Trump 2024

Vance lol

BREAKING: Ken Klippenstein has just been suspended for posting the complete J.D. Vance dossier that was hacked by Iran from the Trump Campaign. I have written a list of the red-flags and liabilities found in the dossier about Vance:-

- In an October 2016 appearance on “The Charlie Rose Show,” Vance declared he was “a never Trump guy” and “never liked him.”

- Vance claimed there was a “willingness from people who think a lot like I do” to say Trump was “going to be a terrible candidate” and “that you were an idiot if you voted for him.”

- Vance said Trump was not the best candidate for white-working class voters.

- As early as August 2016, Vance had announced his intention to vote third party as opposed to voting for Trump.

- Vance was accused of “effectively” voting for Hillary Clinton.

- During the campaign and after the election, Vance doubted Trump’s ability to be effective in office.

- Vance criticized Trump’s statements and policy proposals.

- Vance said Trump’s election would be “terrible for the country.”

- Vance compared Trump to heroin and mocked MAGA as a “quick high.”

- During the 2016 campaign, Vance indicated he believed the women who accused Trump of sexual assault.

- In 2016, Vance indicated he believed one of Trump’s sexual-assault accusers over Trump and mocked Trump for not telling the truth.

- In 2016, it was reported that Vance tweeted, “what percentage of the American population has
@RealDonaldTrump sexually assaulted?”

- During the 2016 campaign, Vance linked racism and xenophobia to Trump’s base of support.

- In 2016, Vance said people who “might be described as if not as racist at least as expressing some sort of racial resentment” were supporting Trump.

- In 2016, Vance said, “there are people who are drawn to Trump because he says racially insensitive things.”

- In 2018, Vance was still an opponent of Trump, citing his race-related policies.

- Vance once implied that Trump is prone to lying.

- In 2017, Vance criticized Trump for saying “half-truths or lies” so frequently “that you stop actually taking the president literally.”- Vance appeared to be critical of Trump’s comments surrounding the events in Charlottesville.

- Following the Charlottesville protests, Vance said Trump “really missed an opportunity to name this phenomenon and gives people a sense where it comes from and show the moral leadership people want from a president.”

- Vance said Trump was “ambivalent or too cautious about coming out and criticizing” racism and Nazism.

- Vance said Trump failing to unite the country following Charlottesville was a “missed opportunity.”

- Early in the Trump Administration, Vance indicated Trump was failing on his legislative priorities.

- In 2017, Vance said, “I think you hear from a lot of different people if you’re on the ground in these areas talking to people is a broad recognition that things aren’t going fantastically well right now” regarding Trump’s legislative priorities.

- Vance: “A bigger problem, I think, is the feeling that the big pushes that the president has really made on health care, on some of these other issues, haven’t really materialized.”

- Vance noted there was a “sense that the President just isn’t able to deliver.”

- Vance, at times, appeared dismissive of efforts to highlight fraud in the 2020 election.

- After the 2020 election, Vance said people questioning the 2020 election results would not become violent and also said Biden would be inaugurated.

- Vance served with the American Enterprise Institute—an organization with ties to Trump criticism.

- Vance is an alum of the website formerly run by David Frum, a known never Trumper.

- Vance has ties to various additional Trump-antagonists.

- Vance has said he is “good friends” with Mike DeWine.

- Vance has previous ties to notorious Trump critic John Kasich.

- Vance previously supported notorious Trump critic John McCain.

- Vance praised the 2016 Democratic National Convention while criticizing the Republican Convention.

- Vance said there was a chance he would vote for Clinton if Trump had a chance to win.

- In an op-ed, Vance recalled a time in his life when he “admired President Clinton.”

- Vance has previously heaped praise upon Barack Obama.

- Vance has praised Obama for offering “hope” and said he would “miss him” as Obama was leaving office.

- Vance characterized Obama’s “guns and religion” comment as “well-intentioned.”

- Vance has praised democratic-socialist Bernie Sanders.

- Vance said Bernie Sanders was his favorite Democrat running in the 2020 Democratic primary.

- Vance predicted that Trump was part of a political realignment that would position Trump and Bernie Sanders on the same side in 20 years.

URGENT: Acc to an informant in New Mexico - Trump’s plane is the next target for assassination. Nine heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles have been smuggled into the US for this purpose. And there are three kill teams already inside the country. Trump has been informed, so have the US intel agencies & other authorities. Money has been transferred to a cartel to push this over the border.

These people are cornered & vicious. They will stop at nothing. More to come.

URGENT: Acc to an informant in New Mexico - Trump’s plane is the next target for assassination. Nine heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles have been smuggled into the US for this purpose. And there are three kill teams already inside the country. Trump has been informed, so have the US intel agencies & other authorities. Money has been transferred to a cartel to push this over the border.

These people are cornered & vicious. They will stop at nothing. More to come.
"An international war correspondent on X, platform formerly known as Twitter, on Thursday claimed that nine surface-to-air missiles have been smuggled into the US to target Trump Force One. Ann Vandersteel added that the operation will allegedly be led by Sinaloa Cartel of Mexico. However, she did not provide any concrete evidence to back the story."
"Ann Vandersteel, a right-wing conspiracy theorist who has championed QAnon and the widely debunked “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory,"
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I was very hesitant to post this, but if it stops these dipshidiots from trying this crazy sh*t, then so be it.

The Deep State may be planning on targeting President Trump using an SA-8, which is a truck-mounted Russian tactical surface- to-air missile system to down Trump Force One, initially blaming Hezbollah Unit 910 (already here in the U.S,) and Iran, however, after a ‘thorough investigation’, they will then blame Russia.

If anyone has anything further on this, the more that’s known, the less likely they are to execute.
  • Haha
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Gallup: For The First Time In Decades, More Voters Identify As GOP a number of issues favor the GOP, according to the poll.

A Michigan autoworker just told Trump to his face that she wasn't in support of him in the beginning, but her son made her do research, and she finally realized the truth

"I'm sorry I was not for you in the beginning, but my son told me I sounded ignorant and I needed to educate myself on you."

THAT WAS SWEET! I hereby proclaim her son as the greatest son in Michigan son history 😂
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If you were wondering why they are trying to kill Trump, this is why.

Trump is about to negotiate an end to the conflict in Ukraine. This means the military industrial complex lose their cash cow, and the CIA lose their offshore proxy.

This is why they impeached Trump as soon as he started digging into where the money was going in Ukraine. Trump did not commit any crime. All he did was get too close to finding out what was going on.

And now if Trump does win the election and does negotiate an end to conflict and the end the flow of money, as he claims, then the public will see that Trump is the peacekeeper, and the Biden regime were the ones who instigated this war.

And one of the stipulations Putin will demand in order to come to an agreement, will include a full-scale UN security council investigation of US bioweapon development in Ukraine. Putin and his military have been demanding it at the UN for years now, and the US veto every attempt. Given RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard have been extremely vocal about this subject, it’s very likely if Trump wins, that his administration will not only agree with Putin in this regard, but assist him in exposing and resolving this threat to humanity.

This is what’s at stake. This is why the Dems seeing Trump talking to Zelensky is their worst nightmare. If Ukraine falls, the Deep State face extinction.
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Oh f**king yes!!! Boom!!!

BREAKING: Trump just confirmed that Elon Musk will be his "cost cutter" and will oversee the firing of many federal employees to cut spending by trillions of dollars, and he will do it for FREE

"He doesn't want anything, but he wants to see this come this country be great, and he'll do it... We'll get him involved, and mostly on that side of it."

The sink is making its way to D.C. in just a few months and I can't wait. "Let that sink in!"
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Gallup: For The First Time In Decades, More Voters Identify As GOP a number of issues favor the GOP, according to the poll.
Still think Rasmussen is legitimate? 🤡

This is what leadership looks like losers.

You're joking right? He wants to make it fair for Putin too?? That cinnamon clown displayed an abject failure of leadership as he continues to embarrass us with his simpleton understanding of the issues and an obedience to daddy Putin. F him

This is what real leadership looks like

Oh f**king yes!!! Boom!!!

BREAKING: Trump just confirmed that Elon Musk will be his "cost cutter" and will oversee the firing of many federal employees to cut spending by trillions of dollars, and he will do it for FREE

"He doesn't want anything, but he wants to see this come this country be great, and he'll do it... We'll get him involved, and mostly on that side of it."

The sink is making its way to D.C. in just a few months and I can't wait. "Let that sink in!"

He is going to lose. The sober you accept it, the better.

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