Trump 2024

How did I know it would be just explained away and justified? I wish you put as much effort into spinning things Democrats (who you don't support) say as much as you do spinning things Trump (who you claim you don't support) says.

It's not spin. How much clearer does it need to be that what he said is stupid? Women should not be punished for having abortions. That's wrong and I would never support that.

But you're putting that out there like he's going to do something like that. He didn't when he was president. He can't do it now. That's not spin. That's reality.
I disagree with your stance on abortion but at least give you credit for having this kind of self-awareness. I have to say watching the midterms Red Wave get turned into a Red Wedding was very satisfying based largely on the Republican leadership not grasping what you've espoused here. The idea of a whoremonger like Donald Trump being the one to get Roe overturned is so ghoulish. If anyone thinks that moron hasn't paid for a couple of abortions in his time of nonstop lechery, I've got a bridge to sell them.

Trump didn't overturn Roe v. Wade. The Supreme Court did and the original decision was awful. It needed to be overturned.
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Trump didn't overturn Roe v. Wade. The Supreme Court did and the original decision was awful. It needed to be overturned.
Trump bragged about appointing buffoons who directly contradicted what they said at the time of their admission to SCOTUS. He has continued to brag about ending Roe with his actions and setting up the most corrupt SCOTUS in our lifetime.
Trump bragged about appointing buffoons who directly contradicted what they said at the time of their admission to SCOTUS. He has continued to brag about ending Roe with his actions and setting up the most corrupt SCOTUS in our lifetime.

Unsurprisingly we'll have to agree to disagree on that. The notion that a prospective justice should have to testify as to how they will rule on specific cases during their confirmation is absurd. I'm only interested in legal philosophy and beyond that it doesn't matter because if you have what I view is the correct approach to jurisprudence then everything else will take care of itself. I like some things those justices have done and I dislike some things they have done. That's pretty much how it should work.
Great people there with the Trump campaign. It's wild how Trump has shown right wingers to be totally phony when it comes to Christianity, supporting the troops, and backing the blue.

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Are we saying it's okay for one person to flip flop, but not another? I'm just looking for some consistency on this board.

Well, I’m not voting for either, so I don’t have to say either is okay. Both are just saying whatever is most likely to help their chances in November. But they have a lifetime of positions to evaluate. Kamala’s just started changing in the last 2 months.
That's freaking vile. Seriously, is there anything that is too far for them?
Dude, you forgot the caviot. WHEN IT SUPPORTS WHAT Trump WANTS. Sure, Republicans support our Troops, unless Trump needs a photo op in Arlington. Then, f 'em. Sure Republicans support the police. Unless its the Capitol Police getting the shit beat out of them by Trump supporters, then they suck.

There is not ANYTHING that's too far, b/c they support Trump. And Trump will say and do ANYTHING as long as it furthers Trump's on ends.
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Dude, you forgot the caviot. WHEN IT SUPPORTS WHAT Trump WANTS. Sure, Republicans support our Troops, unless Trump needs a photo op in Arlington. Then, f 'em. Sure Republicans support the police. Unless its the Capitol Police getting the shit beat out of them by Trump supporters, then they suck.

And his supporters just refuse to even acknowledge that this is a bad look, much less that it's bad.
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And his supporters just refuse to even acknowledge that this is a bad look, much less that it's bad.
Again, you have to realize that they don't care. If Trump is for it, so are they. No evidence needed, no questions asked. As Trump himself said, he could just walk out in the street and gun someone down and he wouldn't lose a single vote. That's the truth man. The Republican party that used to stand for law and order, family values, pro life, and that sort of thing is dead and has been since 2016. It's Trump's party right now and what Trump says is what they believe. Trump could come out as for unlimited abortions and he won't lose any votes. Would people bitch? Absolutely. Would they vote for Harris? No way. THAT'S why Trump and Vance are softening their stance on it... They aren't going to lose a single pro life vote, but they MAY gain some by what they are doing now.

Republicans are going to vote for Trump. Period. That's going to be true 95% of the time. And it's pretty much the same for the Dems. As I've said before, this election is going to be CLOSE. All the finger pointing and insults that fly around on both sides don't amount to a fart in a whirlwind. The only votes that matter are the ones by true independents in swing states (where those votes can actually mean something and make the difference).
Unsurprisingly we'll have to agree to disagree on that. The notion that a prospective justice should have to testify as to how they will rule on specific cases during their confirmation is absurd. I'm only interested in legal philosophy and beyond that it doesn't matter because if you have what I view is the correct approach to jurisprudence then everything else will take care of itself. I like some things those justices have done and I dislike some things they have done. That's pretty much how it should work.
Does this mean Trump is lying? I'd be shocked if so!

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Does this mean Trump is lying? I'd be shocked if so!

He is a politician taking credit for things he didn't do. Like all politicians. He also lied and is a world class exaggerated. This is not unique to Trump. I know you dislike him intensely but I also know you realize this is a universal reality.
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imagine helping to kill another 500k people through your incompetence and bragging about it

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You once again demonstrate you don't really read anything. You just post stuff. I never have once said I would vote for Trump. In fact, I have said quite the opposite a number of times.
I think I recall you being in GA. You need to hold your nose and vote for Trump. It's going to be extremely tight.
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Elect Trump and he will get your kids in shape.

@RobertKennedyJr should consider reviving JFK's physical education program for America's children.

JFK introduced a school fitness program called the "La Sierra System," designed by a WWII veteran. It focused on building strength, flexibility, endurance, and leadership skills.

The program encouraged students to strengthen their minds and bodies. One key element was "ability grouping," where students were ranked based on their physical fitness.

In other words, it was a competition.

To be in the top group, students had to do at least 12 handstand push-ups and 14 pull-ups. Students pushed themselves to be the strongest and fastest.

We need to bring back that determination and resilience.

“This should be a matter of concern to us all. A country is only as strong as its citizens, and I think that mental and physical health, mental and physical vigor, go hand in hand.” -JFK
Elect Trump and he will get your kids in shape.

I thought he was going to get rid of the Dept of Education?

“We’re going to end education coming out of Washington, DC. We’re going to close it up – all those buildings all over the place and people that in many cases hate our children. We’re going to send it all back to the states,” Donald Trump

And what Republican is going to vote FOR programs in public schools? Come on man!
There is different ways to do it.
“We’re going to end education coming out of Washington, DC. We’re going to close it up – all those buildings all over the place and people that in many cases hate our children. We’re going to send it all back to the states,” Donald Trump.

So if he's going to end education coming out of DC, how exactly is he going to do that? Wouldn't that directive come out of DC if he's President?
Poor thing's music choices have dwindled to Lee Greenwood, Ted Nugent and KidRock 😄

And Many More! 👇
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lol another flip-flop 24 hours later...because there are actual delivered babies being executed in various states.

who tf believes the bullshit he spews?

None of the Trumpians mind when he lies:

Trump’s claim is false. No state has passed or is passing a law that allows the execution of a baby after it is born. Killing a person after birth is illegal in every state. “Every state explicitly criminalizes infanticide,” Mary Ziegler professor at the Davis School of Law
“We’re going to end education coming out of Washington, DC. We’re going to close it up – all those buildings all over the place and people that in many cases hate our children. We’re going to send it all back to the states,” Donald Trump.

So if he's going to end education coming out of DC, how exactly is he going to do that? Wouldn't that directive come out of DC if he's President?
They could offer grants to states that implement the program. I would support it.

@DavidSacks: "I don't see how it's the rule of law when you have a district attorney, Alvin Bragg, who's elected on a promise to get Trump, he then takes what is, at most, a bookkeeping misdemeanor that's passed the statute of limitations.

He turns that into 34 felony charges on a legal theory that was never explained to the jury, and then basically, Trump is convicted in a sham trial by a hyper-partisan New York jury system.

I don't think it's rule of law if Trump is prosecuted on a documents charge that Biden himself is guilty of. He's got all these documents in his garage for decades."

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