Ok. Since you asked... I'll answer.
1. "Mass shootings" with "military stye" rifles are an insignificant cause of death in this country. Period. Nope. No typos there.
(Mass shootings with "evil" "military style" rifles annually / Population in the US) x 100 = % of people killed in mass shootings annually.
250 (ish) (my guess) / 327.2 Million = 7.64 e-7 % = really, really small number for people to be freaking out about and willing to trample on constitutional rights over.
Put another way... The leading cause of death in the US are:
- Heart disease.
- Cancer.
- Unintentional injuries.
- Chronic lower respiratory disease.
- Stroke and cerebrovascular diseases.
- Alzheimer's disease.
- Diabetes.
- Influenza and pneumonia.
Nope no typo here either.
Not even making the hit parade is that 40,000 people in the US die every year in auto accidents...most probably killed by people with more than one vehicle!! Why aren't we having a national conversation about vehicles, traffic laws, licensing requirements, car buying regulations and highways first? Does this outrage you as more than El Paso or Dayton? It should. So lets talk about first things first...
2. Trump. Yes he has. However, I'm sure that you don't agree with them. Regards the NRA... Good to hear. I am the NRA. So it's good that I have the ear of the President. Makes me feel good that (so far) he isn't defaulting to taking away my rights just to be "politically correct".
3. I think we agree here. My only comment would be that Metal Detectors at CU football stadium, like "gun free" zones only serve to disarm the law abiding and rob them of their rights to defend themselves.. but really do NOTHING to prevent anything. To whatever degree the metal detectors make the stadium environment safer... it makes the "outside the stadium" environment more dangerous in equal proportion... maybe moreso, since the law abiding will not be armed while moving to the stadium. Totally a "feel good" and "for liability reasons" reaction. If you don't agree or recognize this, I cannot do any better to try and make my point. Agree to disagree.
I do not support "doing something" that doesn't work.
4. Ok. Fair point.