"Thoughts and Prayers"

My big issue is that @iceheart08 tends to favor federal laws on things. I don't like federal laws. I am not a fan of central government. If I had my way, most governmental departments would be dissolved and we'd fire 90% of the non-military federal work force. The executive branch would be neutered and returned to its intended role and we'd have a clear understanding that judges are in place to uphold the meaning in the Constitution and allow the changing of laws to be left to the legislatures.

In this case, a federal law as he mentioned wouldn't really do much. I do favor a measure that says if someone obtains a gun in a private sale that isn't overseen by a third party and the gun is used in a crime the person who sold the firearm is charged with a crime and put in jail.
Point taken.
Point taken.

I'm not saying I am right. It's just what I believe. I don't have all the answers. I would do almost anything to ensure this kind of thing never happens again but I also know that we're advocating for all these things to say we did something. I'm much more interested in solving the problem and preventing future tragedies.
I'm not saying I am right. It's just what I believe. I don't have all the answers. I would do almost anything to ensure this kind of thing never happens again but I also know that we're advocating for all these things to say we did something. I'm much more interested in solving the problem and preventing future tragedies.
Totally agree. That's why I am on board with beefing up school security, funding it and maybe even Paying/educating & have incentives for volunteers, etc.
Unfortunately I think it's come to that point and kids will adapt and hopefully this "helps", and over time we find other avenues to curb these insidious acts that have become far to trendy!
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You think maybe being from Connecticut that he might be a little more connected and because of that more emotional about the issue of kids getting shot while at school? Is that even a possibility?

Or because the guy’s politics are different than your own you also feel the need to immediately dismiss and attack what he said as he pleas for his colleagues to do better? For our country to expect better?

So my reaction to your statement Is the same as my response to Willence’s….🤔
He is not from Connecticut, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Also, if he is so concerned about deaths, maybe he should try and help the people in his own back yard in CHICAGO, where he did live. I don't see him tweeting how the dem leaders in IL are to blame for the hundreds of deaths there EVERY year. Included in those deaths are multiple times the number of deaths of those under 18.
Additionally, he was potus for eight years and had control of both the house and senate for part of that time and did absolutely nothing about it, yet wants to lay the blame at the feet of another party.

So, no this is not some heartfelt plea or he would have those same emotions when it happens where he actually did live. Since you mention Sandy Hook, did he call out the dem governor then? No he absolutely did not, because he was a member of his own political party. History and the facts simply do not support your assertions. It was, and was meant to be a political statement. 🤔
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First of all, thanks to your wife for following a calling.
Those are the teachers we need!

Understand what you're saying....
" considering how poorly most of our LEOs perform as marksman in stressful armed situations,I would be concerned of potential injuries to children. "

But to stand by and do nothing is worse. Exponentially worse.

As callus as it may sound (not my intent) having SOMEONE - of any skill at all- confront a deranged ( unskilled and CERTAINLY not used to being shot at) individual would VERY LIKELY limit the number of injuries/deaths. Even if some is by friendly fire, heaven forbid.
There are Good Samaritan laws for a reason.

To hide under your desk, as we did to protect us from Atomic Bombs, is just as ridiculous.

It also needs to be harder to get a firearm. Or at least, slower.

Why is this always the default?
There are laws, rules and background checks. Do they 'catch' everyone? No.
Some, at least.
You're NOT gonna keep someone who is determined to get a gun from getting one.

Maybe it needs to be harder to get a Driver's License, since no one obeys traffic laws, particulary speed limits and driving impaired.
We COULD take away EVERYONE's right to drive - even those with good records - and we'd eliminate almost all traffic injuries. Of course, that wouldn't be fair to the good drivers.
And the bad drivers, who obey no laws anyway, would be the ones out driving.

All of these issues are Social Issues.
Laws will not change them.
Never have, never will.

We have enough laws.
To think writing another silly law or slogan, written on a blackboard 1,000 times is gonna help, is insanity. Stand on the sidelines and yell ever louder: "Stop, you're bad!" "Cease and decist all evil actions!"

What we don't have is enough nuclear families.
We don't have enough decency and normalcy being taught and demanded.

IF such is reversible, if it is, it will be a long time coming.
In the interim, there is little option but to forcefully protect what is good, what is yours.

Armed protection against armed evil.

fight fire with fire

We don't need fewer guns, we need more guns.

Every able bodied person should prepare themselves to be able to defend person & property against a someone intending to 'bully' them.
With a gun.
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In your haste to mention the need to enact laws to show your expertise over the internet, you failed to comprehend reality.

This monsters in Texas legally purchased his weapons. He passed a background check. He was able to spend thousands of dollars on these weapons. He didn't get these guns privately. He didn't get them at a gun show. He didn't exploit loopholes.

The Buffalo shooter didn't obtain his guns illegally. It does appear as though he probably should have been flagged but he wasn't by the system in New York. But then the most common outcome for government is failure and it was so in this case as well. Additionally, New York happens to have some of the strictest gun laws in the US. He didn't go to Texas to buy his guns. He got them in New York and passed a background check. He didn't get them privately or at a gun show.

So basically, all these things you've said in this thread that "have to be done" wouldn't have stopped any of these shootings. Then what are we doing it for? What's the point of posturing as though these measures would prevent these tragedies? In 2021 there were over 108,000 overdose deaths in the US. There were over 19,000 people murdered in 2021. Do those lives count less?

At the end of the day, we're so busy fighting our pathetic culture war that we can't even come together to see the need for change in so many areas in our country. We have to be better people and we need to raise better people. How many of these evil individuals come from broken family situations? How many were bullied or abused? How many were ignored or isolated? How many fell victim to the toxic environment on social media? How many were mentally ill and didn't get help while those around them knew they were struggling? How many didn't have a community of faith around them providing support and love?

I'm not trying to solve mass shootings. I'm trying to suggest something to make sure that weapons are significantly more difficult to attain, to stop the 20k suicides by gun every year, to stop shootings in inner city Chicago your side just ****ing loves to talk about. I'm trying to suggest things that will change our culture to not glorify guns and violence so much.

We aren't gonna solve this problem with one piece of legislation, and it's not gonna happen overnight, or this year, or even within a decade. But your side won't let us try to do ****ing anything. And it's disgusting.

EDIT: your side and Joe manchin, sorry.
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I wrote this about four years ago after another mass shooting:

My hunch/belief on why these mass killings are up (even while overall gun violence is down)...

Character. Copycatism. Post-modern individualism. All feed one vicious circle that feeds itself.

I heard David Brooks speak recently on a Podcast. He cited a study (I think discussed in more detail in his book "The Road to Character") that found that, nowadays, more people want to be famous than be successful. We are more narcissistic now than we once were.

Our culture praises the selfie; some of our biggest stars became famous because they would invite dysfunctional people onto television to share their problems with the world, not to help or shame them but to celebrate and be entertained; social media has created a spiraling escalation for people to stand out from the crowd, be known; people make "gender reveals" huge events for the world to see; they sit in their cars, turn their phones on video, wax on and on about some subject, then post them to the internet so that everyone can hear their thoughts on whatever subject it is; we believe that our acts and celebrations and opinions, meaningless to the world at large, should be shared and celebrated;

There is nothing more important to the common people than "going viral"...

For the vast majority of the human race, that is not what we are called to be and do. We aren't meant to fight for fame and popularity based on everydayisms. Instead of worrying what the entire world wants we should look inward to ourselves and our families, we should work to help our neighbors and our community, and we should share our opinions and thoughts with those who know us--people we are actually connected to--and not expect the world at large to celebrate or even care about our normal lives and everyday opinions.

(Somewhere, somehow, the unremitting violence on television, movies, video games, etc., plays a role. I don't know how, but it does. It teaches and trains us, at least the vulnerable tiny minority of troubled people, how to express their feelings at the world--how to spite the world with violence and cool-looking weapons.)

(And you can throw in the 24/7 news cycle--before CNN, a mass murderer might get 5-10 minutes of coverage on the news at 6:30 PM. Now these events get days and days of nonstop television coverage on multiple channels.)

That sense of valueless individualism, coupled with our "one-up-manship" from social media, and when adopted by people who are already angry at the world for whatever reason, is a dangerous brew. And it feeds itself, because mass killings beget mass killings, because the vulnerable people move closer to the edge each time another incident happens.

Why are AR-15s so often used in these incidents? The first of the modern school shootings--Columbine and Virginia Tech--were done with handguns and shotguns. But since then, AR-15s (and AKs and other similar rifles) are commonly used--although aren't any more effective in close quarters against unarmed victims, they still look "cool" and "sinister." And once it gets used, and celebrated, and vilified, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy--mass killers use those because that's the playbook they have been taught.

(This is one reason I believe that there is a large element of copycatism in the recent spate of mass killings.)

It's a cycle that was started, a fuse that was lit on a powderkeg of a valueless culture...

And I don't have any idea how to stop it.
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I'm not saying I am right. It's just what I believe. I don't have all the answers. I would do almost anything to ensure this kind of thing never happens again but I also know that we're advocating for all these things to say we did something. I'm much more interested in solving the problem and preventing future tragedies.

No. You wouldn't do almost anything. You are itt arguing against some pretty basic measures, all because you don't like federal laws? Or because they aren't perfect solutions to the problem?
  • Like
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I'm not trying to solve mass shootings. I'm trying to suggest something to make sure that weapons are significantly more difficult to attain, to stop the 20k suicides by gun every year, to stop shootings in inner city Chicago your side just ****ing loves to talk about. I'm trying to suggest things that will change our culture to not glorify guns and violence so much.

We aren't gonna solve this problem with one piece of legislation, and it's not gonna happen overnight, or this year, or even within a decade. But your side won't let us try to do ****ing anything. And it's disgusting.

EDIT: your side and Joe manchin, sorry.
Obama was potus for eight years and controlled the house and senate for part of that time. What did YOUR side do when they had the opportunity? Not a damn thing, so quit with the bs that is is on the pub party. YOUR party had every opportunity to do something at the federal level and did nothing.
I'm not trying to solve mass shootings. I'm trying to suggest something to make sure that weapons are significantly more difficult to attain, to stop the 20k suicides by gun every year, to stop shootings in inner city Chicago your side just ****ing loves to talk about. I'm trying to suggest things that will change our culture to not glorify guns and violence so much.

We aren't gonna solve this problem with one piece of legislation, and it's not gonna happen overnight, or this year, or even within a decade. But your side won't let us try to do ****ing anything. And it's disgusting.

EDIT: your side and Joe manchin, sorry.
I'd suggest it is members of your party that are far and away responsible for the vast majority of this. Look at Hollywood and particularly rap music. Violence, and usually gun violence, is a constant them in both of these industries. It would be a great pace to start if you think the culture of glorifying guns and violence is the a problem - and i agree that it is.
Obama was potus for eight years and controlled the house and senate for part of that time. What did YOUR side do when they had the opportunity? Not a damn thing, so quit with the bs that is is on the pub party. YOUR party had every opportunity to do something at the federal level and did nothing.
you need 60 votes to pass gun legislation. from 2008 to 2010 dems had 57 seats. from 2010 to 2012 they had 51 seats, from 2012 to 2014 they had 53 seats, from 2014 to 2016 they had 44.

anything involving gun reform needs 60 votes to pass (to avoid the filibuster), and no republican would ever vote for anything alongside dems, especially in obama's tenure.
you need 60 votes to pass gun legislation. from 2008 to 2010 dems had 57 seats. from 2010 to 2012 they had 51 seats, from 2012 to 2014 they had 53 seats, from 2014 to 2016 they had 44.

anything involving gun reform needs 60 votes to pass (to avoid the filibuster), and no republican would ever vote for anything alongside dems, especially in obama's tenure.
Exactly but this fool has no interest in solving problems. His sole agenda is to provide cover for all the bad actors on his side while making everything Biden's/Obama's/Hillary's fault. He thinks if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes a fact - just like his god-Prez. His party is perfect, pristine and never errs and the Dems are agents of the devil. He's ridiculous.
I'm not trying to solve mass shootings. I'm trying to suggest something to make sure that weapons are significantly more difficult to attain, to stop the 20k suicides by gun every year, to stop shootings in inner city Chicago your side just ****ing loves to talk about. I'm trying to suggest things that will change our culture to not glorify guns and violence so much.

We aren't gonna solve this problem with one piece of legislation, and it's not gonna happen overnight, or this year, or even within a decade. But your side won't let us try to do ****ing anything. And it's disgusting.

EDIT: your side and Joe manchin, sorry.
This is where we part ways! Man up and say it's both sides who have done basically nothing!
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He is not from Connecticut, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Also, if he is so concerned about deaths, maybe he should try and help the people in his own back yard in CHICAGO, where he did live. I don't see him tweeting how the dem leaders in IL are to blame for the hundreds of deaths there EVERY year. Included in those deaths are multiple times the number of deaths of those under 18.
Additionally, he was potus for eight years and had control of both the house and senate for part of that time and did absolutely nothing about it, yet wants to lay the blame at the feet of another party.

So, no this is not some heartfelt plea or he would have those same emotions when it happens where he actually did live. Since you mention Sandy Hook, did he call out the dem governor then? No he absolutely did not, because he was a member of his own political party. History and the facts simply do not support your assertions. It was, and was meant to be a political statement. 🤔
Just step aside dude, you don't even understand who he's talking about. But it gave you the opening you needed to make everything Obama's fault.....who he wasn't even taking about! Holy sh*t
Exactly but this fool has no interest in solving problems. His sole agenda is to provide cover for all the bad actors on his side while making everything Biden's/Obama's/Hillary's fault. He thinks if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes a fact - just like his god-Prez. His party is perfect, pristine and never errs and the Dems are agents of the devil. He's ridiculous.
Oh the irony that you just typed.
This is where we part ways! Man up and say it's both sides who have done basically nothing!
You can't possibly really believe this. You just can't.

It takes two to tango but one side doesn't have a partner for common sense gun control. Until the Rs take the initiative on this issue, nothing will get done. But when/if they do, you'll find the Ds are more than happy to work with them. This is absolutely NOT a both-sides issue.
BETO! Haha

Let's congratulate and celebrate interrupting a press conference of such a tragic occurrence.
Whether you agree with Abbot's policies or not, this was a selfish display and to common place in this crumbling society.
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First of all, thanks to your wife for following a calling.
Those are the teachers we need!

Understand what you're saying....
" considering how poorly most of our LEOs perform as marksman in stressful armed situations,I would be concerned of potential injuries to children. "

But to stand by and do nothing is worse. Exponentially worse.

As callus as it may sound (not my intent) having SOMEONE - of any skill at all- confront a deranged ( unskilled and CERTAINLY not used to being shot at) individual would VERY LIKELY limit the number of injuries/deaths. Even if some is by friendly fire, heaven forbid.
There are Good Samaritan laws for a reason.

To hide under your desk, as we did to protect us from Atomic Bombs, is just as ridiculous.

It also needs to be harder to get a firearm. Or at least, slower.

Why is this always the default?
There are laws, rules and background checks. Do they 'catch' everyone? No.
Some, at least.
You're NOT gonna keep someone who is determined to get a gun from getting one.

Maybe it needs to be harder to get a Driver's License, since no one obeys traffic laws, particulary speed limits and driving impaired.
We COULD take away EVERYONE's right to drive - even those with good records - and we'd eliminate almost all traffic injuries. Of course, that wouldn't be fair to the good drivers.
And the bad drivers, who obey no laws anyway, would be the ones out driving.

All of these issues are Social Issues.
Laws will not change them.
Never have, never will.

We have enough laws.
To think writing another silly law or slogan, written on a blackboard 1,000 times is gonna help, is insanity. Stand on the sidelines and yell ever louder: "Stop, you're bad!" "Cease and decist all evil actions!"

What we don't have is enough nuclear families.
We don't have enough decency and normalcy being taught and demanded.

IF such is reversible, if it is, it will be a long time coming.
In the interim, there is little option but to forcefully protect what is good, what is yours.

Armed protection against armed evil.

fight fire with fire

We don't need fewer guns, we need more guns.

Every able bodied person should prepare themselves to be able to defend person & property against a someone intending to 'bully' them.
With a gun.

What I'm saying is that my wife, who has had numerous gun classes,and is a very capable shot with a handgun does not want to carry a gun. I know very few teachers who do want to carry a gun.

Why is more guns the answer? How about increasing security? Investing is systems that recognize guns and are created to keep them out? How about placing a school resource officer in every school? How about increasing programs for mental health and coping skills? Training for emotional regulation?

We have a violence problem in America. We are by far the most violent country on Earth. School shootings don't happen other places? Why is that? If I see more person say ," What we need is more Jesus" I'm gonna scream. How about some actual, actionable solutions?
You can't possibly really believe this. You just can't.

It takes two to tango but one side doesn't have a partner for common sense gun control. Until the Rs take the initiative on this issue, nothing will get done. But when/if they do, you'll find the Ds are more than happy to work with them. This is absolutely NOT a both-sides issue.
I absolutely do, but I think where you miss the point is that the left will want more than the right is willing to give, but I do agree with you that it should be broached and if that is more on the right side for not happening, then it should be criticized.
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I'm not an expert on the subject but the below would be a start.

  • Require every gun buyer to pass a criminal background check
  • Get military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines off our streets
  • Make gun trafficking a federal crime.
In the state of Texa youhave to pass a background check for a concealed handgun. Open Carry is a different ballgame. I've seen one person open carry since theaw was put into effect
Let's congratulate and celebrate interrupting a press conference of such a tragic occurrence.
Whether you agree with Abbot's policies or not, this was a selfish display and to common place in this crumbling society.

Hell yes, he needs to be held accountable for his atrocious leadership. If teachers have to be monitored and hounded for things they aren't doing, he needs to take his medicine for all the bullshit laws he has enacted to pander to the far right that have been far more damaging.

  • Haha
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I'm not trying to solve mass shootings. I'm trying to suggest something to make sure that weapons are significantly more difficult to attain, to stop the 20k suicides by gun every year, to stop shootings in inner city Chicago your side just ****ing loves to talk about. I'm trying to suggest things that will change our culture to not glorify guns and violence so much.

We aren't gonna solve this problem with one piece of legislation, and it's not gonna happen overnight, or this year, or even within a decade. But your side won't let us try to do ****ing anything. And it's disgusting.

EDIT: your side and Joe manchin, sorry.

No. You wouldn't do almost anything. You are itt arguing against some pretty basic measures, all because you don't like federal laws? Or because they aren't perfect solutions to the problem?

What basic measures did I argue against? You're really bad at the details and actually reading what other people talk about. I'm not on a side. I am an American. You try to assign me to a side but that's your small mindedness and ignorance, not mine.

You said it yourself. You're not trying to solve mass shootings. I am.

If you're trying to stop shootings in inner city Chicago, please explain to me how you plan to confiscate the weapons from gangs? These groups do a lot of business in the drug trade. Drugs come over our southern border along with an estimated 2000+ weapons per day. Last I checked, I haven't seen you ever post about the need to secure our border. 90% of the illegal drugs and opioids come over that border. So again, what's your cause?

You want the guns. You want to win your political argument. You really don't care about people. You'll just get all aggressive and posture to feed your need to feel like you want to help and then you'll do nothing that helps with anything or solves any issues. You're a walking, talking example of everything that is wrong in our politics. You seem to desire power over, not prosperity for Americans.

Have a wonderful day!
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Hell yes, he needs to be held accountable for his atrocious leadership. If teachers have to be monitored and hounded for things they aren't doing, he needs to take his medicine for all the bullshit laws he has enacted to pander to the far right that have been far more damaging.

You're amazing! I don't know how you can manage to consistently wrap so much .... into one post. But you keep on keeping on.

Hell yes, he needs to be held accountable for his atrocious leadership. If teachers have to be monitored and hounded for things they aren't doing, he needs to take his medicine for all the bullshit laws he has enacted to pander to the far right that have been far more damaging.

You're talking about open carry........that isn't a problem.

Hell yes, he needs to be held accountable for his atrocious leadership. If teachers have to be monitored and hounded for things they aren't doing, he needs to take his medicine for all the bullshit laws he has enacted to pander to the far right that have been far more damaging.

Exactly what laws has he passed that has made it more dangerous in TX? I see you must be of young age, since you still think stomping your feet and crying out to anyone that will listen to get your feelings heard, is the proper way to be taken seriously.
Oh I do...In crayon... to reflect the level of your thinking. :)
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Exactly what laws has he passed that has made it more dangerous in TX? I see you must be of young age, since you still think stomping your feet and crying out to anyone that will listen to get your feelings heard, is the proper way to be taken seriously.
I could be your dad nerd boy
I could be your dad nerd boy
You could, but you know that you're not, and this is part of our problem, kids like yourself!

Edit: Here is a haha moment for you. Remember this boy you celebrate also wanted to defund the police.
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In your haste to win an internet argument I see you've failed to read/comprehend.

Not all sellers at gunshows are dealers. That's an objective fact. In some places, you have to be a dealer to participate in a gun show. In some venues and places you don't.

If you are a private citizen selling a weapon online or at a gun show, you should be required to walk your ass down to a dealer with the purchaser and have the dealer run a check.

Violent history checks should always be a thing. No matter the seller. If you sell a weapon to someone as a private citizen, you should be required to do the same thing a dealer does. Let the dealers charge a fee. But it has to be done.
Maybe you should read more carefully where I said that “if you’re not a dealer then you’re a private citizen where the rules don’t apply”. I’m sure all the cartel gangs and crips/bloods will be lined up to get a background check as soon as the law passes. Good luck with another law that won’t solve a thing.
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Just step aside dude, you don't even understand who he's talking about. But it gave you the opening you needed to make everything Obama's fault.....who he wasn't even taking about! Holy sh*t
Why don't you step aside since you have no idea what you are talking about, dude. He was replying to and quoted my post about Obama, so I assume he was talking about obama. That would be the logical assumption right?
I also never said anything was obama's fault as it relates to school shootings. The fact is I don't think there is much to be done about it by dems, pubs, independents, or anyone else from a gun legislation perspective.

Hell yes, he needs to be held accountable for his atrocious leadership. If teachers have to be monitored and hounded for things they aren't doing, he needs to take his medicine for all the bullshit laws he has enacted to pander to the far right that have been far more damaging.

The shooter had no criminal history and no prior mental health problems. What law that you can think of would have stopped him from getting a gun somewhere that was not texas?
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What basic measures did I argue against? You're really bad at the details and actually reading what other people talk about. I'm not on a side. I am an American. You try to assign me to a side but that's your small mindedness and ignorance, not mine.

You said it yourself. You're not trying to solve mass shootings. I am.

If you're trying to stop shootings in inner city Chicago, please explain to me how you plan to confiscate the weapons from gangs? These groups do a lot of business in the drug trade. Drugs come over our southern border along with an estimated 2000+ weapons per day. Last I checked, I haven't seen you ever post about the need to secure our border. 90% of the illegal drugs and opioids come over that border. So again, what's your cause?

You want the guns. You want to win your political argument. You really don't care about people. You'll just get all aggressive and posture to feed your need to feel like you want to help and then you'll do nothing that helps with anything or solves any issues. You're a walking, talking example of everything that is wrong in our politics. You seem to desire power over, not prosperity for Americans.

Have a wonderful day!

This is easily one of the dumbest ****ing posts I've ever read on ti.
  • Haha
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Exactly what laws has he passed that has made it more dangerous in TX? I see you must be of young age, since you still think stomping your feet and crying out to anyone that will listen to get your feelings heard, is the proper way to be taken seriously.
He never lets facts get in the way, don't expect him to start now. Children dying is an emotional thing. However, people can't seem to realize there is no emotional answer.
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