NEVER FORGET: Not a Single Election Expert Has Been Able to Explain the “Drop and Roll” Phenomenon that Flipped the 2020 Election to Joe Biden

What happened to the “red wave” in 2022?

Well, in just 7 states there were 2,189,483 voters who do not exist

4,840,975 who voted from addresses they did not live at

1,449,054 more votes than voters

8,479,512 unverified votes in CA, GA, IL, MI, NY, OH, and PA alone — 21.6% of the total! — and 3,038,081 certified votes later edited, deleted, or “washed” to other registration records

The more I read the JFK files, the more I’m convinced that 2020 was an organized regime-change operation, by the CIA and their subsidiaries.

The release of C19 was economic sabotage via biological agent, just like Project Mongoose. It destroyed Trump’s economy, and gave the Deep State a platform to launch their full-scale propaganda campaign to oust Trump in the election. The failing economy, loss of jobs, shutdowns, etc., were all blamed on Trump, and it worked.

Then the CIA/USAID/Soros funded and orchestrated the BLM riots and “Summer of Love”, while using ANTIFA as ‘Brown-Shirts’ to spread violence and intimidation, similar to how the CIA did in Iran, Guatemala, and Chile during the Cold War, and how Soros did it in Eastern Europe/Ukraine. All the violence and chaos was blamed on Trump and his supporters for being racist, and it worked.

Then January 6th happened, and we later found out that it was far less violent than we were told, the CIA-controlled MSM blew the entire thing out of proportion, and they withheld countless hours of video showing the officers letting everyone in and walking around peacefully. Then we later found out that there were feds in the crowd and provocateurs that fueled/escalated the crowd to riot, in addition to Pelosi calling off security and refusing the National Guard, then they tried to cover the whole thing up. January 6th was an orchestrated event, in order to prevent electors from challenging a stolen election. In addition, it gave their propaganda machine more fodder to demonize and censor Trump and his supporters under the new regime, allowing them to stifle any dissent on social media pointing out the coup that just happened.

All of this was made possible by the near global control of media and social media, to push their propaganda and maintain their desired narratives.

What we witnessed in 2020 was the CIA regime-change playbook. The same tactics they use to overthrow leaders around the globe, they used on Trump.

We are under attack from the enemy within. Trump tried to warn us about this enemy many times.
I don't know about the 'drop and roll', but we have ample evidence of what took place. But I do hope that Trump and his DOJ look into the 2020 fiasco.

In that Atlanta precinct, you have the video where the people make up a sewer leak and they tell everyone to go home and that this Precinct is closed down and they will resume in the morning. Well, the only ones who left were the Republican poll watchers. The Democrats shut the door and locked it, with some of their poll watchers in the room. Then the lady lifts up the table cloth and boxes and boxes of pristine unfolded mail in ballots lay underneath the table. The white lady (manager) starts handing the boxes out to the other people. I saw the black women in the upper right running ballots (pristine and un folded) through the machine over and over. When she run it through she got it at the end and ran it through again, and so on. And the black women on the bottom right was doing this as well. I'm sure all were doing this. I never saw the whole video, so I assume this video was leaked. But the fact that these were mail in ballots (mailed to a voter, filled out, and mailed back) and showed no folds in them should have raised eyebrows. But no entity ever investigated these people, clearly seen conducting voter fraud. When someone made an algorithm with the voting data on the above precinct, there was a huge spike in votes cast for Joe Biden. Now remember, the vote counting was supposed to cease for that precinct, and rusemed the following morning.

Then, taking place in certain areas of Atlanta where the Zuckerberg drop boxes were placed, that were required to have a camera on them, but over half of the drop boxes had the cameras disabled. The others we saw muliple people coming with huge handfuls of ballots and stuffing them in the boxes. They then took a picture of the drop box so they could be paid. In the documentary '2000 Mules' an organization bought the cellphone pings that showed the incredible amount of times and places that these mule's went to, and they all went back to a receiving area (building). This happened around the nation, but particularly in Atlanta and the big cities in Pennsylvania. In order to pull this fraud election to a win for Joe Biden, they needed both Georgia and Pennsylvania. If Trump wins either or both, he wins.

In another undercover video I saw (Michigan or Pennsylvania), the video showed staffers in the basement destroying thumb drives taken from the machines. That was clearly a no-no. When the undercover person asked someone why they were doing this, they said they were told to.

In Pennsylvania a poll worker that was told to go home after counting was stopped, she suspected something. She hid behind some bushes with her cell phone, and watched a truck (or trucks) back up to the loading dock of that Precinct, and pallets of boxes of ballots were off loaded and brought into the building. And she filmed it, yet nothing was done.

And lastly, there was the Precinct supervisor in a county in Colorado that used the Dominion machines. There was a later local election that the results didn't add up. So, someone informed the Precinct manager about it, and this needs to be looked into quickly, so she decided to pay some with the instrument that can take a picture of the voting machine program and software. Within a couple of days the Dominion technicians came by saying they had to do a PM (check the oil and tires). After they left, she had another picture taken of the machine and everything had been erased. But, she still had the first image. She turned this over to Mike Lindell's cyber team, and they quickly dug into it. In the mean time, this Precinct manger had her office invade by the police (on order from the Colorado AG) and all her computers and devices were seized. When the Colorado AG realized she had gone out of state with this data, they told her that unless she returns the data she will be charged. Once the AG realized she turned this data over to cyber/computer experts they (Gestapo) then raided her house and harrassed her children.

What the cyber/computer experts found was rather interesting. First, the machine was connected to the internet, and information was sent to a coastal West African country that had a large data center hub constructed by China. I believe data was then sent to Europe, or was sent there simultaneously with Africa. I can't remember. What I do know was these machines were not supposed to be connected to the internet.

Also found by the cyber/computer team was that a parallel program was installed in this machine. It took the data down both programs. At one, data was manipulated and/or deleted. The other program I believe remained as installed. This machine had likewise manipulated the later local election, which elected someone who they found had lost.

But anyway, stuff like this happened all around the country, although more egregious in the swing states. As for me, I believe that the Marxists stole that election from Trump. But I am happy how it stands right now, although we came perilously close to losing this country as the constitutional republic that we love. But also Trump has an enormous cleanup to do. A call for a cleanup on isles 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.!!! But now the Marxist corrupt Federal judges are trying to blunt Trump's cleanup. Just another hurdle to clear...
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