Please, PLEASE. before you act upon anyone’s advice (INCLUDING THIS ONE) on this issue, know that there is NO single correct answer to your question. This should be a highly personalized decision based primarily on your age and health status, particularly the generally accepted (at this time) comorbid conditions that affect outcome. Lots of statistical data out there that is hardening though still not firm. And it is not just living thru this nasty disease, it also is the large and growing percentage of patients with long term life-impacting side effects. Clearly still lots of unknowns about the long term effects of the vaccine (good or bad) but on balance the vaccine appears to be highly effective in reducing hospitalizations and severe disease and a study released this week, provides compelling data that it reduces transmissability as well. It’s honestly been a blessing to have something that effective, that quickly for many high risk citizens that would otherwise have lost their life or suffered significantly as a “survivor”. It was an easy decision for me given my age and risk profile and if nothing else, provided a sense of relief from the day to day anxiety and lifestyle adjustments worrying about getting the virus. And more importantly to me, the worry of giving it to someone else. For a young healthy female of childbearng age, not so easy. Consult with your physician that knows you and make an informed decision for YOU. Blessings!