Trump at the NABJ Convention - A Thread

That was catastrophically, epically bad, holy shit. That dude just blew the gains he had been making with blacks. So embarrassing, so unfit!

I don't know, I thought maybe they were really digging when he said she wasn't really black.

He is probably just trying to get his name back into the news cycle, but it went really badly.
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I don't know, I thought maybe they were really digging when he said she wasn't really black.

He is probably just trying to get his name back into the news cycle, but it went really badly.
It was sickening - from going on a rant at the very beginning, assailing the ABC reporter, not answering any of the questions but just going off on a riff about things he wanted to say, questioning Kamala's blackness, lies, lies and more lies. OOF
But didn’t all hip hop tunes include him before he ran for President?

Considering he was a democrat and supported African American candidates including Kamala Harris's campaigns in California twice it's not hard to see why.

Seriously though, saying that immigrants are stealing "Black Jobs" is t a good look or take. Questioning when she decided to "become Black" is also not a good look and surely isn't what his campaign hopes he would say.

Between Vance and this they have really killed their post convention "bounce" that a candidate usually gets.

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