I am not sure. From a political perspective, I think it would be horrible if he's president again. In that way I am all for him being unable to run. But then, I feel the current president is even worse. It's like choosing between death by firing squad or death by hanging.
All that said the justice system is being used as a weapon. It will be bad in that way because there has been decidedly uneven use of the law in so many ways. My wish is for a standard to be a standard that applies to everyone. Everything is so politicized now. Right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of any other factors. We don't have that in this country now. It's a worthy endeavor.
In this thread there are so many factually inaccurate statements from all angles all in the name of political warfare. There's some people who have turned into horrendous bigots because of their disdain for the opposing side. Who benefits from putting forward lies? The truth is there to hold all accountable and that makes everything better. We should stick to that and not have a case where the law is used as a political weapon.
The reading of the indictment shows it is very detailed and thorough. Trump did things wrong. He broke the law and shocker, he lied repeatedly. He's such a clown. He is unworthy to be considered for president. I'm just not sure sending him to jail is going to be helpful and if we're going to treat him this way then that treatment needs to be equal because there are really bad, corrupt politicians everywhere.
As I said, we're going down so many really bad roads right now. If we continue doing this we're going to end up with a civil war. I don't understand how people don't recognize this. People are actively putting forward things that are demonstrably untrue in the name of their agenda. We have to stop this before we no longer can.