That's rich that a Trump supporter would accuse anyone else of lying with a straight face. Long before day one, Trump went on his vapid lying campaign, starting with the birtherism bullshit. And he hasn't stopped lying since - I believe it's up to about 28,000 now and counting. And they're not little white lies either- some are actually lies that contribute to death counts. He doesn't even care about telling the truth, he only cares that you believe his warped version of reality and sadly you do. He is far and away the most criminal, morally repugnant, divisive and hateful politician we've ever seen in this country and he appeals to the lowest common denominator in all of us. If he gets re-elected it will be hell on earth as he will no longer have to worry about re-election and we all know how that will play out. he will go on a full scorched earth, revenge campaign and will no longer care about good governance. I know you and all the other Trumpsters will wallow in all the hatred directed at all his enemies, real and imagined because you think making fun of Nancy's teeth is more important than our democracy.
Bottom line - if you loudly support Trump, you have abdicated your right to ever complain about any other person's behavior because you have proven by your support that you simply don't GAF.