It may be that getting the vaccine is most sensible for you, but there is a reason vaccines go through many trials and typically years of study before approval. The more I read and study, the more concerned I become, especially for young people. The older you are, the more likely it is a no brainer to get the vaccine. The younger and healthier you are, the more likely the opposite, I would think. I am typically very much in favor of vaccinations (and do not like anti-vax rhetoric), but I am leery of this one.The question here is how many failures have their been for mrna vaccines? Pharma is risk averse in pushing new tech because trials are extremely costly. Warp Speed changed the equation. New doesn't equal dangerous. Look up the history for yourself.
What long term side effects are you worried about? How do they compare to the long term side effects of getting Covid?
You're either going to get covid or the vaccine eventually. How many people have died from the vaccination? Additionally, it's likely the immunity from the vaccine is better and more durable.
IMO, there is no rational reason to not get the vaccine. Irrational, yes. I'm getting my second next week. I look forward to zero chance of dying from Covid.
The obscured origin of the virus and the concern that I have that it was (in my estimation) likely altered by humans, makes me even more leery.