Laura Loomer and Trump


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Sep 11, 2007
Man, Trump is out there just bringing his new girl on the campaign trail. What are conservatives saying? Is Melania already out of the picture? Is the divorce after the election?
Thanks for cluing me in
Thats fine, I just want to know the juicy details from conservatives. Is Trump dropping the old ball and chain for the new hotness?
Man, Trump is out there just bringing his new girl on the campaign trail. What are conservatives saying? Is Melania already out of the picture? Is the divorce after the election?
Thanks for cluing me in
Trump has so much dirt he can throw at the Republican party members. He is running things like a Mafia boss.
They hate Loomer because she is all over the target.
Joe Biden had a medical event in law Vegas.

He dropped out a couple days later. ABC wasn’t allowed to ask about it at the debate. Seems like a pretty big story that she was ridiculed for at the time, but in hindsight looks like she was correct and it was a big story.

She also broke the story that Merchans daughter is profiting nicely off of Trumps conviction. She is under scrutiny due to Loomer.

There is one other big story that she broke.
Joe Biden had a medical event in law Vegas.

He dropped out a couple days later. ABC wasn’t allowed to ask about it at the debate. Seems like a pretty big story that she was ridiculed for at the time, but in hindsight looks like she was correct and it was a big story.

She also broke the story that Merchans daughter is profiting nicely off of Trumps conviction. She is under scrutiny due to Loomer.

There is one other big story that she broke.
You mean the medical event in Las Vegas on his flight from Wisconsin to Delaware? LOLOL
They hate Loomer because she is all over the target.
Most sane, decent people hate Loomer because she's a disgusting and avowed racist on top of being a 9/11 inside job nut job.

Again, I would like to go to some of the churches you heathens attend where you prop up these kinds of values. I didn't realize the Church of Satan had such a big presence in the upstate.

Any patriot should be very concerned that Trump is apparently having some kind of relationship with a certifiable person like this as he tries to take back the WH.
Most sane, decent people hate Loomer because she's a disgusting and avowed racist on top of being a 9/11 inside job nut job.

Again, I would like to go to some of the churches you heathens attend where you prop up these kinds of values. I didn't realize the Church of Satan had such a big presence in the upstate.

Any patriot should be very concerned that Trump is apparently having some kind of relationship with a certifiable person like this as he tries to take back the WH.
Not sure why you addressed me. I have been clear that i do not go to church and I am agnostic. I do think the church is a net positive for society, but like everything else in life is best practiced with moderation. I do not know if there is a supreme being or not and it's just not something i choose to worry about. I try to be a good person, although i fail at times like everyone else.
Most sane, decent people hate Loomer because she's a disgusting and avowed racist on top of being a 9/11 inside job nut job.

Again, I would like to go to some of the churches you heathens attend where you prop up these kinds of values. I didn't realize the Church of Satan had such a big presence in the upstate.

Any patriot should be very concerned that Trump is apparently having some kind of relationship with a certifiable person like this as he tries to take back the WH.
She is the perfect fit for the Trump Mafia boss MO.
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