NEVER FORGET: Not a Single Election Expert Has Been Able to Explain the “Drop and Roll” Phenomenon that Flipped the 2020 Election to Joe Biden

Argentina was able to tally 32m votes in one evening to declare a new president. Arizona took over a week to tally 2.5m votes. Very tough not to think fraud when you compare those scenarios.

So a shithole country can count votes in one night. The United States on the other hand, we need a couple weeks. Nothing to see here ……
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Argentina was able to tally 32m votes in one evening to declare a new president. Arizona took over a week to tally 2.5m votes. Very tough not to think fraud when you compare those scenarios.
Three years later and you're still acting like the lowest common denominator MAGA idiot, without acknowledging that it's because of the way REPUBLICANS in swing states set the rules? Holy shit we are in trouble when even the smartest MAGAts believe ridiculous conspiracy theories about voting fraud SMDH.

"As in 2020, the media has done an excellent job of explaining that results won’t be final on election night, and voters should be prepared for counts to change in the following days. But as long as there are election deniers running for office, delays in counting ballots will be used to seed conspiracy theories and spread lies about the trustworthiness of the election process. Indeed, a top reason given by voters who doubt the outcome of the 2020 election is that the results seemed to change after election night. (“When I went to bed, Trump was so in the lead, and then (I got) up and he’s not in the lead. I mean, that’s crazy,” one Georgia voter recalled.)"
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This is a major win for the American people. Mark Elias and his little army of commie lawyers will not be able to file frivolous lawsuits aimed at subverting the fair election process going forward. I am sure they will appeal of course.

8th Circuit Rules Private Plaintiffs Cannot Sue Under Section 2 of Voting Rights Act​

Let's see how it plays out. Headed to scotus. You are now on record supporting cheating by Elias.
Elias is pro-democracy and that's why the right abhors him. He gets in the way of their fascist dreams.

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Very bad news and incredibly bad judicial decision if it stands. They need to start removing some of the militant judges.

First hand account of organized institutional election fraud. Just keep your heads in the sand though.

Pennsylvania pulling a 2020, changing election laws leading up to a presidential election. So basically, just don't even bother trying to fill out the ballot correctly, they will count it. No opportunity to cheat there.

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Good read

Incredibly and extensively researched information here. Paste from the first bit of the conclusion but the entire article is worth a read. I think even the diehard libs know that the great steal did occur, but they condone it and are happy for it. The sad truth.


This report studies 8,954 individual updates to the vote totals in all 50 states and finds that four individual updates — two of which were widely noticed on the internet, including by the President — are profoundly anomalous; they deviate from a pattern which is otherwise found in the vast majority of the remaining 8,950 vote updates. The findings presented by this report [28]suggest that four vote count updates — which collectively were decisive in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia, and thus decisive of a critical forty-two electoral votes — are especially anomalous and merit further investigation.
@iceheart08 Iceheart is probably an election fraud man in black in CO.


1. That guy speaking is a ****ing moron.
2. They weren't voter registration mailers, they were postcards that said if you are eligible to vote you should go to the website to register.
3. There was 30k, not 300k as he says in the audio.
4. Lolololol. What a ****ing moron. BOMBSHELL REPORT about something that happened a year ago and was already public?


1. That guy speaking is a ****ing moron.
2. They weren't voter registration mailers, they were postcards that said if you are eligible to vote you should go to the website to register.
3. There was 30k, not 300k as he says in the audio.
4. Lolololol. What a ****ing moron. BOMBSHELL REPORT about something that happened a year ago and was already public?

Way to try and minimize the emerging scandal in CO Man in Black.