Since I always look at your posts when I see them..... tell me.
Maybe the same way we keep drug lords and gangs from getting guns?
Add a question on the Firearms License form to 'check here' if you're crazy or about to do something really evil and stupid?
Trite as it sounds, guns don't kill people. People kill people.
As the famed guitarist once said, and I agree:
All my guns must be broken or stupid. They haven't killed anyone.
Do I have disfunctional guns? Right here in my home (safe)?
Emotions, emotions.
Calm down people. There are answers.
Protect the schools.
A "GUN FREE Zone" is a frigging INVITATION for idiots, imbeciles, imbalanced and fame seeking people.
No one will confront you.
Be bold.
Kill.... You're now famous!
Put Security with guns roaming every campus and allow Teachers to have guns if qualified.
Defend AGAINST what you cannot stop or wish away.