Have any of you actually taken the time to read up on the details of this case? Again, this was not a criminal trial, it was a ruling on an amendment of the Constitution brought by citizen petitioners. The court heard all the arguments and ruled on the evidence.
"In a 132-page opinion, the majority of Colorado Supreme Court justices noted the gravity of their decision, saying, in part, "we do not reach these conclusions lightly" noting they "travel in uncharted territory" as the first court in the nation to find Trump engaged in an insurrection.
They said they had "little difficulty" concluding, that Trump's actions leading up to, and on Jan. 6, 2021, "constituted overt, voluntary and direct participation" in an insurrection."
Do you belive in the constitution or do you not?
132 pages of garbage that will be overturned by rational justices. Yawn