Trump "you will not have to ever vote again'

They're a cult. Their guy is literally telling them he's going to end democracy, to their faces, and they still insist the left is the threat to democracy.

Here's the real truth. They're correct that the left is a threat, but it's not a threat to democracy. It's a threat to maga fascism. When they say the left is a threat to America, what they mean is the left is a threat to their vision for America. And they're definitely right about that.
They're a cult. Their guy is literally telling them he's going to end democracy, to their faces, and they still insist the left is the threat to democracy.

Here's the real truth. They're correct that the left is a threat, but it's not a threat to democracy. It's a threat to maga fascism. When they say the left is a threat to America, what they mean is the left is a threat to their vision for America. And they're definitely right about that.
Who exactly is a cult?
How can anyone question his threat to democracy?

Only a demonrat like yourself could be this stupid.

You question what Trump could/would do, while your party has already said F U to democracy. The 14 million people who voted for Ole Joe----F U. They just pick who their candidate is going to be, and you will like it. You are not included because you're a peon. And not just a peon, a peon that will do whatever they tell you to do.

Democracy, Democracy, Democracy you p**sies always cry.

We don't live in a democracy though you freakin' 'tard. We live in a constitutional republic. As in, "and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

It's not surprising you are this stupid though. You have been taught this "ish" since the day you were born. You never stood a chance. You were not prepared for the real world.
You question what Trump could/would do, while your party has already said F U to democracy. The 14 million people who voted for Ole Joe----F U. They just pick who their candidate is going to be, and you will like it. You are not included because you're a peon. And not just a peon, a peon that will do whatever they tell you to do.

Democracy, Democracy, Democracy you p**sies always cry.

We don't live in a democracy though you freakin' 'tard. We live in a constitutional republic. As in, "and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
How can the Democrats say "F U to democracy" if, like you said, we're not a democracy but a constitutional republic? I'm confused.
How can the Democrats say "F U to democracy" if, like you said, we're not a democracy but a constitutional republic? I'm confused.
You tell me. They do it every day.

Dems say they are protecting democracy. They say it in every single speech anyone of those people do. Yet, they just told 14 million people that voted for ole Joe, F U. Your candidate will be who we say it is. Is that not what just happened over the last week?

If you're still confused, then wake the FVCK up.
You tell me. They do it every day.

Dems say they are protecting democracy. They say it in every single speech anyone of those people do. Yet, they just told 14 million people that voted for ole Joe, F U. Your candidate will be who we say it is. Is that not what just happened over the last week?

If you're still confused, then wake the FVCK up.
Someone's confused. That is for certain.

We all want Kamala.
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You tell me. They do it every day.

Dems say they are protecting democracy. They say it in every single speech anyone of those people do. Yet, they just told 14 million people that voted for ole Joe, F U. Your candidate will be who we say it is. Is that not what just happened over the last week?

If you're still confused, then wake the FVCK up.
Since you've made two contradictory points in subsequent sentences, I'm asking you. How can democrats be against democracy if the US, as you say, isn't a democracy?

What about everyone who voted for Nikki Haley, even after she dropped out? More people voted for her than JD Vance, but JD Vance is on the ticket, is that an "FU to democracy?" Or what about presidential elections before 1972 that didn't even have a national system of primaries as we do now? Were those elections undemocratic?
Democracy, Democracy, Democracy you p**sies always cry.

We don't live in a democracy though you freakin' 'tard. We live in a constitutional republic. As in, "and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

It's not surprising you are this stupid though. You have been taught this "ish" since the day you were born. You never stood a chance. You were not prepared for the real world.
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I was just showing my wife and daughter this clip earlier. I am literally surprised that the media isn’t showing this on a continuous loop! The guy basically said, “i am going to rig elections going forward “ but it will be alright” plus telling a room full of committed Christians that he “wasn’t a Christian” and they STILL cheered him! No wonder people are walking away from church in record numbers. The sheet hypocrisy.
I was just showing my wife and daughter this clip earlier. I am literally surprised that the media isn’t showing this on a continuous loop! The guy basically said, “i am going to rig elections going forward “ but it will be alright” plus telling a room full of committed Christians that he “wasn’t a Christian” and they STILL cheered him! No wonder people are walking away from church in record numbers. The sheet hypocrisy.
Mathew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. 16l By their fruits you will know them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
🤣🤣They literally have no identifiable principles at all. It's literally just whatever they have to say to own the libs.
Trump is widely regarded – correctly – as a narcissist. And he has a loyal base of supporters eager to believe anything he says while lashing out at fact-checkers for the temerity of telling the truth. Imagine the sense of power an egocentric politician experiences from that kind of obedience.
They're a cult. Their guy is literally telling them he's going to end democracy, to their faces, and they still insist the left is the threat to democracy.

Here's the real truth. They're correct that the left is a threat, but it's not a threat to democracy. It's a threat to maga fascism. When they say the left is a threat to America, what they mean is the left is a threat to their vision for America. And they're definitely right about that.
Nice work okclem. You got some troll game even being the true believer that I know you are. Keep drinking that koolaid.
Trump is widely regarded – correctly – as a narcissist. And he has a loyal base of supporters eager to believe anything he says while lashing out at fact-checkers for the temerity of telling the truth. Imagine the sense of power an egocentric politician experiences from that kind of obedience.
Yeah, and one who already thought he was uniquely special to boot
Since you've made two contradictory points in subsequent sentences, I'm asking you. How can democrats be against democracy if the US, as you say, isn't a democracy?

What about everyone who voted for Nikki Haley, even after she dropped out? More people voted for her than JD Vance, but JD Vance is on the ticket, is that an "FU to democracy?" Or what about presidential elections before 1972 that didn't even have a national system of primaries as we do now? Were those elections undemocratic?
Demonrats are the ones that say we are a democracy--not me. I know we are a Republic.

If they voted for Nikki Haley AFTER she dropped out, that shows that they are just as incoherent/ignorant as you are.

Let's say Nikki won all the primaries. Got all the votes. Then for whatever reason, she just drops out, and pledges her votes to XYZ candidate. She also says she is giving her campaign funds to said candidate who never received the money in the first place (it's also illegal). Everything about this whole switch a roo is illegal, but I know you Communist just suck it up.

What does JD Vance have to do with anything? JD is the vice presidential pick of the former president.

It's apparent to everyone who reads your post you have absolutely ZERO understanding of this country, the constitution, or the laws that govern it. Standard operating procedure for libs (COMMUNIST).
Demonrats are the ones that say we are a democracy--not me. I know we are a Republic.

If they voted for Nikki Haley AFTER she dropped out, that shows that they are just as incoherent/ignorant as you are.

Let's say Nikki won all the primaries. Got all the votes. Then for whatever reason, she just drops out, and pledges her votes to XYZ candidate. She also says she is giving her campaign funds to said candidate who never received the money in the first place (it's also illegal). Everything about this whole switch a roo is illegal, but I know you Communist just suck it up.

What does JD Vance have to do with anything? JD is the vice presidential pick of the former president.

It's apparent to everyone who reads your post you have absolutely ZERO understanding of this country, the constitution, or the laws that govern it. Standard operating procedure for libs (COMMUNIST).
Then if we're not a democracy, why does it matter if Democrats or anyone else are against it? Wouldn't that be a good thing?

Harris is receiving access to funds which were donated to the Biden-Harris campaign, nothing about that process is illegal under the laws this nation currently has. The constitution also makes no mention of political parties or how they should operate. And again, what about elections before 1972, where only a few states even had primaries? Were those elections undemocratic? What about the 2000 and 2016 elections where the candidate who became president did not receive a majority of the popular vote? Is that undemocratic? Should we ignore the candidate who "got all the votes?"

I'm not sure you know what a communist is.
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Demonrats are the ones that say we are a democracy--not me. I know we are a Republic.

If they voted for Nikki Haley AFTER she dropped out, that shows that they are just as incoherent/ignorant as you are.

Let's say Nikki won all the primaries. Got all the votes. Then for whatever reason, she just drops out, and pledges her votes to XYZ candidate. She also says she is giving her campaign funds to said candidate who never received the money in the first place (it's also illegal). Everything about this whole switch a roo is illegal, but I know you Communist just suck it up.

What does JD Vance have to do with anything? JD is the vice presidential pick of the former president.

It's apparent to everyone who reads your post you have absolutely ZERO understanding of this country, the constitution, or the laws that govern it. Standard operating procedure for libs (COMMUNIST).
There is no valid analogy here. If Nikki Haley was the current incumbent and she withdrew from the race, and then she endorsed her sitting VP, and then the entire republican party united behind that person as the presumptive new nominee...then you'd have an analogous situation.
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Then if we're not a democracy, why does it matter if Democrats or anyone else are against it? Wouldn't that be a good thing?

Harris is receiving access to funds which were donated to the Biden-Harris campaign, nothing about that process is illegal under the laws this nation currently has. The constitution also makes no mention of political parties or how they should operate. And again, what about elections before 1972, where only a few states even had primaries? Were those elections undemocratic? What about the 2000 and 2016 elections where the candidate who became president did not receive a majority of the popular vote? Is that undemocratic? Should we ignore the candidate who "got all the votes?"

I'm not sure you know what a communist is.
You might want to fact check what you are saying.
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Demonrats are the ones that say we are a democracy--not me. I know we are a Republic.

If they voted for Nikki Haley AFTER she dropped out, that shows that they are just as incoherent/ignorant as you are.

Let's say Nikki won all the primaries. Got all the votes. Then for whatever reason, she just drops out, and pledges her votes to XYZ candidate. She also says she is giving her campaign funds to said candidate who never received the money in the first place (it's also illegal). Everything about this whole switch a roo is illegal, but I know you Communist just suck it up.

What does JD Vance have to do with anything? JD is the vice presidential pick of the former president.

It's apparent to everyone who reads your post you have absolutely ZERO understanding of this country, the constitution, or the laws that govern it. Standard operating procedure for libs (COMMUNIST).
Another incoherent pile of bullshit from the ignorant one. Lol at you understanding the constitution or the laws that govern it. You don't know shit. swear that word does not mean what you think it does. But I understand it's branded in your little pea brain as the boogie man for everything you don't like about your life.
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There is no valid analogy here. If Nikki Haley was the current incumbent and she withdrew from the race, and then she endorsed her sitting VP, and then the entire republican party united behind that person as the presumptive new nominee...then you'd have an analogous situation.
You're right. There is no valid analogy here. Demonrats just make sh!t up as they go along.
Says the guy who calls people demonrats
Well you are a demon rat. What else would I call you? You're not a normal person.
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