Trump 2024

BREAKING: President Trump has appointed Dr. Ben Carson to be his National Faith Chairman to activate Christian voters to turn out and VOTE in November. In 2016, Dr. Carson was instrumental in convincing Christian leaders to get behind Trump

"It’s imperative that the faith community realizes what is at stake in this election. President Trump was a staunch supporter of the faith community and he will be again as our 47th President" - Dr. Ben Carson

He'll essentially become one of Trump's top advisors, which is what I really wanted. Dr. Carson has a gift from God and it's his mind. I pray the LORD uses him to help guide and advise Trump in everything he does

Proverbs 24:6-7
"For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a multitude of counselors there is safety"

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Wheat was the one US crop that was always non-GMO, because the US exports $6 billion/year in wheat, and our biggest buyers refused the GMO version.

Yet last week, FDA and USDA approved an Argentine-develped GMO wheat strain for the United States.

Were US consumers, or wheat growers, given a say? Will we lose foreign markets and risk our health, yet again?

Let’s make America healthy again. Increasing GMO foods is going in the wrong direction.
The Sheriff is giving fair warning libs and haters.

Trump just threatened election stealers

He says “WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law”

Remember, not a single federal election fraud case was opened in 2020 b/c Bill Barr was a corrupt coward

Once Trump cleans out the DOJ of political operatives and puts in ethical
Prosecutors, which he can do on day 1, there will be a flood of election fraud takedowns

Get ready!
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The Sheriff is giving fair warning libs and haters.

Trump just threatened election stealers

He says “WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law”

Remember, not a single federal election fraud case was opened in 2020 b/c Bill Barr was a corrupt coward

Once Trump cleans out the DOJ of political operatives and puts in ethical
Prosecutors, which he can do on day 1, there will be a flood of election fraud takedowns

Get ready!
I'm calling bullshit that Trump will prosecute all the Republicans that fraudulently voted for him.
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This man is a menace to America and must be soundly defeated.

"if he lost. He’s doing the EXACT same thing this year. He’s a traitor to this country."

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WATCH: RFK Jr. just launched a super emotional ad to all his followers, saying his decision to join forces with Trump is a spiritual thing

"For 19 years, I prayed every morning that God would put me in a position to end this calamity. This is a spiritual journey for me. I reached my decision through deep prayer." - @RobertKennedyJr

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BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says the Republican Party has now become the party of the common man, of working people, of the middle class, and the Democratic Party has become the party of Wall Street, the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, BigAg, Big Tech, the Big Banking Systems, and all of what [Donald Trump] calls the Deep State.