Speaker of the House - Who's up next? Welcome, Rep Mike Johnson - Louisiana

That’s not saying a whole lot. I’d vote for a pile of shit before I voted for someone with a D next to their name right now.

Trump is not perfect, but he was elected by We The People and he deserves his chance to govern without interruption by the people in the government.
Actually Trump never received the majority of the vote. He did receive a majority of electoral votes in 2016 although failed to do so in 2020.

But to suggest Trump won a majority of American voters would be as fake as suggesting the 2020 election was stolen.
Take it up with the Jim Jordan House Judiciary Investigation as that whole excerpt I provided was pulled from their release. Unless, of course, you think Jim Jordan is also anti-Trump, in which case, cool man.
They said that as a cya in case it blew up. We know they were lying. John Ratcliffe who was Director of National Intelligence at the time went on National tv multiple times and stated that all the agencies had vetted the laptop as being authentic well before that release by the 51 seditious Intelligence operatives.
Actually Trump never received the majority of the vote. He did receive a majority of electoral votes in 2016 although failed to do so in 2020.

But to suggest Trump won a majority of American voters would be as fake as suggesting the 2020 election was stolen.
2020 election was stolen.
They said that as a cya in case it blew up. We know they were lying. John Ratcliffe who was Director of National Intelligence at the time went on National tv multiple times and stated that all the agencies had vetted the laptop as being authentic well before that release by the 51 seditious Intelligence operatives.
Go ahead and read this majestic compilation.

Interesting, I searched your majestic compilation for the proof that John Ratcliffe went on tv and confirmed the allegations from the intelligence services and this was the only post that came up 🤔

‘I don’t want people to know we lost, Mark’​

"Meadows emerges in the book as not only duplicitous but as a fall guy for folks who don’t want to admit that Trump had lost grip with reality. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe expressed concern about the president’s unpredictability, noting that one minute “he acknowledges he lost… Then he’ll immediately backpedal.
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Interesting, I searched your majestic compilation for the proof that John Ratcliffe went on tv and confirmed the allegations from the intelligence services and this was the only post that came up 🤔
Enjoy this truth bomb. You can surrender now. Notice the date on this article.

DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden Emails, Laptop ‘Not Part of Some Russian Disinformation Campaign’​

Brittany Bernstein
October 19, 2020, 9:45 am

Enjoy this truth bomb. You can surrender now. Notice the date on this article.

DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden Emails, Laptop ‘Not Part of Some Russian Disinformation Campaign’​

Brittany Bernstein
October 19, 2020, 9:45 am

I don't trust the MSM

Or John Ratcliffe

President Donald Trump announced on July 28, 2019 that he intended to nominate Ratcliffe to replace Dan Coats as Director of National Intelligence.[7][8] Ratcliffe withdrew after Republican senators raised concerns about him, former intelligence officials said he might politicize intelligence, and media revealed Ratcliffe's embellishments regarding his prosecutorial experience in terrorism and immigration cases.[9][10][11][12]

On February 28, 2020, President Trump announced that he would again nominate Ratcliffe to be Director of National Intelligence,[13] and after Senate approval,[14] he resigned from the House,[15] and was sworn in on May 26. At his confirmation hearing, amid concerns that Ratcliffe would politicize the DNI, Ratcliffe pledged to be apolitical.[16] However, during his tenure as DNI, Ratcliffe was regarded as using the position to score political points for Trump.[16][17] Ratcliffe made public assertions that contradicted the intelligence community's own assessments,[16] and sidelined career officials in the intelligence community.
It's still a battle between the rinos and the America first Republicans for control of the house. Steve scalise is a good guy but he would just represent business as usual in Congress. He is directly in line with all the rinos that have been running Congress for years

Steve Scalise DOES NOT Currently Have the Floor Votes to Become the Next House Speaker – Here Are the GOP Members Who’ve Publicly Declared Opposition​

It's still a battle between the rinos and the America first Republicans for control of the house. Steve scalise is a good guy but he would just represent business as usual in Congress. He is directly in line with all the rinos that have been running Congress for years

Steve Scalise DOES NOT Currently Have the Floor Votes to Become the Next House Speaker – Here Are the GOP Members Who’ve Publicly Declared Opposition​

What is your definition of RINO?
It's still a battle between the rinos and the America first Republicans for control of the house. Steve scalise is a good guy but he would just represent business as usual in Congress. He is directly in line with all the rinos that have been running Congress for years

Steve Scalise DOES NOT Currently Have the Floor Votes to Become the Next House Speaker – Here Are the GOP Members Who’ve Publicly Declared Opposition​

trump endorses jim "look the other way" jordan, he loses. I am seeing a pattern here.

chalk up another loss for trump.
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Scalise is an establishment tool and would be the same as McCarthy. The MAGA wing is going to fight for someone closer to them policy wise.
Well tell hair gel to run instead of sitting in the back of the room complaining all the time.
Scalise is an establishment tool and would be the same as McCarthy. The MAGA wing is going to fight for someone closer to them policy wise.
And can I add what has being MAGA done for the Republicans? They barely won the house didn't win back the senate and lost to Grandpa Joe.
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And can I add what has being MAGA done for the Republicans? They barely won the house didn't win back the senate and lost to Grandpa Joe.
Well the vast majority of Republicans support the MAGA platform so it is what it is. The media created hate for Trump hurts without a doubt. Single women have been hoodwinked to this point.
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Well the vast majority of Republicans support the MAGA platform so it is what it is. The media created hate for Trump hurts without a doubt. Single women have been hoodwinked to this point.

Yeah, it’s definitely media spin that hurts Trump with women. His long history of infidelity, harassment allegations and lawsuits, obscene public comments, and generally crude behavior are nothing burgers.
Well the vast majority of Republicans support the MAGA platform so it is what it is. The media created hate for Trump hurts without a doubt. Single women have been hoodwinked to this point.

"media created hate for trump" = turning on a camera and letting him speak.

In another thread you claimed that 80% of the US is maga.
Well the vast majority of Republicans support the MAGA platform so it is what it is. The media created hate for Trump hurts without a doubt. Single women have been hoodwinked to this point.
Perhaps the thought of being grabbed by the pussy by a self anointed celebrity is a turnoff to most women.
Yeah, it’s definitely media spin that hurts Trump with women. His long history of infidelity, harassment allegations and lawsuits, obscene public comments, and generally crude behavior are nothing burgers.
Any woman that votes for potus based on that is not smart. Any man that votes that way better get on double testosterone supplements. Our nation is in shambles after 3 years of Bidens so all of you nimrods that voted based on Trump not being a nice guy are being proven stupid.
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trump crushing the conservatives. Who could have seen the party splitting in half?
Well 80% of rank and file republicans are MAGA and approx 65% of elected republicans though are establishment rinos,so we have a sorting process and basically an internal battle for control going on. The establishment republicans in congress are mostly showing themselves to have no regard for the majority opinion of rank and file republican voters it appears.
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