Reparations in San Francisco

How much are all the African tribes who gathered up their own people and sold them into slavery in exchange for arms and goods going to have to pay? That's something no one seems to want to discuss.

Forgot to mention I asked more intense questions like how to handle the massive butchery of tribes against tribes in Africa

Of dam that did not happen

Unless it was the white supremest slave traders that traveled to Africa

Oh wait thats right the black tribes brought the conquered blacks to the ports after taking the best for slaves , then usuall raping , killing , multilating , etc

But lets not forget this must be fake news as no black was involved in this slavery

Same crap as sex trafficking and slavery today

All black reparations claimants are really wussies that need to get a real job

I am in my retirement working to provide equal opportunity for all people and not because someone is black

I tell my black friends and folks to put on their big boys pants suck it up and make it happen

Or wear a diaper and wallow in what you then deserve

And that statement applies to anyone wanting equity instead off equality and meritocracy

I don’t apologize to any race including white black Latin for expecting a person to earn what they get
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It's been estimate that each white person / household in the city of San Francisco would have to cough up 600k each. to pay for it.

Sounds great to me

Do a lien on the property and bank accounts of the San Francisco Society of White Japanese Chinese Oriental Polynesian and everybody else Oppressors of the 12 per cent US population which has never been under slavery except to the Democratic Party voting oppressors

I am going to move to Cali and then begin to identify as African American. Cha Ching!

pretty much everyone on earth had enslaved ancestors, gonna have to pay us all, california. they're fkd with debt already, tax receipts are gonna be lower every year because wealthy people are leaving, and last and this year will be significantly worse because of the market. and janet's tga account can't afford bailing em out...only 188bb left as of friday.
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It’s a brilliant plan….. to keep them as democratic voters.

1. Offer big time money
2. Get their votes
3. “Republican” court overturns reparations
4. Blame racist republicans
5. Only way to get money is to to continue vote republicans out of office
6. Rinse and repeat

Pretty sharp psychological strategy
White racist democrats in California it's good to see them finally paying up for their racist history.
@iceheart08 I assume this is a far left loon that nobody takes seriously and 99.9% of Denver residents agree that this proposal is completely absurd. Is that right?

Yea. Really not a fan of candi and her cabal. Their "team" just got trounced in the mayoral too and I've personally invested time and money to beat them over the years.

Proposal will never pass council so it's moot.