and say enough is enough?

Or are you all such wanton cowards?

So many of you have school age many of them have to get blown to pieces before it occurs to you that might happen to my kid?

I know, take it to the round table, where it can easily be ignored and you can all go back to pretending there isn't an epidemic of murdering school children in this country that is more dangerous than all your liberal bogeymen combined.

I never wanted to believe there were so many cowards in this country.
I'm guessing you got a big ole "F" in debate class.
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Can anyone verify?

(I assume this is a stat assigned to ‘Merica).
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I haven't read this entire thread and really don't care to. I just want to tell you folks of my experience in the area of guns. I'm 69 years old and have been around guns my entire life. I own guns, my family owns guns. I did allot of hunting in my younger days. I can tell you beyond the shadow of a doubt that I have never seen a gun kill anything that a human being didn't pull the trigger. My point is that you're trying to ban the wrong thing. Guns, in trained hands, can save lives. If you want to address the issue in the correct way, you would have to address mental illness in this country and eliminate all the political agendas assigning guns as the culprit. I'm all for a person undergoing a mental evaluation before purchasing a gun or being cleared by a qualified mental health doctor. Folks, if we ban guns because some lunatic shoots up a school, then you better get ready to ban knives, baseball bats, rope, water, rocks, pillows and any other object that can be used to end another human being's life.

Here's a piece of advice. Stop repeating everything that some politician with an agenda is telling you is wrong with the world. Start using your brain to think for yourself. Take the time to learn about what you are supporting a ban on. If guns had been banned in 1776, we'd all be subjects of England. You want to take away what our forefathers had enough foresight to include in the constitution to protect ourselves and our families against corrupt government.

The whole gun control idea has no basis in reality because guns don't kill people, people kill people. It is completely politically driven. I would suggest you do some reading about pre world war II Germany and how Hitler came to power. You'll find that Hitler created the roadmap that the United States has been on for the past 20-30 years. Taking guns away is just one of the stops on the roadmap.

Sorry, that I was so long winded. I tend to do that on subjects I'm concerned about. You can reply to this with clever digs, but just know that I won't see them. I've said my piece.

Not sure why you even waste your time with these shitbags. They don’t give a shit about dead kids, they’re only interested in whatever advances their agenda… 3 dead kids in an elementary school pushes that narrative, inner-city kids being shot by gang bangers each week isn’t politically expedient, at least at the moment, so it is ignored

The goal is to take away “assault rifles”. After that, they will magically start caring about the “regular” guns that kill those inner city kids. Then they’ll come for those

If we proceed in a scientific manner the first thing I would do is go to Chicago where they have the most rigid gun controls and laws

Adk the question if guns are the problem why is Chicago out of control

Once we figure Chicago out then we go to the second worse city and build a case for what needs to be done

Not just random talking points
neither are we. look around...we have a human house plant in the white house, a party making policy on pronouns and proclaiming men can have babies, printing a trillion dollars to "reduce" inflation, celebrate certain leakers of information as heroes and send others to the gulag - depends on who the info makes look bad, a justice department chasing soccer moms and church goers, an education system prioritizing teaching sex and race when kids are years behind in math and reading, incentivizing corporations and institutions to admit and hire based solely on physical qualities, reintroducing segregating by race as our grand solution to racism, and think the solution to gun violence is taking away a small subset of those legally purchased from law abiding name just a few things.

we are not a serious country, and you are proving it. tell me, are you that actually so stupid you think taking that subset of firearms from law abiding individuals will end gun violence or violence in general? or do you think the rest of us are stupid enough to believe you actually give a sht about lives lost to gun violence? same thing every time with liberals...emotional arguments for just one thing you know you guys are trying to normalize pedophilia and argue men should be allowed to play women's sports if they bolt a pair of tits to their chest.

the answer is no. find a real solution or take your disingenuous tears and go cry schools a moat.
Yes, IT is that stupid.
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I mean, I disagree entirely about suicide not being relevant. People use guns for suicide because it's seen as painless and quick/easy. I thought we were trying to prevent all gun deaths, not just murder?

If you want to look at a per capita basis on gun violence which excludes suicide, and includes first world nations - sure I've got that.


edit: i apologize, Chile is actually 2nd world, but the point still stands.

I think you have to consider all factors. Yes, the US has more guns. But we also have:

-More gangs
-Cartels on our southern boarder with presence in the US
-A non-homogeneous demographic - stats are readily available comparing minority gun violence to non-minority gun violence.

All gun violence is bad. But there are certain factors that complicate things for the US. What percent of gun violence is attributed to those 3 categories that may be far more limited in say, Norway?
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I'm guessing you got a big ole "F" in debate class.

He needs to take some Charm School classes

His out the gate is to demonize even people who might try to agree with him

But why take a maybe

Piss them off too so he can then have the hill to die on

That is how I am seeing this
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And again, even by your data the per capita percentage doesn't dwarf the world. Also, who you view as a peer country is a subjective data point. The United States doesn't have a peer country. Sadly, we're one of a kind in the world today. No need to measure us against something we're not trying to compete with and shouldn't be trying to compete with.
How is a global classification (first world, second world, third world) subjective? There are literal metrics used to define these characteristics that are globally agreed upon? Also, by what measurement do you believe we're one of a kind? We don't lead the world in really any lifestyle metric. We don't make the top10 for happiness, don't make top 20 for healthcare, don't even sniff the top20 in life expectancy, etc.

Sure, we may lead the world in something ridiculous like "gun freedom" or some other such garbage that isn't important, but there's no data to support the claim that we don't have a peer country. That is just nonsense.

I think you have to consider all factors. Yes, the US has more guns. But we also have:

-More gangs
-Cartels on our southern boarder with presence in the US
-A non-homogeneous demographic - stats are readily available comparing minority gun violence to non-minority gun violence.

All gun violence is bad. But there are certain factors that complicate things for the US. What percent of gun violence is attributed to those 3 categories that may be far more limited in say, Norway?
Are we making these comparisons to other first world nations, or other countries across all classifications?

Non-homogenous demographic is a favorite talking point of white nationalists, and it's not necessarily supported by the facts when you dig in deep. The real metric would be poverty v non-poverty families to explain criminality. I know you're not racist, so I just want to caution you about making that comparison because it's a very shallow explanation for minority violence.

Norway's gun laws are great and I would love to see them implemented in the US. They have as much of a history with guns as the US does, but they've enacted smart gun laws. They also haven't been taken over by their government and turned into slaves, like a lot of the rubes ITT say will occur.
Norway's gun laws are great and I would love to see them implemented in the US. They have as much of a history with guns as the US does, but they've enacted smart gun laws. They also haven't been taken over by their government and turned into slaves, like a lot of the rubes ITT say will occur.
Year after year, Norway is also ranked as one of the happiest countries on earth. They were number one for a while and are currently ranked sixth

"The citizens of sixth-place Norway (7.392) feel they are being well cared for by their government thanks to universal healthcare and free college tuition. Norwegians also enjoy a healthy work-life balance, working an average of 38 hours per week vs. 41.5. hours per week in the United States. Additionally, Norway has a low crime rate and a strong sense of community among its citizens—a quality it shares with many of the top seven."

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How is a global classification (first world, second world, third world) subjective? There are literal metrics used to define these characteristics that are globally agreed upon? Also, by what measurement do you believe we're one of a kind? We don't lead the world in really any lifestyle metric. We don't make the top10 for happiness, don't make top 20 for healthcare, don't even sniff the top20 in life expectancy, etc.

Sure, we may lead the world in something ridiculous like "gun freedom" or some other such garbage that isn't important, but there's no data to support the claim that we don't have a peer country. That is just nonsense.

These are all interesting statements you make and while a lot of them may be true to a degree, they ignore a lot of other aspects which are entirely legitimate. Let's take your example of Norway that you mentioned in another post.

Norway has 5m people. It ranks 171st in population density. Their largest city is under a million people and closer to half a million. We know that big cities make for unhappy people. It's over 80% Christian and they don't have a real concentration of any other faith there. It is an incredibly UN-diverse country in terms of racial demographics with the population being almost entirely white. Norway has an immigration rate of 77 people per day on average. 77.....

So let's see... you have an amazingly small population in a relatively large country that is under the protection of the United States via NATO. There (I believe) is a flat income tax there of 22% that everyone pays. There is also a national insurance scheme that everyone pays into that is capped at 25% of a person's income and which provides for the national healthcare and pension system. It's a nice little Scandinavian country. They have about 63,000 people serving on their military and spend relatively little on their defense because they have the United States to back them up against any aggressor.

How does anything I listed above compare to the United States? What massive breakthroughs in medicine, technology, industry, or any other important human endeavor has come from Norway? You are comparing us to a country with no racial diversity, very little religious diversity, no population density issues, no real large cities and a population smaller than Atlanta.

You are a real smart guy so I know that you can grasp the role the US plays in the world. There is no peer to the United States. We have greater responsibility and a more important role than any other nation could fathom. We have produced more world altering advances than all the other nations on Earth put together. We have the greatest university system on Earth. We are the hub of the world in almost every area. There is no peer to the United States.

Also, let's note that your list of happiest nations is the biggest piece of white supremacist propaganda ever. All those nations are almost ENTIRELY white. There's one demographic in power and one philosophy and the people are happy with that. You want to go that way in the US?
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Year after year, Norway is also ranked as one of the happiest countries on earth. They were number one for a while and are currently ranked sixth

"The citizens of sixth-place Norway (7.392) feel they are being well cared for by their government thanks to universal healthcare and free college tuition. Norwegians also enjoy a healthy work-life balance, working an average of 38 hours per week vs. 41.5. hours per week in the United States. Additionally, Norway has a low crime rate and a strong sense of community among its citizens—a quality it shares with many of the top seven."

"Cared for by their gov't". Universal health care. FREE (Nothing is free-someone pays for IT) college tuition.

LOL, No thank you.

You post this kind of sh!t daily, while knowing the current CIC/Your messiah, has sold the whole country out for monetary gain for himself and his family. He isn't the only one mind you (people from BOTH sides have sold us out), but he is supposed to be the leader of the country.

You're a "NEW" kind of stupid. There is no helping you unless your mom's basement floods.
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Year after year, Norway is also ranked as one of the happiest countries on earth. They were number one for a while and are currently ranked sixth

"The citizens of sixth-place Norway (7.392) feel they are being well cared for by their government thanks to universal healthcare and free college tuition. Norwegians also enjoy a healthy work-life balance, working an average of 38 hours per week vs. 41.5. hours per week in the United States. Additionally, Norway has a low crime rate and a strong sense of community among its citizens—a quality it shares with many of the top seven."

If this is what you want, it exists and they do have an immigration policy that would allow you to move there. Go for it man! If you want your government to care for you, that's the place to go. I dare you to look into WHY the things said above are a reality. What you'll find is very revealing. I went over a lot of it a couple of posts above.
"Cared for by their gov't". Universal health care. FREE (Nothing is free-someone pays for IT) college tuition.

LOL, No thank you.

You post this kind of sh!t daily, while knowing the current CIC/Your messiah, has sold the whole country out for monetary gain for himself and his family. He isn't the only one mind you (people from BOTH sides have sold us out), but he is supposed to be the leader of the country.

You're a "NEW" kind of stupid. There is no helping you unless your mom's basement floods.
I always get a kick out of "the world according to Hambone" posts you lay down. What a deep thinker you are
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I always get a kick out of "the world according to Hambone" posts you lay down. What a deep thinker you are
Anytime you wish to compare intelligence, I'm game.

You didn't respond to anything I said, because it was true.

"Hambone" speaks the truth, and you are just like dog sh!t that I scrape off my shoe.

Since I have been given a nickname, I guess I'll call you "'lil whiny bitch". Seems fitting don't you think.?
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Anytime you wish to compare intelligence, I'm game.

You didn't respond to anything I said, because it was true.

"Hambone" speaks the truth, and you are just like dog sh!t that I scrape off my shoe.

Since I have been given a nickname, I guess I'll call you "'lil whiny bitch". Seems fitting don't you think.?
Challenge accepted LOLOL
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These are all interesting statements you make and while a lot of them may be true to a degree, they ignore a lot of other aspects which are entirely legitimate. Let's take your example of Norway that you mentioned in another post.

Norway has 5m people. It ranks 171st in population density. Their largest city is under a million people and closer to half a million. We know that big cities make for unhappy people. It's over 80% Christian and they don't have a real concentration of any other faith there. It is an incredibly UN-diverse country in terms of racial demographics with the population being almost entirely white. Norway has an immigration rate of 77 people per day on average. 77.....

So let's see... you have an amazingly small population in a relatively large country that is under the protection of the United States via NATO. There (I believe) is a flat income tax there of 22% that everyone pays. There is also a national insurance scheme that everyone pays into that is capped at 25% of a person's income and which provides for the national healthcare and pension system. It's a nice little Scandinavian country. They have about 63,000 people serving on their military and spend relatively little on their defense because they have the United States to back them up against any aggressor.

How does anything I listed above compare to the United States? What massive breakthroughs in medicine, technology, industry, or any other important human endeavor has come from Norway? You are comparing us to a country with no racial diversity, very little religious diversity, no population density issues, no real large cities and a population smaller than Atlanta.

You are a real smart guy so I know that you can grasp the role the US plays in the world. There is no peer to the United States. We have greater responsibility and a more important role than any other nation could fathom. We have produced more world altering advances than all the other nations on Earth put together. We have the greatest university system on Earth. We are the hub of the world in almost every area. There is no peer to the United States.

Also, let's note that your list of happiest nations is the biggest piece of white supremacist propaganda ever. All those nations are almost ENTIRELY white. There's one demographic in power and one philosophy and the people are happy with that. You want to go that way in the US?
I appreciate the detailed response. 68% of Norway is Christian - per the 1st link below. 63% of the US is Christian per the 2nd link (it used to be 90% in the 90s.)
Oslo, Norway's largest city, has >1 million people in it, not around half a million. Norway has a dual income tax system where labor and pensions i taxed at a progressive rate, and income is flat.
The US's top personal income tax rate is actually higher than Norway's (as of 2021), which is a fun fact. Norway's healthcare system, which some may bemoan because *SOCIALISM* is consistently ranked as one of the best in the world, mainly because you don't have to deal with insurance providers refusing coverages, refusing treatments, and citizens aren't going bankrupt trying to pay off exorbitant medical bills. Sure, the US may have more advancements in the medical field, thanks mainly to huge government grants and funding that private companies get to enjoy, but that is not the only metric that determines a successful healthcare system. Look at infant mortality rate in the US compared to any other first world nation (that is, nations with the most advanced economies, highest standards of living, most advanced technologies, and greatest influence in the world.) Look at the human development index of all top-tier nations on Earth - the US is like 8th.

There's nothing white supremacist about the "Happiest nations" index, and claiming it as such is just factually inaccurate. I'd recommend reading up on it.

Norway is a part of NATO, and as such benefits from the protective blanket that all of NATO offers. If your point of contention is that the US unequally supports NATO, I wouldn't argue that.

I appreciate the detailed response. 68% of Norway is Christian - per the 1st link below. 63% of the US is Christian per the 2nd link (it used to be 90% in the 90s.)

This was where I got some of my numbers. In either case, the Christian population there is mostly Christian in name only and not very orthodox.

Religious people in Norway are mostly Christian, with 71.5% showing affiliations with Church of Norway (Evangelical Lutheran - official), 2.8% of people are Roman Catholic, and 3/9% practicing another denomination of Christianity. Muslims make up 2.9% of the Norwegian populous, 2% practice a different religion, and 16.8% of the population are unaffiliated with any faith. Like all people of Scandinavian origin, early Norwegians Norse Paganism. Missionaries brought Christianity to the area around the year 1000.

Oslo, Norway's largest city, has >1 million people in it, not around half a million.

Oslo does not have over 1 million population. It's around the number I gave. You were using the metro area probably which could be over 1 million. So we could both argue points there.

The US's top personal income tax rate is actually higher than Norway's (as of 2021), which is a fun fact. Norway's healthcare system, which some may bemoan because *SOCIALISM* is consistently ranked as one of the best in the world, mainly because you don't have to deal with insurance providers refusing coverages, refusing treatments, and citizens aren't going bankrupt trying to pay off exorbitant medical bills.

Norway is a socialist country and it can work when you have one culture demographics and a small number of people. It also helps when you're provided all protection and relative peace by other countries who pay the way for you. That's the whole thing with Europe that people don't ever seem to consider. They have divested of military in most ways and instead just buy US equipment and rely on us for their protection. That allows them to invest heavily in social programs. Europe is also going to be facing MASSIVE population challenges in the decades to come (in large part) because they have because of the hollowness of their views and beliefs.

I would actually love to do away with our current healthcare system. But not to go single-payer at a government level. But I can tell you that if I were king for a day one of the first things I would do is get rid of employer provided health benefits and introduce a new system that puts everyone on the same playing field. It would put patients and doctors back in front of each other deciding care and completely change how we use insurance.

Look at infant mortality rate in the US compared to any other first world nation (that is, nations with the most advanced economies, highest standards of living, most advanced technologies, and greatest influence in the world.) Look at the human development index of all top-tier nations on Earth - the US is like 8th.

Would be nice to fix that wouldn't it? We've spend tens of trillions and gotten no where. Perhaps there's a better way? It isn't as though it's hard to find where this is happening....

There's nothing white supremacist about the "Happiest nations" index, and claiming it as such is just factually inaccurate. I'd recommend reading up on it.

The index is of almost entirely single culture/white countries with socialist government systems. The metrics behind that area such that it is designed to produce that kind of result. They are also mostly small countries where government management of a population is much easier. We do not have that capacity here as one of the largest nations on earth with perhaps the most diverse climate/geography on earth. How many countries have coasts on the two major oceans? Again, the United States has no peer. There is nothing else like it on Earth. We should stop trying to be like others and get to the work of resolving our own special set of challenges.

Norway is a part of NATO, and as such benefits from the protective blanket that all of NATO offers. If your point of contention is that the US unequally supports NATO, I wouldn't argue that.

We don't just unequally support NATO. We make it possible for these countries to do their socialism experiments without having to worry much at all. But as we weaken, that's all going to change and it will lead to disastrous results. Hence the reality that the world works best when America is America.
I see you're still following every MAGA cretin on the internet and trying to create hysteria over something easily explained.
Has Biden called the families of the Nashville children as of yet? They get invited to the White House?
Has Biden called the families of the Nashville children as of yet? They get invited to the White House?
I don't know, I don't monitor that but there are so many shootings, how could he have time to call them all?
Have at it. The results will be the same.

People who intend on breaking the law will find a gun any way possible. Law abiding citizens do not operate that way.

We want to protect our families from criminals, and protect our morals/values (I know you weren't raised with any because of your post) from people like you.
All we have to do is ask if they’re a good person? Why didn’t you say that earlier?
A "good guy" with a gun shot an innocent girl with his "protection" gun because she mistakenly drove into his driveway.

Your crazy ass: Let's focus on whether Biden calls her family!

To my knowledge I don’t think Biden called all the unarmed people and families that were gunned down by the X NFL player up in Rock Hill the other year

I think it was 6 white folks shot to death including grandchildren of doctor

Of course there were no national riots like 575 killing more people, destroying billions on property and creating a hate mongering racist agenda

But then doing the decent and right thing does not play well with controlling people to maintain POWER over them