Full disclosure on my part, I am a hunter, own many guns and a proponent of legal gun ownership.
I, like many of you, have young children and it breaks my heart and sickens me when I hear stories of violence against children. I pray that these parents and those communities will feel the comfort of God despite these tragic events. Further, I pray that God will provide guidance for solutions and we will have the courage to follow that wisdom.
As is often the case, when these incidents happen, my wife and I discuss solutions. It seems to me that there is not some one thing that will solve these problems.
First, banning all guns is not going to happen as there aren’t going to be 2/3s of either chamber of Congress to overturn the 2nd Amendment. Maybe that is due to lobbyists, maybe gun rights represents the politician’s voter’s views. Who knows? Just not going to happen.
Second, I would be in favor of making guns harder to legally obtain. I can think of almost no instance of me trying to buy a gun in which I needed it that day or even that week. If there was some type of prolonged wait period from POS to ownership, I could support that law. If that period enabled a more stringent background search, great. Again, I can think of few examples where a law abiding citizen is desperate to take ownership on the day of POS other than their own impatience.
Third, it would be short sighted to think that just implementing tougher gun laws will make these instances go away. They won’t. Evil will always exist. Sickness will always exist. I’m not a psychologist, psychiatrist or medical professional, but we have to improve our screenings for mental illness. These people need help. While receiving help, these people don’t need access to any harmful objects (cars, drugs, alcohol, guns, knives, etc.). How do you do that? I have no idea. It seems that this would be almost as a difficult discussion as stricter gun laws.
Fourth, all schools need armed officers. In my opinion, this should be the responsibility of the state, city or county government. These areas understand their unique needs and circumstances better than the Federal government.
Fifth, we need to acknowledge that the family structure is broken. It seems that many of these assailants come from troubled backgrounds of broken homes. Or at least homes in turmoil. Again, not a psychologist or medical doctor, but we as a society have to step up to provide support and guidance to children of broken homes. More Federal government involvement is not the solution.
Finally, our elected officials need to stop being glory seeking celebrities and lead. This occurs across the entire political spectrum. I would love to see term limits for Congress, but I know that will never happen. Unfortunately, I fear that the quality of human serving in elected office won’t improve either. Money, power, attention, etc. are often the gods of our politicians and many are fervent believers. Crossing party lines to solve problems is viewed as politically impossible so blame, childish name calling, etc. is thrown all over social media. All things end. Perhaps the undoing of the USA will be rooted in the failure of our own politicians to govern.
Again, I pray that these communities feel the peace of God. Also, I pray that these troubled youths feel love, help and support from within their communities long before they reach these terrible mental places.