The bottom line is that guns are never going away, NEVER. Doesn't matter how many people get shot per year, doesn't matter how many school shootings there are, doesn't matter if you ban them, doesn't matter if you don't like it, doesn't matter what kinda post you throw up on a college football message board, they're here to stay. Estimated over 400 million privately owned firearms in the US, 5.1 million first time gun buyers in 2021, over 30 million firearms sold in 2020 alone. There's no putting the genie back in the bottle.
Name 1 time prohibition worked? Ban them tomorrow and there's still 400 million out in circulation. Require a buy back and how many people turn in their $1000 rifle for $100? Force people to hand them over and what % get handed over peacefully? Send armed men to take the rest of them by force and what do you think is going to happen?
Do yall want to save kids or not? If you're serious about protecting children then let's protect children. Make schools harder targets with improvements in design and construction. Laminate glass, strategically use ballistic panels, automatically locking doors, quality camera systems that can be viewed by LEO's during an emergency, panic buttons, and armed SRO's. Mass shooters are cowards, give them a risk vs reward scenario that encourages them to look for something softer then our children. My bank has more security than my child's school, what does that say about us as a society?
The city of Greenville found 20 million dollars this year to piss away on Ipe decking in all these stupid parks they're putting everywhere (I think there's 2 million worth of Ipe at unity park alone). As a parent I'd much rather see that coin spent on school security than another fancy park for our growing homeless population to take over. Greenville didn't have a problem funding level IV stand-alone ballistic panels for all the court rooms and judges chambers. On the federal level we came up with 40 billion dollars to send to Ukraine pretty easily. It's not a funding issue, if it was important we'd come up with the money.