First of all, thanks to your wife for following a calling.
Those are the teachers we need!
Understand what you're saying....
" considering how poorly most of our LEOs perform as marksman in stressful armed situations,I would be concerned of potential injuries to children. "
But to stand by and do nothing is worse. Exponentially worse.
As callus as it may sound (not my intent) having SOMEONE -
of any skill at all- confront a deranged ( unskilled and CERTAINLY not used to being shot at) individual would VERY LIKELY limit the number of injuries/deaths. Even if some is by friendly fire, heaven forbid.
There are Good Samaritan laws for a reason.
To hide under your desk, as we did to protect us from Atomic Bombs, is just as ridiculous.
It also needs to be harder to get a firearm. Or at least, slower.
Why is this always the default?
There are laws, rules and background checks. Do they 'catch' everyone? No.
Some, at least.
You're NOT gonna keep someone who is determined to get a gun from getting one.
Maybe it needs to be harder to get a Driver's License, since no one obeys traffic laws, particulary speed limits and driving impaired.
We COULD take away EVERYONE's right to drive - even those with good records - and we'd eliminate almost all traffic injuries. Of course, that wouldn't be fair to the good drivers.
And the bad drivers, who obey no laws anyway, would be the ones out driving.
All of these issues are Social Issues.
Laws will not change them.
Never have, never will.
We have enough laws.
To think writing another silly law or slogan, written on a blackboard 1,000 times is gonna help, is insanity. Stand on the sidelines and yell ever louder: "Stop, you're bad!" "Cease and decist all evil actions!"
What we don't have is enough nuclear families.
We don't have enough decency and normalcy being taught and demanded.
IF such is reversible, if it is, it will be a long time coming.
In the interim, there is little option but to forcefully protect what is good, what is yours.
Armed protection against armed evil.
fight fire with fire
We don't need fewer guns, we need more guns.
Every able bodied person should prepare themselves to be able to defend person & property against a someone intending to 'bully' them.
With a gun.