By your words you will be judged, and judging by what I've seen you say in several comments, if you aren't a Marxist or Communist, you aspire to be...
Your commented posts:
More proof that you don't care about right and wrong because you're willing to lie or exaggerate about ANYTHING to get your way. Your Messiah is so corrupt that you've resorted to inventing dark conspiracies about Biden so you can fool yourself into believing you're supporting the better man. We know what you really want and it sure as hell aint good for the country.
* My replay: You should know by now that the proof is showing that Bid sold out his country as Vice President. They have the documents to prove it, and the testimony of the Ukrainian in Burisma. They have most all of the bank records, and the LLC's that they laundered the money through to the Biden family. They know that the FBI has 3 more documents that are also damning to Joe Biden. These will be in the hands of the committee too. Joe Biden is a crook, as well as much of his family. He is a traitor to this country, and if you were true to this nation and Constitution you would agree. Yet you stand with Joe Biden. So you and Joe Biden are 'Capitalists' only in the theory of wanting to make money 'By hook or by crook'.
* Next comment:
Hambone, you want us to believe a hate-filled, ardent Trump supporter like you wants what's best for this country? Decent people that want the best for all citizens don't support corrupt amoral sociopaths that spend half their time attacking 55% of the population. Decent people don't believe corrupt, twice impeached rapey criminals should lead the most powerful country on earth. Decent people don't support candidates who are a threat to our democracy and our national security.
* My reply: I did not vote for Donald Trump in either election. In 2016 I did not like his attitude as you said, and he is a narcissist, and I hate narcissists. But I knew Hillary Clinton was corrupt, and a marxist. So no way was I going to vote for her either. So I just didn't vote. But unlike you, I am smart enough to realize that his intentions were to clean up the swamp, and that swamp included selfish life long bureaucrats that were both Democrats and Republicans. and those swamp dwelling bureaucrats fought back hard. One of those bureaucrats, Hillary Clinton, started a false conspiracy against Donald Trump, and if you can't see that by the evidence, then no matter how much proof is shown you will not believe. If she came forward and admitted it you would call her a liar!!!
* Next comment:
You can fall the way off if you you think your your way is the best way, because you care less about policy and more about how to punish your "perceived" enemies than anything else. That's the dark and empty MAGA way and we are done with it.
My comment: Your leftist theology has taught you that 'Make America Great Again' (MAGA) and 'America First' are bad white supremacist and fascist policies. You cannot be more wrong!!! Neither in your sides belief in CRT, that I, and you if tour are white, are systemically racists, and this should be taught to the children. I don't know how many times you apologized for being white, but I can tell you the count for me is zero '0', nada, nicht, nein, and no!!! If you want to feel guilt for being white, and end your worthless existence due to all the guilt, well go ahead. I have more to live for.
loveoysters said:
I do not know of any conservatives that badgered Ms Clinton for 15 years, let alone imply she was satan.
Then you replied: OMG, are you for real? What planet have you been living on?
Ever hear of Whitewater, Benghazi, Uranium one, her emails? etc...
* My reply: I could repeat the previous dialogue☝️on Hillary Clinton. you can praise her all you want but I know what she is. It is a fact (mentioned by another Marxist James Comey) that she defied a sopena from Congress to turn over classified e-mails and documents that she had to legal right to housed on an illegal server, that was indeed hacked by the Russians, but she chose to defy the law and bleach-bit and hammer her server and devices, and was allow to go free. Trump, on the other hand as president, is the only one you could declassify document and remove them. And his documents were not kept on a sever on the internet where they could be hacked. Yet, he is under indictment, and Hillary Clinton has the balls (and yes I said balls!!!) to comment about Trump's supposed illegal activity. But as mentioned, you again stand with the communists and marxists.
loveoysters said:
And none of those “were made up”. (I suppose this is in regards to Hillary Clinton)
You replied: Wait, now you're admitting it ?
They were fake accusations and after exhaustive investigations, she wasn't charged with anything.
* My replay: I don't know what alternate reality or universal plane you have been living on, or in which desert you have had your head in the sand, but much of what I commented above applies to this comment as well. The Durham Report certainly shows that this was not "fake accusations", and even the monkey court done by the Mueller Report found these charges of 'Russian Collusion' had not been found. the only court that found Trump guilty of all the charges and then some was the CNN, CNBC, etc courts. And it appears that those are the ones you seek and believe.
* My conclusion: your comments are mirror by those of the radical left. They are who you are and are in bed with. you have not just drank the Kool-aid, but the whole pitcher. I could respect a person who is honest about who he is, but I disrespect a person who hides behind a veil, the Wizard Oz, hiding behind a curtain. That my friend is you. At least take ownership of what you believe. At least that what the majority of your marxist friends have done, by at least having admitted who they are...