Lead story on MSNBC website today......


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Dec 18, 2019
not about Afghanistan. (tiny, tiny stories about Afghanistan
not about the US border
not about crime
not about inflation
not even about the VP's trip to Asia

It's about the one thing are are sooooo obsessed with.


What a bunch of hacks.
not about Afghanistan. (tiny, tiny stories about Afghanistan
not about the US border
not about crime
not about inflation
not even about the VP's trip to Asia

It's about the one thing are are sooooo obsessed with.


What a bunch of hacks.

Encourage everyone to do what I did. Stop reading the hyper-partisan news sources. Both sides just yell into their echo chamber, fan partisan flames and foment anger. These aren’t journalists. They are entertainment organizations playing to people’s emotions.

I keep the WSJ open on the app on my phone and on a tab on my computer. Much better.

Lead story on the app is S&P futures pointing to a new record. Followed by a story about Afghanistan.
Today's lead headline on MSNBC......Trump Courts.

Not one article on Afghanistan...NOT ONE
Nothing about the border crisis
Nothing about the economy
4 headlines that have the word "Trump" in them.
Encourage everyone to do what I did. Stop reading the hyper-partisan news sources. Both sides just yell into their echo chamber, fan partisan flames and foment anger. These aren’t journalists. They are entertainment organizations playing to people’s emotions.

I keep the WSJ open on the app on my phone and on a tab on my computer. Much better.

Lead story on the app is S&P futures pointing to a new record. Followed by a story about Afghanistan.
Amen! Just took a visit to Fox and MSNBC. Both just seem to be pushing their agenda. This is the first time I've been to their sites or turned to their channels in years.

I look to the AP for most non financial news. I'm happy with the old school reporting done by those folks.
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If you aren't going to the Fox site with the same level of cynicism, you have chosen which sensationalism of the news to believe.
Hmmm Just did for you.

ONE mention of a former Obama Aide...criticizing the administration's ethics transparency. Evidently he agrees that Hunter Biden making millions on his art work is questionable at best.

Many articles on Afghanistan

Several on crime

Article on the CA recall

Article on the Supreme Court / Border situation

Article covering the VP's trip

Couple on COVID topics

Article on economic growth

Several sports related articles.

Not one about Obama himself.

Not one article on Trump

Seems like a more well round line up doesn't it?
Hmmm Just did for you.

ONE mention of a former Obama Aide...criticizing the administration's ethics transparency. Evidently he agrees that Hunter Biden making millions on his art work is questionable at best.

Many articles on Afghanistan

Several on crime

Article on the CA recall

Article on the Supreme Court / Border situation

Article covering the VP's trip

Couple on COVID topics

Article on economic growth

Several sports related articles.

Not one about Obama himself.

Not one article on Trump

Seems like a more well round line up doesn't it?
I'm not going to go into a deep dive on one wins. But I will point to this... During the Trump administration how did the two 'news' outlets cover the controversies?

I didn't watch either, so just making grand assumptions that Fox had a bunch of talking heads saying "nothing to see here" and "but what about" while MSNBC sensationalized every moment? I'd be willing to bet there is a lot of the same going on now.

The TRUTH can be found in neither location. They all are guilty of doing absolutely everything they can to promote and cause an emotional response on their viewers. That keeps us watching. That's what they are there to do. That's their sole duty.

The colors they use, the dramatic effects, the group of talking heads all seeming to debate but agree with each other, the stories they decide to cover. Its all there to keep us tuned in. That's it. Sell advertisements. They don't care one tiny bit of how what they do is eroding the social fabric of this country.
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Don't disagree to a level.

One party has MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC singing its praises.

The other has Fox

Don't you think a news service talking about Trump at this point....with all that's going a bit silly?

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