mRNA Vaccine Inventor Issues Warning To Parents: Do Not Give Children ‘Unproven Vaccines’


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
This is the guy that invented this stuff, so probably a good idea to at least listen.

mRNA Vaccine Inventor Issues Warning To Parents: Do Not Give Children ‘Unproven Vaccines’ That May Permanently Damage Organs, Reproductive System, Immunity​

By Alicia Powe
Published December 24, 2021 at 7:15am

The physician who invented the mRNA technology contained in COVID vaccines is urging all parents to abstain from vaccinating their children with the “irreversible” inoculation that could permanently damage their critical organs, reproductive systems and immune systems.
The public is being misled about the vaccine’s efficacy and effects, warns Dr. Robert Malone, the Chief Medical and Regulatory Officer for The Unity Project who invented messenger mRNA therapeutics in 1988.
“Parents, before you inject your child, a decision that is irreversible, I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created,” Malone explained in a video published on Tuesday. “
The internationally recognized physician and scientist outlines three key issues parents should consider before complying with the government coercion to vaccinate their children:
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First, is that a viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. This protein can cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including their brain and nervous system, their heart and blood vessels including blood clots, their reproductive system, and this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system.
The most alarming part about this is that these damages, once they occur are irreparable. You can’t fix lesions within their brains. You can’t repair heart tissue scarring. You can’t repair a genetically reset immune system. And this vaccine could cause reproductive damage that could infect future generations of your family.
The second thing that you need to know about this is the fact that this novel technology has not been adequately tested. We typically need at least five years of testing and research before we can really understand the risks of new medicines or vaccines.
Harms and risks from new medicines often become revealed many years later. So ask if yourself if you want your own child to be part of the most radical medical experiment in human history.
One final point. The reason they are giving you to vaccinate your child is a lie. Your children represent no danger to their parents or grandparents. It’s actually the opposite. Their immunity after getting COVID is critical to save your family if not the world from this disease.
In summary, there is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risk of this virus given the known health risk of the vaccine that is apparent you and your children may have to live with for the rest of their lives. The risk benefit for this vaccine isn’t even close for children.
As a parent and grandparent, my recommendation to you is to protect your children and do not give them this unproven vaccine.

Malone, who has been castigated as a “conspiracy theorist” and banned from social media after sounding the alarm on government deception surrounding the COVID vaccine, is one of eleven doctors who sit on The Unity Project’s Strategic Advisory Council.
The Unity Project, a non-profit organization composed of a coalition of concerned parents, business leaders, teachers and other professionals throughout California was founded in opposition to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s plan to impose a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the state’s K-12 students.
Despite the abundance of data proving COVID vaccines are ineffective at preventing the transmission of COVID and the rising rate of vaccine-related deaths, Democrat-run cities including New York and Chicago require patrons as young as 5 years old to present proof of COVID vaccination to enter restaurants, gyms and indoor public venues.
Washington, DC will begin requiring patrons above the age of 12 to present partial vaccination proof for entry to indoor venues by Jan. 15 and fully vaccinated by Feb. 15.

Listen to Dr Robert Malone on Rumble at this link since Rivals will not allow Rumble to be embedded.
"It’s only in the curious world of fringe media that Malone has found the platform, and the recognition, he’s sought for so long. He talks to hosts who aren’t going to question whether he’s the brains behind the Pfizer and Moderna shots. They’re not going to quibble over whether credit should be shared with co-authors, or talk about how science is like a relay race, or point out that, absent the hard work of brilliant researchers who came before and after Malone, there would be no vaccine. He’s an upgrade over their typical guest list of chiropractors and naturopaths, and they’re perfectly happy to address him by the title he believes he’s earned: inventor of the mRNA vaccines."
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"It’s only in the curious world of fringe media that Malone has found the platform, and the recognition, he’s sought for so long. He talks to hosts who aren’t going to question whether he’s the brains behind the Pfizer and Moderna shots. They’re not going to quibble over whether credit should be shared with co-authors, or talk about how science is like a relay race, or point out that, absent the hard work of brilliant researchers who came before and after Malone, there would be no vaccine. He’s an upgrade over their typical guest list of chiropractors and naturopaths, and they’re perfectly happy to address him by the title he believes he’s earned: inventor of the mRNA vaccines."
Trying to change the subject.
"It’s only in the curious world of fringe media that Malone has found the platform, and the recognition, he’s sought for so long. He talks to hosts who aren’t going to question whether he’s the brains behind the Pfizer and Moderna shots. They’re not going to quibble over whether credit should be shared with co-authors, or talk about how science is like a relay race, or point out that, absent the hard work of brilliant researchers who came before and after Malone, there would be no vaccine. He’s an upgrade over their typical guest list of chiropractors and naturopaths, and they’re perfectly happy to address him by the title he believes he’s earned: inventor of the mRNA vaccines."
The Atlantic lmao. You want to talk shit to Growls about TGP and then go and post an article from the Atlantic
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The only thing that is ridiculous is your inability(refusal), to scrutinize MSM outlets because you’d have to backtrack on your positions. That link is a complete bullshit hit piece that’s filled with lies, and you will never question it

More bullshit from the Atlantic

I finally got around to watching the movie Don't Look Up last night and one scene stuck out to me in particular. The comet was minutes from hitting the earth and ending mankind, when they cut away to Treason TV and the host opens the show with "The story everyone is talking about - Topless Urgent Care Workers" LMAO. That's the kind of socially spread, non-factual, non-intellectual media you and Growls champion as truth. When you don't like the facts, you peddle an alternate fact-free reality. The problem is, the comet doesn't care about your "stories" and everyone who listened to your side, along with the rest of us, has to pay the price. Sad.
I finally got around to watching the movie Don't Look Up last night and one scene stuck out to me in particular. The comet was minutes from hitting the earth and ending mankind, when they cut away to Treason TV and the host opens the show with "The story everyone is talking about - Topless Urgent Care Workers" LMAO. That's the kind of socially spread, non-factual, non-intellectual media you and Growls champion as truth. When you don't like the facts, you peddle an alternate fact-free reality. The problem is, the comet doesn't care about your "stories" and everyone who listened to your side, along with the rest of us, has to pay the price. Sad.

That was a stupid movie that I somehow watched all of.
I finally got around to watching the movie Don't Look Up last night and one scene stuck out to me in particular. The comet was minutes from hitting the earth and ending mankind, when they cut away to Treason TV and the host opens the show with "The story everyone is talking about - Topless Urgent Care Workers" LMAO. That's the kind of socially spread, non-factual, non-intellectual media you and Growls champion as truth. When you don't like the facts, you peddle an alternate fact-free reality. The problem is, the comet doesn't care about your "stories" and everyone who listened to your side, along with the rest of us, has to pay the price. Sad.
I’m gonna take Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough’s word over an article likely written by a hack with a journalism degree from UNC or Berkeley. You can keep your bullshit media outlets who are taking money from big pharma and who is owned by people who are BFF’s with the worst child traffickers the country has ever seen

Funny thing is you don’t even know what kind of media I consume. I don’t think you’re quite the intellectual you fancy yourself to be. Sorry.
I’m gonna take Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough’s word over an article likely written by a hack with a journalism degree from UNC or Berkeley. You can keep your bullshit media outlets who are taking money from big pharma and who is owned by people who are BFF’s with the worst child traffickers the country has ever seen

Funny thing is you don’t even know what kind of media I consume. I don’t think you’re quite the intellectual you fancy yourself to be. Sorry.
Funny, I don't consider myself an intellectual at all but I will accept a preponderance of the evidence on most subjects. I will listen to the experts while you'll listen to Sonic the Hedgehog as long as he owns the libs.
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Funny, I don't consider myself an intellectual at all but I will accept a preponderance of the evidence on most subjects. I will listen to the experts while you'll listen to Sonic the Hedgehog as long as he owns the libs.
I’m literally listening to experts and you’re listening to hit pieces from an outlet owned by close friends of Epstein and Maxwell

You’re truly just a clown
I’m literally listening to experts and you’re listening to hit pieces from an outlet owned by close friends of Epstein and Maxwell

You’re truly just a clown
Says the old HumasButthole and current JoeBidenSniffsKids


And for the record, I'm widely read and even read the seditious pablum you wallow in, so I know your talking points. The Atlantic opinion piece is widely corroborated by other outlets if you want to read about things that are true. Malone has a huge bone to pick because he feels like he is being ignored, while others receive all the awards and monetary benefits from their work on mRNA. So his rage is the driver behind his need to discredit the vaccine - the vaccine that billions of doses later has proven to be safe and prevent deaths. Experts my ass...
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Says the old HumasButthole and current JoeBidenSniffsKids


And for the record, I'm widely read and even read the seditious pablum you wallow in, so I know your talking points. The Atlantic opinion piece is widely corroborated by other outlets if you want to read about things that are true. Malone has a huge bone to pick because he feels like he is being ignored, while others receive all the awards and monetary benefits from their work on mRNA. So his rage is the driver behind his need to discredit the vaccine - the vaccine that billions of doses later has proven to be safe and prevent deaths. Experts my ass...

I have a buddy with a limited vocabulary who used to take a thesaurus and rewrite his college papers picking and choosing certain words to sound intelligent... I've read some of his papers, about as much as i've read your posts over the past year, and it's strikingly similar and awkward. Pretty funny

And yeah, i've read all the bullshit you subscribe to as well... You and the rest of the clowns here simply read the Atlantic and Vox pieces and regurgitate the info you're spoon-fed without doing an ounce of digging to find motives(same thing you accuse Growls of). No looking into money trails... Nothing. So, congrats on using your big boy words and reading TGP 20 minutes a day. You're still a clown.
I have a buddy with a limited vocabulary who used to take a thesaurus and rewrite his college papers picking and choosing certain words to sound intelligent... I've read some of his papers, about as much as i've read your posts over the past year, and it's strikingly similar and awkward. Pretty funny

And yeah, i've read all the bullshit you subscribe to as well... You and the rest of the clowns here simply read the Atlantic and Vox pieces and regurgitate the info you're spoon-fed without doing an ounce of digging to find motives(same thing you accuse Growls of). No looking into money trails... Nothing. So, congrats on using your big boy words and reading TGP 20 minutes a day. You're still a clown.
just absolutely chortling at the concept of spending a few hours on duckduckgo and google and considering that "research."

just absolutely chortling at the concept of spending a few hours on duckduckgo and google and considering that "research."

It's all a CONSPIRACY I tell ya! Just watch this youtube video from Herp Derperson!
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just absolutely chortling at the concept of spending a few hours on duckduckgo and google and considering that "research."

You people are kings at misrepresenting anything you disagree with

But you’re right, I should stop doing my own research and turn on the nightly news and go with that. Maybe visit CNN’s website once a morning to make sure I know the truth like you all
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You people are kings at misrepresenting anything you disagree with

But you’re right, I should stop doing my own research and turn on the nightly news and go with that. Maybe visit CNN’s website once a morning to make sure I know the truth like you all
listen man, do whatever you want to do - but thinking that reading a bunch of cryptic tweets and substacks from people who are reinforcing your POV is "research" then idk what to tell you.

also, i never once said to go read/listen to CNN or any mainstream media outlet. i typically go to Reuters for news as they've shown to be the least biased of the bunch.
listen man, do whatever you want to do - but thinking that reading a bunch of cryptic tweets and substacks from people who are reinforcing your POV is "research" then idk what to tell you.

also, i never once said to go read/listen to CNN or any mainstream media outlet. i typically go to Reuters for news as they've shown to be the least biased of the bunch.
You are, just like dpic73, assuming you know where I get my information. Truth is, neither of you know. Your post was literally just you making shit up
You are, just like dpic73, assuming you know where I get my information. Truth is, neither of you know. Your post was literally just you making shit up
you're welcome to share where you get your information from

unless you've found a super secret source from all your research that you don't want to share with the masses
You are, just like dpic73, assuming you know where I get my information. Truth is, neither of you know. Your post was literally just you making shit up
We don't have to know but it's clear from all the breadcrumbs you've dropped over the years, that you're not interested in reliable sources. When your only interest is finding sources willing to own the libs and tell you what you want to hear, you can be sure they aren't reputable.
We don't have to know but it's clear from all the breadcrumbs you've dropped over the years, that you're not interested in reliable sources. When your only interest is finding sources willing to own the libs and tell you what you want to hear, you can be sure they aren't reputable.
The same “reliable sources” who enthusiastically fed you Russian collusion disinformation for 4-6 years?

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you're welcome to share where you get your information from

unless you've found a super secret source from all your research that you don't want to share with the masses
Man, you’ve really missed the target and unknowingly shown your attention span, but I’ll bite... Independent journalists/podcasters who don’t have incentive to pass along bullshit narratives. I can give you a list, you’ll most certainly laugh and scoff, but they won’t have ties to the most corrupt people and corporations known to the western world... Unlike yours
Man, you’ve really missed the target and unknowingly shown your attention span, but I’ll bite... Independent journalists/podcasters who don’t have incentive to pass along bullshit narratives. I can give you a list, you’ll most certainly laugh and scoff, but they won’t have ties to the most corrupt people and corporations known to the western world... Unlike yours
aka Q, Steve Bannon, Dan Bongino et al, who ONLY pass along bullshit narratives meant to inflame susceptible reprobates. Any publication or person who tells the truth is a threat to your ideology and must be destroyed, dismissed and mocked. If you need to know the meaning of these words, just ask so you won't have to dig out your thesaurus. Butthole
aka Q, Steve Bannon, Dan Bongino et al, who ONLY pass along bullshit narratives meant to inflame susceptible reprobates. Any publication or person who tells the truth is a threat to your ideology and must be destroyed, dismissed and mocked. If you need to know the meaning of these words, just ask so you won't have to dig out your thesaurus. Butthole
You might be the dumbest person I’ve ever encountered
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You might be the dumbest person I’ve ever encountered
😅 Which simply means I'm a threat to your nonsense so I'll take that as a compliment. You still peddling that insane narrative about Democrat pedophilia rings you deplorable Q cultist?
😅 Which simply means I'm a threat to your nonsense so I'll take that as a compliment. You still peddling that insane narrative about Democrat pedophilia rings you deplorable Q cultist?
Serious question, can you quote just one time where I’ve talked about pedophilia rings? Just once. Look back thru my history with this handle and my last, since you’re so obsessed with it. I’ll even tag it you dumb SOB @HumasButthole

You’re legitimately a stupid person
Serious question, can you quote just one time where I’ve talked about pedophilia rings? Just once. Look back thru my history with this handle and my last, since you’re so obsessed with it. I’ll even tag it you dumb SOB @HumasButthole

You’re legitimately a stupid person
It's been implied several times but I only had time for this quick search. Look at all your hysterical tears here LMAO

It's late so you need to go faceplant your MyPillow because tomorrow's a big day for you jackbooted terrorists. How you celebrating? Making a batch of gallows cocktails? Got your buffalo horns polished up real good?
